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Chapter 79 Ant Attachment

Man is a social animal, and human emotions are contagious.

The shouts of the army below the city spread into the city, and many people on the city walls followed suit. Some of the defenders revolted. They shouted the slogan "Divide the fields and divide the land" to welcome the Anping army into the city.

There were shouts and shouts from above and below the city.

Liu Xiang drew out his long sword, pointed it at Fan Yang, and shouted loudly: "Beat the drum! Attack the city!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

The war drums of the Chinese army sounded like a shower, urging the army to move forward.

More than 40,000 infantrymen, mostly new soldiers, formed a chaotic formation around Fanyang County, and the military formation stretched out for more than three miles.

The Shesheng battalion at the front pushed the oar car forward quickly, but they no longer needed to suppress Fanyang City. The city walls were in chaos and fighting.

The crossbowmen of the Shesheng Battalion couldn't tell who was the enemy and who was the friendly force. As long as they shouted slogans, they would support them, and the battle on the city wall was chaotic.

What rushed up behind the crossbowmen were the troops responsible for filling the river. They carried sacks and pushed deer carts carrying sand and gravel to fill the moat.

Deer carts are wheelbarrows, and some are also called wheel carts. Liu Xiang collected many of them from the private sector and used them to transport grain, grass and baggage, and now use them to assist in filling rivers.

Following the river-filling troops were the siege troops carrying flying ladders and pushing simple trench bridges.

Taking advantage of the large number of people, Liu Xiang filled sixteen places in the river at the same time, and built passages with twenty-seven trench bridges.

Under the cover of the crossbowmen, the trench bridge was erected in less than a moment. Groups of infantrymen rushed to the foot of Fanyang City carrying flying ladders, set up the flying ladders, attacked the city wall, and joined the insurgent troops on the city.

Half an hour later, the river filling troops filled in sixteen more passages. On all sides of the city walls, more than ten thousand infantry ants were attached, and they rushed up the city walls in a steady stream.

Fan Yang's defenders were defeated.

The drawbridge was lowered and the city gates were opened.

Thirty thousand infantry waiting outside the city swarmed in.

Liu Xiang took Su Wei and the crossbowmen of the Shesheng Battalion, then entered the city and rushed directly to the treasury. He did not forget the purpose of attacking Fanyang County. Food was what he valued most.

He didn't come here to kill people.

When I arrived at the treasury, I saw two teams fighting outside the treasury door. There were about five hundred people on one side. The leader was about eight feet tall, with a face like a full moon, arms like a monkey and waist like a wasp, and wielding two handles.

With the sword in his head, he moved vertically and horizontally, shouting and fighting fiercely, he was extremely brave.

There were nearly a thousand people who faced him, but they were beaten back step by step and were about to be defeated before his eyes.

Liu Xiang reined in his horse and ordered his soldiers to stop, because he did not recognize the two groups.

The Su guards gathered around Liu Xiang, and the Shesheng battalion had already formed its formation and started firing crossbows.

At this time, the brave man shouted loudly: "General Anping has arrived. If you don't surrender, you will be killed by thousands of arrows!"

The side that was originally suppressed and beaten finally couldn't hold on any longer. Their morale was demoralized and they abandoned their weapons and surrendered one after another.

The man ordered his subordinates to collect their weapons and take custody of the prisoners. He ran in front of Liu Xiang's horse, and was not afraid of the crossbow pointed at him. He bowed with both hands and saluted: "Fan Yang, Di Bai, Di Bingfang, pay homage to General Anping."

Liu Xiang waved his hand and ordered his men to put away their weapons, dismounted from their horses, and returned the salute with their hands raised: "You are polite, Di Lang."

"Di admires the general's name and is willing to serve under his command and do the hard work of dogs and horses. Now, he has taken over the treasury for the general."

"Bingfang has worked hard, how about I talk to Bingfang in detail after everything is settled?" Liu Xiang couldn't figure out the details of Di Bai, so he planned to ask Tiqi to check first.

"Follow the general's orders."

Liu Xiang took people into the treasury to inspect, and ordered people to bring it to Cangcao to read the account books.

According to the account books, there should be more than 80,000 shi of new grain in Fan Yang's treasury, more than 8.4 million taels of fines, more than 1.5 million taels of food, more than 1,000 pieces of cloth, and more than 5,000 jins of linen.

