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Chapter 853: Killing two birds with one stone is brilliant

"Who is he? He has a motive for murder. He should understand the principle of 'Coke meets milk'. Moreover, the second aunt drinks milk every day and asked Fu Shengyuan to buy coffee that day. In addition to that, he has all the murder points.

Already?" Fairy Shigong asked.

"It's not just Fu Shengbai and his second concubine who are looking forward to living together after Fu Xiao'an's death. You must know that Fu Xiao'an's government is very chaotic. In addition to Fu Shengbai and his second concubine having an affair, Fu Shengyuan, Xiaomei, Xiaozhu and Zheng

Yansheng, Xiaoju and Zheng Yanshou all have an unclear relationship. This is what Xiaolan told me. Although it is her one-sided statement, it should not be wrong. In addition, the aunt is also like a wolf and a tiger.

Given her age, it's hard to say whether she has had adultery with others. Anyway, I think she looks honest, but she may not be free from trouble. This is a problem," said Lin Chuangdao.

"Don't overturn a boatload of people with a pennie and think so badly of women." Yunzi Nakano rolled his eyes at Lin Chuang.

"No, you are wrong. I don't have a bad feeling about women. On the contrary, I am full of sympathy for the women in his house.

This is how I look at it. Between physical desires and moral restraints, many women ultimately choose to betray. There is no other way. We cannot ask everyone to endure hardships in order to abide by their so-called duties. That is too restrictive to human nature.

Human nature is very powerful. If the balance of yin and yang cannot be achieved, something will eventually happen.

Only when Yin and Yang are balanced can there be full of vitality.

Therefore, the root cause still lies with Fu Xiaoan.

It's okay for you to be vigorous and vigorous, women can be exposed to rain and dew, and they won't have other thoughts. You are already seventy or eighty years old, and you still dominate five or six young women who are as beautiful as flowers and jade.

Enyi, this is tantamount to death." Lin Chuang retorted.

"Lin Sang's theory of yin and yang is very profound. It is not only useful for running a family, but also has profound inspiration for doing things and running a country." Quan Yangjian agreed with Lin Chuang's theory.

"Director Lin, if it were you, what would you do? Can you guarantee that you will be exposed to both rain and dew? You have a lot of women!" Nakano Yunzi looked at Lin Chuang with evil intentions and asked.

"Of course I will try my best to get the rain and dew evenly. If I can't do it, then let it go. I still have this courage and heart. Miss Yunzi, I disappoint you. So far, my woman is still satisfied.

He who is capable is always capable and can do anything!" Lin Chuang boasted without shame, his face not red, his heart not beating.

"Just blow it." Nakano Yunzi curled her lips disdainfully: "Some people are satisfied, and some people are just people who can't see you for a few days? That's it, you are still out messing around every day. Yes, now

You are young, rich, and you look almost human-like. When you get older, I think you may not look like Fu Xiaoan."

"Hey, Miss Yunzi, you are worrying too much. Anyway, no matter how hard you try, if you want to get involved in my rain and dew, I still don't want to." Lin Chuang said shamelessly.

"Bah! Get out of here, who cares about you little hooligan? You are so shameless!" Nakano Yunko spat.

Inukai Ken and Shigong Xianzi were no longer surprised by the quarrel between the two, and they both looked at the two with ambiguous smiles.

"A man is not bad, but a bit perverted. If a man is not coquettish, he is a idiot. If a man is not carefree, he must be mentally ill. If a man is not a hooligan, he has abnormal development." Lin Chuang continued with a wicked smile.

"Shut up, you are making all kinds of lies! Let's continue talking about the case. Why are you talking about all this nonsense?" Nakano Yunzi finally lost to Lin Chuang's shamelessness and quickly changed the subject.

"It was you who provoked me. Cough, go on." Lin Chuang coughed dryly and said seriously: "Second, it's Coca-Cola and milk. Coca-Cola was only found in Fu Shengbai's room of the second aunt, but did you find it?

Noticed that Fu Shengyuan said that she bought ten bottles of Coca-Cola for her second aunt. There were five bottles in her room, four bottles were unopened, and one bottle was half drunk; and she gave the other five bottles to Fu Shengbai, but Fu Shengbai

Not a single drink from the bottle, it was intact.

Then there is milk. Those who insist on drinking milk are Mrs. Fu, the eldest son, and the second son. The Fu family has access to milk, so it’s not just these three women."

"But isn't there half a bottle missing from the second child's room?" Nakano Yunzi asked.

Lin Chuang didn't answer. He stood up, picked up a thermos bottle, and poured the water from the thermos bottle into the basin.

"Miss Yunzi, look." Lin Chuang poured the water from the transparent glass bottle into the thermos, which happened to be full.

"What inspiration?" Lin Chuang asked.

"To fill the thermos, you need four bottles of Coca-Cola and one pound of milk," Yunzi Nakano said.

"Yes. I remember the second aunt said that she went to the living room to get water and found that two were empty and one was full. What does this mean?"

"Does it mean that the water turned into 'milk meets Coke' was filled by the murderer into a pot?" Yunko Nakano asked.



Nakano Yunko understood it, and so did Ken Inukai and Senji Shigong.

"Director Lin is so attentive." Fairy Shi Gong praised.

"Along with fawning, you are just fawning. Are you also looking forward to getting in his way?" Nakano Yunzi said unceremoniously.

Fairy Shigong did not dare to refute, lowered her head and remained silent.

"What are you doing? What do you mean by flattery or not? Why do you speak so harshly? Miss Yunzi, there is a poem about you, are you interested in listening to it?" Lin Chuang immediately stepped in to defend.

"What poem?" Nakano Yunzi asked.

"It has the appearance of flowers and willows on the outside, but the nature of wind and thunder on the inside." Lin Chuang said.

"What do you mean? It's not a good poem, right?" Nakano Yunzi asked.

"Hehehe... Nakano, he is saying that you are good-looking but have a bad temper." Inukai Ken explained cheerfully.

"Lin, are you looking for trouble?!"

Nakano Yunzi became anxious when he heard this and glared at Lin Chuang.

"Look, isn't this the true portrayal of that poem?" Lin Chuang didn't frighten her, and turned to Quan Yangjian and said.

"Tell me about the case, tell me about the case." Inu Yangjian said with a smile.

"Okay, go on. Really, you keep interrupting me." Lin Chuang glanced at Yunzi Nakano dissatisfied.

Nakano Yunzi was so angry, she really accepted Lin Chuang's shamelessness.

"To sum up, Fu Shengbai and his second aunt had a motive for murder, but they were not the only ones. The reason why I said it was not them was precisely because the Coca-Cola was not opened.

The murderer is very smart. He designed this murder plan not only to achieve the purpose of killing Fu Xiao'an, but also to put the blame on this couple. As you know, these two people are hated by everyone in the house, and there is nothing good about them.


"Kill two birds with one stone?" Yunzi Nakano asked.

"Yes, killing two birds with one stone. At the same time, he also let this pair of bad guys attract artillery fire and provide himself with cover." Lin Chuang replied.

"So, is this the aunt?"


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