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Chapter 1207: The inside should be combined with the outside (2)

A large group of people belonging to "Pandora Biotechnology Company" rampaged all the way.

The chaos in the valley and plain caused the entire command system and layout of "Valley of the End" to completely collapse.

Lost the control of "King Shura".

A large number of monster beasts have completely turned into headless flies.

They can only act according to their own instincts, facing the well-trained and well-equipped Night Watch army, charging forward one after another to death.

Along the way.

A large number of monster corpses sank into the valley. The Night Watch Legion did not get off the chariot at all. After a few rounds of rail gun salvos, the battle ended. They crushed through the bloody sea of ​​corpses and continued to march deeper into the valley, as if they had entered an endless world.

The human realm.

Within the valley and plain at this moment.

After experiencing the horrific explosion just now, the paradise that was originally full of life was already lifeless.

The grass and trees are withered and the clouds are gloomy.

Under a hillside.

"King Shura" held the dark heavy sword tightly and struggled to support his body. The Qilin colt on the side snored, suddenly raised its four hooves, and stood up from the ground. It also limped to its master.



He supported the back of the horse beside him.

"King Shura" looked up at the gray sky and immediately climbed the steep hillside with anxiety in his heart.

In an instant——

The hell-like scene in front of him made him feel despair on the spot.

On the grass covered with ashes, the remains of the Ghost Knight can be seen almost everywhere.

Most of the subordinates had been killed on the spot in the explosion, and only a handful of lucky ones were far away from the core area of ​​the explosion.

Although his life was temporarily saved, he had already been paralyzed and lost his basic combat effectiveness. Now he could only struggle and twitch in the ashes. Together with the war horse, he could not even make a miserable howl.

"You bastard...how could this happen?!"

Seeing that all his brothers were wiped out.

The heart of "King Shura" is constantly bleeding. Many of these ghost knights of the Shura clan are the old team left by his father back then. They are definitely the mainstay of the defense of the "Valley of the End".

Now it has been destroyed in one fell swoop.

To cultivate a group of such combat capabilities in a short period of time requires a level of energy and time that is simply unimaginable to ordinary people.

"Oops, the tree of life..."

After half a while.

Coming out of the short-term sadness, "King Shura" quickly looked at the "Tree of Life" in the distance.

Fortunately, the towering tree still stands in place.

Using it as a dot, including the "Psychic Spring", the surrounding area of ​​several hundred meters was completely unscathed.

The power of the explosion just now was obviously blocked by its majestic vitality, so it did not damage the root cause, which can be regarded as a blessing among misfortunes.

"Hahahaha, it is indeed a sacred tree that combines the essence of life and consciousness. It can easily withstand the blasting power of the force field space compression bomb..."

The arrogant and greedy laughter sounded again on the plains.

Amidst the mottled ashes.

The huge purple body rose up and arrived in front of the Divine Tree of Life at an extremely fast speed.

The pupils bloomed with ecstatic light.

Zhu Da spread his arms, raised his head and laughed wildly: "Ten years, exactly ten years, I finally saw you again. I swore back then that I would take you as my own!"


He stepped into the spring water without any scruples. The clear spring water immediately shone with colorful light and quickly enveloped Zhu Da's body.

"Hahahaha, I can feel it..."

The fat all over his body was instantly filled with veins.

The metal arm connected to the body trembled silently, and finally began to disintegrate inch by inch.

Bath in the spring water.

Zhu Da raised his head and let out a light moan, and sighed intoxicatedly: "The awakening and evolution of self-awareness, this wonderful feeling, is really exciting!"

"You bastard——!"


A sharp sound pierced the air suddenly approaching from behind.

With a jet-black beam of light passing by, "King Shura" rode a scarred war horse, suddenly jumped from the sky, and locked the fat back of Zhu Da's neck with a sword.

"Get out of the spring!"


The killing force that destroyed the world flowed down, and the sharp sword light cut through the space, carrying a rolling heat wave to attack the powerful enemy in the spring.


Brilliant water splashes rose in response.

A brand new arm suddenly stretched out and caught the indomitable pitch-black sword with its bare hands.

"Are the Shura clan's killing rules..."

Turn back slowly.

Still immersed in the clear spring water, Zhu Da's pupils emitted a strange golden light.

He was suddenly startled.

The "King Shura" suspended in mid-air was completely confused.

He suddenly remembered some ancient legends that his father had mentioned when he was still alive.

Human beings are actually extremely terrifying creatures.

The reason why most people appear weak is because they are confused by the rich emotions and desires in their bodies.

Once their self-awareness reaches a certain level.

These seven emotions and six desires will become a shortcut for them to gain power.

At that time, this seemingly weak race will surpass itself by relying on its super strong willpower, control the desires in the body, and evolve into an extremely powerful new species.

The ultimate moment——

He may even become the only true god in the world!

"No, how is this possible?!"

"Hahahaha, thanks to the spring water here..."

The golden brilliance shines extremely brightly in the eyes.

Zhu Da, who had a sinister face in front of him, grinned and said with an extremely unrestrained smile: "I have successfully unlocked the biological restriction lock-'Golden Sloth'!"

A powerful force field aura rose up.

So much so that the entire spring began to boil silently, with colorful bubbles constantly rising.

Narrowed his eyes.

Zhu Da said word by word: "You are no match for me now!"

With a bang——

The fat purple giant fist shot through the air, as fast as a fleeting thunderbolt.


The space in front of him suddenly exploded.

"King Shura" felt that he was hit by a huge force in the face, and the flaming horse under his crotch was stunned at the same time, and the whole person flew upside down and fell far away.


The jet-black armor all over his body exploded with a sudden sound, turning into powder flying everywhere.


The "Shaman King" opened his mouth and spit out dark blood, and climbed up from the ground with great difficulty.

The reason why he could still stand up was entirely because of the protection of the freak equipment. The accompanying pitch-black armor withstood most of the damage, but it was scrapped into powder on the spot and would not bear it for him a second time.

Same blow.

As for the Qilin horse next to him, he was not so lucky. Although he struggled desperately on the ground, he could not get up no matter what, and could only make a snorting sound.


A deafening roar suddenly came from the direction of the valley entrance.

Look back from a distance.

The overwhelming number of chariots had already entered the valley plain, and a large number of Night Watch troops finally arrived as promised.

The "Valley of the End" is at stake...

This chapter has been completed!
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