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Chapter 26 It is difficult to live, it is difficult to ascend to the sky

A few months later, Tian Yan came to the capital of Yan State.

This is a majestic city, at least compared to such a city, people like Tian Yan are extremely small.

The city wall is more than ten feet high and extremely wide. There are scratches and pits on the city bricks, like strange words, recording this period of history.

Soldiers stood on the city wall one after another, guarding the city wall unfaithfully, but the flags placed on the city wall one by one were quite intimidating.

These soldiers could scare ordinary people, but in Tian Yan's eyes, they were nothing more than a group of decorations.

There are countless powerful people, wealthy businessmen, heroes, and her next target here.

Dilian had arranged everything for her, and she had already put on another set of clothes.

It was a set of luxurious pink women's clothing. Her face was covered with a veil, making it difficult to see her true face, but it fit her perfectly.

Tian Yan has always been developing very well. When he changed into men's clothes for a while, he felt a bit graceful and graceful like a swimming dragon.

She couldn't wear the killer uniform of Snare for the rest of her life.

But her already well-developed figure, coupled with years of brutal exercise, has brought a slight upward straightness to her overall figure, which is unique to the Wei royal family's dignity, as well as a hint of charm and perfection.

of are combined together.

The veil gave her a sense of beauty that was half-hidden as she held a pipa in her arms. Although she was still young, she could definitely tell that she would be a powerful figure in the future.

Although there is a sense of youthfulness due to youth, it is also more attractive because of it.

They all came on horseback and were arranged by Dilian. The person who met them was at the entrance to the city wall.

The officers and soldiers of the Yan State guarding the city inspected the passing civilians batch by batch, and at least exploited them.

Tian Yan has long been accustomed to strange things.

The shocking and terrifying scenes along the way have profoundly told Tian Yan what the fate of the weak will be like in this world.

Qin's law is extremely strict, and the moving axis is to sit together. But even in the Qin State where the Qin Law's Discipline Inspection Commission is strict, there will be so many harms to civilians, not to mention the incomplete laws of the Six Kingdoms of Shandong?

The common people are not well educated, so aren't the ambiguous laws left to the interpretation of the powerful?

Coupled with the perennial wars, if you are unlucky and the harvest is not good, it will be fatal.

The government collects taxes on a per capita basis. Sometimes a family of more than ten people does not even have their own land, and has to accept multiple oppressions and exploitation on other people's fiefdoms. How can the remaining food be used to feed a large family?

And all this oppression has no end. Except for Qin, no country in the six Shandong countries allows the slave-like people at the bottom to move to the next level.

The dignitaries who talked loudly and used various means to promote that they "loved the people as their own children" were unwilling to distribute the food to the people who were about to starve to death when their own food piles were moldy.

It is said that one is selling one's son and one's daughter, but it is not to the point where one cannot support one's own children. Who would want one's daughter to sell herself in a brothel and become a slave in a noble family instead of marrying into a good family in a glamorous manner?

Who is willing to let a good man in his family who was born to be an upright man become a crippled eunuch and bear the bad reputation of a "eunuch" throughout his life?

But who is willing to let their children starve to death?

All of this finally made Tian Yan understand the following four words: "The people are in dire straits."

Every day she lives in such a world, she misses her previous life.

Even if she lives a relatively good life.

Tian Yan really likes the scene of riding a horse and walking outside the mountains and forests, because that way you can't see so many tragic situations in the world.

Sometimes you don't have to be ruthless to turn a blind eye to all the misery of the poor people in the world.

Because as long as there is still a trace of humanity, it is difficult to be so ruthless.

What's more, Tian Yan is now also one of the oppressed.

She vaguely remembered that in her previous life, there was something called the "College Entrance Examination". A student wrote an entire article criticizing the public ownership of land on his Chinese paper. However, when seeing the horror of all this, Tian Yan felt that this was a witchcraft.

Those who confuse people should not only get zero points, but also be executed.

Tian Yan and the others slowly entered the city.