But now, there is only less than 4,000 shi of grain left, five baht is less than one million, and the cloth and linen are not looked at. However, some warehouses are blackened, as if they have been burned by fire, but they do not look like they have just caught fire.

"When did the treasury burn down?"

Kurasao replied cautiously: "I accidentally lost water last month."

Di Bai kicked the Cangcao open and said angrily: "General, don't let him deceive you. All the assets in the treasury have been embezzled by Fan Yang officials, and they are just pretending to be cheated.

I used to be a thief in Fan Yang, and last month I was ordered to hunt down the arson thieves. The thieves were all sitting in the hall, where could I catch them? I was whipped several times for this, and even lost my job, which is really annoying."

This group of corrupt officials must have a lot of wealth in their homes. To Liu Xiang, they were a group of good people.

I thanked him secretly in my heart, left a crossbowman to guard the treasury, and led the people to the county government office.

There were still people holding on to the county government office. When the situation was unfavorable, the county magistrate Dong Qi led his people to retreat from the city wall, preparing to return to the county government office to pick up their families and break out south.

But they didn't expect that Fan Yang's defenders were defeated so quickly. They were blocked in the county government office and could not get out.

When Liu Xiang arrived, the infantry of the Anping Army had already surrounded the county government office.

There was nothing to hesitate about. He ordered the crossbowmen to occupy the surrounding favorable terrain and suppress the defenders who came forward to counterattack. The infantry used tree trunks as logs, and more than 20 soldiers shouted chants and slammed the door with all their strength.

After being hit more than ten times in a row, the door shaft broke and the whole door smashed into the porch. The soldiers quickly dodged to both sides to prevent the arrows from shooting inside the door.

Sure enough, there were feather arrows shot out of the county government office, but there were only a few of them. On the contrary, many soldiers were shot out in an attempt to break through.

Unfortunately, a crossbow array had been set up outside the gate. When they saw someone rushing out, they drew the crossbow and fired. The powerful crossbows were fired continuously, and all Fan Yang's soldiers who rushed out of the gate were shot dead.

The crossbowman fired again into the door to suppress the enemy. The soldiers took the lead and rushed into the door, followed by a group of infantry. In a moment, they killed the remaining enemies and the county magistrate Dong Qi knelt down and surrendered.

Liu Xiang ordered people to escort Dong Qi and go to various parts of the city to persuade the enemy troops who continued to resist to surrender.

After less than two hours of fighting, Fan Yang fell.

But the chaos in the city continued into the night. The new soldiers had no idea what military discipline was, and they continued to smash, smash, and loot. Liu Xiang had no choice but to order all the infantry to withdraw from Fan Yang. During this period, more than 2,000 people were arrested, and the city was calm.

Di Bai, who was always by Liu Xiang's side, became quieter and quieter.

He was afraid that he was getting more and more disappointed, so Liu Xiang noticed his expression.

"Bingfang, the new soldiers are in chaos and lack training. I will give an explanation to the people in the city."

"Thank you, General, for your consideration."

Liu Xiang said no more and continued to listen to battle reports from various places.

In this battle, the Anping army injured more than 1,500 people, killed more than 2,000 enemy troops, and captured more than 3,000 private soldiers and young men in the city, as well as more than 400 sons of powerful families and Fanyang officials.

There were more than a thousand rebel troops in the city.

Seized were 160,000 shi of grain, more than 50 million in five-baht coins, more than 26,000 taels of gold, more than 10,000 pieces of cloth, and 20,000 catties of cotton and linen.

The remaining books, classics, and twelve carts of precious stones and jade.

All moved into the treasury for storage.

There was no movement in the direction of Beixin City, and Yueqi had withdrawn into the city.

Thirty thousand refugees had already been brought back to the camp outside the city, and 40,000 infantrymen also returned to camp in the evening. Only about 2,000 people who had violated military laws were left, and were detained in prisons and county offices depending on the severity of the crime.

Liu Xiang had a headache.

There have been cases of violations of military law in the past, but not on such a large scale.

How to deal with this group of people is a difficult problem.

If the punishment is severe, the recruits will be alienated; if the punishment is light, the people will be alienated.

This chapter has been completed!
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