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Chapter 452 Do something in advance!

If a man is not ruthless, his status will be unstable.

Instead of sitting back and waiting for death, it is better to take the initiative.

Although the current situation is not clear enough, if it continues, it is estimated that he will become the soul of Guan Cheng's sword. In this case, not only will his reputation be lost, but he will not even be able to complete the task assigned to him by the master.


Military advisor Guo Tu was not here, otherwise I could have discussed something with him.

But now, you can only make your own decision.

Yan Liang frowned and paced back and forth in the tent, thinking about how to avoid this disaster and control the team, and then successfully let Xu Rong and Qingzhou Yellow Turban take over.

As long as the two sides fight each other, even just once, it can be regarded as weakening each other's strength, which will be beneficial to the lord without any harm.

"Damn it!"

After thinking for a long time, Yan Liang finally cursed secretly and decided to take the risk, otherwise the current good situation would be completely destroyed. As for Xu Rong's material hiding place, the two sides fought together and it would not be too late to find it.

Following this, Yan Liang immediately deduced the various possibilities that would arise in the plan in his mind. After an unknown period of time, a fragrance suddenly floated into the tent, and then a voice sounded:

"General, the rabbit meat is roasted. Come and try it."

It's Guan Cheng.

Yan Liang judged it immediately.

He opened his eyes and tried hard to stay calm. A faint smile appeared on his face and he said softly: "General, I suddenly remembered something and I need to explain it to my brothers."

"How about this? You summon all the military leaders to come to the big tent. While we eat barbecue, we will discuss the next plan in detail. This will also facilitate our next actions."

Guan Cheng frowned slightly, suddenly feeling that something was not right. After all, Yan Liangke had never found a general below him before, and had only passed down orders through himself. Why did he suddenly have to summon all the generals?

Woolen cloth?

"That's it..."

However, Guan Cheng did not dare to act rashly, but asked tentatively: "General, have we already found Xu Rong's material hiding place?"


Yan Liang finally shook his head to avoid being spotted by Guan Cheng, but he changed the topic and added: "But it should be soon. After listening to the report from the scouts, they found a lot of ruts. These must be grains used to transport supplies.


"Rut marks?"

Guan Cheng was stunned for a moment.

It's winter now, and after a heavy snowfall, it's melting.

It is extremely normal to have some ruts on the road, so I didn't doubt his presence, but I started to worry about the next plan.

The change in Guan Cheng's expression also made Yan Liang more certain that the man in front of him must have contacted Xu Rong's troops in some way, or Xu Rong took the initiative to contact him. In short, he could no longer be trusted.

In this case, we can only take a desperate risk, eradicate them, and strive to control this team by ourselves. In this way, there may be some possibility of victory.

"That's right."

Yan Liang nodded affirmatively and said with a long voice: "So, we must be prepared with both hands, so that we can launch the attack as quickly as possible while finding the material hiding place."

Have to admit it.

The whole set of reasons is impeccably compiled.

Guan Cheng had no reason to refuse, and then nodded and said softly: "Okay, that's the case, General, I will go and notify the military commanders to come over later."


Yan Liang nodded: "No problem, I'll wait for you."

Guan Cheng simply expressed his gratitude and immediately turned around and left the military tent.

At the moment when Guan Cheng left, Yan Liang's expression suddenly changed, and he immediately called to the people around him: "You and all the secret agents in General Susu have gathered near the military tent. Listen to my signal and prepare to take action."

The guard beside him bowed and held his hands: "Here."

Let us also say that after Guan Cheng left the military tent, he went straight to each army and informed them one by one.

After notifying about ten people, he turned to where Zu Mao was hiding and found him: "General, something is wrong. Yan Liang suddenly called all the soldiers to announce tactics, saying that a large number of rut marks had been found."


"This is absolutely impossible!"

Zu Mao denied without hesitation: "I personally arranged the food and grass, and it is still being stocked in Langya. It is still some distance away from General Xu's camp. How could it be possible to find the rut marks?"

"Yan Liang must be lying!"

Zu Mao gave the reason without hesitation.


Guan Cheng was stunned for a moment: "Then why is he like this?"

Zu Mao frowned: "Tell me what you went through after you returned to the camp."

Guan Chengfei nodded quickly: "Okay."

At that moment, he told everything that happened after he returned, in detail. Although it was relatively simple, he didn't leave out any details.


Zu Mao raised his eyebrows and took a deep breath.

He thought hard about the whole process, but still couldn't find anything suspicious: "Are you sure you were just roasting the hare, and nothing else happened during the process?"

"That's right."

Guan Cheng nodded affirmatively: "I really didn't do anything else. Could it be that it was the hare that made Yan Liang suspicious? But I already followed what the general said, and it was hunted by a hunter. Isn't this normal?


