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Chapter 96

Chapter 96: Household and Farming

After the dynasty dispersed, all the civil servants went back.

The military commanders and nobles were invited to the Qianqing Gate. Obviously, it was just a formality in the Huangji Hall. The specific formation of the five armies still needs to be discussed in detail.

"See Your Majesty!"

"Everyone, sit down!"

Zhu Cihong waved his hand, and hundreds of generals sat next to each other on the small stools on both sides. Only the red lady sat next to Zhu Cihong.

Except for the British Duke and a dozen people who had received awards, no other nobles were invited. Most of them were military generals headed by the five generals.

"Everyone, now that the north is in dire straits, with hundreds of wastes waiting to be revitalized, and I have exempted the tax burden for another three years, I am afraid that it will be difficult to support hundreds of thousands of troops in a short period of time, so I want to allow the troops to farm near the capital and be self-sufficient... "

Zhu Cixiang glanced at the generals, and then carefully stated his plans for farming.

That is, except for the Chinese Army, each of the other four armies has 50,000 soldiers, and the military pay is reduced by half to one tael per month. After all, the war is over. This was normal in ancient times.

The more than one million refugees in the capital were temporarily classified as military households, and the Fourth Army led them to farm and raise pigs. These ordinary military households did not receive military pay.

In peacetime, they farmed and raised pigs, and in wartime, young men and women were recruited as auxiliary soldiers, who ate from a big pot, worked in a unified manner, and implemented military management.

There is no other way, just one million stones of grain. If we don't do this, we will definitely run out of grain before the grain is shipped from Jiangnan.

Each army cultivates at least two million acres of farmland. Anyway, the landowners and gentry near the capital are either dead or have been surrendered to thieves. If I don't hold them accountable, it's not too much to hand over some land to atone for their crimes, right?

What's more, in most areas of Yongping Prefecture and Shuntian Prefecture, except for the people in the city, there are no ordinary people in the surrounding areas. They either fled to the capital or were driven to the capital by the Tatars.

The land of each army will nominally be allocated to those who participated in the war and those who performed meritorious services, with a minimum of ten acres.

However, he has to serve for another three years before he can actually retire and cultivate his own land. The land will be temporarily managed by each army and the military households will cultivate it, and the income will naturally belong to the collective of each army.

Fifty thousand regular soldiers train on a daily basis and have to help out during the farming season. Similarly, ordinary military households cannot be idle. In addition to building water conservancy projects, young men and women also have to take time to practice for a period of time every year.

The reason why it happened like this was a helpless move.

It is impossible for him to distribute the land to the refugees for free, otherwise the refugees who do nothing will sit on the equally divided land, with their wives and children warming up on the kang.

However, the soldiers who go into battle to protect their homes and country have to train every day and are not allocated any land. Who will be willing to be a soldier in the future? Who will be willing to fight bravely against the enemy? The imperial court gives him the emperor to fight to the death?

Of course, we cannot directly allocate land to these soldiers, otherwise they will all break up to farm the land, and the wives and children will be hot on the bed. Should we still fight the war?

After all, these hundreds of thousands of people are elite veterans, so Zhu Cixiang chose a compromise method. Three years later, these veterans retired one after another and were distributed to various parts of the country, and the fields were redistributed locally.

And with this kind of example and a three-year buffer period, the preparatory recruits in the military households will also grow up and can be incorporated into the regular soldiers at any time. When encountering a war, why don't they all scream and fight to kill the enemy first?

"Huang Degong, you will lead a right-wing army of 50,000 men and a military household of 300,000 men. You will be responsible for guarding the passes of Shanhaiguan and Jizhen, training the army and farming, and must not slack off!"

"I obey the decree."

Huang Degong replied solemnly.

Obviously he knew that this was definitely an arduous task, and training the army would be easy, but he didn't have the slightest confidence in managing 300,000 military households farming and raising pigs.

Wu Sangui's heart skipped a beat. According to common sense, he should go to Jizhen, Shanhaiguan, but this thought could only be kept in his heart.

"Zhou Yuji, you will lead the rear army of 50,000 and 300,000 military households to enclose the land near Tongzhou for training and farming."

"It's Your Majesty."

Zhou Yuji hurriedly replied, also feeling tremendous pressure.

"Wu Sangui, you will lead the front army of 50,000 and 300,000 military households, and be responsible for enclosing land south of the capital for training and farming."

"It's your Majesty!"

Wu Sangui had no choice but to answer honestly, now he could no longer think of anything.

"The British public also led 50,000 left-wing troops and 300,000 military households to Sanhe County in the north to take charge of farming."

"I accept the decree!"

There are many domestic servants in the British government, and they are not too worried about farming and raising pigs. They are only worried about not penalizing their own fields.