The gates of the Yan capital were wide open, and the soldiers were checking the people passing by, but they did not trouble Tian Yan and others. The soldiers had been stationed in the Yan capital all year round, and they already knew what kind of people could be offended and what kind of people could not be offended.

The officers guarding the city smiled and prepared to let Tian Yan and others pass.

Different from the ordinary people in simple clothes, Tian Yan and others look like they are either rich or noble at first glance. A stunning beauty like Tian Yan might belong to some powerful person...

These days, you can't mess around with things and put them in the hands of the powerful. Those powerful men act regardless of whether you are performing official duties or not.

Soldiers like them, who are at the lowest level, are all very discerning, because the trees growing on the graves of those without sight should already be taller than them.

He, the so-called "general" who defends the city, is just a junior officer. He is a "general" in the eyes of ordinary people, but he is nothing in front of the powerful.

He still vaguely remembered that when he was still a deputy, the former defending general stopped an extremely gorgeous carriage.

He still vaguely remembered that it was a carriage pulled by five horses. The whole body was plated with gold and inlaid with jade, and engraved with various strange beasts. The whole carriage was extremely luxurious and spacious.

It is said to be Yan Chunjun's carriage.

The carriage was running rampant, and the driver was extremely arrogant. The accompanying knights and guards were also extremely proud. An old man carrying firewood took his child who was less than six years old into the city to sell firewood. The child was killed on the spot. The old man because

The child collided with the carriage and was maimed alive.

In this era, when such an old man is beaten and disabled, he is almost declared dead.

The old man's sons all died on the battlefield. He himself was also a veteran who survived the battlefield. The only one he married was his eldest son. His eldest daughter-in-law died of depression because her husband died in the war, leaving only one child.


There have always been many chivalrous people in Yan and Zhao, and the general who defended the city was a chivalrous man. After entering the military camp, he made great achievements in battle, but became disabled. However, his integrity and courage were appreciated by Prince Dan of Yan, who specially promoted him to be a general.

Deeply favored by Wang, he couldn't stand the other party being so domineering and dared to directly stop him.

He thought he was simply crazy.

As a result, he was beaten to death on the spot by the guards under Yan Chunjun. His wife was sent to the military camp as a military prostitute because he offended Yan Chunjun. She committed suicide that day, her son was killed, and her daughter was bought into a brothel.

And he became the new general.

Will Yan Chunjun be punished for this? No, this matter will eventually come to nothing. Everyone living in this world should know that people are born different.

Those nobles are gods, and these lowly common people are just like grass.

In this era, the law cannot control princes and generals. It only takes effect on the common people.

The so-called emperor who breaks the law and is guilty of the same crime as the common people is just talk.

Why are they fighting? Are they happy for King Yan?

Hahaha, would King Yan want to question Lord Yan Chun because of these loyal soldiers and a few unlucky people?

"Stop!" Just when Tian Yan was about to enter Yandu, a shout came from behind, ordering Tian Yan and others to stop.

It was coming for her. Tian Yan felt several eyes staring at her. Her already extremely deep internal strength, coupled with more than a year of career as a killer, had sharpened her perception to an extremely sharp level.

The sound of horse hooves came from far and near, like thunder. There were many people coming, and they were all sergeants, but Tian Yan was not afraid. She put the Frightening Salamander Sword in a box, disguised as a famous painting, and carried it on her back.

, the fish intestine sword is hidden in his sleeve.

Even if you don't have two swords in hand, relying on the Qi Gathering Blade to slaughter those wine sacks and rice bags that can only oppress the people, is it still like slaughtering pigs and dogs?

Although she didn't want to cause trouble, if she pulled out her sword, all the idiots behind her would be dead within the time it took for a stick of incense to be released!

Who do you think you are? The golden fire cavalry of Qin?

Tian Yan sneered silently in his heart.

No matter who the other party is, if she stops her today, she is just afraid that the other party will be in bad luck.

This chapter has been completed!
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