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Chapter 555: The Door Opens

"Jiaozhou is a place that borders Yi, Jing, and Yangzhou, controls Wuling in the north, and is connected by three rivers in the territory. The easiest route to attack is to go south along the Lishui River. Guangxin is located at the intersection of the Lishui River and the Yushui River.

Here, the gateway to Jiaozhou opens wide."

Gan Ning, Su Fei, and Wu Ju all knew this. The purpose of Xun Chen's words was to emphasize the great contribution to the capture of Guangxin and encourage the three of them to work harder.

Although Wu Ju still had a short sword hanging around his neck, Xun Chen had already counted his power in his own camp.

Therefore, I asked him directly: "How are the troops deployed near Guangxin?"

Wu Ju did not hesitate and replied: "There are 10,000 troops from this county stationed in the city, 5,000 reinforcements from Hepu County, and 3,000 reinforcements from Jiaozhi County. Outside the city, there are more than 20,000 Yue people from various tribes who came to support. There are seven counties in Jiaozhou.

, nearly half of the troops are in Guangxin."

Now that the matter has come to this, if he wants to survive, he has no choice but to surrender. He has finally figured it out. Being a filial son and grandson to Shi Xie will not end well for him.

Xun Yu continued to ask: "How many people can you control? Who in the Shi family is in charge of the Guangxin war?"

"There are only 4,000 people to obey the order. The Hepu Grand Administrator will come to Guangxin in a few days to preside over the war."

"How many Shi family members are there in the city?"

"There are more than a hundred people in the main family, and there are more than a thousand tribes. The branches are all in the manor outside the city. The exact number is unclear. There should be three to five hundred people, and the tribes are more than three thousand." Wu Ju really didn't know Cangwu Shi.

The specific strength of a family is only known by its apparent number of people.

Xun Chen lowered his head and calculated silently, then raised his head and said: "It is difficult for us to control Guangxin alone. We must lead the soldiers of the former army stationed in Shi'an into the city. The two places are separated by 600 miles of water. If we want the former army to go deep alone,

, a trustworthy person is required to convey the message.

I will personally go and invite General Guan to send troops.

After I leave, Governor Wu must not show any signs of weakness. He must try his best to strengthen the city's defenses, ask for more food and grass, send people to make arrows, and most importantly, find a way to move your people to the north gate so that the front army can enter the city."

"Okay." Wu Ju agreed without hesitation. After speaking, he glanced at Gan Ning and said, "Put the sword away. I have decided to surrender to the imperial court and I will not regret it."

Gan Ning and Su Fei looked at each other, put away their daggers, and sat next to Wu Ju, with their sworn brother on the left and right, sandwiching him in the middle.

Wu Ju waved his hand, and his guards sheathed their swords and exited the hall. Xun Chen summoned more than twenty of his guards and ordered them to assist Gan Ning. He took only two of them, disguised himself, and went out of the city to find a ship.

The fast boat, using more money, arrived in Shi'an in only two days and two nights.

The matter is urgent and there is no room for delay, and there is no time to report to His Majesty.

If Guangxin can be captured, the attack on Jiaozhou will be half the battle.

It is not difficult to convince Guan Yu. With such a good fighter plane, as long as it is confirmed that it is not a trap, no general can refuse such a great achievement.

Open the gate of Jiaozhou, cut off Yushui, and separate Nanhai County. Once successful, the situation will inevitably be reversed.

Guangxin County is the hub connecting Jiaozhou with the outside world. There are also family members of the main lineage of the Shi family in the city. Shi Xie will definitely launch a massive counterattack. He can use the city to consume the enemy's effective strength without having to drill into the deep mountains and old forests, which is what Guan Yu wants.

Xun Chen was an important official in the imperial court, and the Xun family had great influence in the Han Dynasty, so he was not suspected of betrayal. No one could be stupid enough to use the Xun family in Yingchuan to deceive the five thousand soldiers of the former army.

Both Guan Yu and Xi Zhicai believed that this risk was worth taking.

He decided to personally lead his troops south and leave a record before recruiting another 5,000 people to station in Shi'an. Depending on the subsequent battle situation, they would either support or respond.

Everyone knows the importance of military speed. Five thousand people quickly boarded the ship, traveled under starry night, and sailed down the river. It only took two days and one night to rush to the north gate of Guangxin. At midnight, they were picked up by Gan Ning.

Enter the city.

"Chang Wen, I'll give you two thousand men to capture the Shi Xie family's mansion and arrest Shi Xie's family members." Guan Yu knew that if he wanted to secure Guangxin, seizing the city defense and seizing the Shi Xie brother's family members were both indispensable, so after entering the city,

Immediately, Wei Yan was ordered to lead two thousand soldiers to attack the scholar's mansion.

