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Chapter 556 There is no reason to turn back when the war starts

The former army marched south to Cangwu, Guan Yu captured Guangxin and the naval forces captured Jieyang, and three battle reports were delivered to Liu Xiang.

After reading it carefully and understanding the cause and effect, he felt that there was something wrong with Shi Xie. He was not feeling well if he did not eat or drink as a penalty when toasting.

As for the former army's move south, he would not blame Guan Yu. The fighter plane was fleeting and it was too late to ask for instructions thousands of miles away. Nor would he commit the idiotic act of commanding the front line remotely.

For this kind of war, it is enough to make demands. How to do it is of course decided by the commander on the front line.

"I impeached Guan Yu, marched the army without orders, and started the war lightly, which is contrary to your Majesty's intention to recruit and care for Jiaozhou. He is arrogant and domineering, killing and abusing the people. He should be escorted back to the capital and punished with serious crimes!"

Liu Xiang's thoughts were interrupted by the voice of impeachment. He raised his eyes and saw that it was a censor from the censor's station, whose name he could not remember.

This sixth-grade official was probably a chess piece that was pushed out. It looked like someone had put their hand into the censor's desk.

Damn it.

The above lists from Guan Yu, Xun Chen, and Tai Shici were sent to them during the court meeting. After Liu Xiang read them, he asked the visitors to read them out to the court. Naturally, the officials attending the court meeting knew that the war in Jiaozhou was about to begin.

The impeachment of the imperial censor suddenly appeared. This must not be a family's struggle for profit, but a civil and military dispute.

Of course, he understood the thoughts of the civil servants. The world was about to be unified. It was time for the horses to be released to Nanshan and the swords and guns to be stored in the warehouse. The importance of the generals represented by the Xungui Group was greatly reduced. It was time for the court to reduce their rights and use the civil system.

The stage of martial arts is coming.

Guan Yu had always looked down on the scholars, either directly or indirectly, and offended many people, so he became a target, just like the censor of the capital, a tool to test his own mind.

Liu Xiang is not disgusted with this impeachment. It is normal for impeachments to fly all over the court. As long as he does not manipulate public opinion and create a trend, it will not arouse his fear.

If one day there is an atmosphere in the court where you are good to me and everyone is good to each other, then it will be a bad thing.

As for reducing the power of generals after the world is unified, this is also a normal process. It is not just a matter of civil servants seizing power, but a transition from conquering the world to governing the world. The focus is different, and the methods of handling the problem will be different.

To conquer the world, one must naturally expand the territory, and to govern the world, one must stabilize the local area.

Military generals have great rights during wartime. Mobilizing personnel and materials in the war zone is just a matter of military orders. Of course, this right cannot be maintained forever. Which general in charge of troops will consider whether to plant land? How to collect taxes?

War is a winner-takes-all game. The cruelty and urgency of the battlefield do not allow them to consider anything else. It is their duty to risk everything to defeat the enemy.

If burning thousands of hectares of farmland can kill the enemy, most generals will do it without hesitation. It’s not that they are cruel and ignore the people starving to death, but that the battlefield is either life or death. Worrying too much is the way to die.


Kindness cannot win a war.

This is also one of the reasons why the powers of generals were reduced in all dynasties after large-scale wars ceased.

Another big reason is that leading troops and generals poses a threat to the imperial power, which is feared by the emperor and must be restrained. For example, several generals in the Han Dynasty had to hand over their military power after returning from the war. This is normal.

of rules.

Of course, it is impossible to use culture to control force, and the disadvantages are too great.

He has recently been considering the separation of military and political affairs. Separation of civil and military affairs and mutual restraint is the political pattern he wants to see.

However, there is no problem with impeachment. The problem is with the person impeaching.

In his eyes, the Yushitai was not just a lecturing official who controlled the central officials, but became a disciplinary inspection commission that supervises all officials.

