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Chapter 112: Embrace weapons

"Thank you brothers for your votes and rewards, one more update."

The strong must endure loneliness.

Lin Yi hid on the roof of the hospital and never moved again. He ate a bite of bread when he was hungry and drank a bottle of mineral water when he was thirsty. His physical problems were solved in the corner. The rest of the time was spent sitting cross-legged and meditating under the tarmac, or

Meditate or breathe.

first day,

The sound of police cars in the city is urgent and dense, constantly shuttling on the streets. From day to night, helicopters fly over the sky from time to time, scanning the entire city. At night, police lights shine across the city, and helicopters in the sky turn on searchlights.

Keep searching.

the next day,

There are still many police cars and helicopters still fly over from time to time, but there are fewer than on the first day.

On the third day,

Lin Yi felt that he heard a lot less sirens, and he didn't even see a helicopter flying over the sky for a long time.

As the old saying goes: once you make great progress, you will be weak again, and finally you will be exhausted.

Three days passed without any effect, and the enthusiasm naturally dropped. Maybe those so-called experts would analyze that he might have escaped from the city.

But Lin Yi still didn't move.

He has enough patience.

There is a parking lot downstairs of the hospital. Lin Yi would get some air at night and observe the situation in the parking lot. Through observation, he discovered a lot of useful information, such as whether the owner of a certain car is a man or a woman, and whether the car has been parked here for a long time.

No one moved.

Day four.

Lin Yi still didn't move.

It wasn't until the fifth day that Lin Yi finally started to take action. He collected all the garbage and debris under the tarmac. In fact, he usually pays attention to it and packs everything into the space.

Putting on his white coat, glasses and mask, Lin Yi quietly opened the stair door. It was around 9 o'clock in the evening, which was not too late. Even if someone found him, he could just go upstairs to smoke a cigarette. There was no one in the corridor. Lin Yi

Walk slowly to the first floor.

When passing by the hall, a passing nurse nodded to say hello to Lin Yi, and Lin Yi nodded politely in return.

When passing by a trash can, Lin Yi threw all the garbage in the space into it.

After leaving the hospital building and coming to the parking lot, Lin Yi came to a car that he had already been optimistic about. It was an old-fashioned Accord. Lin Yi touched the roof of the car. There was a thick layer of dust on it. It must have been there for a long time.

No one opened.

If you drive a car like this away, I guess no one will call the police in a short time, which will save you a lot of trouble. I hope it can still catch fire.

The wire is inserted into the keyhole,

Wave gently a few times,


The door lock jumped.

Pulling the handle, the car door opened.

Lin Yi sat in the car,

Open the lower ignition wire and use two wires to start the fire.

That's why he looked for an old car. Newer cars have computers, so this ignition method doesn't work at all.


The car is on.

Lin Yi was overjoyed.

Look at the gauge, there's still half a tank of oil left.

Moreover, in the glove box, Lin Yi also found some good things, some cosmetics, foundation, lip balm, eye shadow boxes, etc., but it seemed that they had been discarded for a long time, and some of the ones with the lids open were dry.

But to Lin Yi, this doesn't matter.

In addition, there are hair covers, rubber bands, hair dye sprays, etc.

Putting on his seat belt, Lin Yi drove out of the hospital parking lot. Lin Yi did not drive to Chicago, but drove in the opposite direction to St. Louis, Missouri.

His plan is simple,

He will continue to take revenge,

The next target was the Turners, but he knew that if the other party was rich and powerful, he would definitely be prepared. If he went there now, it would be like committing suicide. He had to be fully prepared. As for what to prepare, it was naturally a weapon.



He needs them all.

There were very few cars on the highway in the dark night, and occasionally a few large trucks passed by. It took Lin Yi more than an hour to drive to St. Louis. The car was parked in a large parking lot outside Wal-Mart. Lin Yi opened the car mirror and started putting on makeup.

Apply foundation,

Apply color.

Dark line.

Hair and temples dyed white.

After more than an hour of busy work, Lin Yi's appearance changed greatly, from a young man in his twenties to a middle-aged man in his forties.

And the facial contour has also changed.

In fact, this is all an optical illusion,

Women with makeup and women without makeup are completely different, and Lin Yi's skills are not inferior to them.

turn off the lights,


The parking lot is quiet.

He slept until dawn, until Wal-Mart opened. Lin Yi simply packed his clothes, bent his waist slightly, making him look more like an experienced middle-aged man, and then walked into Wal-Mart.

this time,

He was not wearing a mask.

Lin Yi pushed the cart into the living area. Here, he purchased some food and drink and went to the tool area. Here Lin Yi was interested in more things, including knives, pliers, wrenches, screwdrivers, iron wires, and lock-picking tools.

Soldering iron, etc. He didn't know what he would encounter in the future, but sometimes, some tools could save his life.

In the clothing area, Lin Yi picked out a lot of clothes so that he could easily change them later. The more he evaded the police, the more different clothes he had to prepare.

In the cosmetics section, he specially selected a batch of cosmetics and tools for gluing beards on, all of which are ready-made.

In the drug section, Lin Yi selected a lot of common medicines, wound medicine, hemostatic medicine, etc. Drug management in the United States is relatively loose. Drugs such as sleeping pills can be bought casually in supermarkets.

It was already 11 o'clock in the morning, and there were more and more people in the supermarket. Lin Yi passed by the firearms area, took a look over there, and then turned around and left.

Buying a gun in the United States is really no different from choosing other products in a supermarket. He had only seen it in the news before, but now he is still curious when he sees it in person. The rows and rows of various firearms placed together are really shocking.

