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Chapter 544 Lu Bu: I will behead the enemy chief with my own hands

Chapter 544 Lu Bu: I will definitely behead the enemy chief with my own hands!

Yanmen Pass.

An important pass on the Great Wall.

It has been known as "dangerous" since ancient times and is known as "the first pass in China". There is a saying that "there are nine fortresses in the world, and Yanmen is the leader".

At this moment, Zhang Liao camped.

Chinese army tent.

Zhang Liao, wearing bright clothes and armor, was sitting at the top of the tent. He glanced at the civil servants and generals in the tent and said, "Well, they are all in place. In that case, I won't talk nonsense. Let's make a long story short."

"A few days ago, a major incident occurred in Nanyang. Bu Dugen instigated his general Ashina, intending to trap the imperial court in an unkind and unjust place. However, the court captain Xu Zhu found out, which made the barbarians from all over the world pay more attention to me, the great Han. "

"In anger, Bu Dugen fled Nanyang. According to reliable information, he has returned to Xianbei. He is in various Xianbei ministries, preparing to launch an attack on Kebineng's ministry."

"Ah? Is this happening?"

All the civil servants and generals in the tent were suddenly shocked, and they all showed horrified expressions.

Xu Huang pinched a strand of goatee under his chin: "Bu Dugen is very popular in Xianbei, central China. If he summons all the major tribes, I'm afraid Kebi will not be his opponent."

"That's right."

Another Chen Gong took a step forward and echoed: "The most fatal thing is that this person has always been ambitious. Once he annexes Kebineng, there will be no rivals in Xianbei in the central part, and his prestige will be further enhanced."

"He is very likely to launch an attack on the imperial court at this critical moment. Although we are not afraid of Bu Dugen, after all, it is time to catch up with the Winter Festival to worship the heaven. This is tantamount to provoking the majesty of the imperial court."

"What the public platform says makes sense."

Zhang Liao was the first to confirm Chen Gong's analysis, but then added: "But there is a more important point. If this news reaches Luoyang, those Yi Di who are originally hostile to the imperial court will inevitably follow Bu Dugen's example. Start a war with the imperial court."

"Although the imperial court is very powerful, if there are too many mosquitoes, it will still be annoying. The most important thing is that if the dignity of our imperial court is provoked, it will become a shame that is difficult to wash away."


Speaking of this, Zhang Liao's voice was loud and powerful: "We must prevent this from happening and strive to choke Bu Dugen's ambition to death in the cesspool."

Fang Yin frowned, took a deep breath and said: "Of course we will do our best, but we have many infantry and few cavalry. If Lu Bu, Huang Zhong and others are not here, it will be difficult to take the initiative."

"What's more."

Cheng Yinrao thought deeply and sighed: "If Xianbei Bu Dugen doesn't take action, we take action in advance. If this matter reaches Luoyang, I'm afraid someone will also accuse him of deliberately provoking trouble."

"General Zhang, we have to think clearly about this. It is easy to send troops, but if it causes a big disaster for the court, the gains outweigh the losses. We must ask His Majesty for instructions on this matter, and we must not make the decision without authorization."

"Don't worry, Lao Cheng. How dare I make the decision on such matters privately?"

Zhang Liao is also an extremely measured person and would never dare to make decisions without authorization.

He took out the latest Flying Pigeon Biography, showed it to everyone, and said loudly: "Everyone, this is the Flying Pigeon Biography I received today from the imperial court."

"His Majesty asked us to release the news that we are going to recapture Yunzhong, Shuofang, Yanmen and other counties, and then disperse some of our forces to attack the other counties, and use the main force to launch an attack in the direction of Budugen with great fanfare."

Chen Gong was amazed and his eyes widened: "Wonderful, Yunzhong County originally belonged to our Han Dynasty. It is reasonable to take it back. Even if this matter is reported back to Luoyang, the barbarians from all over the world will not dare to say anything."

"And our lord Xianbei Bu Dugen will definitely make him fearful. No matter what, it can at least alleviate some of Ke Bineng's pressure and buy him a certain amount of time."

Zhang Liao continued: "This is just one of them. After all, the infantry's marching speed is relatively slow, and Bu Dugen's troops and horses are relatively far away from us. It is just a bluff at best."

"Your Majesty means"

Having said this, Zhang Liao turned to glance at Xu Huang: "Order Gongming to lead all the cavalry in the army and go straight to the rear of Xianbei Budugen, bringing enough dry food and horse materials. If the thieves dare to attack Kebineng, they will immediately raid the rear.