There are now more than 160 people, composed of the seventh-rank supervisory censor, the sixth-rank imperial censor, the fifth-rank censor Zhongcheng, and the fourth-rank censor doctor.

Eighty percent of the people are patrolling local areas, and 20% are monitoring Kyoto.

Liu Xiang planned to expand the number of people to 300 people. The rights given to them were not small. Although they did not have the power of arrest or trial, they had the right to hear about the incident and observe the trial.

All officials including the Ministry of Justice and Tingwei

There are law enforcement departments, and the imperial envoys have the right to observe in the lobby. If they feel that the punishment is unfair, they can impeach.

In such a department, how could he allow others to reach out and become a pawn in the political struggle?

That would be a fucking mess!

Looking at the censor of the capital standing in the middle of the hall, looking impassioned and eager to eliminate women for the country, Liu Xiang scolded him: "You are talking nonsense. Who instructed you to confuse the public with your evil words? Where are the warriors in the palace?"

Go down, throw him into Tingwei's prison, interrogate him severely, chase out the mastermind behind the scenes, punish him severely, and serve as a warning to others."

He glanced coldly at Tian Feng, Jushu, Xun Yu and others, ignoring the censor of the capital who was forcibly carried out of the palace by the warriors and shouted grievances all the way, as well as several courtiers who asked for mercy, and waved his sleeves.

, get up and leave.

The visitor who presided over the order of the court sang and shouted in a knowledgeable and informed voice: "Retreat to court~"

After the conference, a small meeting was held, which was the normal procedure for discussing important matters. Xun Yu, Ju Sue, Fan Xian, Huangfu Song and others were recalled to the Imperial Study Room.

Liu Xiang said: "Now that the war has begun, there is no reason to retreat, but there is still a point to which step we go to. Also, where should reinforcements be sent? How to transport supplies to the front line? Do you have any good ideas?"

"If you kill a snake if you don't kill it, you will suffer the consequences. The old minister believes that the scholar Xie cannot be retained, and your majesty should send out a large army to annihilate Jiaozhou and massacre Linyi." Huangfu Song still couldn't forget the sacred valley that was ripe three times a year. In his opinion, he should hurry up

It is the serious matter to pacify Jiaozhou, massacre Linyi, and welcome back to Divine Valley.

Fan Xian disagreed with sending a large army and advised: "Your Majesty, the armament warehouse is empty and there is no food and grass to support the army's operations. It will take at least two months to transport new food to the southern front. At this time, it is not appropriate to march south."

Xun Yu also agreed with this point of view: "Your Majesty, there is insufficient food and grass, and the rainy season in the south of the Yangtze River has not yet ended, so it is indeed not suitable to march south. At this time, the gate of Jiaozhou is opened, Shi Xie will definitely be flustered. If he is persuaded again at this time, he will truly surrender."

Everyone held their own opinions, and it was difficult to unify their opinions for a while. The main dispute was the lack of food and grass. Not only could the large army not be sent, but the small group of soldiers and horses also did not have enough food and grass to support the battle south.

Liu Xiang didn't want to wait for the outcome of their discussion. The military situation on the front line was very hot and no time could be wasted. Reinforcements would definitely be sent. There was no doubt about this.

Forget about the army and go all the way to beg for food?

There is another important issue. Jiaozhou is advancing by land and water. Whoever is in charge must give orders as soon as possible, otherwise it will be difficult to form a joint force.

"Okay, there's no need to argue. Reinforcements must be sent out as soon as possible. I can't just sit back and watch this man in danger.

After the order was sent, the right army marched eastward to Lingling County and southward along the Li River to Cangwu to support the Guangxin battlefield.

Lejin's troops went south along the Gan River, attacked Longchuan County, Nanhai County, and assisted the navy in seizing the South China Sea.

Opened Changpingcang in Xiangyang, transported grain and grass southward along the Han River, and the Yangtze River Fleet sent people to escort it.

He sent orders to all the ministries and all wars in Jiaozhou were controlled by Guan Yu."

This chapter has been completed!
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