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Chapter 666 Invincible Teacher

Chapter 666 The Invincible Master

In the virtual world, in a conference room, all the mythical characters in the world are gathered together.

Of course, Zhao Cheng is not inside. Indeed, this is a conference room belonging to the civilized parliament. Zhao Cheng is also the chief of the parliament and has the highest ruling power, but usually, he will not participate in the meetings here.

At this moment, in the conference room, thirteen of the strongest people born in the human world appeared here.

Li Nishang, Bai Wenshan, Gu Chunyang, Kong Ruoque, Lin Buhui, Zhou Yanxi, Yuan Tianjie, Xu Zhengxin, and the Dao Master of Hongchen Dao, Zhuge Qing, Tao Master Taixu, Sun Taixu, thirteen people

, there are already ten myths about the birth of Yan and Huang.

The remaining three are the Overseas God, the Sage, and Uranus.

Originally, there was not much difference in the number of myths between Yanhuang and overseas.

Just a year ago, there were only four myths about Yan and Huang.

At that time, Lin Buhui was still waiting for death in Yuntian Dao Channel, saving his last breath to maintain the glory of the sect.

As for Zhou Yanxi, Yuan Tianjie, and Xu Tianzheng, they are still just saints, occupying the positions of principals of three prestigious schools, and working hard to obtain their fate.

Zhuge Qing and Sun Taixu didn't even see the chance of becoming a myth with just one proof.

As for Li Nichang and Tianzhu, they are both half kings who have broken the barrier of heaven.

In the conference room, God said.

This is also the root of the formation of the two factions.

It wasn't until Zhao Cheng came out that we had the current situation.

"Just like the vassal states in ancient times, envoys from great powers used to support local forces. In a short period of time, they would indeed have a certain authority, but over time, they would be emptied out. This is a matter of human heart and race.

Even you and I still have some concerns, let alone ordinary people?!"

It's not that there is any huge conflict between them, it's just for the stability of a parliament.

"At this point in time, the executor's commissioners have begun to cultivate cronies in various countries. However, these cronies are unreliable. Nowadays, with the general trend of the Universal Federation, and their foundation is unstable, they need to borrow external forces, so they are obedient.

When time passes and this group of people has a solid foundation, it won’t be so useful.”

"My thoughts are similar to yours, but different. Compared with the military, economy, that is, money, is the most important thing."

"You are all talking about money and people, but I think you have overlooked a very important thing, which is thought, or belief."

"But this model is also the most prone to problems. The biggest problem is that it is not stable enough. The world is too big. With just a few people, without the help of Zhao Cheng, it is impossible to grasp all aspects of things.


He is undoubtedly the oldest among them all and has experienced the most ups and downs.

Today's civilized parliament is divided into two factions, one is headed by God, and the other is headed by Li Nichang.

First, Lin Buhui was allowed to live another life, and then there was a sermon and the fire-refining elixir, which all at once contributed to the birth of five myths.

"Zhao Cheng has never thought about promoting the unification of mankind through this, so he has no plans in this regard. He only limits the scope to deal with the disaster of evil gods. However, if we want to take advantage of this opportunity to promote the leap of civilization, we must first

The most core things are settled.”

"An organization can only do things easily if it has money. If it has money and people, it will be invincible!"

At this moment, Lin Buhui spoke.

"To put it simply, in the early stages of starting a business, what we have to do is to take advantage of this world and the entire world to suck blood crazily and expand our own size. When we are strong, the other party is weak."

And the faith he is talking about is not a belief in false gods and Buddhas, but a belief in order.

"Now that Zhao Cheng is in charge, the other party cannot mount a strong resistance at all. This is an unprecedented advantage. Once missed, there will never be such an opportunity again in the future."

In the past, this was undoubtedly unprecedented and even unimaginable.

At this moment, in the conference room, the strongest among the thirteen human civilizations, and the most intelligent one except Zhao Cheng, was discussing matters related to the future of the civilization.

"Indeed, the Universal Federation will not interfere with the sovereignty of each country unless it involves evil gods, but this is just a temporary measure. Zhao Cheng has no interest in promoting the unification of mankind, so he did not expend this effort, but it does not mean that Zhao Cheng

To oppose the unity of mankind."

"And if the Evil God's Disaster ends, the World Federation will be in a very embarrassing position."

"Therefore, it is inevitable to complicate a simple structure!"

Li Nishang said.

However, in this era, it is nothing and cannot affect the overall situation.

"Now, we temporarily control the world's resources, even if it is only temporarily and only in name, we can also take advantage of this to issue our own currency, a universal currency."

"So, it is a must for us to complete the transformation of the World Federation before this happens."

God said it very straightforwardly. In fact, there is no need to go through all the roundabouts in their dialogue at this level.

"My idea is to start with the army and integrate the world's most elite warriors into sword-wielders. The power they have is to control everything..."

"Therefore, I think we can imitate the previous national model, continue to spread the tentacles of the World Federation downwards, and recruit all the talents into the World Federation. If they are obtained by us, even if they are hidden for a lifetime and are not allowed to be exposed, they will be better than nothing."

Good for the strength of the enemy.”

In addition to that, they are the two strongest. Among the mythical strong men, if we really want to say it, there are actually only eleven myths.

"The World Federation is actually empty now. It has taken too big a step. It is accomplished overnight. Although it is refreshing, it is missing the most core thing."

"The current structure of the Universal Federation is undoubtedly too simple. Such a model will not cause any problems with Zhao Cheng here. It is even an advantage. The structure is simple, so it operates quickly."

"On Earth, the previous cores have long been proven to be only applicable in some places, and there is no universal template."

"According to our thinking, the changes in the future world will definitely be the convergence of all cultures, thoughts, and concepts. At the same time, it will also be the time when spiritual conflicts are most acute. Their living habits, customs, and laws are different in each place.

Yes, and these all need to be unified. The state-state model is destined to be only a transition, so some things must be settled from the very beginning. Once the roots are distorted, huge problems will definitely arise in the future."

"After all, what we are facing today is not the nirvana of civilization in ruins, but the reconciliation and transformation in silence. This kind of thing was originally impossible, but it happened."

"Actually, many times, it is the easiest to break down and stand up again. This kind of thing seems easy, but in fact, it is very difficult."

(End of chapter)

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