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Chapter 804 Immediately give you a cuckold

Lin Chuang handed her a check for one hundred thousand dollars.

He pointed at the phone to remind her that it was not appropriate to say more here.

"Xiao Lin, you are serious." Yang Xianfen couldn't help but feel ashamed when she saw the huge check.

What were you doing just now?

Although she was a little uncomfortable, she couldn't resist the ecstasy in her heart. She put the check away and looked at Lin Chuang again, her eyes were different.

"Mr. Lin, please invite me." At this moment, Quan Lin came in to invite Lin Chuang.

"Okay." Lin Chuang stood up, nodded to Yang Xianfen, and followed Quan Lin out.

"Mom, don't act like you recognize money but not people, okay? What you said just now is so embarrassing!"

As soon as Lin Chuang left, Zhu Youshan became anxious with his mother.

"Son, you don't understand. Mom is a little greedy for money, but not for personal enjoyment, but to leave a way out for your dad and you," Yang Xianfen said.

"Mom, are you leaving a way out? It's obviously blocking the road, okay? Brother Lin originally owed my father some favors. After all, he brought Mrs. Lin out, but after you did this, all the favors were gone.

Zhu Youshan said angrily.

"It's okay. I've repaid the favor and let him owe it later." Yang Xianfen said confidently.

"Forget it, Mom, you are treating favors as business. Sooner or later you will regret it. Lin Chuang is very smart and has been operating in Shanghai for a long time. He has a good relationship with the Japanese. When my father first arrived in Shanghai, he had no basic knowledge.

"Sure, we still don't know what the future will bring. These talents are exactly the ones that my father can use. How can you be so greedy that you do this? Isn't this clearly pushing people away?" Zhu Youshan said angrily.

After being scolded by her son, Yang Xianfen also felt that her appearance was too ugly and she couldn't help but regret it. However, she was a headstrong person and would never admit her mistakes.

"Son, you are just talking like a scholar. You are too old to study. How can people nowadays have any friendship? Everyone talks nice, but what they think about in their heart is profit. Okay, just this once, I will treat you in the future.

Lin Chuang will never be like this again." Yang Xianfen saw Zhu Youshan groaning angrily, but finally softened.

Lin Chuang left the room and saw his cheap uncle Pang Xinghan waiting outside the door.

"Brother Pang Pang, hello." Lin Chuang stretched out his hand to him.

He didn't call him "secretary", but "brother."

The meaning is something only you can understand.

"Brother Lin, hello." Pang Xinghan smiled and shook hands with him: "Yiping and Shouzheng just left. Thanks to you, they live a happy life. I am finally relieved."

"You're welcome, we're not outsiders. Don't say anything like this again. Brother Pang, your brother and sister reunited after a catastrophe, especially since you no longer have to dodge. This is something worth celebrating. One day you have time, let's have a good time.

Want a drink?" Lin Chuang smiled.

"Not for the time being. There are too many things going on at the moment. I will definitely have a drink with you when I am done with this."

"Business matters are important, personal friendships will follow."


In room 316, in addition to Zhu Daoshan, who was full of spring breeze, there was also a middle-aged man with a wide forehead and a slicked back hair.

"Xiao Lin, come on, let me introduce you."

Seeing Lin Chuang come in, Zhu Daoshan stood up, pointed to Da Beitou and introduced: "This is Professor Lan Xiangping, who works at the Central Political School and is also a member of the Central Legal Affairs Commission."

Then he introduced Lin Chuang to Lan Xiangping: "Xiang Ping, this is Lin Ming, the chief of the SH City Police Department. He is an old friend of mine."

Zhu Daoshan was very smart and only introduced Lin Chuang's current name, old name, and didn't mention anything about his past.

"Professor Lan, I have admired you for a long time." Lin Chuang stretched out his hand.

"Long time." Lan Xiang stretched out his hand calmly, and retracted as soon as Lin Chuang's finger touched it, as if he didn't like Lin Chuang at all, or looked down upon him.

"Come on, come on, please sit down and let's have a good talk." Zhu Daoshan greeted the two of them to take a seat.

Pang Xinghan made tea for Lin Chuang, stood behind Zhu Daoshan with his hands crossed.

"Lin Ming, do you know why I came to Shanghai?" Zhu Daoshan asked Lin Chuang.

Of course Lin Chuang knew that, and he also knew that although Lan Xiangping was a professor of politics, he also had an important identity - the personal representative of Dean Wang.

However, he has to play dumb.

"I don't know." Lin Chuang smiled.

"Professor Lan and I are here to discuss China's future and destiny. As you know, Prime Minister Konoe issued a statement in June, putting forward three propositions to the National Government. The first is to be good neighbors and friendly, and the second is to jointly fight against the Red Army.

, The third is economic support. On this basis, if the National Government cooperates, Japan promises to withdraw all troops, no land occupation, no compensation, and guarantee the independence of our country's governance.

After this statement was issued, serious differences arose between the Chairman and President Wang. The Chairman was determined to fight to the end, while President Wang was determined to save the country.

Because the committee members were so powerful, Dean Wang had no choice but to conceal his true thoughts, deal with them, and secretly ordered Professor Lan and I to negotiate with the Japanese.

Some time ago, the director of the Dog Breeding Agency secretly went to Chongqing. We had in-depth talks several times and basically reached an agreement based on the three conditions stated by Prime Minister Konoe. This time I came to Shanghai to discuss the details and then asked the Director of the Dog Breeding Agency to draw up relevant matters.

Documents must be submitted to Japan for approval.

If everything goes well, President Wang will issue a statement to reorganize the National Government. Lin Ming, when that day comes, it will be a time for you and me to feel proud."

Listening to Zhu Daoshan's almost dreamy words, Lin Chuang couldn't help but chuckle in his heart: "Only shallow people like you will believe the Japanese promise. Withdrawing the army and returning power to China, why should we jointly fight against the Red Army and boost the economy?

Didn’t he fool Han Dani into getting on the bed? Don’t you think about why the Japanese launched a full-scale attack on China? Just to cultivate a generational enemy? It’s really ridiculous.”

Lin Chuang had an expression of admiration on his face and praised Zhu Daoshan's stinky feet: "In this way, our country will have a great opportunity to recuperate and recuperate? Alas, the people of our country have been suffering from the war for a long time. If we can have a truce and maintain the integrity of our sovereignty, the people can live and work in peace and contentment.

Sir, you have made great contributions to the country and the people."

Lin Chuang burst into wild praise, which made Zhu Daoshan elated: "Hahaha... Lin Ming, I remember in my house last year, you once said that recuperation and the development of industry are the foundation for the prosperity of the country and the people. Now, the goal of people's recuperation is about to be

Achieved, and the industry you set up in Shanghai is also booming. We are all meritorious officials of the country."

"Sir, I'm just a businessman. He can only solve a few cases and play tricks. He doesn't understand anything about running a country. He has to rely on great talents like Mr. Lan and Professor Lan." Lin Chuang not only praised him this time.

After visiting Zhu Daoshan, he also complimented Lan Xiangping.

Lan Xiangping nodded, glanced at Zhu Daoshan, and said slowly: "Director Lin, Mr. Zhu respects you very much and says that you are a good hand in solving crimes. Lan has something to ask me. I wonder if I can help you?"

"Why are you pretending to be a fool? Your wife is going to cuckold you soon, why are you pretending to be a fool here?"

Lin Chuang felt extremely unhappy when he saw how he looked at him.

This chapter has been completed!
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