"I see."

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Zu Mao's mind, and he suddenly realized: "This hare was hunted by us, and all the arrows lost by the Nanyang soldiers were three-edged arrows. The wounds were different from ordinary double-edged arrows, and the wounds were larger.


"Perhaps ordinary soldiers wouldn't notice the difference, but a strong general like Yan Liang might not notice the difference. It's normal for him to think that you have rebelled."

Guan Cheng's eyes were as wide as bells, full of shock and disbelief: "This...how is this possible? Such a three-sided wound will be discovered? It can't be such a coincidence, right?"

"Don't leave anything to chance!"

Zu Mao took a deep breath and admonished: "No matter what, we must think of the worst outcome so that the situation will not be out of our control."

Guan Cheng agreed with this point and nodded: "General, please speak frankly. What do you need me to do?"

Zu Mao pondered for a long time and then said immediately: "General Xu once said that Nanyang is very good to the people, but it is relatively cruel to the Yellow Turbans above the middle class."

"Therefore, our advantage lies in the ordinary Yellow Turban people, while Yuan Shao's advantage lies in the middle-level and above generals of the Yellow Turbans. If Yan Liang can conquer the middle-level and above generals, it will be equivalent to controlling the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans."

"I mean..."

Zu Mao hooked his hand, motioned Guan Chengfu'er to come over, and whispered: "General, you can make a big announcement about setting off for Langya to arouse the emotions of the Yellow Turban soldiers and the people."

"At the same time, we will mix with the common people and rush to the outskirts of the military camp. If you have something happen in the military tent, send us a signal. At that time, we will eliminate the enemy soldiers and horses as soon as possible and rush over to support."

Guan Cheng nodded slowly: "Okay, after all, the Yellow Turban generals are only a minority. If he can arouse the emotions of the army's sergeants and the people, Yan Liang will only be dead even if he has thousands of people."

Zu Mao exclaimed: "That's right, that's it."

Guan Cheng cupped his hands and said, "In that case, I'll take my leave."

Zu Mao reminded sincerely: "Remember, proceed with caution."

Guan Cheng nodded: "Don't worry."


At this moment, Qingzhou Yellow Turban Camp.

More and more generals came to wait in the military tent. They communicated with each other, and there was a hint of joy on their faces.

"I heard Qu Shuai say that we may have to take action. Finally, we have waited for this day, and we will no longer have to worry about not having enough to eat."

"I never want to live like this again. I heard that as long as the common people of Hanting in Nanyang can be allocated fields."

"As long as I have fields to cultivate and food to eat, I will be satisfied. I have had enough of fighting and killing."

"Yes, I add blood to the blade every day. I really don't know when my head will fall off."

"But it's fine now. As long as you join the imperial court, you can live a good life."


Listening to the voices of the Qingzhou generals, Yan Liang always felt something was not good. These people had no ambitions. They only wanted to eat and drink enough, and had no idea of ​​promotion and wealth. This rhythm was obviously not good for him.

He tried to step forward, found a gap at random, and said: "Brother, do you know Nanyang Hanting? Is their place really as good as you imagined?"

Although Yan Liang, like them, was dressed in coarse linen, his overall temperament was obviously outstanding, especially his star-like eyes, paired with his face that looked like a knife and an axe, giving people a feeling of being unworthy of strangers.

A sense of near déjà vu.

"Who are you......"

The yellow scarf general beside him stared at Yan Liang and asked tentatively: "Who are you? Why have I never seen you before?"

Another yellow scarf general beside him nodded and said favorably: "Yes, I have never seen you before. Who are you?"

Yan Liang hurriedly explained: "Oh, I am a newly promoted general under Guan Qushuai. It is normal for you to have never seen me, but I have seen you."

The Yellow Turban General was relieved. He breathed a sigh of relief and said calmly: "We don't understand Nanyang, is it possible that you understand Nanyang? The news coming from Xuzhou is absolutely correct."

"That's right."

Someone else echoed: "Nowadays, every household in Xuzhou has cultivated land. I heard that it is more than fifty acres. This year, due to the use of chemical fertilizers, the output has increased significantly, with more than four stones, and some have reached

Five stones.”

"One acre of land can produce five kilos of grain. Do you know what this means? It is more than three times the previous yield per acre. The corn porridge that ordinary people drink at home can even hold the tachyons firmly in place and stand upright."

"It's not like working hard every day in Qingzhou. After paying the rent, you still owe so much money to others. All you drink is soup and water all year round. There is no comparison at all."

The Qing, Xu, and Yellow Turbans have always been one, and they often wandered around Qingzhou and Xuzhou. It was only after Tao Qian entered Xuzhou that Xuzhou settled down, and a large number of Yellow Turbans entered Qingzhou for activities.

