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Chapter 25 Thorn Yan (for I love you)

"I have recovered, you can just tell me." Tian Yan said bluntly, his tone was cold and devoid of any emotion.

This place is also one of the sources of Luowang's intelligence. Tian Yan has not cut off contact with the outside world in the past four months, and the intelligence in the world cannot escape the eyes of her, the Jing Salamander.

A lot has happened in these few months.

First, the Luowang assassin assassinated the disciples of the Yin Yang family, and the disciples of the Jin branch of the Yin Yang family were killed. A large number of elixirs were stolen. Yun Zhongjun, the elder of Jin Dynasty, was so angry that he vomited blood and fell into a coma. This incident has spread throughout the world.

Because this theft directly led to the delay in delivering the elixir to King Qin.

The Yin Yang family blamed Luo Wang for this incident, and in a rare move, they went to war directly.

The most rare thing is that the five elders of the Yin Yang family made an exception and joined forces with the two guardians, and allowed many disciples to also participate in the battle.

If you delay making elixirs for King Qin, wouldn't that prevent Ying Zheng from immortality?

All the officials of King Qin knew that Ying Zheng was extremely taboo about the word "death", and since the Yin and Yang family could not provide any evidence, Zhao Gao naturally could not suffer the loss of being dumb.

Because he carries the label of "preventing Ying Zheng's immortality", Zhao Gao is definitely not good, even if he is the leader of Luo Sheng. Although Luo Sheng has a long history, he is now tied to the empire. Over the years, he has treated people in the world

Hunting and snares have long been on the same level as the various schools of thought.

If they fall out with the empire, the fate of Zhao Gao and Luo Wang can be imagined.

The truth no longer matters.

Over the years, the Yin Yang family and Luo Wang, who both belong to the imperial power, have been at odds with each other and had constant friction. This incident became the trigger for the outbreak of war.

Luo Wang and the Yin Yang family went to war, and the fight was rare.

The "war" lasted for nearly three months and was finally mediated by Ying Zheng. It is worth mentioning that there were no casualties on either side.

It was said that it was a war, which made the atmosphere very tense, but in fact there was only one fight. Several unimportant disciples of the Yin Yang family died, and no high-level personnel were injured. There were many killers in the trap, but at the critical moment, the Yin Yang family's guardian star soul

He took action and killed several top killers one after another.

Then comes the confrontation stage.

As for the truth and the purpose of the war between the two sides, it has become confusing and unverifiable amidst the frenzied mutual criticisms, excuses and divergent opinions between the two sides.

As an emperor, Ying Zheng was not angry when he saw his allies fighting fiercely. Instead, he was happy to suppress and mediate the hatred between the two sides in a short period of time.

However, Tian Yan was the fuse of this storm, the butterfly that caused the storm, and the truth behind all this has been forgotten by everyone.

Tian Yan took away a large amount of elixirs and medicinal materials through the warehouse of the trading platform. These elixirs can greatly speed up her cultivation.

"Lord Jingyu, Lord Zhao Gao hopes that you can kill Yan Dan, the crown prince of the Yan Kingdom. There is news that Yan Dan is planning a big conspiracy that is detrimental to the empire." Dilian said respectfully.

"I understand, please step back." Tian Yan said.


Tian Yan once again refined a Gathering Immortal Pill that day, and then set off for the Yan Kingdom the next day.

The Juxian Pill greatly improved Tian Yan's internal strength, but the Juxian Pill was not that delicious.

If it is not refined properly, it may be counterproductive.

If Tian Yan remembers correctly, the so-called big conspiracy planned by Yan Dan that Luo Wen said was probably Jing Ke's assassination of the King of Qin.

Tian Yan was still wearing a black night suit embroidered with spider webs, with a mask on his face and a bamboo hat on his head.

This time, she was followed by a ground company, who, as a top-notch killer, was responsible for assisting her in this mission.

After leaving the town, Tian Yan stopped and walked.

The journey was not very fast. We passed many small towns and saw many scenery along the way.

Most villages, small towns, and even cities are in ruins, and countless small towns and villages are in ruins, and the ground is covered with scorched earth.

