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The first thousand and twenty-six chapters how to face

After the meeting, Li Yongcai and Liang Yuqi discussed some official matters and then left one after another.

Lin Chuang always felt that such a harmonious scene was something he had dreamed of, but it was also unreal.

Lin Chuang is sincere in his stance on clean government ethics and regulations.

He is not short of money, and will not be interested in money; he is not short of women, and will not be interested in bribery.

However, according to previous understanding, Li Yongcai and Liang Yuqi were not clean, especially Li Yongcai, who treated taxation as a business.

But why does Li Yongcai act so upright? It doesn't seem very logical to explain that this law was promoted by Xin Jiaguang.

There is nothing wrong with him not being corrupt or taking bribes, but if he is really as upright as he says, wouldn't he be blocking his own way to make money?

No, absolutely wrong!

There is definitely something wrong with Li Yongcai's proactive statement and it is definitely false.

So, what is his real purpose?

Looking at Liang Yuqi's statement, it seems passive, but there seems to be a deep meaning in his words.

As for the deep meaning, Lin Chuang didn't understand it for a while. Is it the saying "Listen to his words and watch his actions"? Is he reminding himself not to be deceived by Li Yongcai's words?

He has always been unwilling to apply the thinking of espionage or solving crimes to power struggles, but he trusts his intuition very much.

Lin Chuang thought for a while, but finally couldn't figure it out.

At this moment, the phone rang, and Lin Chuang had no choice but to put down his worries and answer the phone.

"Reporting to the bureau, the students took to the streets for a demonstration. The parade went straight to the National Government compound. Deputy Director Li of the Secret Service Department ordered us to dispatch immediately. We humbly request to stop." Ding Manli's urgent voice came from the phone.

"Oh?" Lin Chuang stood up in shock, straightened up and looked outside. Yi Lianhua quickly opened the window.

Through the window, Lin Chuang happened to see groups of students approaching from far away, passing outside the tax police station. They were carrying banners that could be vaguely seen, saying "Down with the traitor government" and "Traitors."

"I will not die a good death", "exchange your blood for the independence of the nation", etc.

At the same time, slogans such as "Down with the traitors," "Down with the traitors," "Unite the 40 million compatriots," and "Drive the Japanese aggressors out of China" are becoming clearer and louder.

"Manli, follow Deputy Director Li's order. However, tell your subordinates not to shoot, no matter who gives the order!" Lin Chuang ordered quickly.


Ding Manli responded and put down the phone.

"Principal, students are marching in the streets, and the guard calls to ask for instructions. What should we do?" As soon as he put down the phone, Jiang Jingfu hurriedly opened the door and came in.

"The door is closed, no students are allowed in. Don't bother with the others," Lin Chuangming said.

"Yes." Jiang Jingfu hurriedly left.

Lin Chuang thought for a while and felt that there would definitely be a call from the compound, asking the tax police to dispatch.

I don't want to wade into this muddy water.

Lin Chuang said to Yi Lianhua: "Let's go now and leave the tax police station."

"I can't get out."

"Take the back door."

After Lin Chuang finished speaking, he stood up and left. Yi Lianhua followed closely.

As soon as I left the office, I heard the phone ringing.

Jiang Jingfu had just finished making the phone call when he saw the principal coming out and hurriedly came to greet him.

"No matter who calls, just say that I have left and my whereabouts are unknown." Lin Chuangming said.

"Yes." Jiang Jingfu agreed and waved his hand, and Xi Wenxin and Ji Yucheng followed.

"You don't need to follow, just stay here." Lin Chuang said.

"Principal, there are many people outside, so let the students follow."

"No need, the more people there are, the bigger the target will be," Lin Chuang said.


Xi and Ji had no choice but to stop.

Lin Chuang walked upstairs, and Zhang Jin hurried up with two guards.

Lin Chuang said nothing, waved his hand, and the group headed for the back door.

The back door is a small door, people can pass through, but cars cannot.

Therefore, the group of people had to walk out of the back door.

"Go to Yongshengfang."

Lin Chuangming said.

He felt that he could be found by phone wherever he went. Only if he went to Yongshengfang, they might not be able to find him for a while.

Moreover, Yongshengfang is very close.

Soon, the group came to Yongshengfang, and Yi Lianhua opened the door.

Lin Chuang ordered Zhang Jin: "You stay here and let them go find out the news."

"Yes." Zhang Jin responded.

Yi Lianhua said: "I haven't been here for a while. It's quite dirty. Please stand in the yard for a while and I'll clean it up."


Yi Lianhua went into the house to clean up, while Lin Chuang stood in the yard smoking.

Just five days after the puppet government was established, a large-scale student demonstration took place. Needless to say, this was definitely the work of the underground party.

The puppet government founded the country on the basis of anti-independence, and suddenly forced the underground party to the forefront. The organization of student demonstrations must be the first clarion call issued by the underground party.

Students are the first to awaken. Whenever the nation is in danger, they are always the first to stand up and make a deafening call to the people who have become numb.

Students are progressive, but at the same time they are non-threatening, because they have no violent tools other than propaganda.

Therefore, students are sympathizing with others—except, of course, those in power.

Due to my special status, facing this situation is actually the most difficult to deal with.

It is absolutely impossible to suppress students with a social identity. And to protect students overtly or covertly with a true identity is not in line with the principles of underground work.

Therefore, Lin Chuang can only hide now and wait for the further development of the matter before deciding his own behavior.

He believed that Dean Wang and others would not necessarily dare to shoot at students, because that would arouse public anger and awaken the public faster.

However, Ken Inukai, Yunko Nakano and others are not sure. They will not sympathize with the students and will definitely advocate suppression.

It is precisely because of this uncertainty that although Lin Chuang looks calm on the surface, he is actually very anxious inside.

Yi Lianhua quickly packed up and invited Lin Chuang into the house.

After Lin Chuang entered the house, he walked around in circles anxiously.

Yi Lianhua had never seen her husband like this before. He was so calm about no matter how big things happened. This showed how troubled his husband was.

"Sir, what should we do?" Yi Lianhua asked worriedly.

"Let's wait and see how things develop," Lin Chuang said.

"Don't worry, they don't dare to attack students."

"That's not necessarily the case. If possible, we should try our best to protect students."

"It's useless for you to be anxious. Besides, your current identity is the chief of police and the chief of the tax police bureau. Even if you want to protect students, you can't forget this identity."

After hearing this, Lin Chuang slowly stopped.

Yi Lianhua never expresses her opinions easily, but today she made an exception.

It seems that the traces of my performance today are too heavy.

Lin Chuang calmed down and thought: "Yeah, it's useless to be anxious, let alone forget your identity. To achieve the purpose of protecting students, there are actually many ways, and you should choose the wisest one, not now

The stupidest solution ever taken.”

With this thought, Lin Chuang suddenly untied the knot in his heart and his thoughts suddenly became clear...

This chapter has been completed!
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