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Chapter 646 Some things must be done by someone!

He took a slow sip of wine.

Bei Gong Mu's expression was calm, he was silent for a long time, and then asked: "You brat... what is your ideal?"

Stunned on the spot.

Xue Yun raised his eyebrows and was speechless!

"Answer me..."

Still looking at Longdu outside the city tower, Beigong Mu continued to ask: "Have you ever had an ideal?"

I thought about it for a long time.

Xue Yun smiled and said: "When I was wandering in the slums, I just wanted to have enough to eat. Later, I wanted to become a night watchman, and the purpose was to live a good life..."

"As for now..."

Shaked his head.

Xue Yun said silently: "My ideal is to simply survive in this post-apocalyptic wasteland era. It is best to live freely, and my relatives and friends around me can be safe..."

There was a pause.

Xue Yun did not forget to emphasize: "Of course you are included in this!"

His shoulders were slightly startled.

Beigong Mu couldn't help but let out a long sigh, his tall figure looked extremely lonely.

"In life, there are many things that you cannot control yourself."

He took a puff of his cigar silently.

Beigong Mu raised his head and said: "More than ten years ago, I was just like you now. I became famous at a young age, and I was arrogant..."

Exhale a puff of smoke.

Bei Gong Mu's face was full of memories.

"At that time, I also had a group of trustworthy partners around me. Our common ideal was to create a peaceful and prosperous era where everyone is equal, no longer need to be afraid of freaks, and everyone can live and work in peace and contentment..."

He smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Beigong Mu slowly recounted the dusty past.

To make this world a fair and beautiful place.

Under Beigong Mu's call, a group of like-minded young people formed a new Night Watch team.

After three years of hard work.

Beigong Mu's goal has never changed!

That is to force the Daxia royal family to abolish the so-called citizen classification system and allow hundreds of millions of people in the Daxia Empire to have equal rights.

Give life back dignity and give people freedom——

This was their ideal back then...

However, this approach invisibly touched the bottom line of the royal family. The Daxia royal family would never tolerate such hidden dangers.

The battle with the imperial palace envoy lasted for a full year.

Both sides suffered casualties!

But Beigong Mu's side is weak after all, and is not a royal opponent with deep foundation at all.

After being defeated steadily, they had no choice but to finally give it a try!

"Good guy..."

He swallowed in shock.

Xue Yun couldn't help but interrupt and asked: "Finally...what do you want to do?"

Take a puff of cigar.

Beigong Mu did not shy away and said in a deep voice.

"It is said that when the Daxia Empire was first established, an underground imperial mausoleum was built. The purpose was to guard the dragon veins of the Daxia Kingdom. The Daxia royal family valued it very much and did not allow anyone to desecrate it...


There was a pause.

Beigong Mu smiled and said: "Back then, we were desperate, but we didn't want to give up easily, so we finally decided to find out where the imperial mausoleum was and use the dragon veins as a bargaining chip to force the royal family to obey our proposal!"

Damn it!

Doesn’t this mean that he is going to dig up the ancestral graves of the Daxia royal family?!

Xue Yun's face was full of shock.

He never expected that Bei Gong Mu, who is now calm and capable, would be more aggressive than him when he was young.

"The results can be imagined..."

He raised his head and took a sip of wine.

Beigong Mu opened his mouth and let out a breath of alcohol, and said helplessly: "That night in front of the imperial mausoleum, most of the people in the team died in the battle. Everyone paid a heavy price to cover my entry into the imperial mausoleum!"

In the dusty memory.

Each of the vivid faces gradually faded away, and Fengjuro was among them.

"What happened next?"

Frowning his brows, Xue Yun asked: "Have you entered the imperial mausoleum?"


Nod slowly.

Beigong Mu smiled miserably: "After entering the imperial mausoleum, I realized how wrong I was. The truth of this world is far more complicated than imagined. The person who can change the world is not me...


Eyes widened.

Xue Yun was stunned the whole time, his ears buzzing.

He knew Bei Gong Mu's character very well, and he was not the kind of person with weak willpower.

What is the thing that can make him give up his previous idea of ​​changing the world?

What could be the so-called “truth of the world”!?

I did not continue this topic any further.

The Bei Gong Mu in front of him suddenly became very strange. He was no longer the legendary hero in legend.

He is more like an ordinary middle-aged man with unfulfilled ambitions.

"After that, the Daxia royal family granted an amnesty to those who survived."

Smoking a cigar by himself.

Beigong Mu said frankly: "And I was officially canonized as the God of War in Longdu by the previous Emperor of Great Xia. I am responsible for commanding the national night watchman of the Operations Department of Longdu's War Preparedness Department, guarding the safety of Longdu, and fighting against foreign enemies and monsters.

The invasion of the swarm..."

The eagle has broken wings and is trapped in a cage.

On the surface, the royal family pardoned everyone's sins, but in fact it controlled them under their noses.

Completely killed their ideals!

After learning about Beigong Mu's experience, Xue Yun couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

In Xue Yun's understanding, justice and loyalty cannot be compared with freedom!

To be fair.

If the same thing happened to Xue Yun, he would rather fight and die than become a slave maintained by the Daxia royal family!

"I know what you're thinking..."

He glanced at Xue Yun.

Bei Gong Mu smiled silently and said: "The pursuit of freedom is your ideal. There is no right or wrong in this. So when you refused to become my teacher, I can completely understand your thoughts..."


There was a pause.

Beigong Mu changed the topic and shook his head: "In this world, there will always be something more precious than personal freedom of gain and loss..."

Overlooking the city night view in the city.

Beigong Mu pointed out his hand and said with a smile: "For example, the thousands of lights in front of you!"

Xue Yun was speechless as he followed the other person's hand.

On top of the towering city walls.

After dark, the fortress city is brightly lit, and countless bright lights converge into a dazzling stardust galaxy.

Every bit of starlight represents an ordinary family!

It is these ordinary lights that make up this fortress city standing in the wilderness.

There are millions of Longdu citizens, regardless of whether they are poor, rich or of high or low status.

Behind them are the wishes of countless families!

Once Dragon City falls——

These lights representing hope will be ruthlessly extinguished, and the beautiful scenery in front of you will eventually cease to exist and fall into boundless darkness forever!

He gritted his teeth.

Xue Yun clenched his fists and still persuaded: "But... you will die from this... Is there no other way?!"


Shaked his head.

Beigong Mu said in a deep voice: "I know the strength of the 'Chosen One' very well. I am the only one in the whole dragon who can stop it!"

He raised his hand to take off his sunglasses and drank the last of the wine in the bottle.

Longdu War God looked at the beautiful city under the city wall, with a determined smile on his lips!

"Don't worry about me..."

He reached out and patted Xue Yun's shoulder.

Bei Gong Mu narrowed his eyes and grinned: "Someone has to do some things!"

Hearing this, Xue Yun was stunned!

All the reasons arranged to persuade the other party became pale and powerless in an instant...

For an enlightened man, too much meaningless persuasion is undoubtedly an insult to his beliefs!

"Go back and rest early."

He placed the empty wine bottle on the tower.

Beigong Mu put on his sunglasses again and walked slowly past Xue Yun.

"You brat... you have to make your own way in the future..."

This chapter has been completed!
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