"In Bu Dugen's army, Queju, Murong, and Ashina all have common surnames. There are at least seven or eight thousand tribes belonging to these people. If any one of them is touched, it may cause Bu Dugen's military morale to become unstable, and it can still be delayed.


"Great idea!"

Xu Huang nodded quickly and immediately cupped his hands and said, "General, don't worry, I will definitely complete the mission."

Zhang Liao nodded: "Of course I believe in your ability, but no matter what, I still have something to tell you in advance."

Xu Huang asked curiously: "I wonder, General, what are your orders?"

Zhang Liao said softly: "It's very simple. We have relatively few cavalry under our command. Even if we only attack the enemy's rear, we are still unable to do so. There is a woman in the Xianbei tribe who can ride a horse and shoot arrows. She must not be underestimated."

"If you really encounter an obstacle, remember to withdraw in time. Our goal is not to kill many people in the rear, but to contain Bu Dugen's army. Do you understand?"

"That's right."

Chen Gong also nodded and warned: "Gong Ming, only if your team survives can you threaten them. Remember not to act recklessly."

Xu Huang cupped his hands and clasped his fists: "General, don't worry, strategist, the general will definitely not act recklessly. If he is not more than 80% sure, he will not attack easily. You can rest assured."


Zhang Liao then nodded with satisfaction and felt completely at ease: "In that case, Gongtai will be responsible for the preparation of food and grass, and the rest of the people will go back to camp to prepare and be ready to set off at any time."

All the soldiers raised their hands in unison: "Here."




It belongs to the mountainous area of ​​the military capital of the remaining branches of Taihang.

The western mountains are flanked by huge streams and cliffs, and the terrain is extremely dangerous.

When Gongsun Zan led his troops back from hunting, he happened to meet Youzhou Makianchou coming in person: "Tian Shijun? Why are you here? Rare visitor, come here, come here, I happened to hunt a deer, let's have a drink."

"Stop drinking, there's something urgent."

Tian Chou hurriedly took Gongsun Zan to the military camp.


Gongsun Zan couldn't help but was stunned: "All the barbarians from all over the world are now guests in the imperial court. If anything happens, don't scare yourself. We finally have a break. We must cherish the opportunity."


There was no hint of joking on Tian Chou's face. He stared at the other person closely with his bright eyes and said in an extremely serious tone: "Do you think I'm joking with you?"

Only then did Gongsun Zan notice Tian Chou's nervous expression, and he was embarrassed for a long time: "Did something really happen?"

Tian Chou nodded and said with absolute certainty: "Well, something happened, and it's a big deal!"


Without any explanation, Gongsun Zan waved his hand: "Go to the big tent and say, it's cold here."

Tian Chou responded: "Okay."


The two of them went straight to the Chinese army's tent.

Gongsun Zan asked: "Tell me, what happened?"

Tian Chou solemnly said: "The news came back from Luoyang that Bu Dugen left Nanyang and returned to Xianbei. It is very likely that he will be attacked by Kebineng and take this opportunity to annex Kebineng."

"This is a good thing."

When Gongsun Zan heard this, he immediately felt happy: "The Xianbei civil war and killing each other is a good thing that is rare in the ages. Why do you think it is a big deal?"

Tian Chou suddenly felt helpless. Gongsun Zan's hatred for foreigners had penetrated deep into his bones. It was impossible for him to completely disappear and disappear without a trace because of a certain policy of the imperial court.

"How can this be a good thing?"

Tian Chou was so angry that he didn't know what to say, so he could only explain: "Bu Dugen and Fu Luohan are very ambitious. The only one who can fight them now is Ke Bineng."

"And Kebineng is close to our Han Dynasty. You should know this. If Bu Dugen annexes Kebineng, it will obviously pose a threat to the Han Dynasty."

But what about Gongsun Zan?

It's as if he doesn't take Budugen seriously at all.

He waved his hand lightly: "Don't worry, Tian Shijun. If they really start fighting and both sides are hurt, we will send troops to fight again and we can guarantee that we can catch them all."

"Although my white horse followers are not large in number, if they can join forces with Lu Bu, Huang Zhong and others, they will definitely be able to sweep Xianbei. So your main task now is to request the imperial court to send Lu Bu and Huang Zhong over."

Damn it!

Tian Chou was simply helpless.

When you meet a player like Gongsun Zan, you can't communicate normally at all.

Angrily, Tian Chou simply stopped talking nonsense and took out the imperial court's flying pigeon biography from his arms: "Bogui, this is the flying pigeon biography written by your majesty. Take a look at it for yourself."


Gongsun Zan was stunned for a moment.

His Majesty the Emperor personally sent a message to his flying pigeon?

