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Chapter 10 Entering Concentration

Such characters, in ancient times, were all terrifying killing machines.

You know, an ordinary person, if he has not been trained, can only exert 10% of his strength. If he is proficient in force-generating techniques, he can only exert 20% of his strength at most.

And the person standing at the top of the swordsman's strength is 100%, which is already a five times difference.

But it must be understood that the physical fitness of a swordsman and the basic strength of a swordsman are several times that of ordinary people.

For some people with extraordinary talents, after training, their physical fitness can be five times or even ten times that of ordinary people.

For example, the Ancient Overlord was truly born with divine power. He was able to carry a cauldron before he practiced. Once he had successfully cultivated, he was a ruthless meat grinder when he wore heavy armor and wielded a giant sword on the battlefield.

, Gods block the gods and kill the gods and the Buddhas block the Buddhas.

As for swordsmen and above, they are called swordsmen, and in practice, they are called Ruxiang.

The so-called image is a collection of all things. The sword center condenses and reflects the universe. It intercepts the majestic spirit from the universe of heaven and earth and refines it into one's own sword center to sharpen its edge and make it unstoppable.

At this point, physical fitness has become secondary, the key is mental.

The powerful heart of the sword is extremely transparent. Not only does it have no stagnation in its thoughts, but it can also turn its mental thoughts into sharp edges, fight in the sky, and defeat others without fighting.

As for this step and how to practice it, Zhao Cheng is not sure. Although there is some scattered information on the Internet, the specifics are not something Zhao Cheng can access now.

Anyway, it is extremely powerful.

As for the higher level, there is the sword master, also known as sitting and forgetting in practice. In ancient times, this kind of person was the great master who founded the sect, the type of dragon that sees the beginning but never the end. In modern times, even in the information society, it is the same

Same thing.

Zhao Cheng only knows that it is said that the soul is born from the heart, and the sword soul is forcibly refined, or it is said that the soul comes out.

Although in various explanations, people are said to have souls, in fact, ordinary people have no souls at all. The so-called spirit is just a concept that combines the subconscious and conscious minds. Although it can be observed through scientific means, the observed

It is just a bunch of unstable fluctuations, and there is no possibility of leaving the body.

The sword soul is the ultimate concentration of spirit.

Sit and forget yourself, and the soul will be born!

The powerful spiritual power can even interfere with matter, making it possible for a wooden sword to cut through iron and a finger to break through gold. This gold is not a metal, but a diamond.

The Sword Master has reached such a mysterious level, but this is not the end of his training.

Above the Sword Master, it is said that there are mythical levels, kendo myths, or sword gods. In practice, they are also called divine transformations.

In this state, it is said that the soul rebels against heaven and turns into a soul.

After the Yuan Shen is achieved, it is no longer bound to the physical body. It changes to the extreme and gradually approaches the unimaginable realm. It can enlighten the mind, change the sky and strike the earth, and even turn the Yuan Shen into a sword to kill people a thousand steps away.

In the realm of Sword Master, you can also find some evidence on the Internet, proving that certain descriptions are not just artistic processing, but can really be done.

But when Zhao Cheng first saw the Sword God, he immediately felt that he was watching a fairy tale.

Talking about the past life, there are also stories about cultivating immortals and condensing one’s soul in various novels about ghosts and monsters.

But that kind of thing is all about thousands of years of Taoism, intercepting all kinds of heaven and earth inspirations, in short, it is difficult and difficult, and finally becomes the soul.

In this world, there is no extraordinary energy. It is purely the "evolution" of the body and spirit. The result is that the "soul" is condensed and the soul is cultivated, which is really a bit scary.

But since this statement exists, it is certainly not groundless.

The soul turns into a sword and kills people with a thousand steps. That person is no longer a human being, but an immortal, a true sword immortal!

It was not until later, when Zhao Cheng devoted himself to practicing swordsmanship, that he felt that this was not impossible.

If you don't look at your previous life, you won't think it's a big deal, but as long as you compare it with the previous life, if you compare his swordsmanship talent in this life to his previous life, he is still a once-in-a-hundred-year swordsmanship prodigy.

In this world, compared with the people around him, his swordsmanship talent is mediocre. Not to mention the entire Shonan City, even in his own class, there are only a few people with swordsmanship talent better than him.

Even if ordinary people are like this, it is hard to imagine how powerful the real geniuses in this world are.

However, with the appearance of the panel at this moment, Zhao Cheng roughly understood why there was such a huge gap between the two worlds.

The reasons for the sword types in the characteristics column have already been explained.

Sword type (disabled) 13% (red): upper limit of swordsmanship level +3, affinity with swords is moderately increased, and the proficiency required to improve swordsmanship is moderately reduced.

This is the explanation of the effect of the sword species, and the focus is on the sword species (remnant) 13%, and there is a detailed introduction.

Sword species: The talent of the world that was born due to the interference of strange information and the origin of the world. All living beings with spirits are affected by the interference.

This explanation roughly means that all life in this world has this talent, even a dog has this talent.

Zhao Cheng's sword type only has 13% completeness, but the effect is already so powerful. For those true geniuses, the completeness will only be higher, and their talents will definitely be more terrifying.

The complete sword type is a red talent. According to the division of the panel, the talent has five levels, white, blue, purple, gold, and red.

Generally speaking, even if you only have white talents, you must at least surpass 99% of people. Real ordinary people have no talents, or even only gray talents.

The so-called gray refers to negative talents, such as being born with a disability or being born with a bald head. Such talents are debuffs and are not among the fifth-level talents on the panel.

Everyone in this world is born with red talent, even if it is only incomplete, it is extraordinary. This is the fundamental reason why the swordsmanship practice here is so brilliant.

And all of this, according to history, can be traced back to the Shang Dynasty. At that time, something definitely happened.

As for the five-dimensional attributes of traits and vitality, there is no profound connotation. The values ​​in brackets are the human species in this world. Without special training, the body will naturally mature. In the peak period of life, it is about 28

average at age.

Zhao Cheng’s five-dimensional attributes are






For this data, the actual improvement of each point is 1.5 times.

It can be seen that all of his attributes exceed the average, especially his spirit, which exceeds the average by more than twice.

In the past six months, his cultivation has been smooth, which is not unrelated to his strong spiritual power.

When the spirit is strong, the will will naturally become firmer. This is a natural change, and vice versa.

This chapter has been completed!
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