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Chapter 451 Replacement of soldiers, kill Yan Liang!

"He's handsome!"


"Qu Shuai..."



After the blizzard, the sky is clear.

Guan Cheng inspected the camp and greeted the Yellow Turban soldiers cordially.

On the surface, Guan Cheng had great glory, but in fact, he was very frightened, fearing that the Yellow Turban soldiers would poke his spine and scold him for killing Guan Hai to become the commander-in-chief of the Yellow Turban Canal.

After all, Guan Cheng was very aware of Guan Hai's influence in the army. With his words alone, there was no way he could easily replace Guan Hai and become the commander-in-chief of the Yellow Turbans.

During the period of the blizzard, there were already rumors in the camp, saying that he was greedy for power and conspired to kill Guan Hai in order to replace him.

Guan Cheng originally thought that during his tour of the camp this time, he would probably still hear constant abuse, but he never thought that not only were there fewer people scolding him than before, but there were even more people saying hello to him.

Guan Cheng never dared to think about this before. Even if it happened in front of him now, Guan Cheng still felt unreal, as if a lieutenant in the army already knew his good intentions.


Guan Cheng knew this was impossible.

After all, Guan Hai might have fled to an unknown place, so how could he come back here to die again?

What if?

Suddenly, an extremely terrifying thought appeared in Guan Cheng's mind.

He frowned and asked himself secretly, who said Guan Hai would never come back? He was a responsible and good commander, how could he sit back and watch Yuan Shao use the Yellow Turban to become an enemy of Nanyang?


This must be impossible!

Could it be that he is really back?

Just hide it in a corner that you don’t know?


Guan Cheng was surprised and couldn't help but gasp.

He tried to look up at the soldiers in the camp, his bright eyes carefully scanning every back, comparing them with the image of Guan Hai in his mind, trying to find the man hiding in the corner.

However, even if he walked from the front to the back of the camp and walked around among the people outside the camp, he still could not find Guan Hai's shadow, or even anyone with a similar appearance.


Take a long breath.

Guan Chengyuan looked at the scattered yellow turban people and shook his head, feeling that he was thinking too much.

How is this possible? I finally escaped from the wolf den, how could I come back and be tortured again?

Let’s go!

Go back to camp and rest for a while.

Just when Guan Cheng was sad and disappointed, and was about to turn around and return to the camp, a voice sounded from behind: "Qu Shuai."

Guan Cheng turned his head and looked around, frowning: "Are you..."

A man with a beard on his face came up and said softly: "Oh, we just want to ask, now that the heavy snow has passed, when will we set off to Langya to receive the supplies from Nanyang Hanting?"


Guan Cheng frowned and was thinking about how to answer.

The bearded man forced a note into Guan Cheng's hand and said in a low voice: "Guan Hai Qushuai asked me to give it to you. Qushuai please pay attention, you are always under surveillance and you must cooperate with us."

"Guan Hai?"

Guan Cheng's eyes were as wide as bells, with a look of disbelief on his face.


The bearded man nodded: "He has found General Xu Rong of Nanyang and has contacted Nanyang. General Xu knows the situation here and hopes that we can join forces."

At this moment, the person next to him lowered his voice and said, "Someone is coming."

Guan Cheng immediately understood what he meant and said loudly: "Don't worry, although the snow here has stopped, the road is still closed. We have to wait for two more days."

The bearded man frowned, and Yang Zuo looked unhappy: "But the brothers are already so hungry that they can't bear it any longer. If this continues, we may have to starve to death."

"Don't be impatient."

Guan Cheng hurriedly reassured: "This general will definitely find a way as soon as possible. As long as the road is clear, we will rush to Langya immediately, and we will definitely not waste everyone's time."

"All right."

The bearded man sighed and said softly: "In that case, we will wait a little longer, brothers, let's go."

Then everyone turned around, left Guan Cheng, and entered the ranks of the common people.

Guan Cheng turned around and saw two people, one on the left and one on the right, staring in his direction. Moreover, when these two people caught his gaze, they would subconsciously dodge. This was obviously a sign of guilty conscience.

Guan Chengquan pretended that he didn't notice and went to the camp on his own. When no one was around, he unfolded a piece of paper with a sentence written on it: Replace the soldiers and kill Yan Liang.

In just eight words, the content has been expressed very clearly, but it would be difficult for ordinary people to grasp the details. However, Guan Cheng and Guan Hai have worked together for many years and have formed a tacit understanding.

Others may not understand how to replace soldiers, but Guan Cheng suddenly understood Guan Hai's thoughts and immediately breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had taken a reassurance.

Return to the military camp.

Guan Cheng looked up at Yan Liang and exhaled: "Are you still looking at the map?"

Yan Liang nodded and said softly: "Xu Rong is a general. He may have noticed something, otherwise he would not stop and stand still. We must not underestimate our opponents."


