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Chapter 113: The girl is dead

A week has passed,

The police still haven't caught Lin Yi. Brock Turner has been detained at home for a week, and he is very upset now.

Tired of playing games and watching movies, he went to his father and asked, "Dad, can't I go out?"

John Turner looked at his son and shook his head, "You can't go anywhere until you find the Chinese gangster."


Bullock cursed in his mind and turned around to go back to his room.

John Turner called the security captain, "Kent, protect the manor, and keep an eye on Bullock so he doesn't get out."

"Okay Mr. Turner." Kent nodded.

There are six security personnel employed in the Turner Manor. These people are either retired from the special forces or retired from the police. They have strong security capabilities, but of course they are also expensive. Even John Turner, a billionaire, only hired two before.

After this incident happened, he urgently hired four more, and the price of these four was much more expensive than before. The security company said that the other party was a very vicious guy, and my staff might really

Facing a life and death fight.

John Turner cursed in his heart, "Why would I hire you if I didn't work hard? I just took the opportunity to raise the price. But in the end, he gritted his teeth and spent a lot of money to hire four people, and they signed a one-month short-term contract."

After Kent left,

John Turner continues to read computer news.

John is not an antique. He has been fond of playing with computers for a long time. He knows that the future of the world must be computers, so he has invested a lot in the computer industry.

In the past, news was obtained through newspapers, television and other media. However, after entering the new century, people found that the Internet is becoming more and more news-oriented. John now also likes to read news on the computer, but after reading the news, his face was not clear.

How beautiful.

There have been some very bad comments online about the Turner family.

Some people say that the Chinese boy was indeed wronged and that he resorted to means to save his son.

Some people also say that his son Bullock once admitted to sexually assaulting a girl while drunk, and the Asian man was the hero who saved his life.

Others were clamoring for the girl to come forward and explain the matter clearly.

John Turner narrowed his eyes. He knew what happened best. In order to appease the girl and make her change her story that it was the Asian who sexually assaulted her, not his son, he spent 100,000 dollars.

If things had gone by like that, everything would have been buried in the dust of history, but that Asian guy did something crazy and now turned the whole thing upside down. Now some people are starting to question him, which has a very bad impact on him.

He not only wants to make money, but also wants to engage in politics.

He is also preparing to run in next year's state legislative election.

If the opponent seizes this matter to attack him, it will make him look ugly.


This matter must be dealt with cleanly.

He complained in his mind that the Springfield police were so incompetent that they hadn't even found anyone for a whole week.

John Turner thought for a while and called the mayor of Springfield. The two had met before and were considered friends.

John Turner expressed his concerns to his old friends. After all, the gangster had once said that he wanted to take revenge on their family, and he also questioned the police's ability to handle the case.

"I will urge the police chief to catch the criminal as soon as possible. Don't worry, I believe he will be arrested soon." The mayor said with a smile.

After hanging up the phone, the mayor called the police chief again.

A week has passed,

The culprit who shot the justice was never found, and Springfield's police chief was under great pressure.

Originally, he thought he was just an ordinary criminal. Under the overwhelming search, where could he hide? He would soon show up and be captured or killed by the police.

But that guy seemed to have disappeared from the world, leaving no trace at all.

When John Turner called again to put pressure on him, the police chief couldn't help but cursed, "Damn it, don't you want me to arrest someone?" But that kid just didn't know where he was stuck. Could it be that he flew away?

After John Turner hung up the phone, he tapped his fingers on the table. For some reason, his heart was still unsettled, and he felt like a crisis was getting closer and closer.

Is that the Asian guy?

That guy is just a person. He has hired 6 bodyguards. If he dares to come, he will be killed easily.

Then who else?

He suddenly thought of that girl.

Will his rivals try to trick the girl into revealing the truth? Then all the charges of confusing right and wrong and bribing the judge will be pinned on him, and his political future may be completely ruined.


That girl can't stay.

A sinister look flashed in Turner's eyes.


Lin Yi has been busy in this deserted apartment for a whole week, repeating the same thing every day, making bombs, and making various bombs.

In fact, these things are not difficult. There are several ways to make them in the "Militia Training Manual", the three great time travel books he has read.

this week.

Lin Yi made more than one hundred bombs in total.

Even so,

Only half of the detonators, explosives and other materials were used.

Keep it, these things will definitely be useful in the future.

Lin Yi dressed up and turned himself into a middle-aged man in his forties. He put on glasses and a beard. He was absolutely different from the Lin Yi in the wanted photo. No one would associate them with each other.


After cleaning the room carefully, Lin Yi went out again.

The Northwest University town is very peaceful. This is not Springfield. There is no shooting judge. Everyone is living their own lives.