But he couldn't buy it. Although buying a gun was free, it still required registration and purchase qualifications. Without identity, foreigners and those who had committed serious crimes were not allowed to buy. Lin Yike couldn't get the registered ID card.

As for taking it secretly.

This is the only supermarket with monitoring equipment. Computers automatically focus and compare, and will alarm if there is any situation.

Lin Yi planned to obtain the gun through other more reliable channels.


An old-fashioned Ford Raptor pickup truck drove to the entrance of a weapons store in the urban area. The car suddenly accelerated in reverse and roared, crashing into the iron gate of the weapons store.


The raptor was so powerful that it smashed the iron fence door directly.

The car drove forward suddenly, revealing a big hole in an instant. A guy wearing sportswear, a hood and a mask quickly rushed into the weapons store. When he saw the gun he liked, he hugged it and put it on the back of the pickup truck at the door.


Barrett made seven or eight trips with pistols, rifles, submachine guns, and even sniper rifles. There were dozens of guns in total. Then he moved boxes of bullets and loaded them into the back of the car. The whole process lasted about three minutes. Finally, this

The hooded man quickly got into the car and drove away.

About four or five minutes later, two police cars drove over, and all they saw was a mess, with no sign of the robbers.

Retrieving the video can only prove that he was robbed by a guy driving a pickup truck. The exposed skin was black, so it was most likely done by a black man.

This is why Lin Yi bought ink in the supermarket.

Such eucalyptus,

It happens many times every year.

The police are used to it.

Losing a gun is not a big deal. The guns smuggled underground are much better than the guns sold in supermarkets. At most, these guns will flow into the black market and eventually become a sum of money.

The last item listed as unbroken was thrown aside.

A middle-aged Asian man was driving on the road. He was going to a quarry to get a batch of explosives, and he was a buyer.

The size of the quarry is not large. After Lin Yi arrived here, he revealed his identity to the person in charge here. He was a buyer of building materials, looking for cheaper and more suitable products to sell. Lin Yi said to the person in charge: "Although my

The company is not big, but I have many friends who are doing business in this area. If it does well this time, I will recommend it to them."

Lin Yi asked to see the conditions of the factory and mine. The person in charge readily agreed and took Lin Yi to visit the mining area, mining area, and production area. Finally, Lin Yi asked: "I want to know about our production safety. You know, if you are here

If a safety incident occurs and the contract signed by our client cannot be fulfilled, we will have to pay a lot of money."

The person in charge took Lin Yi to visit the production equipment area.

Explosives are relatively dangerous. They are generally placed far away from people and factories. There is usually only one person guarding them. A large amount of ammonium ladder explosives, emulsion explosives, C4 explosives, and blasting equipment such as fuses are placed in the warehouse.

Electronic detonators, igniters, etc.

Next to the warehouse is the workers' dormitory that guards the warehouse. There is only one person guarding the warehouse. When Lin Yi entered, he smelled the smell of alcohol. Looking at the dull-eyed middle-aged guard, he knew that this guy could be drunk for 12 hours a day.


Guarding an explosives warehouse is a boring and dangerous job. There are countless cases of explosives warehouse explosions in mines. Working here is life-threatening. There may be a loud bang one day, and the guard will be blown up to the point where the powder cannot be found.

In the corner of the table, Lin Yi found a bottle of brandy with the lid open. The guard probably hid it there when he saw their car approaching.

Lin Yi's heart moved and he had two more sleeping pills in his hand.

Crush lightly,

When the person in charge and the guards were not paying attention, he put the powder into the wine bottle and did not forget to wipe the mouth of the bottle clean.


A car parked in the dark more than a thousand meters away from the explosives warehouse without turning on the lights. After getting off the car, it quietly passed by. Lin Yi checked the guard through the window and found that the guy was sleeping soundly.

Open the warehouse door quietly.

Using a small flashlight for lighting, Lin Yi relied on his memory to find what he wanted. In the end, he took a lot of things, including detonators, detonators, C4 explosives and other explosives, and finally filled up the space before giving up.

But Lin Yi felt that it was still not enough.

Finally, he simply gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, "Damn it, I will make you pay back 10 times the money I spent today."

"System, purchase 1 cubic meter of space." Lin Yi ordered the system.

Now Lin Yi still has more than 60 million US dollars in his wallet, and one cubic meter costs 20 million US dollars. He was reluctant to spend it before because he wanted to save it to see what products would appear in the new mall if the system wallet exceeded 200 million US dollars.

Money can lead to the gods.

After spending more than 20 million US dollars, there are now only 40 million US dollars left, and he has added one cubic meter of space.

Now there is space.

Continue to install.

Lin Yi finally left after filling up the space.

As for the guard,

Still soundly asleep.


When passing through a certain small town, Lin Yi bought 100 Nokia mobile phones in one go and matched them with 100 cards. Moreover, Lin Yi required that the cards must be old ones, that is, cards that have been used and consumed by others before.

after one day,

Lin Yi came to Evanston. Evanston is a satellite city of Chicago. It is only more than 20 kilometers away from Chicago. Evanston is nothing special. There are only tens of thousands of people, but there is a place for him.

Famously, Northwestern University is located in Evanston.

Lin Yi went to school here before and was most familiar with it. At night, Lin Yi found an unoccupied house in a certain apartment building that had been unoccupied for a long time. He used his lockpicking skills to open the door and went in. He turned on the light and tried it, and it turned on.

Just have electricity.

Lin Yi took out C4 explosives, detonators, wires, Nokia mobile phones, steel balls, tape and other objects from the space, plugged in the soldering iron and started tinkering.

His purpose is simple.

make bombs,

various bombs,

Remote control type, trigger type, wire type, etc., I believe there is always one suitable for them.

This chapter has been completed!
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