Guan Cheng frowned, and Yang Zuo was curious: "Xu Rong, this guy hasn't moved yet? Then when should we wait? There were soldiers in the camp asking questions just now. If it continues to be delayed, I'm afraid it won't be easy to explain."

Yan Liang took a deep breath and asked tentatively: "Then how do you calm down?"

Guan Cheng did not hide anything: "I said that although the snow has stopped, the road is still closed. I plan to take people out for a walk these days. At least there must be some action, otherwise the secret will be exposed. I will go into the mountains to pick up some game and come back.

Otherwise, my body really won’t be able to bear it.”


Yan Liang was originally unwilling to agree.

After all, there are relatively few people with him. Once Guan Cheng goes outside, his identity will be easily exposed. This will not be easy to explain to Guan Cheng, and will cause some unnecessary trouble.

However, if the mood of the Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou cannot be appeased, then this team will lose control sooner or later. At present, Xu Rong is standing still and does not know where the food, grass and winter clothes are. If he attacks rashly, once it fails, the consequences will be disastrous.


Guan Cheng frowned and asked tentatively: "Is the general afraid that I will run away?"

Yan Liang waved his hand hurriedly: "How could it be? I still believe in the general. In that case, it's up to you to make the decision. But you must leave early and come back early to avoid delaying the military situation."

After all, Guan Cheng had already killed Guan Hai, and he had witnessed it with his own eyes. Where could he go now? The only way to survive was to surrender to his lord.


Yan Liang is confident that he will find the material hiding place of Xu Rong's army within three to five days. In this case, the Qingzhou army will launch an attack. Even if Guan Cheng wants to make any move, it will not be that easy.

It was only three or five days. He was a general born in the Yellow Turban and couldn't do any tricks. Instead of causing unnecessary trouble, he might as well seize the time and find a hiding place for supplies.


Guan Cheng nodded slowly.

Although he was extremely calm on the face, he was extremely excited in his heart: "In this case, I will use the excuse of exploring the road tomorrow to walk around with a shovel, weapons, etc., at least to make a show of it."

Yan Liang nodded: "As long as it can appease the mood of the army, anything will do."

Guan Cheng said softly: "Oh, by the way, how much longer do you need here? I may not be able to last a few days like this. After all, the snow will melt. I can hide it in three or five days. If it takes too long, I'm afraid it won't work."


Yan Liang pondered for a moment: "Let's do this. In five days, we will be ready within five days."

Guan Cheng frowned, paused for a moment, and said, "Five days? It's still a bit much. If it's three days, it's naturally best."

Yan Liang didn't think too much and said softly: "Three days are a bit busy, but I will try my best."

Guan Cheng nodded: "Okay."

At this moment, Guan Cheng already understood that Yan Liang would complete his plan to find supplies for the Nanyang court within three to five days, so he also only had three days to complete the replacement of soldiers.

Next, the two briefly chatted for a while about the battle situation.

Guan Cheng remained the same as before, being a listener and obeying Yan Liang's instructions without showing any signs of malpractice.

Early next morning.

Guan Cheng seemingly randomly selected some soldiers and horses, took shovels, bows, arrows, spears and other weapons, and went out to inspect the camp, but in fact he also stuffed bearded men into them.

"General, I'm leaving first, you have to hurry up."

"Okay, Qu Shuai will go and come back as soon as possible."

"rest assured."

Only by leaving in front of Yan Liang can the other party truly feel at ease.

Guan Cheng is very clear about this.

When they left the military camp and searched along the road.

The bearded man came closer again: "Qu Shuai, how about we go over there and look for him?"

Guan Cheng naturally knew that the bearded man was on his way, so he nodded: "Okay, in that case, let's go and take a look."

Hundreds of people walked forward for about two miles, and then a figure emerged from the woods: "Brother!"

Guan Cheng was stunned: "Qu Shuai, is it really you?"

The hundreds of people accompanying him were also stunned: "Is he... is he handsome? You... you don't..."

Guan Hai nodded with a smile on his face: "Yes, I'm not dead. Don't worry, I'm alive."

Everyone was stunned: "What the hell is going on?"

Guan Hai said softly: "Don't worry, let's go in. After we go in, I will talk to you carefully."

Everyone nodded and said, "Okay."


Guan Hai led the yellow scarf people into the forest.

Not long after, someone came back and reported: "General Guan, he has no tail."

Guan Hai nodded: "Okay, thank you for your hard work."

The man nodded: "I'll send someone to keep an eye on you, little man."

Guan Hai cupped his hands and cupped his fists: "Thank you very much."

Looking at the soldiers leaving, Guan Hai explained casually: "This man is a soldier under Xu Rong's tent, an elite under General Zu Mao's tent. The person next to me is General Zu Mao."

