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Chapter 910 Lin Chuang's Weakness

While talking, Tang Huiming drew a map, clearly marking the location and terrain of "Baoheng Yangtang" and the deployment of his own personnel.

Li Shiqun pointed to the small river: "It is not good if there is no one on the river to monitor them. We must prevent them from escaping from the river."

"Yes, yes, I was negligent in my duties."

Tang Huiming agreed with his mouth, but he didn't agree in his heart: "We are all our people in the front, back, left, and right, and we still allow him to escape through the waterway? It's obviously a demonstration of his ability."

Another thought, it's right, which official doesn't do this? He points out the faults, negligence, loopholes and flaws of his subordinates to show his cleverness.

Those who know how to be subordinates will often deliberately leave loopholes when their superiors inspect and guide their work to satisfy their superiors' desire to be teachers.

"Let's go to the surveillance point. I want to take charge personally."

Li Shiqun stood up and said.

"Sir, there is no need for you to go in person. I can do the job for you." Tang Huiming quickly stopped him.

Li Shiqun didn't answer and just walked out. Tang Huiming and others had to follow.

After Li Shiqun left, Nakano Yunzi called Fairy Shi Gong in.

"Major Shi Gong, look at this kite, what can you see?" Yunzi Nakano asked, pointing to the scorpion kite on the desk.

"..." Fairy Shi Gong pondered for a while and said: "I feel that this kite is specially made into the shape of a scorpion. It is very possible that Sun Songhe's code name is related to a scorpion. Only in this way can we attract his attention."

"There is no doubt about this. The opponent made the kite so big that it stood out in the sky full of flying kites. It itself has the meaning of attracting attention. It was specially made into the shape of a scorpion. It must be related to Sun Songhe's code name, or the code name of the person who warned him.

Scorpions are related, and one of the two must be one."

"Yes. In addition, making it so big may also be to highlight the paintings of candles and mirrors. In other words, these two paintings may be related to the code words of the two of them." Fairy Shi Gong continued.

"Well, only in this way can we attract Sun Songhe's attention and quickly win his trust."

"Can this further explain that the person who issued the warning did not know Sun Songhe?"

"Yes, they don't know each other. In other words, the person who warned us already knew that Sun Songhe might be exposed. Moreover, this kite must have been made long ago and was just waiting for us to fly the kite and then use this long-distance transmission method.

Warning in the form of intelligence.”

Speaking of this, Nakano Yunzi was suddenly startled, and a thought suddenly flashed through his mind: "It was Lin Ming who used the excuse to seduce Bai Lingxia on the phone, and then suggested flying a kite. Could it be him?"

Then he thought: "If it was him, then everything has a reasonable explanation. He prepared the scorpion kite early, drew the contact code, and then proposed to fly the kite, and set up an ambush near the Bund to respond. After the incident was completed, he would

He escaped because he was busy with his business, and his purpose was to meet Sun Songhe as soon as possible in order to rescue Zhang Qiang and Liu Deshan."

Thinking of this, she shuddered: "It would be terrible if Lin Chuang was a cobra!"

After Fairy Shigong saw Yunzi Nakano say that, she was suddenly stunned, and then her face turned very ugly. She thought about it carefully and suddenly understood: "Your Excellency, Section Chief, you don't doubt Mr. Lin, do you?"

Nakano Yunzi glanced at Fairy Shigong and nodded heavily.

Fairy Shi Gong shook her head and said firmly: "Impossible, this is simply a fantasy. Your Excellency, Section Chief, Mr. Lin has a family and a business, and the family business is so big, it does not meet the characteristics of a spy. Moreover, in the past we had

Several major cases were solved by him. How to explain it if he was a military spy? For example, in the case of General Nishio, if he was a military spy, would he have exposed Saburo Miura's tricks? Can't we let them kill each other?


"Needless to say, I know what he has done for the empire in the past. Including the construction of the Sino-Japanese Cultural Exchange Center, and our repeated tests of him have proven his reliability. However, it was he who suggested flying a kite.

,How to explain this?" Nakano Yunzi asked.

"Your Excellency, Section Chief, there must be something wrong somewhere, definitely." Fairy Shi Gong said.

"I can't believe it. It would be terrible if he were the commander of the military. From the head of the agency, Zhu Daoshan, to Wu Sibao and Shibuya River, everyone has a close relationship with him. Including you and me, we all have a good personal relationship with him. He is so powerful.

With his network of connections, what secrets can be kept from him in Shanghai? But only if he is the military commander, can the matter of the kite be explained clearly," Nakano Yunzi said.

"Your Excellency, Section Chief, sometimes, the more reasonable it seems, the less it is the truth. I felt that someone might have seen him getting too close to us, so I took this opportunity to use a counter-intuitive plan. Anyway, I don't believe Mr. Lin.

It's a military secret agent. Really, this is illogical." Fairy Shi Gong couldn't tell the truth and couldn't provide any evidence, but she tried her best to speak for Lin Chuang.

"Major Shi Gong, don't be blinded by emotions." Nakano Yunzi squinted at Fairy Shi Gong and said.

"No, no, no, Mr. Section Chief, I do appreciate Mr. Lin's talent, but my feelings are still based on him being a friend of the empire. Without this foundation, he will be Beizi's mortal enemy. I will kill him."

Without any hesitation, please believe in the loyalty of your humble position." Fairy Shi Gong quickly defended.

"Well, I believe you." Yunzi Nakano said, standing up, holding his hands on his chest, and walked a few steps in the room. Thinking back to the scene when Lin Chuang proposed flying a kite, he suddenly thought of a possibility: "In Lin Chuang's case,

There was an interval of two hours between Ming and Beringxia when they finished their phone call and went to the Bund. If anyone knew about this, they would have had time to prepare the kite. So, how did Cobra know about this phone call? On our side, except for him, it is you and me.

, no one else was present. Could it be Beringxia? Or someone monitored her phone calls? "

"I believe the news has been leaked," Fairy Shi Gong said.

"Oh, you trust him so much?"

"Yes, I believe that Mr. Lin would not do such a stupid thing. If he were a military spy, would he leave such a big flaw? He is such a shrewd person, and he will definitely do it flawlessly. Therefore, there must be someone maliciously provoking us.

The relationship between them." Fairy Shi Gong said.

Nakano Yunzi thought about it and felt that what Fairy Shigong said was reasonable.

"After Sun Songhe escaped, Lin Ming kept reminding me that there might be a thief. Could it be that he had already sensed something was wrong and was afraid of offending or being jealous of that person, so he escaped with an excuse? Yes, Fairy Shi Gong is right. He is such a shrewd person. Look,

After Kite sent the warning message, he must have thought about the news leaking. Fairy Shigong and I can think of things, and there is no reason why he can't think of it. If that is the case, who is the thief?"

Thinking along this line of thought, Nakano Yunzi didn't dare to think about it anymore.

"Bring Beringxia to trial!"

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