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Chapter 281 Mechanical Ascension

There is not much content in the news, just a few paragraphs of text and a few unclear photos.

Zhao Cheng could imagine that many people were about to jump off the building.

In the past few years, this company's stock has been soaring, but now it has suddenly fallen. Those who played with leverage will not end well.

After that, Zhao Cheng's thoughts turned to other places. In the past few years, Zhushen Technology had not launched any results, so many people were guessing that it might be expanding its strategy. This is also the reason why its stock has been soaring.


If the other party launches another happy technology of the previous level, the stock will definitely rise again.

According to some rumors, it seems that the other party has made a breakthrough in the nervous system. According to some gossip, it seems that the key problem of the external ridge pillar has been solved.

The so-called plug-in spine is an artificial nervous system with a super chip inside to provide computing power support, which can allow ordinary people to become supermen directly.

For people like Zhao Cheng, this thing is just a toy, but for ordinary people, it is the beginning of another road to becoming stronger.

The road to swordsmanship requires not only talent, but good talent may not necessarily make you successful. You also need to have a good character. Rich people are busy making money, so how can they have time to practice? Naturally, I thought of finding another way.

With this in mind, Zhao Cheng opened the Kendo Bureau's forum and searched for relevant posts. Sure enough, there was news in this area, and it was more detailed.

Zhao Cheng scrolled down all the way and looked at the comments. As expected, there was quite a lot of interesting information in it.

Unlike the Yanhuang forum, where there is only one post, in the Kendo Bureau forum, at this time, someone has already discussed a general idea.

Most likely, an anonymous user who was present at the scene spoke eloquently, saying that this was a normal business competition, and that the lost data was not a neural crest, but an implantable chip technology.

Through this technology, the chip can be used to regulate human endocrine and keep people's mood in a harmonious state, thereby achieving the effect of extending life.

The technological content of this thing is much higher than that of neural crest.

Thoughts arose in Zhao Cheng's mind. Sure enough, the development of science and technology was changing with each passing day. In his previous understanding, this technology was considered to be future technology, but it turned out that it already existed now.

In this regard, Zhao Cheng, a person who follows the ancient path of spiritual practice, does not have any sense of rejection, but only a desire for knowledge.

This technology itself obviously involves the mystery of life and is also a kind of Tao.

However, Zhao Cheng also knows that it is too early for him to understand these things now. He has not yet finished learning swordsmanship. The best way is to focus on one thing, otherwise he will become a monkey picking up sesame seeds.

In this way, after browsing the forum for half an hour, Zhao Cheng turned to reading. There was a period of time before when he mainly read history. After a while, even though there were a vast number of history books, the more authoritative ones had already been

He was so impressed.

So he directly turned to geography and astronomy, and knowing the sky and the earth was also true knowledge.

During this time, he began to switch to mathematics, progressing from the shallower to the deeper, and the gains were not small.

As he read more and more books, a tree of knowledge was formed, and he read books faster and faster. If he read some textbooks, he would know where there were mistakes.

Textbooks are, after all, compiled by people, and fallacies are inevitable.

When the time reached four o'clock, Zhao Cheng's heart moved slightly, and he knew that Lin Yuntian, who lived in the dormitory next to his, had woken up.

Although the walls of the dormitory were thick and specially designed for soundproofing, Zhao Cheng did not hear any noise, but a divine feeling in his heart.

The scientific explanation is that Zhao Cheng's mind received the changes in Lin Yuntian's life magnetic field, so he sensed it.

There is a big difference in the magnetic field of life between when a person is asleep and when he is awake.

Zhao Cheng knew that the other party went to bed at twelve o'clock, woke up at four o'clock, and regained all his energy in four hours. This sleep effect was already good.

After that, in less than a minute, Zhao Cheng knew that Lin Yuntian had started practicing sword practice.

Not just Lin Yuntian, in the following time, more and more students woke up upstairs and downstairs. After waking up, the first thing he did was practice swordplay without slacking off at all.

There were many things that hurt Zhongyong in ancient times, and there are also many things today.

Zhao Cheng was not affected. He read all the way and saw five o'clock. After that, he typed on his mobile phone and submitted all the errors in the book to the National Library. He also thoughtfully attached a copy of the correct content.


After doing this, Zhao Cheng started to eat his second meal of the day. During this period, he did not eat eight meals a day, but only seven meals, which were at half past two, five o'clock, ten o'clock, two o'clock in the afternoon, and afternoon.

Six o'clock, nine o'clock in the evening, twelve o'clock in the evening.

As for other students in the kendo department, they eat about five meals a day.

With Zhao Cheng's current physical strength, if he doesn't fight with others, eats, drinks, or sleeps, his physical strength will not decline for seven days and seven nights. A strong spirit can directly lock the body's nutrition.

As for defecation, because he eats relatively pure food and has a strong digestive ability, he usually defecates once every five days. It can be said that the whole person, from the inside to the outside, is no longer the same species as ordinary people.

After eating, Zhao Cheng sat quietly for a few minutes, and then began to read sword manuals on his mobile phone. He went to the library until eight o'clock when the library opened, and did not go to the gym until after nine o'clock to practice kendo.


He only sleeps two hours a day, which can be said to be almost two hours a day.

Zhao Cheng actually has no shortage of time, but every second counts. This is an attitude. Especially for a race like humans, who are like mayflies, they must cherish every minute and every second.

In the afternoon, around two o'clock, Zhao Cheng, who was rare, did not continue to soak in the library, but came to the Science and Technology Museum of Qingshan University.

In the early morning, he visited the forum and saw that the Science and Technology Museum had obtained a set of equipment that was only available in the laboratory to broaden the horizons and ideas of the students in the school.

This is a common practice. There is no such thing in ordinary schools. Some schools that are not very good at it, but some schools with some strength, organize students to visit laboratories. The three famous schools just drag things back directly to save students.


When Zhao Cheng passed by, he saw that there were many people gathered on that side of the Science and Technology Museum, and in the center of the crowd was a silver-white humanoid robot full of technology.

[A book-chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend I have known for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It is so easy to use. I rely on this app to read and listen to books while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here www. 】

If it is used in war and pursues the ultimate lethality, it is not suitable for a robot to be made into a humanoid form. However, the robot in front of you is not born for killing, but a robot to assist learning.

This chapter has been completed!
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