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Chapter 1027 One-sided argument

Thinking of his current situation, Lin Chuangcai deeply understood the three principles of the party's secret work.

Regarding this student demonstration on the streets, anyone with a discerning eye would know at a glance that it was the work of the underground party. However, the organization did not inform itself. In the final analysis, it was to protect itself and believe in itself.

I believe that on the premise of personal safety, I will do my best to protect my comrades.

"Hiding is not the answer. I have to go to the front line and get deeply involved. Only then can I obtain more information and protect my comrades."

Thinking of this, Lin Chuang picked up the phone and called Ding Manli.

Although Yi Lianhua moved away from home, the phone remained.

"Manli, I'm Lin Ming, what's going on now?"

"Secretary, where are you? Deputy Director Li and Deputy Director Zhu's secretaries called to see you. I said you were not here and I didn't know where you were." Ding Manli's voice was very low on the phone.

"I'm at home in Yongshengfang. Didn't you say anything?"

"I told you to go to the Secret Service Department for a meeting right away. Vice President Zhu has already rushed over."

"Send a car right away. My car is stuck at the tax police station." Lin Chuang said.


Ding Manli put down the phone after speaking.

Lin Chuang rushed to the conference room of the Secret Service Department. Zhu Daoshan, Inu Yangjian, Ding Mocun, Li Shiqun, Nakano Yunzi, and Shi Gongxianzi were already present.

Lin Chuang came in quietly, Fairy Shi Gong saw him first, and the little girl's eyes suddenly sparkled.

Everyone else looked gloomy, but she was the only one who was happy.

She was originally next to Nakano Yunzi. When she saw Lin Chuang, she quickly stood up and moved to the next seat. Nakano Yunzi also saw him and waved quickly. Lin Chuang walked over and sat down next to her.

He sat down with Fairy Shigong.

"What are you doing? So many people are waiting for you." Nakano Yunzi whispered.

"The door of the tax police station was blocked. I came out from the back door. The streets and alleys were full of people and it was a mess. I hid in Yongshengfang's house for a while." Lin Chuang replied in a low voice.

Before he finished speaking, Zhu Daoshan spoke: "Everyone, we are all here. Let's start the meeting now. First, I would like to ask Deputy Director Li to introduce the situation."

"Yes. Vice President Zhu, Your Excellency, Director of the Agency, according to the information we have received, the people taking to the streets this time are college students. There are 24 universities in Shanghai. In addition to Fudan University, which has moved to Guangzhou, there are 23 universities. In addition to St. John's

Except for university students who did not move, people from all 22 other universities were dispatched, about a thousand people.

Now the parade has surrounded the national government, shouting slogans, and some people are giving speeches. I heard that they are still going to sit-in and go on a hunger strike. As long as President Wang does not commit suicide to apologize, they will never withdraw their troops.

Judging from the current situation, although the students do not have the potential to violently attack, they have seriously affected the normal operations of the national government and the city government, as well as...the reputation.

After receiving the intelligence, he immediately deployed police forces to protect the government compound. Moreover, machine guns were set up on the walls of the compound, and snipers were also deployed at three commanding heights.

According to my humble judgment, such a huge student demonstration must be the work of the underground party. This is because the underground party is good at propaganda and deceiving people.

Because there is no other information, I can only judge this point, and there is no way to know more about the situation.

Please let me know what to do next." Li Shiqun introduced.

"Didn't you get any information beforehand?" Zhu Daoshan asked.

"Ashamed, I despised my duty and didn't get any information in advance." Li Shiqun replied with a face full of shame.

"Bang!" Zhu Daoshan slapped the table and said angrily: "The government's purpose is to fight against the Red Army. It clearly knows that the underground party will definitely wreak havoc when the government is newly established. It also knows that they are good at engaging in student movements. Why not be more vigilant?! The Secret Service is?

Deaf, are you blind?"

