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Chapter 95 Five Generals

Chapter 95 Five Generals

The next day, we went to the Imperial Palace.

Before dawn, all the civil and military officials in Beijing arrived early. There were thousands of civil and military officials in the square outside the palace.

The hall was also crowded with people, especially the military commanders, who totaled more than a hundred soldiers.

In the past, the two princes stood first in the right column, but this time the two princes honestly gave up the first place to the red lady.

The most eye-catching among the military generals are the three fathers and sons of the Wu family. This kind of scene of three fathers and sons serving in the same court is really rare. Everyone is envious, knowing that the Wu family will be glorious and prosperous in the future.

Among the civil servants, Wei Zaode was the main assistant.

"Your Majesty is here!"

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

As the eunuch sang loudly, everyone inside and outside the palace performed the grand ceremony of three cheers and nine kowtows in unison.

"All the ministers are equal!"


"Long live thanks!"

Zhu Cixiang also changed into a formal crown uniform today.

After all the ministers thanked him and stood up, he said: "I inherited the great authority in the face of danger. Above, I was protected by my ancestors. Below, all the ministers and soldiers and soldiers worked together to defend against foreign enemies. Now the intruders have been defeated and the slaves have been established.

Retreat, and all meritorious ministers will be rewarded."

He said with a final wave of his hand.

At this moment, Zhu Cixiang was in high spirits, with strong self-confidence all over his body. After speaking, he stood up and came to the steps, with his hands behind his back.

"Since the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, we have repeatedly suffered external defeats at the hands of the slaves outside the Pass. Since the second year of Chongzhen, the slaves have entered the Pass and gone south several times, plundering wantonly, damaging the prestige of our country and humiliating our country.

Internally, the bandits in the northwest also became more and more violent, and they suppressed more and more people. Cholera spread to ten provinces in the south of the Central Plains, so that in the end the capital was besieged by millions of thieves. It was a great shame and humiliation.

The reason is simply that our military system in the Ming Dynasty has been corrupted, the capital camp is in decay, and there is no fighting force at all. Therefore, I want to reorganize the military system, abolish the old system of the capital camp, and reorganize the five armies of the emperor's personal guard, with each army having a commander-in-chief.

One person, Wu Sangui comes forward to listen to the seal!"

"I'm here!"

Everyone was still thinking about what they had just said, and they all cheered up when they saw that His Majesty was going to award the reward directly. Wu Sangui hurriedly came out to pay his respects.

"First, Qing led Guan Ning's cavalry to defeat the intruders under the city and relieved the siege of the capital. Later, he made a surprise attack on Shanhaiguan. His contribution was indispensable. Now I canonize Qing as the Marquis of Zhongyong, hereditary and irreplaceable. I also have the title of General of the Zhengguo, Prince Taibao, and in charge of the front."


"I thank you for your majesty's holy grace. Long live your Majesty! Long live your Majesty!"

Wu Sangui was so excited that his whole body trembled and his head banged.

Several female soldiers also came to him with trays on which were placed the seal of the former military governor, the iron scroll of the Alchemy Book, and the seal of the general who ruled the country.

With trembling hands, Wu Sangui took the tray with everyone's envy before retreating.

"Zhou Yuji comes forward to listen to the seal!"

"I'm here!"

"You were originally the commander-in-chief of Shanxi Province, and you were ordered to garrison Daizhou. When thieves invaded, you first killed more than 100,000 enemies in front of Ningwuguan with a small number of enemies, severely defeating the enemy's spirit. Later, you were ordered to enter the capital to guard the capital. Your merits are great.

It is inevitable that I will confer you the title of Marquis of Loyalty and Righteousness and the title of General of the Wei Kingdom to take charge of the rear army!"

"I thank Your Majesty for His grace. Long live my Emperor!"

Zhou Yuji worshiped with the same excitement. Under the envy of everyone, he took the big seal and the iron scroll and retreated.

His Majesty conferred the titles of two generals and marquises one after another, one of whom was hereditary. All the generals became very excited, and the civil servants felt as if they were mourning their heirs.

"The British Lord comes forward to accept the seal!"

"I'm here!"

All the nobles all breathed a sigh of relief. They were afraid that His Majesty would completely exclude them.

Well now, the nobles account for one of the five armies, which means that His Majesty will not touch them in the future.

It makes sense to think about it. If Your Majesty hands all the five armies to these general commanders who are warriors, won't you be afraid of losing checks and balances and leading to the situation of a vassal town in the late Tang Dynasty?

What's more, this situation has already occurred, but His Majesty used shameless means to reverse it.

Only Duke Dingguo looked disappointed. He knew that His Majesty chose the British Duke, so it would have nothing to do with him. With His Majesty's attitude towards the Honorable Lord, it was impossible for the Honorable Lord to control the two armies.

"You have served the country loyally and are as good as our ancestors. I am now conferring you the title of General of the Zhu Kingdom and in charge of the left army!"

"I thank Your Majesty for His grace. Long live my Emperor!"