It is precisely because of this that many Yellow Turbans from Qingzhou eventually returned to Xuzhou and became ordinary people because of the stability of Xuzhou. Their news spread to the ears of Qingzhou Yellow Turbans, and naturally they won the trust of many people.

Yan Liang is naturally very aware of this. He knows that he cannot take action in this direction, so he can only turn to higher-level development issues:

"Of course this is correct."


Yan Liang first confirmed their thoughts, but then changed the topic and asked: "That's only for ordinary people, but for you, general, do you know?"


The Yellow Turban General frowned, unsure.

Yan Liang smiled, he liked to see this expression the most: "Once we surrender to Nanyang, the people will naturally return to farmland and farm, but I believe that a large number of soldiers will continue to serve as soldiers."

"I think the general should also know that the benefits of being a soldier in Nanyang are very good. Ordinary soldiers can receive a certain military salary, and higher-level military personnel have higher military salaries. Moreover, once there are military achievements such as beheading generals and capturing flags, rewards will be given

There are so many of them.”


Having said this, a happy look appeared on the face of the Yellow Turban General.

This person proudly said: "Yes, if we surrender to Nanyang Hanting, no matter how bad we are, we can still be a military commander or something like that. Not only will the military salary be very high, but the benefits will also be good. The most important thing is,

It can be regarded as a glorious ancestor."

"That's right."

The man next to him also echoed: "My requirements are not high, as long as I can provide a military commander. I heard that the military salary for a year is tens of thousands of dollars, and if it is stored in a bank, the money can make money."

"The most important thing is that if you have children in the future, they will go to school for free. The court will cover everything. If you can be promoted in the future and become a general, you will get more military pay. When the time comes, we will buy a three-seater courtyard.

I can live a good life too.”


Yan Liang could only chuckle.

These guys always only have military pay and the like in their eyes, and have no ideals or ambitions at all. With such a view, do they still want to become generals in Nanyang Hanting?


Yan Liang took a long breath and said softly: "As you know, the officers of Nanyang Hanting have to sign a soldier's responsibility letter with the general of the army to perform their duties."


The yellow scarf beside him was stunned: "A soldier's duty performance letter? What is this?"

Yan Liangdan smiled: "It's very simple. It just stipulates how many training sessions you must complete this year, how many military books you must read, and even how many times the death rate of your team must be controlled."


The man's face twitched slightly: "What if it can't be done?"

Yan Liang shrugged: "That would be easier, fine, or demotion."

"Damn it, I can't even write, how can I sign a responsibility letter?"

"You can't even write? Then you will probably just be an errand boy."



Yan Liang nodded affirmatively: "You don't even know this? The Nanyang court, whether they are county officials or generals in the army, all have to sign a letter of responsibility."

"Moreover, the imperial court also has a special supervision department that checks the completion status of these people every year. If they fail to complete the tasks, they will be demoted or even dismissed."


Huang Jin was stunned: "This...I have no idea at all."

Yan Liang was very satisfied with the other party's expression and asked tentatively: "Do you still want to submit to Nanyang Hanting now?"


Yellow Turban hesitated.

After all, this matter involves one's own vital interests, and no one can really care. Especially when there is a big gap with one's own psychological expectations, they will be even more hesitant.

Although the ordinary soldiers in Nanyang and the welfare of the people are also very good, they are still very aware of the military commanders in their impression. In comparison, they are naturally unwilling to accept it.

In the final analysis, these Yellow Turban generals have subconsciously imagined that General Sima's welfare benefits are what they deserve, but they do not realize that these things do not belong to them at all.

What's more, the yellow scarf beside him sighed: "If this continues, won't we be just like ordinary soldiers? Do we have to charge into battle and attack the city like them?"

In fact, everyone knows that the casualty rate of soldiers is very high. For the Yellow Turban general, the significance of being in this position is not at all how many benefits he can get, but to command the troops without having to go to the front line in person and have nothing to do with his head.

In short, the advantage of becoming a Yellow Turban general is that the hope of survival is far greater than that of an ordinary soldier, followed by the added value of status, status, etc.

Now, they would find it hard to accept that the Yellow Turban general who had finally climbed up would become a pawn like those before him, who had to be on the front line with no rain above his head.

"What? If we surrender to Nanyang, will we become soldiers? No military positions? This is impossible."

"If you are educated and have read books, you will naturally become a military officer. If you are not, then I am afraid you can only be a pawn."

"Huh? No way. The general we finally became is now not even given an army commander?"

"Even if it is given, it is temporary. People will assess you. If you fail the assessment, you will be demoted. Sooner or later you will be a soldier."