Why do these words sound so false? Who, His Majesty the Emperor, can write in his own hand?

He took the letter from Fei Ge and started to browse it. The handwriting on it did look familiar, but he didn't know if it was the emperor's note, but the small seal stamped underneath was indeed a symbol of the royal family.


Gongsun Zan was shocked and gasped: "Is this really your Majesty's handwriting?"

Tian Chou took a deep breath: "Bogui, even if you don't know His Majesty's handwriting, you should know His Majesty's jade seal, right? This small seal was put into use the year before last. No one in the world can use this small seal except Your Majesty."

"What's more!"

Speaking of this, Tian Chou added again: "This flying pigeon letter was sent directly to me, only from the school affairs office. Do you think it's not His Majesty, is there someone else pretending to be someone else?"


Gongsun Zan frowned, not knowing how to respond.

Tian Chou said softly: "It is precisely because your Majesty knows your temper that he wrote in his own handwriting that you must carry out the order. This matter is related to national affairs and is by no means your personal grudge."

"Don't you, Your Majesty, know that the foreign races are all capricious villains? Why does the imperial court not eliminate them all, but instead adopts this method? Isn't it because only this method can truly last long?"

"Our goal is to let the people live a peaceful life, rather than living on a border where war may break out at any time. In this way, they will never feel at ease."


Before Tian Chou could finish speaking, Gongsun Zan waved his hand and interrupted: "Okay, stop talking. This year, you have been telling me great truths every day, and it's almost annoying me to death. I will make my own judgment."

Tian Chou didn't like this either, so he simply exhaled: "Then tell me, will you execute it or not?"

Gongsun Zan pondered for a moment: "Whether it is true or false, since His Majesty's little seal is here, I, Gongsun Zan, can only execute it. There is nothing to say, so I have to bite the bullet and do it!"


"Very good!"

Tian Chou breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile on his face: "Bo Gui, I can assure you that in less than ten years, Youzhou will definitely change a lot, and it will become unexpectedly better!"

Gongsun Zan glanced at Tian Chou: "I always believe in this and have never doubted it."

Tian Chou smiled lightly, but stopped talking nonsense and said bluntly: "In this case, you have to hurry up and prepare to send troops. Bu Dugen is pursuing a quick victory. If you go to fight, he will definitely hesitate."

Gongsun Zan nodded: "Don't worry, I will lead the troops to battle early tomorrow morning. Although Bu Dugen has many troops, in terms of elite level, they are definitely no match for us."

"Oh, right."

Tian Chou seemed to have remembered something: "Remember to bring the Fire and Thunder Bomb. If the opponent fights to the death, this thing can help you reduce the pressure."


Gongsun Zan did not refuse: "I will send someone to get it tonight."

Tian Chou waved his hand: "No need, I have already sent people to pull them over. Ten pills for each person. They can be hung on the saddle or tied around the waist. It depends on your own habits. Everything is ready."

Gongsun Zan nodded slightly: "Your Majesty is indeed thoughtful."


On the way to Yanmen Pass.

A team like a giant dragon was slowly walking along the mountain path.

I have to admit that Bingzhou is indeed not suitable for cavalry marches. Only out of Yanmen Pass is the main battlefield for cavalry.

Lu Bu sat upright on his red horse, looking at the majestic rolling mountains in front of him. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly: "Old General Huang, I can't wait any longer."

"The smell here has not changed after so many years. Do you know? When I was here, brother, I fought many beautiful battles for the Xianbei people. They were frightened by my name."

"Ha ha!"

Lu Bu looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: "This time, we will attack Xianbei together. We must sweep through Bu Dugen as quickly as possible. I remember that this boy was still a baby back then, but I didn't expect that he is now the leader of Xianbei."

Huang Zhong pinched his white beard under his chin: "Fengxian, we must not underestimate our opponents. I heard that they have also learned a lot from us big men in recent years."

"They are also equipped with all the three treasures of equestrianism of the imperial court, and the weapons in their hands have also been improved a lot. If they are to attack each other in formation, they may not be at a disadvantage."

"You should know that they all grew up on horses, but when it comes to riding skills, even wolf riders and leopard riders may not be their opponents."

Lu Bu smiled and nodded: "That's true, but they don't have the concept of military art in their minds. They only know how to use bows and arrows to kill. Even if they innovate their equipment, what's the use?"

"They are not who they were back then, but we are also not who we were back then. I am confident that I can defeat Xianbei and cut off Bu Dugen's head with my own hands and present it to His Majesty."

The two were chatting about Xianbei.


A long announcement sounded from the front:


Please order! Monthly pass!

(End of chapter)

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