Turn off the lights
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Eight hundred and twentieth chapters new discovery

"Principal, the reason why students are frustrated is that they feel that they have betrayed your trust." Wang Mu said.

"No one is born to solve crimes. Your main problem is your lack of experience. As long as you work hard, you will definitely become a detective in the police station. Work hard and I'm optimistic about you." Lin Chuang encouraged.

"Yes, students must work hard and live up to the principal's trust."

The words "I'm optimistic about you" made Wang Muchong energetic again.

Wang Mu directed his men to take pictures in the bedroom, and Lin Chuang walked to the outhouse to look around.

A glass frame on the wall caught Lin Chuang's attention.

There was only one photo in the frame, that of a young soldier who looked a little dull.

If you guessed correctly, this photo should be of the male protagonist Jiang Tiezhu.

There is an iron nail nailed to the wall above the frame, and two separate hemp ropes are tied to the iron nail to hold the frame, while the lower part rests on the two iron nails.

The reason why this frame caught Lin Chuang's attention was because the photo in the frame was crooked, and the distance between the lower part and the iron nail rested quite a bit. One side had just rested on it, while the other side had a large growth.

Judging from the interior layout, Han Chunhua should be a very tidy person, with items placed in a very neat and orderly manner. Only this frame is so incongruous with the interior style.

Lin Chuang thought to himself: "This frame is so uncoordinated. Did the murderer move it after the murder? There was no time to arrange the frames in a hurry?"

"Wang Mu, where is Jiang Tiezhu? Are you still here?" Lin Chuang asked.

"Yes, the students thought he was suspected of murder, so they asked Zhou Xing to lead people to watch him." Wang Mu replied.

"Why do you say he is suspected?" Lin Chuang asked.

"We initially judged that Yang Yutang's death was a murder of love. In Yang Yutang's notebook, the word Chunhua was found. The students wondered if there was a possibility that Yang Yutang had an affair with Han Chunhua and was discovered by Jiang Tiezhu.

, so Yang Yutang was killed. When we investigated Han Chunhua, Jiang Tiezhu felt that the matter was about to be exposed, so he killed another insider, his wife Han Chunhua?

In addition, Jiang Tiezhu served as a soldier before marrying Han Chunhua, which is also consistent with the characteristics of Yang Yutang's murderer," Wang Mu said.

"Wang Mu, your bold idea is right. However, I think your idea may not be feasible."

"Please give me some advice from the principal."

"It's very simple. When Han Chunhua was murdered, Jiang Tiezhu was working in the factory, and his whereabouts could not be hidden from others.

According to what you just described, it takes him about twenty minutes to half an hour to walk from his home to the factory. If he is the murderer of his wife, he needs to have forty minutes to an hour when he is not working in the factory.

It's basically a carrot and a pit. It's impossible for an ordinary worker to be away from work for such a long time.

Moreover, even if he finds a suitable reason to leave, kill someone and then go back, wouldn't that just expose him? Do you think all murderers are so stupid and imbecile?

Therefore, I judge that it is not him.

Of course, this is just my inference, and the specific situation needs to be investigated by the workers of Yongtai Rubber Factory," Lin Chuang said.

"Yes, that's what the principal said. The possibility of Jiang Tiezhu is unlikely, and judging from his grief-stricken look, it doesn't look like it. However, the students just thought it was possible, so they kept him temporarily."

Wang Mutao.

"Well, there's nothing wrong with being careful. Tell us about the investigation into Han Chunhua yesterday."

"Yes. After reporting the situation to you yesterday, the students brought people here and asked to open the door. Han Chunhua was the only one at home at the time. Seeing that we were police officers, Han Chunhua looked very panicked.

The student asked her name, and she said her name was Han Chunhua. He also asked where her husband was, and she replied that she had gone to work. The student took out the gold-threaded purse and asked her if she had seen it before. She shook her head and said no.

After asking these questions, because she was the only woman at home, the student felt a little inconvenient, so he told her to ask her and Jiang Tiezhu to come to the institute tomorrow. After saying this, the student left," Wang Mu said.

"You mean, she looked panicked at that time?" Lin Chuang asked.


"Not scared but panicked?"


"When you came, was she in the south room or the main room?"

"The lights in the main room and the south room are dark, and the lights in the main room are on."

"That's not right. Jiang Tiezhu said that when he goes to work, Han Chunhua will wait for him to come back while working. Why is the light in the south room dark?"

Lin Chuang pondered: "Could someone be there at that time? She just turned off the lights in the south room and went to the main room to talk? Wang Mu, were you in the yard asking questions at that time or were you in the house?"

"In the main room."

"Is the bedroom door closed or open?"

"It's closed."


Lin Chuang thought for a while, then suddenly got up and went to the south room. After searching for a while, he found a spool of gold thread in the sewing machine tool box, with embroidery needles of different lengths inserted on it!

I rummaged around on the chopping board and found another piece of fabric similar to the gold thread purse.

"Principal, it seems that Han Chunhua lied and she embroidered the purse!" Wang Mu's eyes lit up and he said excitedly.

"Not only was it embroidered by her, but it was probably given to a man, who was probably her sweetheart." Lin Chuang said with narrowed eyes.

"Great, principal, if this is true, can we conclude that the murderer of Yang Yutang was Han Chunhua's sweetheart?" Wang Mu asked excitedly.

"It's possible. Wang Mu, please send someone to call Jiang Tiezhu back. If I have anything to ask him, I will send someone to Yongtai Rubber Factory to investigate Jiang Tiezhu's work the day before yesterday and yesterday." Lin Chuangming said.


Wang Mu responded and hurried out.

Lin Chuang then said to Forensic Doctor Qiu and Liu Chunxiao: "Forensic Doctor Qiu, take the body away and conduct further dissection to see if there are any other findings. Chunxiao, go and call Jiang Tiezhu's neighbors on the left and right, and I will ask about the situation."


Qiu and Liu took the order and went.

After a while, Liu Chunxiao brought in four people, two men and two women, who were Jiang Tiezhu's neighbors.

It could be seen that these four people were a little scared, lowering their heads and not daring to look at Lin Chuang.

"Don't be afraid. I just want to understand the situation and ask you a few questions. As long as you tell the truth, I will let you go after asking." Lin Chuang said kindly.

"Sir, just ask, we promise to tell the truth."

An older man said boldly.

"Did you hear anything going on in this yard last night?" Lin Chuang asked.

"Sir, I went to bed early last night and was woken up by peeing. I put on my clothes and went to the hut. I heard a sound on her door, and then I heard footsteps heading towards the entrance of the alley."

"Do you remember what time it was?"

"Sir, we don't have a watch, so how can we know the time?"

This chapter has been completed!
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