He joined forces with Gan Ning, divided his 7,000 men into two teams, rushed along the city wall, and captured four gates.

The former army arrived so quickly, faster than the sentry police in Jiaozhou called the police, and they entered the city late at night without encountering any obstacles.

Unfortunately, neither the defenders of the other three city gates nor the guards of the scholar family could react in time.

The former soldiers were so powerful that they hardly felt any hindrance.

Wei Yan, who imitated General Guan, grew a long beard. On the dark iron armor, dripping blood flowed along the armor. His big red face was full of contempt. The scholar's tribe was too vigilant.

His strength wasn't that good either, so he couldn't get enough of the killing.

"The people from the Shi family were arrested and taken into custody by the government office, and the rest were killed. Watch the warehouse and don't let anyone break in. Move quickly and win the battle quickly." He stood in the back room of this mansion with carved beams and painted beams and towering pavilions, and his mind

What I wanted to do was to finish the matter quickly and then go to support the general in seizing the city.

Two thousand soldiers were charging and shouting wantonly in the mansion that covered an area of ​​about one mile. The door was smashed open, the nobles were arrested, and the servants were killed. There were sounds of swords clashing, screams and screams, and wailing and begging.

The sound was all drowned by the sound of the collision of armor plates.

Corpses lay all over the ground, and blood stained the hall.

Wei Yan would complain that the fighting was not fun, but Guan Yu would not. Although the battle on the city wall was easier than that at the scholar's mansion, Guan Yunchang only wanted to be as relaxed as possible, because he knew that occupying the city was just the beginning, and the subsequent battles would be difficult.

Five thousand men went deep into the army alone, and they hurriedly submitted the report when the troops were dispatched. It would be at least four days before Your Majesty received the above report. No matter how fast the messenger rushed, it would take at least six or seven days to reach Chang'an from the southern end of Lingling County.


It is estimated that it will take two or three months for the imperial court to respond and reinforcements to arrive in Jiaozhou.

He wanted to use part of the front army and four thousand native barbarians to resist the siege of the seven counties of Jiaozhou, and the people in the city also supported the opponent.

This battle is not easy to fight.

"General, the enemies on the city wall have been cleared and the four gates have been occupied."

"Where's Wei Yan?"

"Wei Sima has escorted more than sixty members of the scholar's family to the government office."

"Send an order to Wei Yan to occupy the treasury. Send an order to Gan Ning to lead his troops to attack the military camp in the city. A certain association will send a thousand soldiers to help."

To guard against enemy attacks outside the city, the front army could not spare many men to support Gan Ning. As for the four thousand native barbarians, Guan Yu did not trust them and would not feel bad if he wasted a few.

Of the four thousand men led by Gan Ning, one thousand were Wu Ju's private soldiers, Han Chinese recruited from Jingzhou, and the other three thousand were descendants of the Qin soldiers. Although they could speak Chinese, they considered themselves South Vietnamese.

At that time, Zhao Tuo's policy of compiling Han and Yue did bring him a stable ruling foundation. However, in order to control this territory, he publicly claimed that he was a Yue clan leader. Therefore, although the people in this land were influenced by the Han

The baptism of culture, but the 200,000 descendants of the intermarriage between the Qin army and the Yue people became South Vietnamese.

Who merged with whom is a confusing matter.

Attacking the military camp is much more difficult than fighting on the city wall. The more than 10,000 soldiers in the camp will not sit still and die. With almost twice the strength, they guard the camp gate. No matter how Gan Ning shouts and urges, Wu Ju's men will fight

Don't go in.

It was not until Wei Yan's troops came to support, and the three thousand soldiers of the front army really exerted their strength, with crossbow arrows like rain and iron armor pushing horizontally, that they attacked the camp and defeated the enemy.

The battle lasted until early morning.

More than 4,000 people were killed in the Guangxin garrison and more than 8,000 were captured. Wu Ju's men died in more than 1,000 people, most of whom were beheaded by the former army's supervising team.

The former army suffered more than a hundred casualties, which made Guan Yu very satisfied. The advantages of strong crossbows and iron armor against Jiaozhou soldiers made him relieved and had stronger confidence in the future war.

It's only for two or three months. Shi Xie, my son, feel free to let your horse come over!

But the future war will not develop as he imagined.

On the morning when Guangxin was captured, Taishi Ci's 30,000 navy troops came to Jiaozhou, and the fleet was directed towards Jieyang.

This chapter has been completed!
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