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Chapter 909 Tighten the cage to prevent tigers from escaping

Nakano Yunko was very unhappy.

The target escapes right under your nose, which makes people feel very frustrated.

"Cobra! Don't let me catch you. As long as you let me catch you, I won't be able to relieve my anger until I crush you to ashes!"

She returned to Chongguang Hall and asked Fairy Shi Gong to take Bai Lingxia into custody first. She returned to the office, gritting her teeth in anger.

"Your Excellency, Section Chief, Li Shiqun and Wu Sibao would like to see you." Kameda came in to report.

"It's so fast. No wonder Lin Ming slipped away." Yunzi Nakano thought to himself.

"Come in." Yunzi Nakano ordered.

"Your Excellency, Section Chief..."

As soon as Li Shiqun opened his mouth, Nakano Yunzi waved his hand to stop him.

"Deputy Director Li, Captain Wu, are you here because of Bai Lingxia's matter? The military commander we worked so hard to find turned out to be her man, and he escaped under the noses of Director Lin and I. Even if she is not an accomplice,

But it cannot be separated from the relationship. Moreover, the opponent can accurately grasp our actions, so it is obvious that there is an insider."

Speaking of this, Nakano Yunzi stared at Li Shiqun and Wu Sibao and said word by word: "So, don't mention this matter again."

"Your Excellency, Section Chief, Xiaoxia is very naive..."

Li Shiqun wanted to defend himself again, but Nakano Yunzi's face dropped: "Deputy Director Li, I said not to mention it again, didn't you hear me?"


Li Shiqun saw Nakano Yunzi's eyes as sharp as a knife, and coupled with the word "traitor" she just said, he didn't dare to mention it again.

Wu Sibao rolled his eyes and asked: "Your Excellency, Section Chief, where is Xiao Ming?"

Nakano Yunzi was always angry and resentful. Li Shiqun had a high status and it was difficult to say anything. She had no taboo against Wu Sibao.

Wu Sibao didn't even look at him and insisted on hitting the head of the gun, but Yunzi Nakano scolded him right in the face.

"Why are you asking him? I asked you to check the red peony. It's a good thing for you that you skipped such an important place as the rose garden and let the agents live happily under our noses. They are still playing with you as their sister. If I had earlier

You hid aside, I didn’t expect you to have the nerve to intercede?! If you ask me, you might be the traitor!”


Wu Sibao imitated the Japanese way of lowering his head and looking at his toes, not daring to say anything more.

She didn't say anything, but she was cursing in her heart: "Damn, Japanese women are such wastes! You know how to fight with me, but why don't you dare to fight with Xiao Ming? He is here, and you are still obedient, like a cat in heat?"

Come on, I don’t have the same knowledge as you. I’ll go find Xiao Ming later. If I don’t have the respect, you won’t give him the same respect?”

"Deputy Director Li, what happened to Zhang Qiang and Liu Deshan?" Nakano Yunzi lost his temper for a while and finally calmed down.

"We have been closely monitoring them. So far, the two of them are behaving normally. The mutton soup stall is still operating as usual, and there is no impact." Li Shiqun replied.

"Zhang Ying has not been home for two days. Will it not arouse Zhang Qiang's suspicion?"

"Her colleagues have told her family that Zhang Ying has been sent to Nanjing for training and will be on a business trip for a month."

"Didn't you show any flaws?"

"No. Zhang Ying often went out to study before, and her parents didn't suspect it."

"Deputy Director Li, we need to step up the interrogation of Zhang Ying and try to get useful information from her. In addition, Zhang Qiang and Liu Deshan are the key points here. I estimate that the killer will escape and contact them soon. You will be responsible for it personally. This time

We can no longer let them escape."

"Yes, I will be in charge personally in this humble position, and there will never be any mistakes."

Li Shiqun was humiliated by Nakano Yunzi. He thought that as long as he kept a close eye on Zhang Qiang and Liu Deshan and caught their superiors, he would have the opportunity to mention Beringxia again.

What's more, Nakano Yunzi mentioned "internal thieves", which obviously made him suspicious of himself and Wu Sibao.

Otherwise, why didn't she say a word about the Bund? What happened to the warning kite? She didn't reveal it at all, and she was obviously wary of me.

This is the only chance, a chance to cleanse yourself and save your god-sister.

After coming out of Chongguang Hall, Wu Sibao got into Li Shiqun's car: "Brother, where are you going?"

"I'll go find Tang Huiming and see how he arranged it."

"Then I'll go find Lin Ming. Only he can talk to me."

"Lin Ming is cunning. He is obviously hiding and refuses to get involved. What's the use of looking for him?"

"Brother, only he can handle Section Chief Nakano. Your face is not good, and others are not good either. If I ask his sister to come forward, he dares to sneak away again?"

"Okay, you can go ahead and do it. Also, let me tell Master that Xiaoxia won't be able to get out for the time being because of the storm, but I guess Section Chief Nakano won't let her suffer."


Wu Sibao nodded, got off Li Shiqun's car, got into his own car, and drove to Orchid Garden.

Li Shiqun arrived at the Gendeli Police Station and was greeted by Tang Huiming and Song Wenlin.

"Why are you still here? Is anyone watching at Baoheng?" Li Shiqun asked displeasedly.

"People have been arranged. Li Shui and the police station director are just watching." Tang Huiming replied.

"Tell me about your layout." Li Shiqun didn't even take a sip of water. As soon as he entered the simple office, he went straight to the topic.

"Yes." Tang Huiming took a pen and drew on a piece of paper while reporting his arrangements.

"Sir, this is Baoheng Bridge. There are stalls selling fruits, vegetables and groceries on both sides of the bridge. There is a small river under the bridge, about one foot wide, and boats often pass by.

On the southwest side of the bridge is Zhang Qiang's mutton soup stall. There is a wooden shed to the south of the stall, where the two of them live and cook soup and meat. On the west side of the shed is a bath, called Ruyi Bath, which is a two-story shed.

To the south is a row of residential buildings, to the north is Bao Heng Road, and across the road are all shops.

The humble job is arranged like this:

First, there are two of our people, one pretending to be a cigarette vendor, and the other pretending to be a countryman selling rice. One of the two is fixed and the other is mobile, which is convenient for observation and transmission of news.

Second, on the second floor of Ruyi Bath, our people take baths continuously, ensuring that there are two people monitoring the mutton soup stall at all times. In addition, Ruyi Bath baths during the day and serves as a hotel for the poor at night, so we take a bath every day.

Two people stayed there that night.

Third, we found a house on the second floor of a grocery store opposite, and set up a surveillance point there. This surveillance point had a back door, and we could enter through the back door to avoid being discovered by Zhang Qiang and Liu Deshan.

Fourth, Beizhi also arranged two vehicles to ambush in the east of Qiaodong and west of Ruyi Bathing Pool. A team of deputy captain Huang Songqun led the team and could maneuver at any time.

Sir, these are the four arrangements for your humble position."

Li Shiqun nodded, thought about it, and said: "It's not bad, we basically surrounded the two of them. However, there is one place where the arrangement is not very appropriate."

"Sir, please clarify."

This chapter has been completed!
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