"The imperial concubine is solely responsible for the allocation and reorganization of regular soldiers in each army. As for the military households, I will send people to make statistics and organize them before allocating them to each army."


The red lady quickly replied.

"Each army must be reorganized within half a month and head to the garrison. All preparations for farming must be made before September 15th. I allow you to recruit some civilian staff to assist."

Zhu Cixi gave another stern warning.

This year's autumn harvest is definitely over. If he waits until next spring to sow, he will still have to eat dry food for another year, so he plans to plant winter wheat so that he can have a harvest next May.

If God opens his eyes, the four armies will be able to be self-sufficient and hoard large amounts of military rations in the future.

"In the future, the logistics work of each army and the payment of military pay will be all the responsibility of the Royal Horse Supervisor. The Royal Horse Supervisor of each army and battalion will send eunuchs to supervise the army. These eunuchs are not allowed to interfere with matters such as military training and fielding. If there is any violation, military pay may be withheld.

, extortion and other acts, the commander-in-chief and commander-in-chief of each army can directly report for impeachment, and I will definitely punish them severely."

After Zhu Cixiang finished speaking, not only did everyone not feel surprised, but they felt it was normal. Of course, some generals secretly complained.

"Cao Huachun, you must also restrain the eunuchs under you. At the same time, if there are generals in the army who extort and abuse soldiers and military households, they must be reported in time and must not be tolerated!"

Zhu Cixiang didn't care what they thought, and looked at Cao Huachun and said.

He must have the logistics of each army in his hands. If these eunuchs are not useful, even the personnel and military laws of the army must be divided and controlled by him.

Now, it can only be delegated to the chief officers of the military, allowing them to recommend the promotion and dismissal of mid-level and senior officers. Then a military and political supervisor will be established in the inner court to manage appointments and dismissals. A military legal supervisor and an ordnance supervisor will be established. The fourth supervisor will be directly responsible to the emperor.

"Slave, you must restrain your subordinates."

Cao Huachun hurriedly replied that he was the only eunuch in the inner court who participated in this meeting. As for the eunuchs of the other three eunuchs, they have not yet found their whereabouts.

Everyone also understands that His Majesty has completely excluded civilian officials from the military. From now on, the Ministry of War may have to be in name only. Everyone has no idea about this. Civil servants and eunuchs are not good things anyway.

But given the high regard His Majesty has for the military commanders, as long as he is not caught, he is not afraid of the eunuchs in the army. After all, there is an imperial concubine.

"I will not hide from you today. Jinyiwei has placed a large number of spies in each army. Therefore, every move in each army and any violation of laws and disciplines cannot be hidden from me!"

"I must be loyal to the court and your Majesty, obey the law, and perform my duties conscientiously in order to repay the divine grace."

Everyone stood up and knelt down to express their loyalty.

My heart was filled with tension. The Royal Horse Supervisor and the Jin Yiwei were both bright and dark, so I had to be very careful from now on.

"Everyone get up!"

"I have always made clear rewards and punishments. I only watch what someone does and don't listen to what they say!"

"I know that it is popular among the generals of the Ming Dynasty to keep servants. This trend is caused by the long-term lack of pay in the court. In the future, there will no longer be a shortage of pay in the army, so the servants must also be abolished and incorporated into the regular army.

But I allow you to retain some personal guards. The general governor can organize a guard camp of 3,000 people. The governor can have a thousand people and a total of 500 soldiers. The total number of soldiers should not exceed 100. Anyone who violates this rule will be punished with evil intentions!"

He also knew that it would be unrealistic not to allow the generals of the Ming Dynasty to adopt some servants, otherwise no one would dare to go to the battlefield, so he could only change slowly.

Sure enough, the generals were relieved when they heard that they could keep part of it, otherwise they really wouldn't know what to do.

"The last thing is that every year from now on, I will randomly select 3,000 soldiers from each army to conduct military exercises. They will be ranked according to their performance. The first place will receive an overall increase of 20% in the military salary of the entire army. I will also select 3,000 soldiers from them.

Thousands of people will be organized into the Royal Guards. The second place will receive a 10% increase in the overall military pay. A thousand people will be selected to be included in the Guards Army. The third place will receive no reward or demerit. The fourth place will receive a 10% reduction in the overall military pay. The fifth place will receive a 20% reduction.


"As for the specific content of the exercise competition, we will discuss it after the reorganization of each army is completed!"

"Your Majesty, Holy Ming!"

Everyone bowed in unison.

I am completely impressed by His Majesty's methods.

In this way, if any general slacks off in training and drags down the entire army, it will be difficult for him to survive in the army.

And if any army is at the bottom every year, even the governor's capital will be affected, causing dissatisfaction among the entire army. After all, this is related to everyone's interests.

At this moment, the five governors all felt tremendous pressure, and they all also had a competitive spirit.

(End of chapter)

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