In the United States, not only are states independent, but counties and cities also basically operate independently. What happened in Springfield has nothing to do with this place. The police will only do things according to their normal work patterns.

Lin Yi came to the supermarket.

This time he planned to purchase some more things.

The University Town store has many uncommon products. In the computer store, he bought a laptop. In the glass tool store, Lin Yi bought a set of glassware purification tools, including alcohol lamp beakers. In the drugstore, Lin Yi bought another

I purchased some medicines, of course, they are all non-contraband medicines.

At the diving club, Lin Yi bought a diving suit, including an oxygen bottle. At an outdoor store, Lin Yi bought some more outdoor supplies. At an outdoor sports store, he bought a wing suit and a small parachute.

Out of the university town,

Lin Yi came to a town on the outskirts of the city and went to a store selling pesticides. He told the store owner that he wanted to buy some pesticides and gave him the model number.

The store owner was an old man with a white beard who was very enthusiastic and helped Lin Yi carry a box of pesticides into the car.

Returning to the apartment again, he found nothing unusual. Lin Yi started tinkering in the house, pouring pesticides and some pharmaceuticals together. After a series of purifications, he could get some colorless pharmaceuticals with an extremely bland taste.

In fact, many of the basic toxins in pesticides are colorless and odorless. The reason why pesticides smell so strong is not because of the smell of poison, but because the manufacturers specifically add odorants to let you know as soon as you smell it that it is poisonous and don't drink it.


The extract dropped drop by drop into the beaker.

Extraction is a delicate job,

Lin Yi was not in a hurry,

Connect your laptop to the Internet and watch the latest news.

The Yin Lak War is still in full swing, and Hollywood stars occupy a large space. These are blocked by Lin Yi. He only wants to read news about himself.

"Terrorist thugs, killing the justices wildly, what kind of person can do such appalling things."

"Killing 12 people in a row, why is the Asian thug so skilled? Is he an ordinary international student or...beep beep beep!"

"The most complete explanation of the overall series of the murder of the judge."

"This matter involves the Turner family. Today let us take a look at the situation of the Turner family that is rooted in Chicago."

When Lin Yi saw this title, he immediately clicked on it.

This article introduces the Turner family in great detail. The Turner family has come to Chicago since the era of great development and has grown up with Chicago. The industries they currently operate include tens of thousands of acres of farms around Chicago, banking, investment, and hotels.

Business, etc., John Turner's family has shares in the Bank of Chicago, has opened an investment company of its own, and owns two five-star hotels in partnership with others in Chicago and St. Louis.

The total net worth of the Turner family should be around US$500-600 million.

Lin Yi was a little disappointed when he saw that the Turner family's total assets were only US$5.6 billion. With this amount of money, he couldn't even make it into the top 500 richest people in the United States.

The most important thing is,

For Lin Yi's next plan, the richer the Turner family, the better. He hoped that the other party would be rich, so that they would have enough money to pay for Lin Yi's plan.

In this article, the photos and location of Turner Manor were also posted, which was really thoughtful. Lin Yi was grateful to the editor from the bottom of his heart.

Continuing to browse other news, Lin Yi found that in some comment sections, there were all kinds of things. Some people thought Lin Yi was cruel, but others thought Lin Yi was awesome and admired such a courageous person.

Some people also discussed whether Lin Yi was wrongly accused. Some guys even started arguing about this. One side said that Lin Yi was lying, while the other side said that he was not afraid of killing people. Why would he lie about a sexual assault? They felt that what Lin Yi said was true.

Suddenly a new comment aroused Lin Yi's great attention.

The title was simply, "That girl is dead!"

"The girl who was sexually assaulted by Lin Yi died in a car accident today. The car hit and run. When I found the car, I found it had been abandoned on the side of the road. It was a stolen vehicle. The owner reported the car missing an hour before the incident."

Various comments quickly appeared below, guessing who did it.

"It must have been done by the Asian gangster. He once warned on camera that he would take revenge on many people, including this girl."

"Yes, he did say it. It was so cruel. A beautiful girl died tragically like this. He was really inhumane."

"Why do I feel like there is a conspiracy in this? Is it possible that a certain family killed people to cover up the truth?"

"Maybe it was an accident." Someone said in a very white tone.

"How could it be an accident? The car was lost and the perpetrator escaped. This method is simply too professional. There are no loopholes. There is no evidence in any investigation. The more this is the case, the more it proves that this cannot be an accident, but man-made."

Lin Yi shrank when he saw this comment.

As the other party involved, Lin Yi knew without guessing that the Turner family was responsible for this. For a family that aspires to enter the political arena, scandals are not allowed to exist. He killed the judge and allowed the incident to escalate. The girl became a hidden danger.

So kill and silence.

This chapter has been completed!
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