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Chapter 445 Coincidence?

"I had dinner with Mr. Inukai and Mr. Takeshita last night. I don't want to suffer such a disaster today. Let's go and have a look!" Lin Chuang said to Shibuya River.

"Okay." Shibuya Chuan nodded and hurried out the door with Lin Chuang.

When Ji Laoliu drove to Takeshita Yufumi's residence, the fire had been put out.

When Lin Chuangchuang drove the car, he saw many people surrounding the fire scene. It was so densely packed that it was difficult to see the specific situation of the fire scene.

Shibuya River quickly opened the way, and the two squeezed into the crowd.

When Lin Chuang saw it, he felt a moment of silence for Takeshita Yufumi.

It's too awful!

The entire small building is gone!

At the entrance, there were only a few piles of ruins with green smoke rising. Several firefighters were collecting water guns and water bags among the rubble. It seemed that they were ready to close the team. A group of Japanese military police were maintaining order and a cordon was set up around the fire scene.

Lin Chuang saw Ken Inukai and Koji Baba standing inside the cordon, pointing and talking in low voices from time to time.

They were busy with official duties, so Lin Chuang couldn't go over to say hello.

Unless there are special circumstances, try not to disturb friends who are performing official duties.

The first is respect for friends, and the second is that in this situation, people handling official business are generally in a bad mood. If they say hello without anything, they can easily bring trouble to themselves.

Seeing the current situation of the fire scene, Lin Chuang was relieved. The traces of the stolen drawings were completely eliminated. The cause of the fire, even if Baba Koji had the ability, would not be able to find out.

Look at Inukai Ken and Baba Koji's pale faces, obviously very angry.

Lin Chuang understood their mood at this moment very well.

Takeshita Yufumi is a Japanese and a Japanese celebrity. His accident is a shame to the Japanese people.

He pulled Shibuya River and signaled to leave.

Suddenly, Lin Chuang saw Baba Koji beckoning the gendarmerie captain to come over and giving a few stern instructions. The gendarmerie captain repeatedly said "Hey," and then waved his hand, and the gendarmerie quickly surrounded the onlookers.

"Lin Sang, the military police are going to arrest someone, please say hello to the advisor." Shibuya River said.

"Arrest someone? Arrest who?" Lin Chuang asked in shock.

"Catch the onlookers," Shibuya said.

"Catch the onlookers? Why?" Lin Chuang asked.

"I don't know." Shibuya River replied.

Shibuya River is really stupid, Lin Chuang is just pretending to be stupid.

Of course he understood what Baba Koji meant.

There are two types of fire causes: man-made and non-man-made.

If it was done artificially, the perpetrator would most likely be hiding among the onlookers.

This is an interesting phenomenon - after a major crime occurs, criminals usually return to the scene to watch.

It's hard to say what their mentality is. They may be admiring their own masterpieces, or they may be trying to obtain information about their investigation direction, investigation focus, etc. from the police's arrangements at the scene.

Just like Lin Chuang, he was the mastermind of the fire. His purpose of coming to the scene was under the guise of caring about Takeshita Yufumi, but in fact he came to see the results.

Based on this phenomenon, if Lin initiated this case, he must also suspect that the perpetrator was among the onlookers.

But he won't be so forceful, he will arrest people only after he has solid evidence.

However, the way that Koji Baba knocked down a boatload of people with a pole was very outrageous and unreasonable. He followed the principle that he would rather arrest a thousand people by mistake than let one person go, hoping to find the perpetrator among these people.

This is not to show that he is incompetent, but to show Inu Yangken's political experience.

Lin Chuang believed that this order must have been approved by Quan Yangjian.

Ken Inukai knew very well that with this search, the possibility of finding the real perpetrator was extremely slim. It was best to find the best, and it didn't matter if he couldn't find it. He could find a scapegoat among these people and give Takeshita Yufumi and Japan an explanation.

Only in this way will Chongguangtang not appear incompetent.

What a calculation.

Japanese military police arrived in two trucks.

After receiving the order from Baba Koji, the military police all dispersed quickly, their bayonets shining brightly pointed at the crowd in the circle, and machine guns were set up on the roof of the car.

"Everyone, listen carefully. No one at the scene is allowed to leave. They must be interrogated by the military police, otherwise they will be shot without mercy!"

Two Japanese military policemen shouted, one in Japanese and the other in Chinese.

Most of the people at the scene were Japanese residents, and there were also some Chinese. When they heard this, the scene was in chaos.

The Japanese protested loudly, but Lin Chuang couldn't hear what they were protesting about.

The Chinese, on the other hand, dare to be angry but dare not speak out.

One of the Japanese looked the most angry, and said something loudly with a red face.

"Shibuya-kun, what did he say?" Lin Chuang saw that this was a good opportunity to learn Japanese and quickly turned his head to ask Shibuya River.

"He said that he had contributed to the empire during the Battle of Songhu and that he was here to put out the fire. Why should he be arrested? He also cursed the military police for their incompetence!" Shibuya River translated.

"Teach me sentence by sentence." Lin Chuang said.

"Lin Sang, you are really good at learning Japanese." Shibuya Chuan smiled.

"Say hello to Mr. Inukai later, I'm learning and selling now, it's hot and fresh!" Lin Chuang replied.

"Okay." Shibuya River taught Lin Chuang one sentence at a time.

At this moment, the captain of the gendarmerie squad walked up to the protester and, without saying a word, raised his hand and slapped the man twice on the face.

Then Ji Li Gulu cursed a few words, and the man became honest.

No one dared to protest loudly anymore, and there was silence.

Suddenly, a clear voice sounded, also in Japanese: "I contributed to the empire in the Battle of Songhu. I came to put out the fire. Why do you want to arrest me? Why do you want to arrest me?!"

Everyone was stunned: "Damn, there is really someone who is not afraid of death? Who is this?"

The crowd parted to both sides, revealing Lin Chuang and Shibuya Gawa, who were smiling.

The captain of the military police squad was about to get angry when he saw Inu Yang Ken walking towards the man with a smile.

"Lin Sang, your greeting is really special."

"Hahaha... I just learned it from Shibuya-kun and I'm selling it now. Mr. Inukai, I wonder if I can learn it well?" Lin Chuang said with a smile.

"It's a bit jerky, and it doesn't sound like authentic Japanese." Inukai Ken said with a smile.

"Keda called me and I found out that something happened to Mr. Takeshita. Mr. Shibuya is teaching me Japanese, so we came over to see him. Mr. Inukai, how is Mr. Takeshita?" Lin Chuang asked with concern.

"Oh, Mr. Takeshita broke his leg and has been sent to the hospital." Inukai Ken sighed.

"Fortunately, this can be regarded as the best of misfortunes. Mr. Inukai, how about we go to the hospital to see him together?" Lin Chuang said.

"Okay, I'm just about to go over." Inu Yangjian replied.

The two of them walked out together, and Lin Chuang turned back to Baba Koji and said: "Mr. Baba, there is a saying in China about your move, 'a pennie knocks over a boat of people'."

After saying that, he smiled slightly and walked away.

Baba Koji was stunned.

He didn't take Lin Chuang's sarcasm to heart, but he was suspicious of Lin Chuang.

"Why is there Lin Ming everywhere? Is it a coincidence?"

Experienced agents will not believe in coincidences.

Baba Koji is obviously an experienced agent.

For a time, suspicions about the Lin Zhijiang and Wang Zhanhu cases came to mind again.

"Lin Ming has a problem, so we should check him out." Baba Koji secretly thought.

This chapter has been completed!
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