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Chapter 803 Young Muai

Arriving on the third floor, Lin Chuang saw Quan Lin standing at the door of Room 316.

Quan Lin also saw Lin Chuang and quickly came up to meet him.

"Hello, Mr. Lin." Quan Lin stopped a few steps away from Lin Chuang and bowed.

This gift has a rich meaning, including gratitude and reverence.

These are all the good ties that Lin Chuang forged during the Zhu family's case of breaking the Night Pearl.

Lin Chuang quickly took his hand and helped him up: "Quan Lin, are you always good?"

"Everything is fine, Mr. Tuolin. Now I am Mr. Zhu's security team leader." Quan Lin said.

"Not bad, not bad, we've arrived in Shanghai, we have time to have a drink."


"Sir, are there any guests in the room?"

"Yes, a Japanese named Inu is taking some people to talk in Mr.'s room."

"Oh. Then I won't bother you and come back another day. When you are free, tell the husband that I have been here and invite him to dinner another day."

"Mr. Lin, stay here. Mr. Lin just gave instructions that you are coming. If the Japanese don't leave, please go to 315 and wait."

"Madam is at 315?"

"Well, my wife and young master are both at 315."

"Okay, then I'll go visit my wife first."

Quan Lin led Lin Chuang to 315. When Yang Xianfen saw Lin Chuang coming, her eyes lit up happily: "Xiao Lin is here? Sit down quickly. Xiaoshan, I will pour tea for your elder brother."

"Brother Lin." Zhu Youshan greeted Lin Chuang.

"Youshan, I haven't seen you for more than a year. I haven't grown in height, but my beard has sprouted." Lin Chuang said, looking at Zhu Youshan.

"It's too ugly. It just broke out of the flesh, and there's nothing I can do about it." Seeing Lin Chuang staring at his beard, Zhu Youshan quickly blocked it with his hand and said embarrassedly.

"Hahaha..., break out of the flesh? What an apt word! Youshan has learned a lot." Lin Chuang was amused by Zhu Youshan and laughed.

"He, when he grows up, he is shy. What are men afraid of when they grow beards? Are they still men if they don't grow beards? Hey, he just doesn't want to be seen." Yang Xianfen looked at Zhu Youshan with a doting expression.

"Xiaoshan, which famous lady have you fallen in love with?" Lin Chuang asked Zhu Youshan with a smile.

"What?" Upon hearing this, Yang Xianfen looked at her son in surprise: "Youshan, is it true?"

"Brother Lin, it's so boring. Why don't I have any secrets in front of you?" Zhu Youshan smiled unnaturally and was stunned for a moment before replying.

"It's true, Xiaoshan, you can't make a lifelong contract without telling your parents. Besides, a family like ours is not worthy of ordinary people." Yang Xianfen said warily.

"Mom, look at you, why are you making such a fuss about Wu Ying? Besides, not everyone is as snobbish as you." Zhu Youshan said.

"You brat, what are you talking about?" Yang Xianfen tried to hit him, but Zhu Youshan dodged.

"Madam, don't be nervous. If I remember correctly, Xiaoshan is fifteen years old, right?"

Seeing Yang Xianfen nodding, she continued: "It's normal for young Mu Ai to have a new love affair. Maybe even though he has someone he likes, he may not have confessed to him yet."

"Really?" Yang Xianfen looked at her son.

"Hey, Brother Lin, I'm wondering, how did you know this? Could it be that you are in Shanghai, but you have eyes and ears in Chongqing?" Zhu Youshan ignored his mother's question, but he was curious about how Lin Chuang could see this.

"It's very simple. When I first met you, although you were neatly dressed up and down, you didn't dress up deliberately. Look at it now. Your suit is straight and your hair is shiny. It looks like you've put on hair oil. A man cares so much about his own image.

, isn't it just to attract the attention of the opposite sex? Is it reasonable to infer that you have a sweetheart?" Lin Chuangdao.

"Really? I didn't dress up much." Zhu Youshan said embarrassedly.

"Hey, let me tell you, this kid always likes to look in the mirror lately. So that's what happened." Yang Xianfen said.

"You guessed it right. Brother, you just said that I didn't confess to anyone, how did you tell?" Zhu Youshan asked again.

"It's very simple. If you confess your love to someone, based on your appearance and family background, that person won't immediately agree to date you? If you want to date, you have to give you a token of love, right? It's best to wear something like yours.

A token of love is something like a handkerchief or a tie clip, which is not expensive, but you can wear it every day. If it is a handkerchief, you will usually fold it into a flower and put it in the upper pocket; if it is a tie clip, you will put it on your tie every day. But

Now I can't see anything, is it difficult to come to that conclusion?" Lin Chuang said.

"I'm convinced, I'm really convinced! Brother, I won't have any secrets in front of you from now on." Zhu Youshan couldn't help but extend his thumbs up and praised.

"Son, who is that lady? From Chongqing?" Yang Xianfen asked.

"I won't tell you." Zhu Youshan said.

"Haha, you are so smart." Lin Chuang pointed at Zhu Youshan and said.

"What, Xiaolin, do you know who it is?" Yang Xianfen asked.

"I don't know, but I can tell about it. Youshan, do you want me to take a guess?" Lin Chuang asked Zhu Youshan with a smile.

"Don't say it! Brother, please, don't say it!" Zhu Youshan said urgently.

"Okay, how about we hide it from the husband and wife and keep it a secret between the two of us? Isn't it fun?"

"That's interesting. Brother, let me make you a cup of good tea." Zhu Youshan cupped his hands to express his gratitude, and hurriedly made tea for Lin Chuang.

"Xiao Lin, don't follow him around. Marriage is not a trivial matter." Yang Xianfen said quickly when she saw the two of them forming an alliance in front of her.

"Don't worry, ma'am, I know for sure that Youshan is not a kid who is fooling around. If he is really messing around, I can handle the matter for you without you having to step forward." Lin Chuang said confidently.

"Well, okay, I won't pry into your brothers' secrets. Anyway, as long as he does something scandalous, you have to keep it secret," Yang Xianfen said.

"I'll carry it, I'll carry it." Lin Chuang agreed repeatedly.

"Xiao Lin, I heard that you have a big business in Shanghai." Yang Xianfen said slowly after Zhu Youshan made tea.

"It's okay." Lin Chuang said calmly.

"How much income per year?" Yang Xianfen asked again.

"Enough to eat and drink." Lin Chuang still said haha.

Yang Xianfen was a little unhappy.

"I heard that you sell 'Haoshou' health care products, and I heard that the supply exceeds demand. How come you only have enough to eat and drink? Don't worry, I won't lend you money."

"Madam, I see, you just came to Shanghai. It's not a problem to always stay in hotels. It's inconvenient and you don't have any private space. It's better to live in the concession, which is safe and convenient." Lin Chuang still didn't answer.

Not only did he not pick up the topic, but he changed the topic.

Yang Xianfen was really unhappy this time.

Suddenly, she noticed that Lin Chuang pointed at the phone, then took something out of his arms and handed it to her.

When Yang Xianfen saw the thing, she immediately understood that she had misunderstood Lin Chuang.

It turns out that Lin Chuang had good intentions...

This chapter has been completed!
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