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Chapter 854: Betrayal because the price is enough

"The boss did participate. In fact, the participants were not one person, but a group of people." Lin Chuangdao.

"A group of people?" Nakano Yunzi asked.

"Yes. Some people want to buy Coke and milk. They have to mix the milk and Coke together to make water, boil it and pour it into a thermos bottle. Some people want to take the thermos bottle to the living room, and some people want to bring it to Fu Xiao'an's bedroom.

The thermos bottle in the room must be taken away in advance; someone has to use up the water in the other two thermos bottles in the living room. Only in this way can we ensure that the second child goes downstairs to get water, and also ensure that when the second child gets water, he must take the water from this thermos bottle.

So many things cannot be accomplished by one person," said Lin Chuang.

"Oh, I understand. Boss washes his hair just to use up the water in the other two thermos bottles?"

"Yes. Not only that, she also has a job to do, which is to replace the thermos bottle left in the living room after the second son goes downstairs."


"Yes. When Coca Cola meets milk, it turns into transparent water, but the water has a sweet taste. I have tasted the water in the master bedroom and the water in the thermos bottle in the living room. They are different.

.So I thought, someone must have replaced the thermos bottle.

Miss Yunzi, you have seen me drinking water in the boss’s room, right?”

"Ah, yes. Oh, I understand, you kid is talking about things like gourds and gourds, your skin is white, what is it, so you just want to drink that water?"

"What do you think? I will be so idle talking about those things with a strange woman?"

"You are so traitorous!" Nakano Yunzi said.

This time he did not argue with Lin Chuang, although his words were very vulgar.

"Smart doesn't mean cunning. Pay attention to your words." Lin Chuang said.

"My aunt was involved in the murder of Fu Xiao'an? This is illogical." Quan Yangjian interrupted the argument between the two in time and asked.

This question he really got to the point.

The motive for murder is always the prerequisite for committing a crime. Without motive, how can one kill?

This is also an aspect that Lin Chuang has no evidence for.

He can't say that it was the boss's brother Sun Shou who came to her and influenced her with national justice, right? Wouldn't that expose Sun Shou?

Of course, he had already thought of his words, just to deal with other people's doubts.

"Director, can the second aunt have Fu Shengbai? Is the eldest wife just a person who abides by her duties? Can't she have Fu Shengyuan?

Of course, this is my inference. Regarding this matter, Xiaolan once had a wonderful cucumber theory. Do you want to listen to me?"

"Cucumber theory?"

"Yes, she said, 'Women are like cucumbers. The young ones with flowers and thorns on top are the most delicious. The old ones are dark-colored, thick-skinned and chewy. The older ones turn green and turn yellow and are barely edible. The oldest ones become cucumbers.

Planted and cut teeth.'"

"Wonderful theory! Wonderful! I didn't expect that this wonderful theory came from a servant." Inukai Ken praised.

"The head of the agency, Xiaolan, also said that Mei, Lan, Zhu, and Ju are all Fu Xiao'an's maids, that is, they perform sexual intercourse on behalf of the master when the master is inconvenient. This is what happened in the Qing Dynasty in China.

The rules have changed now, but I didn’t expect that Fu Xiaoan is still using it. Unfortunately, he is no longer able to put out the fires of these women, big and small, so Miss Xiaolan is forced to use cucumbers to meet her physiological needs. "

"Ah? Such a thing happened?"

Inukai Ken glanced at Nakano Yunko and Shigong Senzi meaningfully, then leaned forward with interest and asked.

"Haha, of course. If I hadn't discovered her privacy, she wouldn't have been able to tell me many of Fu's secrets." Lin Chuang said with a smile.

Nakano Yunzi and Shi Gongxianzi had no expressions on their faces, as if they had not heard the conversation between the two perverts.

"I understand, Plum, Orchid, Bamboo and Chrysanthemum is like this. It's not surprising that my aunt and wife have other crushes. It's too cheap to have an affair with Zheng Yansheng's brother, and Fu Shengbai was beaten to the throne by his second aunt, so it's very possible that he has a crush on Fu Shengyuan, right?

What’s the truth?” Inu Yangjian asked.

"Yes, I think so. As the chief butler, it is normal for Fu Shengyuan to wash the dishes for the master. Of course, this inference has yet to be confirmed, but it is not difficult." Lin Chuang replied.

"Brushing the pot? Lin Ming, please don't say it so harshly, okay?" Nakano Yunzi grew up in the Northeast, and her Chinese is very good. Although she doesn't understand the meaning of "washing the pot" in matters between men and women, when she thinks about it,

This kind of action, without thinking deeply, you can understand the ambiguous meaning of this sentence.

"Miss Yunzi, please stop thinking nonsense, okay? We are talking about business, why are you always thinking about that kind of thing? This is not good." Lin Chuang said seriously.

"Hey! You!" Nakano Yunzi couldn't help but feel angry.

"Oh, Director Lin, according to your inference, the thermos bottle in the bedroom was taken away by Xiaomei, and the thermos bottle in the living room was also brought by Xiaomei. Does that mean Xiaomei was also involved?" Fairy Shi Gong is very smart, and when she meets her boss,

Frustrated, he immediately changed the subject.

"Yes. It is indeed Xiaomei who did these things." Lin Chuang said.

"Xiaomei? How could she be involved? Is it also because of Fu Shengyuan?" Inukai Ken asked curiously.

"Yes. Xiaomei is also Fu Shengyuan's best friend."

"So, the mastermind behind this is Fu Shengyuan?"

"Yes, it's Fu Shengyuan. In addition to him, Er Zheng is also suspected. Because as a housekeeper, Fu Shengyuan cannot do things like boiling water and lifting kettles by himself. In order for him to complete these necessary actions, he must have two people to help him." Lin

Create a path.

"Ah? According to you, except for Mrs. Fu, the second concubine and Fu Shengbai, almost everyone in the house participated?" Nakano Yunzi asked.

"No, the guards and Xiaolan, Xiaozhu and Xiaoju don't know about it," Lin Chuang said.

"Fu Shengyuan, who has been with Fu Xiao'an all his life, would he kill him for a woman? Lin Sang, this assumption is a bit unreasonable." The person who asked this question was Inu Yangjian.

"As long as the price of betrayal is high enough, no one will betray you. Two women are very important," Lin Chuang said.

"This is just your inference, there is no evidence at all." Nakano Yunzi said.

"Of course there is. I have asked someone to investigate. He bought fourteen bottles of Coca-Cola, not the ten bottles he said. Why did he leave four bottles? Because each bottle is 230 ml, and four bottles are almost a pound.

Mix one pound of milk to get exactly one thermos bottle of water. Miss Yunzi, one thermos bottle of water is exactly two pounds. As you saw just now, my experiment used equal amounts of Coca-Cola and milk."

"When did you investigate?" Nakano Yunzi asked curiously.

"Don't you remember that I asked Zhang Jin to go to my sister's house?" Lin Chuang asked.

"Oh, you clearly sent him to Wu's house, but secretly you sent someone to investigate the matter?"


"Why don't you tell me? Why do you have to act secretly?" Yunzi Nakano asked.

Lin Chuang spread his hands and did not answer.

His meaning is obvious, is there any need to answer this?

This chapter has been completed!
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