"How...how is this possible? We are just farmers, how can we compare to the soldiers of Nanyang?"

"I am already thirty-five years old, and no matter how much I learn, I can't compare to those people."

"Damn it! Although soldiers' military pay is sufficient, if this is the case, they might as well go back to farming."


After a while, the entire military tent began to buzz with discussions about this matter. Everyone rejected the idea of ​​becoming a soldier, as if they and the Yellow Turban soldiers were on two different levels.

Only a few Yellow Turban generals spoke: "Even if I am allowed to farm in Nanyang Hanting, I am willing. As long as I can fill my stomach and have two houses to shelter from the wind and rain, that is enough."


Someone else echoed: "We were originally farmers, and we had no choice but to become soldiers to rebel. Now that we have the opportunity to farm again and have no worries about food and clothing, who would want to be a soldier?"

"Yes, I would love to be a farmer."

"I don't know how to be an official, and I don't want to be an official."

"Nanyang has high demands on soldiers and even higher demands on generals. We are all farmers, so why not join in the fun?"

"Do you really think that since you are a general in the army, you can be a general anywhere? You are not overestimating your abilities!"


Yan Liang's eyes hurriedly scanned these people. They were only a small part, about seven or eight people. Their proportion in the entire general's team was not worth mentioning. Even if they were eliminated, it would not affect the overall situation.

That’s right!

There are at least hundreds of generals in this team of 200,000 people. This is the characteristic of the Yellow Turban team.

They are composed of various small parties. No matter how many people there are in each party, even if there are only a few hundred people, there will always be a general who is responsible for commanding the team.

Guan Hai is the largest of the Yellow Turbans in Beihai, Qingzhou, so he is the Qu Commander. All other generals depend on him for survival. Guan Cheng is the second Qu Commander after Guan Hai.

The generous general is more powerful, so he is particularly concerned about his status. Once he submits to Nanyang, he thinks that he can soar to the sky with this, and even if he cannot, he will go one step further.

Xiaofang's generals were originally no different from soldiers. Even among the entire team, they were just vassals. Therefore, they didn't care whether they were generals or farmers. All they wanted was food and clothing.

Yan Liang, who had spent some time in the Yellow Turban Army, quickly realized this. He originally wanted to win over the powerful Yellow Turban generals, but he didn't care at all about those small Yellow Turban teams with hundreds or thousands of people.


Yan Liang secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Just when he thought he had determined the generals of the Yellow Turban parties, suddenly, someone outside the tent opened the curtain and came in, hurriedly coming to him.

It was his bodyguard, and he looked panicked.

Yan Liang frowned and lowered his voice: "What happened?"

The guard replied softly: "General, something bad has happened. A large number of yellow scarf people have appeared outside the tent. It is estimated that there are at least more than 10,000 people."

Yan Liang was suddenly stunned: "What's going on? Why is this happening? Where is Guan Cheng?"

The guard shook his head: "I don't know."

"Damn it!"

Yan Liang gritted his teeth, feeling angry in his heart.

If there is a mutiny in the military tent, and it is because of the surrender to Nanyang, it will definitely arouse the anger of the people. Even if they have more than a hundred elites by then, they may not be able to withstand the anger of the people.


Yan Liang made a quick decision: "Find Guan Cheng back immediately and ask him to drive all the people away. He said we can't leave yet, but we just want to announce some plans."

The guard leaned forward and held his hands in his hands: "Here."

Just as he was about to turn around and leave.

Guan Cheng opened the curtain and walked in with a smile on his face: "Hey, you, everyone is here, just in time, I have something to announce."

At this moment, Guan Cheng completely lost his humble posture and was very different from before. Even Yan Liang himself immediately felt that something was wrong. He always felt that what happened next would not be as he imagined.

Next to him, followed a tall man with a blazing gaze, a steel knife hanging from his waist, and steady and vigorous steps. He could tell at a glance that he was a warrior.

"He's handsome!"

"He's handsome!"


All the generals greeted Guan Cheng one after another.

Although Guan Cheng does not have as much prestige as Guan Hai in the army, after all, he is already the commander-in-chief of Qu, and in the army, his prestige is naturally stronger than before, and he is even more trusted by all the soldiers.

Guan Cheng waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, then stepped forward and glanced at Yan Liang: "Everyone, I have called you here to gather here today because I have something important to announce."

"The general next to me is Yan Liang, the general under Yuan Shao's command. The death of Commander Guan Haiqu was caused by them forcing him to death, not a sudden death as I said before."

"They now want us to become enemies of Nanyang Hanting and block our way to surrender to Nanyang Hanting. We have been silent these days, but it's just because they haven't found Nanyang's supplies!"

This chapter has been completed!
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