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Chapter 823: My childhood sweetheart also cheated? (I wish all book friends a happy New Year's Day)

Although the neighbor's answer did not provide the exact time when the murderer left, it still provided useful information.

Under normal circumstances, the time a person can hold urine is less than 6 hours. After eating and drinking a lot of water, the time will be shorter, between 3-4 hours, and it will take longer after sleeping.

People from ordinary families often go to bed after eating in order to save electricity.

It was dark now at 5:30. Assuming that the man went to bed after dinner at 6, then the time when he was awakened by urine should be between 9 and 10 o'clock - basically consistent with the autopsy results of Qiu Forensic Doctor.

"Are you familiar with Jiang Tiezhu's family?" Lin Chuang asked again.

"We know each other, but not very well. Even if we meet and say hello, we will borrow and borrow very little." The same older man answered.

It is also a fact that people in the city have a bad relationship with their neighbors.

"According to your observations, does Han Chunhua, oh, the woman from this family, have any romantic partners?" Lin Chuang asked.

"They don't ask each other about anything. We don't know about this. However, for a month or two, every time the man in his family works the night shift, he can always hear something going on in her house."

"Is the movement unusual?"

"In the past, her sewing machine was always making noise, and the sound of opening and closing doors was rarely heard. However, these days, the sewing machines have stopped making loud noises. There are more sounds of opening and closing doors, and sometimes I can still hear this woman's laughter. I

I also told my wife, why is this wife laughing at home alone? My wife also said, that is a promiscuous smile."

"Did you hear that kind of sound? That kind of sound between men and women, how to put it,...you know."

"I heard it the night before yesterday. It seemed like she was in the south room of her house, like a fucking dog breeder."

"Did you also hear it after being suffocated?" Lin Chuang asked.

"Yes. My hut is in the southwest corner, very close to her south house, so I heard it very true."

"Other than that, is there anything else going on?" Lin Chuang asked again.

"Eat too much meat." This time it was a woman who spoke.

"What's the meaning?"

"Her family often stews meat, which is delicious." The female neighbor replied.

"We didn't stew meat very often in the past, but now we stew meat more often, right?" Lin Chuang asked.

"Isn't that what it is? I also said, is this family getting rich or something? They eat stew meat every three days. In the past, I could smell the fragrance of her house during the Chinese New Year, and even if my relatives from the countryside came, the dead woman would

I don’t want to eat stewed meat, but I’m going to die.” The female neighbor had a look of disdain on her face.

Lin Chuang could feel that behind the disdainful expression of the female neighbor, there was deep jealousy - it is normal in the world to hate people but laugh at others.

"Is there anything else?" Lin Chuang asked again.

"No more, sir."

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation. Please come back." Lin Chuang stood up and said politely.

"Sir, you are such a good person. You even said thank you to us. You are such a good person..."

The four people were stunned by Lin Chuang's "politeness". They sighed and retreated.

"How about we enforce the law in a civilized manner?" Lin Chuang secretly thought.

Based on the information provided by the neighbors, two conclusions can be drawn: first, Han Chunhua must have a lover, who often comes to have trysts while Jiang Tiezhu is at work; second, the frequency of meat eating in her family has increased, and from her "dead"

Judging from her character, she shouldn't have paid for the meat, but it should have something to do with the lover who showed up within two months.

Of course, there is also a piece of information that seems to be related to Yang Yutang, that is, the person who was working with Han Chunhua in the South Room the night before yesterday was Yang Yutang?

Lin Chuang felt that that person should be Yang Yutang.

There are three reasons:

First, there was no bed in the south room, so you had to stand while doing things, and Yang Yutang died because he was standing while doing things;

Second, Han Chunhua's trysts with her lover must have been in the main house, because the neighbors had heard her laughing in the main house;

Third, the neighbor heard that the time when Han Chunhua was doing things should be between nine and ten o'clock, and the time when Yang Yutang was killed was after ten o'clock. It is also logical to infer from the time.

So, if this hypothesis is true, the person who killed Yang Yutang and Han Chunhua should be the same person.

And this person is the most suspected of being Han Chunhua's lover.

The next most important thing is to find this person.

The people Wang Mu sent to Yongtai Rubber Factory to investigate came back and reported to Lin Chuang that Jiang Tiezhu worked the night shift the day before yesterday and yesterday, and had never left the factory during work - both his co-workers and the janitor could prove this.

At the same time, Jiang Tiezhu was also brought back.

Lin Chuang saw that he was walking with a slight limp, which he couldn't tell without looking carefully. He was less than 1.7 meters tall, his eyes were as swollen as walnuts, and he was quite depressed, which showed that he was really sad about his wife's death and it was a huge blow to him.


Upon meeting him, and with the previous investigation of him, Lin Chuang's suspicions about him were basically dispelled.

"Jiang Tiezhu, how old are you this year?" Lin Chuang asked.

"Sir, I am 29 years old this year." Jiang Tiezhu replied.

"Where are you from?"

"Originally from Hunan."

"Have you seen this purse?" Lin Chuang motioned to Wang Mu to take out the gold thread purse and show it to Jiang Tiezhu.

Jiang Tiezhu looked at it, shook his head and replied, "I haven't seen it before."

"Can your wife embroider purses?"

"Yes, my wife and I are from the same village. We grew up together. When I left to serve as a soldier, she embroidered a purse for me, which was embroidered with mandarin ducks and lotus flowers."

"Childhood sweethearts, childhood sweethearts, such a relationship should be very deep. I wonder why Han Chunhua cheated on her? Could it be that such a relationship cannot withstand the test?" Lin Chuang thought.

"A soldier? When did you become a soldier? In the 23rd year of the Republic of China, you served as a soldier under Commander Xing."

Under Commander Xing, it was the 6th Division of the National Army, the garrison unit stationed in Shanghai before the Songhu Battle. After the Songhu Battle, Commander Xing was shot by the Chairman.

"Why did you stop working later? Did you become a deserter?"

"No, it's not. In the 25th year of the Republic of China, I broke my leg while training, so I retired and worked in a rubber factory. Then I got married to Chunhua, took her from my hometown, and settled her here.


No wonder he's a little lame, it turns out he broke his leg.

"Jiang Tiezhu, although there is something unpleasant to say, in order to solve the case, I have to ask it. I hope you will answer it truthfully."

"Sir, you ask, and I will answer truthfully."

"Do you know your wife has a lover?"

"Ah? Impossible, impossible. Sir, you must be mistaken. She is not that kind of person. She is very kind to me."

When Jiang Tiezhu heard this, his face turned red and he shook his head in denial. From the looks of it, if Lin Chuang hadn't been a policeman, he would have beaten someone.

"Jiang Tiezhu, don't get excited. The reason why I said this is definitely not based on nonsense, let alone slandering the reputation of the deceased? Think about it again, has there been anything special about your wife in the past month or two?"

Lin Chuang asked.

He believes that if his wife cheats on her, although the husband may be the last to know, he will definitely notice something strange about his wife - unless he doesn't want to think about it.

This chapter has been completed!
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