When he was angry, Ding Mocun also stood up and lowered his head to listen to the instruction.

"They chanted reactionary slogans, put up reactionary slogans, and handed out reactionary leaflets. Ignorant citizens rushed to watch and circulate them. This was a serious blow to the image of the government. Let me tell you, President Wang was furious and ordered us to quickly put down the chaos and restore calm to the market.

, to prevent rumors and bad words from spreading.

Therefore, first of all, we must find a way to get students to go home, return to school, and leave the government compound; secondly, the Secret Service must solve the case as soon as possible and catch the real culprit behind the scenes. Otherwise, Deputy Director Ding, Deputy Director Li, even if Zhu wants to protect you

, and there is nothing we can do.

You two, think about it carefully." Zhu Daoshan was still angry and slapped the table and scolded.

"Mr. Zhu, please calm down. The matter has already happened. It's useless to get angry. It's better to find a way to calm down the chaos. My opinion is to persuade them to return first. If they don't listen, suppress them with all their strength. Once the gunshots are fired, I think they will disperse.

." Quan Yangjian said.

"That's inappropriate. Dean Wang has already set the tone, don't kill people. The students are young and illiterate, and they don't understand the general trend. Their blood boils when they are bewitched. We need to give them a chance to change. In addition, they have not committed violence and are unarmed.

, If you start killing people, you will be notorious forever. Dean Wang is unwilling to bear this bad reputation." Zhu Daoshan said.

When Lin Chuang heard this, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "As long as we don't kill, there is still room for change."

"Vice President Zhu, without using force, who can guarantee that they will be persuaded to return? Can you reason with them? Besides, if you don't come hard this time, even if you persuade them to return, you will be able to bear it if you do it again and again.

No? I think it’s better to make a decision early, once and for all, and don’t be burdened by false fame.” Yunko Nakano spoke, and she was of course on Inukai Ken’s side.

Lin Chuang felt strange, why did Zhu Daoshan invite the Japanese? Couldn't he still be unable to deal with them?

"Yes, Vice President Zhu, if you don't want to bear this reputation, you can withdraw and let the Military Police Headquarters carry out the execution." Kenyang Ken said.

Zhu Daoshan just shook his head: "It's inappropriate, it's inappropriate. Deputy Director Ding, what's your opinion?"

Zhu Daoshan was unwilling to discuss too much on the issue of using force and quickly asked for help.

"The opinion of the humble official is the same as that of the head of the agency." Ding Mocun said.

Zhu Daoshan was obviously displeased and asked Li Shiqun with a stern face: "Deputy Director Li, do you have a different opinion?"

Li Shiqun replied with a sullen face: "Beizhi hates the underground party and is very disdainful of their use of students. Therefore, Beizhi also agrees with the opinions of the head of the agency and Section Chief Nakano to eradicate the future troubles once and for all."

When Zhu Daoshan heard this, his face was extremely ugly. If the Japanese are not afraid, aren't you Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun afraid of the hatred of the Chinese people? If you start killing, you don't know what reputation you will leave in history?

In desperation, he glanced at Lin Chuang.

Lin Chuang realized that it was time for him to help him.

Of course, helping him is also helping yourself, and you must not let Inu Yangjian's conspiracy succeed.

Lin Chuang still saw clearly. He felt that Quan Yangjian's proposal was not just to calm the chaos, but also had a deeper meaning.

After the puppet government was established, the Japanese retreated behind the scenes, and except for the army, all political power was handed over to Dean Wang and his group - this was a typical example of "ruling China with China."

Inukai Ken's main responsibility is to supervise the operation of the puppet government to prevent it from becoming disloyal and making policies that are unfavorable to Japan.

A large-scale killing spree pushed the puppet government completely to the opposite side of the anti-Japanese forces. This is exactly what Inukai Ken wanted to see.

As long as this situation is formed, Dean Wang and others will have no choice but to become dogs of the Japanese.

This chapter has been completed!
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