Occasionally, you can see a few old people left behind in the war and their orphans picking up leftover ears in the fields, hoping that the little bit of food will bring them hope of life.

For a country that has been at war for hundreds of years, what kind of terrible hell-like scene on earth should it be?

Young men were transferred to fight, and the fields were left uncultivated. While the common people bore the risk that their sons, husbands, and fathers would leave the war and never come back, they also had to bear extremely harsh taxes.

But those princes, princes and grandchildren can still live happily and whitewash peace.

For example, in the Feixue Pavilion of Zhao State, the dancers in such an attic achieved the reputation of "Zhao Wu", but which woman is born willing to be a plaything for others to play with?

The Qin State is about to send troops to the Yan State, but the famous Yan Chunjun can still go to Feixue Pavilion to have fun, and even make deals with Luo Sheng and have an affair with their enemy.

At this moment, she could probably understand Chen Sheng's "Princes, generals and prime ministers, would you rather have your own kind?"

How terrible is this era to the weak civilians, to those people who just want food and clothing?

No one really thinks that such an extremely twisted, semi-feudal, semi-slave society is beautiful that can’t be described with the most vicious and unpleasant words in the world, right?

In such a world, there is only cruelty, endless oppression of the weak, and endless war and darkness with no way forward.

There are only unimaginable killings and pain that will never be forgotten in people's hearts.

And those nobles can still enjoy themselves aloof, using the money and food that the people turn in, playing with the children that the people can't afford to raise and sell, and doing their best to take away the last remaining food from the already poor people's homes.


Tian Yan did not agree with Zhao Gao's order. She even felt that Zhao Gao was using a borrowed knife to kill people and wanted to get rid of her.

The last time she assassinated the Yin Yang family, she was just a hair away from being killed by Donghuang Taiyi.

This time, she was asked to assassinate Yan Dan again.

Who is Yan Dan?

The giant of the Mohist family was guarded by countless Mohist masters and disciples, and even the heroic Jing Ke was at his residence.

His wife is Fei Yan, the Crown Princess of Yan State, and Concubine Dongjun Yan of the Yin Yang Family. In terms of strength, she is probably still above Yan Dan!

With these top masters, if she were to go one-on-one with any one of the three, relying on her extremely deep internal strength, her newly learned onmyoji, and her ability to sense movement and color, she would be able to maintain a stalemate, and even fight back and forth.


But that is the effect of watching people's actions. She is now more than capable of defense but not enough of an attacker. It would be extremely difficult to hurt a master of Yan Dan's level.

And she couldn’t stand the crowds in front of her!

She had not considered killing Yan Dan because that was unrealistic. It would be difficult for a strong man at this level to stay as long as he was not absolutely crushed in terms of numbers and strength.

The Six-Fingered Black Man had been hit by the Six-Soul Horror Curse before, but he was still able to escape from Wei Zhuang. Zhang Han was severely injured several times, but he still managed to escape steadily.

Gai Nie fought against hundreds of Qin soldiers with his own strength.

What's more, that's Yan Dan! Although not as good as Gai Nie, he is definitely more powerful than the future commander of the Shadow Guards, Zhang Han...

If she jumps in hastily, she will definitely die.

But this time, she still decided to assassinate. In order to help the future First Emperor quickly dominate the world, Yan Dan, the "main war faction" of the Yan Kingdom, must "die"!

After you observe this era carefully, you will be able to appreciate the greatness of Qin Shihuang's victory in ending this war that lasted for hundreds of years, with cars on the same track and books on the same page.

And she doesn't have to really "kill" Yan Dan, just force him to fake death so that he can't stop Qin from conquering Yan as the prince of Yan State.

This time she wants to outwit him, because after all, she is also the future "Farmer Girl Guan Zhong" and "Farmer's First Think Tank".

Tian Yan:(?ω?)hiahiahia

Zhao Gao, a eunuch, had tortured her before, but this time he had bad intentions. Now that she had the chance, she would definitely use the opportunity to assassinate Yan Dan to trick Zhao Gao and Luo Wang.

It would be best to use the hands of Yan Dan and Yan Fei to help her get rid of a killer who is the best in the world!

This chapter has been completed!
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