"Huang Degong stepped forward to accept the seal!"

"I'm here!"

Huang Degong was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly came out to pay his respects, obviously a little surprised.

Liu Liangzuo, Liu Zeqing, Gao Jie, and Tang Tong who came with him all frowned slightly, with envy and jealousy on their faces, obviously unconvinced.

Even Wu Sanfu now feels that his contribution is no less than that of Huang Degong.

"Since you came out of the capital to suppress the bandits, you have made many military exploits. After traveling thousands of miles, you led the army to the Qinwang. You and Wu Sangui made a surprise attack on Shanhaiguan. You sacrificed your life and went into battle in person. Your loyalty and bravery are commendable. You are now conferred the title of Marquis of Jingnan and the title of General of Dingguo."

, take charge of the right army!"

"I thank your Majesty for your grace. Long live my emperor."

There are already four of the five commanders of the army, and almost everyone has guessed who the final commander of the central army is.

So they all looked at the red lady, and sure enough, they saw His Majesty smiling slightly. No matter how everyone looked at it, there was a hint of cunning, cunning and pride in that smile.

"My beloved concubine, come forward and listen to the seal."

"My concubine is here!"

Under the attention of everyone, the red lady came to the middle and knelt down. Compared to the other four, her face was much calmer.

"My beloved concubine was originally a person in the world. Later, she was forced by life and corrupt officials and went astray. Later, she realized she had lost her way and turned to the light. She was ordered to lead an army to attack the bandit camp at night and severely damaged the bandit army!

Later, when faced with danger, she was ordered to train the army and prepare for war. She lived up to the emperor's favor, defeated the Jiannu slaves, and made great contributions to the country. Now she is canonized as the imperial concubine, with the same ceremony as the empress, and she is named the national protector general, the governor, and is in charge of the central army! "

"I thank you for your majesty's grace. Long live my emperor!"

"I will bow to the imperial concubine. She will be a thousand years old."

"I will see you, Grand Governor!"

After the red lady got up, civil servants and military generals all paid homage to her.

In my heart, I cursed Your Majesty for being so shameless.

They knew without thinking that the Chinese army must have the most troops, the best equipment, and the most elite troops.

Maybe in the end, all our elite soldiers and generals will have to be integrated into the central army.

But now everyone finally understood why His Majesty trusted and reused the Red Lady so much.

It turned out that when the invaders besieged the city, the red lady secretly defected to the imperial court and attacked the camp at night, causing chaos among the invaders. This allowed Wu Sangui to take advantage.

In terms of merit in breaking thieves, he is indeed no worse than Wu Sangui.

He was promoted to general like Wu Sangui, and he deserved it.

Except for Zhu Cihong and Hong Niangzi, who knew exactly what was going on, almost everyone else thought so.

Even Wu Sangui is no exception.

I completely let go of my dissatisfaction with the red lady.

After all, if Red Lady hadn't attacked the Chuang camp first and caused chaos among the Chuang army, he wouldn't have been able to trample the camp and defeat a million thieves.

Zhu Cixiang said this, naturally he wanted to suppress Wu Sangui's achievements, otherwise this guy wouldn't be able to go to heaven?

Immediately, Zhu Cihong added rewards to the remaining generals and distinguished officers who performed well one by one.

Except for Wu Sanfu who was granted the title of earl, everyone else was only rewarded with some gold, silver and insignificant titles.

After all, they had already been sealed before King Qin. As for the other generals and ordinary soldiers, they had to wait for the red lady to draw up the list.

"When I came to the throne, I issued two tax-free edicts. Today I will issue two more edicts. The first one: In the four northern provinces, Beizhili, Henan, Shandong, and Shanxi, within three years, officials at all levels shall not

Anyone who collects a grain of grain or a penny of silver from the people under his rule for any reason or in any form will be punished by execution if he violates this rule.

Second: From today on, our Ming Dynasty will permanently exempt corvee service. Officials and yamen at all levels in all provinces are not allowed to conscript people to work in any form or for any reason. Anyone who violates this will be punished by gathering a crowd to conspire against them, and the Nine Tribes will be punished!"

After Zhu Cixiang finished speaking, everyone was shocked, secretly thinking that this little emperor is going to heaven?

The red lady's eyes shone with excitement, and she knew she had seen the right person. This little emperor really cared about the people, instead of saying one thing and doing another.

"Wei Zaode, you will temporarily act as the chief minister of the cabinet and be responsible for drafting the edict. After the ceremonial supervisor approves the red seal, it will be published in the world immediately!"

"Your Majesty, I respect your order!"

Wei Zaode hurriedly came out and knelt down to worship.

He couldn't even think of refusing. As for which cabinet could not obey the imperial edict, he really wanted the cabinet ministers of the Ming Dynasty to give it a try, but he didn't dare to try it anyway!

As for other civil servants, they also didn't dare to give a shit. His Majesty now has hundreds of thousands of troops and has granted five generals titles. His power is so powerful that it is close to that of Taizu.

(End of chapter)

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