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Chapter 1206: The inside should be combined with the outside (1)

A look of violence and greed flashed across his eyes.

The female night watchman in front of her showed an uncharacteristically ferocious smile, bowed her body, and quickly moved back a long distance from "King Shura".

A loud sound~~

The dark heavy sword made a sharp whisper.

"Who are you?!"

A powerful biological force field rose into the sky. "King Shura" held a heavy sword and shouted in a deep voice. The ghost cavalry behind him quickly dispatched, and the sound of horse hooves roared everywhere, instantly surrounding the intruder.

"Haha, why are you nervous?"

The Xiaoya in front of her had a perverse expression, and she deliberately flirted and said, "Am I not your little human girlfriend? Who else could I be?"

As soon as these words came out.

All the Nether Cavalry frowned.

The other party's words are undoubtedly a kind of ridicule and humiliation for the Shura clan freaks in the "Valley of the End".

"Shameless person, shut up!"

His eyes widened violently.

"King Shura" suddenly became angry from embarrassment. The past with Xiaoya was still vivid in his mind, and the anger surged in his heart.


The dark heavy sword streaked across the sky, and the sharp sword energy was unstoppable on the spot. Like thunder, it struck hard at the counterfeit in front of him.


Flying sand bursts out and smoke and dust rise.

After the violent explosion, only a huge crater was left on the spot, but there was no trace of the enemy at all.

"Haha, I really miss the sword skills of the Shura clan..."

Suddenly there was a strange sound in the sky.

Everyone looked up and saw that the counterfeit just now was already suspended in mid-air.

The skin all over his body is slowly dissolving, gradually revealing the dark purple skin under the camouflage.

"However, compared to that old guy back then, your strength is still too weak, and you are simply not good enough..."

Startled violently.

"King Shura" was stunned on the spot, looking at the unrecognizable enemy in the sky, and the tall figure of the old King Shura in his memory immediately appeared in front of his eyes.

"You are the leader of those guys ten years ago?!"

Pieces of rotten flesh fell from the sky one after another, and the body of the impostor in mid-air began to expand rapidly, gradually pushing out a series of previous disguises from the body, revealing his true face.

It's like a huge piece of purple fat floating in the sky.

The Zhu Da in front of him had already turned on the "Absolute Arms" state, and his skin exuded a deep purple color.

His back was bulging, and his facial features were as tender as a newborn baby. However, his big mouth was full of ferocious fangs, and his huge limbs were swinging in the air, showing a very powerful appearance.

The aura of "super level" emanates from Zhu Da's body.

The aura was so strong that it was no weaker than the "King Shura" in front of him.

"Haha, I didn't expect that you still remember me..."

He chuckled crazily.

Zhu Da raised his eyebrows slightly, shook his head and said contemptuously: "After ten years, I finally came back here. It's all thanks to you idiots for trusting a female night watchman so much..."

There was a pause.

Looking up at the clear sky, Zhu Da took a deep breath greedily and said with disdain: "You and your father are exactly the same, you are also so naive, you actually hope that freaks and humans can coexist peacefully...


Looking greedily at the "Psychic Spring" in the distance.

The sparkling light reflects the colorful brilliance, as dazzling as the Milky Way in the starry sky.

"You clearly have a great miracle, but if you don't use it properly, you will only have these unrealistic dreams all day long..."

He opened his mouth wide, revealing sharp fangs.

Zhu Da stretched out his arms, and a pair of dark metal arms immediately stood out from the purple biological armor.

"In this case, it is better to leave these great benefits to me, so as not to end up with the tragic end of the pearl being dusted in the hands of you ridiculous freaks!"

As soon as the words fell——

Zhuda in the sky moves instantaneously.

The fat and huge body flew towards the tree of life like a deflated hot air balloon.

"Stop him!"

Seeing this, the "Psychic King" yelled: "Don't let him get close to the [Psychic Spring]!"


Numerous Nether Knights jumped up, riding their horses into the air to pursue.

In an instant.

The dark iron cavalry gathered into a long river, following the purple beam of light across the sky.

"That's...what's going on?!"

In a safe cave.

Princess Netherworld and other low-level freaks heard the noise and couldn't help but poke their heads out and stare at the spectacular scene in the sky. They couldn't help but be stunned on the spot.

"Hahahaha, stupid freak..."

He looked back at the pursuers behind him.

Zhu Da grinned and took out a strange metal ball from his arms.

"Let you frogs in the well take a look at how terrifying the top power of human biotechnology is!"

Press the button on the ball hard.

Zhu Da threw his hand violently behind him and dived towards the ground without looking back.


Red light quickly shined on the ball.

Groups of Nether Cavalry swarmed forward and instantly completely submerged the ball emitting scarlet beams.


Accompanied by a soft moan.

A scorching light suddenly rose up among the cavalry, and the extreme temperature was fleeting, exuding an unparalleled power that was terrifying to the extreme.

The next moment——

The rising mushroom cloud was like a ferocious beast in the sky, swallowing up all the Netherworld Cavalry in one go.

The space exploded and everything became extinct.

The scalding heat wave spread towards all sides of the valley and plain, and the whole world was as quiet as nothing.

Even "King Shura" was knocked to the ground by the oncoming strong wind at this moment.

The Qilin colt under his crotch flipped over on its back and fell heavily down the hillside.

The original grassland was now devoured by flames.

The low-level freaks in the safe cave were also implicated. The falling rocks completely sealed the cave entrance, and only the screams and wails could be heard in the cave.

at the same time.

The large troops who had been waiting outside the valley also heard the shocking roar coming from the valley.

I suddenly cheered up.

Wilson picked up his cigar, stood up from the recliner excitedly, looked into the depths of the valley mouth, and roared loudly: "That guy Juda finally succeeded, cheer me up, everyone enters a fighting state, and rush into the valley plain.

, seize the "Spring of Psychics"!"


Hundreds of men in black boarded the vehicles one after another, and the densely packed black chariots moved side by side. The sound of the maglev engine even covered the roar in the valley.

A large amount of unnecessary baggage was discarded on the spot.

Wilson turned over and boarded his own car, picked up his cigar and grinned, commanding his Night Watchmen and driving straight into the core of the valley plain.

This chapter has been completed!
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