Everyone's eyes were focused on Zu Mao. Zu Mao smiled and clasped his fists at everyone: "Zu Mao, I met you all in the tent of General Xu in Hanting in Nanyang."

"Here comes someone."

Immediately, Zu Mao raised his hand and said softly: "Take out our dry food and give it to the brothers."

The soldier beside him bowed and raised his hands: "Here."

At that moment, a large bag of dry food was placed in front of everyone. The eyes of the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans were all shining, and what was worse, their eyes were almost dripping.

Guan Hai, Zu Mao personally handed the cakes and dried meat to everyone: "Eat, I know you are all hungry. There is a lot of food here, all brought for you."

All the yellow scarves nodded and bowed, respectfully saying, "Thank you, General."

They took the food and wolfed it down regardless of appearance. Zu Mao didn't show any intention of mocking them. He hurriedly called to the soldiers beside him, removed their water bags and gave them to the brothers in yellow scarves:

"Don't worry, there's a lot of food, I'm sure you'll be full."

"Everyone drink some water, don't choke."

"Don't worry, these things are all brought for you."


"Everyone of you, eat while I explain what happened recently."

Guan Hai let out a long breath, and immediately went straight to the topic, telling everything that happened in the military tent that day, and then told everything that happened after he came out of the tomb.

Only then did all the Yellow Turbans understand what Qu Shuai had gone through and why he was here. Guan Cheng also completely relaxed and told Yan Liang's recent plans in full.

The Yellow Turban soldiers devoured their food for a long time. After the storm, they all started to burp. Some of them even secretly grabbed cakes and dried meat, thinking that they could bring them to the people around them to eat when they went back later.


Guan Hai said: "Don't worry, you will stay here these days. There will be no shortage of good food and drink. There is a cave inside, and there are tents in the cave, and everyone will live in it."

"That's right."

Guan Cheng then echoed: "I will replace you this time. You must listen to the general's words. Now that Yan Liang has taken control of the military account and planted spies in the army, we can only truly surrender to the Nanyang court by killing Yan Liang." "

Guan Hai asked tentatively: "A Cheng, how much control does Yan Liang have over the Yellow Turban Army? How many generals do we have who are willing to submit to Yuan Shao and become his lackeys?"


Guan Cheng frowned and said softly: "Since the general's cooperation is quite good, Guo Tu is unwilling to cause greater panic, so he has not extended it to the general level for the time being."

After all, Guan Hai has already died. If at the general level, there are still some people like Guan Hai who are unwilling to submit to Yuan Shao, then a second killing will inevitably occur.

Killing one Guan Hai might be able to be concealed, but if the top brass of the Yellow Turbans were killed one after another, it would definitely arouse doubts and even mutiny within the Yellow Turban Army.

Guo Tu couldn't afford such a price, and he was unwilling to bear it easily, especially at that time. Xu Rong had already led his troops and was about to leave the Langya Corridor. In this case, what they wanted was to start the war as soon as possible and draw together the two sides in the battle. contradiction!

After all, the Yellow Turban Army is a very special group and cannot deal with the Yellow Turban Army like an ordinary army. Therefore, with Guan Cheng's cooperation, they are unwilling to cause trouble.

"Very good!"

This made Guan Hai extremely happy.

He originally thought that in order to control the Yellow Turbans as much as possible, Guo Tu would use the same method to deal with all the generals in the Yellow Turban Army, so as to achieve a deep bond with Yuan Shao.

If this is really the case, then it will indeed take a certain amount of time to eliminate Yan Liang, but now, for various reasons, the other party has not done so, but Guan Hai's influence is still alive.

"How many people are around Yan Liang?"

Immediately afterwards, Guan Hai asked again.


Guan Cheng frowned and tried hard to recall the arrangements for the direction of the military tent and the manpower sent out: "Since that day, Yan Liang has successively arranged for nearly a hundred people to enter the military camp."

"Some of them have been spread out and are looking for the place where General Xu Rong hides supplies, while the other part has been planted in the army and has become a hidden line. I only know that there are about fifty elites near the military tent."

Guan Hai glanced at everyone, took a deep breath, and fell into thought: "This time you brought about a hundred people out, I can bring back a hundred people, and use a hundred people to deal with fifty people. The success rate is pretty good."

"However, Yan Liang's martial arts is very strong. Even if we can abolish him, I'm afraid it will be difficult to kill him. And I believe that Guo Tu will not give up infiltration easily."

"The people he is ambushing in secret must be watching the generals of all parties. Once they show signs of being dissatisfied with Nanyang Hanting, they will definitely win over the other party, thus completely eliminating you."

"This matter cannot be delayed."

Guan Hai frowned, took a deep breath, and said, "General Zu Mao."

Zu Maoen grunted, and before Guan Hai could speak, he had already interrupted and said: "We brought the flying pigeon to pass the message, but we only have one chance to contact General Xu."

