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Chapter 282 What is the era

Currently, it has two functions, one is to correct people's sword path, and the second is to simulate actual combat.

The robot seems small, but it is actually connected to a supercomputer. At the same time, the metal frame around the robot, which is 5x5x5 in length, width and height, is not a decoration. Not only is it equipped with numerous cameras, it can capture people's subtle movements.

It also emits a strange wave band all the time, which can sense the movement trajectory of muscles inside a person.

This learning robot is still a laboratory product and is expensive to build. But the biggest advantage of industrialization is that as long as the technology matures, it can be mass-produced at a very low cost!

Zhao Cheng can foresee the future of the robot in front of him. When the technology matures, every school in Yanhuang will be equipped with a set or even more learning robots. The swordsmanship in Yanhuang will definitely be more prosperous.


This is something that will last forever.

Zhao Chengyou still remembers that before Qingyuan was reorganized, the so-called kendo classes were just a set-up and the teachers could not teach anything at all.

As for swordsmen, regardless of his current classmates in the kendo department, the lowest level is all swordsmen, but it also depends on where this place is.

As far as southern Hunan is concerned, not many can be found in the entire city.

The reason why Zhao Cheng came over was because he thought of the prospect of this thing, and then he thought of coming over to see it with his own eyes.

After seeing it, Zhao Cheng also felt like he was witnessing the times.

Just like my motherland in my previous life, the first car I built was rough at the time, but it was the beginning of everything.

Zhao Cheng's thoughts, at this moment, keenly grasped the changes in his mood.

The heart and mind of an ordinary person are one, mixed together, and cannot be separated at all, but his mind is comparable to that of a saint, and the heart and mind are separated, just like heaven and earth separate pure and turbid.

Only when we are separated can we have a bright future!

At this moment, Zhao Cheng's heart is moving, but his mind is still. The quiet mind draws the power of emotion from the moving heart and becomes stronger, and the stronger mind can also make the heart carry more energy.

Lots of stuff.

The heart is the earth and the mind is the sky. Only when the sky is vast can the earth be bigger.

"So this is the time!"

Zhao Cheng suddenly realized.

This era is different from the so-called power of the era of the Jing Kong system. The era of the Jing Kong system is just because the King of the Century is too strong and only one seems to be born in an era. This can be said to have gathered the so-called power of the era.

It is not accurate to say that it is the cause of the previous king of the century that has the effect of the age.

At the same time, Zhao Cheng finally understood at this moment why he, who had always liked to be quiet and not like to move, had an impulse to come over and take a look today. This was because he had a premonition of something.

In the realm of swordsmanship and spirituality, there is a saying of time, which means that swordsmen are in the past, swordsmen are in the present, and swordmasters are in the future.

In the past, the so-called swordsman referred to the body's nerve reflexes, which had a delay. There was a time from seeing to reacting.

The swordsman's sixth sense is extremely powerful, and he can control his body with his mind and can swing his sword without delay, so now.

As for the future of the Sword Master, it is talking about the so-called seventh sense in Buddhism, Aye Lai Consciousness, which has a premonition of the future. If it is in-depth, it can predict some changes in the future.

As for Zhao Cheng, when his mind transcended life and death and reached the realm of a saint, the seventh sense had actually sprouted. However, his spirit was not strong enough and his sword theory was not vast enough, so he could not support the seventh sense.

The power of feeling.

After all, predicting the future costs so much?!

But secretly, he is a little more sensitive to misfortunes and blessings than ordinary people, and occasionally he has a sense of whim.

At the same time, it is precisely because his seventh sense has sprouted that at this moment, he can feel the power brought by the mark of that era.

Zhao Cheng's spiritual world is changing at this moment, but the change is not big, but Zhao Cheng has already understood that he has only digested part of the wisdom of the Hundred Kings, and there are still some extremely precious things that he has ignored.

In other words, my spirit is not strong enough to digest it.

That is what the years spanned by the Hundred Kings brought about the entire history of civilization in the development of boxing!

There are so many heroic figures in it, from ancient times to the present, for five thousand years, all of them are in Zhao Cheng's spiritual world.

If he can digest it one day in the future, how strong can his spirit be?

When he clearly understood where the times were, the road ahead seemed broader.

"Zhao Cheng."

At this moment, a voice came from Zhao Cheng's ear.

"I thought you kendo students wouldn't be interested in this kind of robot with no soul in swordsmanship."

This voice is gentle and intellectual.

"Hello, my name is Hua Luoli."

When the girl saw Zhao Cheng looking over, she said with a smile, without showing any signs of indifference.

The girl is wearing a school uniform, has a slender figure, and looks a bit like a classic Jiangnan beauty.

When Zhao Cheng heard the voice, he knew it was her who spoke. When he was in the library before, he often saw her studying there, but the two never interacted.

As for Hua Luoli, he is now considered a celebrity in the three major prestigious schools, but he is not as famous as Zhao Cheng.

Zhao Cheng is the top scholar in martial arts this year, and she is the top scholar in literature this year, and she is the fourth top scholar in history with perfect scores since the college entrance examination. This shows the gold content.

At this moment, Zhao Cheng was slightly surprised, but his expression did not show any signs of it. He just smiled and said: "The description of being soulless is very appropriate, so robots are destined to be unable to replace humans. However, having no soul does not mean that it is meaningless."

"When I look at this robot, I see the beginning of a new era."

While Zhao Cheng was speaking, he was also sensing the girl in front of him with his mind. He didn't take a close look at it before, but now he felt it with his heart, but he noticed something.

Hua Luoli is not a swordsman, but in his spiritual core, there is a kind of transparency that ordinary swordsmen don't have. This kind of transparency is not acquired, but is innate, and has been strengthened by the acquired wisdom through reading.


As the No. 1 scholar in literature, the other party's wisdom is naturally unquestionable. The two are superimposed, and this is how he has such a spiritual core.

Therefore, the other party can directly discover Zhao Cheng.

You know, Zhao Cheng can barely be regarded as a "malnourished" saint now. Although he does not have the ability of a true saint to easily distort people's cognition, he can make his own existence by deliberately operating his spirit.

The feeling is almost gone.

[A book-chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend I have known for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It is so easy to use. I rely on this app to read and listen to books while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here www. 】

If you do not interact with other people, you will be subconsciously ignored by others, and even if you interact with others, it will not be noticeable to other people.

This chapter has been completed!
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