Guan Hai asked tentatively: "How many cavalry are there in General Xu's army?"

Zu Mao replied: "About two thousand riders."

"That's enough."

Guan Hai breathed a sigh of relief and said softly: "What do you think of this? We will take action tomorrow to kill Yan Liang and let General Xu Rong arrange cavalry in advance to enter the vicinity of the camp."


Zu Mao nodded affirmatively: "In this way, the cavalry can arrive at noon tomorrow, and we can also arrange a wave of soldiers to enter the Yellow Turban camp."

"Today I will follow brother Guan Cheng into the camp first. Before noon tomorrow, you will follow brother Guan Cheng into the camp. This way, we will be more confident."


Guan Hai nodded: "No problem, that's the arrangement."

Zu Maochang said angrily: "If we are exposed in the camp, we will raise smoke or light fires in advance. You can just rush over with a large army to support us. You don't have to wait for reinforcements from the general."

Guan Hai said graciously: "No problem."

Zu Mao said softly: "In that case, let's do a simple check, select some people, and return to the Yellow Turban camp."

Everyone nodded and said, "Here."


Yellow Turban Camp.


Yan Liang was lying on the eucalyptus, staring at the map above.

After these days of reconnaissance, he has eliminated many places. Now, as long as there is a while, he will be able to find the hiding place of Xu Rong's materials. As long as this is confirmed, half of the problem will be solved.


At this moment, a scout hurriedly came forward, leaned over and cupped his hands and said: "There is news from the direction of Jinan."

Yan Liang frowned and raised his eyes: "What happened?"

The scout whispered: "Yanzhou Cao Cao has been prepared for a long time, and he uses supplies as bait to wipe out all the Yellow Turbans, including General Wen Chou."


Yan Liang snorted softly and said nonchalantly: "Who is Wen Chou? It can be said that it can be eliminated by annihilation. With the soldiers and generals under Cao Cao, I am afraid they will always be killed."

"However, the other party used food, grass and winter clothes as bait, which is a bit like Xu Rong. Maybe Xu Rong also hid it in a dangerous place to lure me to the bait."

"Where will it be?"


Yan Liang lay on the eucalyptus again and searched the map carefully.

I don't know how much time passed, but Guan Cheng opened the curtain and walked in, carrying a wild rabbit in one hand, and said with a smile: "General Yan, do you see it? This is the game we hunted. Tonight, let's eat roasted rabbit."

Yan Liang stood up slowly, looked at the hare in Guan Cheng's hand, and couldn't help but smile: "Oh? I didn't expect that you guys really caught game. It seems that the Yellow Turban Army is also a crouching tiger, hidden dragon."

Rabbits are very fast. It is not as easy as imagined for ordinary people to shoot rabbits. Even ordinary generals may not be able to catch rabbits. Moreover, these Yellow Turbans do not have war horses to assist them.

Guan Cheng smiled. He had already thought of his excuse: "Well, some brothers are from hunters, so I brought them with me by the way. I was really lucky. I caught three hares and a roe deer."

"The roe deer was divided among the brothers in the military camp. Let's eat the rabbit tonight. Try my handiwork. I guarantee that you will think twice about eating it once."


Yan Liang smiled and nodded: "Okay, no problem."

Guan Cheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he could pass Yan Liang's test, everything would be fine: "In that case, I'll go and clean up first."

Yan Liang said graciously: "Go."


Guan Cheng nodded and immediately turned around and left.

Yan Liang looked at the map for a while, his eyes were really tired, so he left the camp to get some fresh air.

At this moment, Guan Cheng on the side had stripped the fur off the rabbit and was about to disembowel it, when Yan Liang's eyes suddenly froze, and he froze in place while taking a deep breath.

Because he clearly saw that the wounds on the rabbit were caused by triangular arrowheads, not ordinary bows and arrows. Such special arrowheads were only equipped by soldiers in Nanyang.

After all, the cost of making a three-edged arrowhead is higher than that of a double-edged arrowhead. Although Yuan Shao's craftsmen could barely make it, they did not use this kind of arrowhead.

The Qingzhou Yellow Turbans had never had any contact with the Nanyang court before. Theoretically, it was impossible for them to have three-edged arrowheads, let alone use them to shoot hares.

This moment.

Yan Liang immediately felt that something was wrong, but he did not say anything. Instead, he returned to the military camp and found the weapons that Guan Cheng wore daily. As expected, the arrowheads in the quiver were double-edged arrowheads, not three-edged arrowheads.

"not good!"

Yan Liang was keenly aware of the danger.

At the same time, he thought more about leaving the camp today. Perhaps there were soldiers from Nanyang in the Yellow Turban camp, and they would definitely plot to get rid of him.

what to do?

What should we do?

For a moment, Yan Liang fell into deep thought and kept thinking about countermeasures.

This chapter has been completed!
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