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Chapter 139: Mission Impossible

It is never that simple to pierce a company, especially one of the world's top 100 companies like Tyco. Without conclusive evidence, it is impossible to shake it at all.

The investors behind these world-renowned companies are powerful and have complex relationships. If you simply say something ambiguous, it will be deleted quickly and it will most likely be framed.

Lin Yi is not in a hurry.

After drinking coffee and eating cake, Lin Yi went to a computer store and bought two of the latest laptops, an Apple and a Dell.

Why buy two different ones? Because he doesn't know what system the other party uses, and he needs to understand both operating systems.

Come to the Strand Bookstore on Fourth Avenue in New York. It is the largest bookstore in New York and has a wide range of books.

This time Lin Yi mainly bought computer books.

After checking into the Sheraton Hotel and requesting a business suite, Lin Yi began to study in seclusion. For seven days in a row, apart from eating and occasionally going to the hotel gym to exercise, he spent the rest of the time reading books and studying information on the computer.

The hotel's internet speed is very fast.

He found a place called "Technology Alliance Tribe" on the Internet, where there were many posts about computer software and hardware.

There are also many technical experts hidden inside.

In 2005, the Internet was in full swing, and many enthusiasts emerged. After Lin Yi read several sets of systematic books, he began to absorb nutrients in Tieba. He had a photographic memory and could learn quickly.

A few days later, he began to move to advanced areas, involving software programming and cracking. He had no intention of programming himself, as long as he could use cracking software.

There are some cracking programs on the Internet, many of which are made by netizens themselves, but those released are basically commercial products, and the system paths passed will be blocked by software companies soon after they are released.

If you want good cracking software, you need to spend money to buy it.

In the forum circle,

There is a very famous person named 'Asan'. He has published many insightful posts, and many people have come to him to ask questions, especially in terms of intrusion and cracking. People who come to this website all recognize Asan's technology and speak highly of his skills.

Definitely ranked first or second in the entire Tieba.

Lin Yi tried to use chat software to add Ah Sang.

It actually passed.

"I want to buy software."

"In what respect?"

"Intrusions and cracking aspects."

"Not for sale."

The other party refused.

Lin Yi thought for a while, "I am a computer software enthusiast. I want to research and compare the software when I buy it. Since you don't sell it, can I talk to you in person?"

The other party was silent for a while.

"It's okay to communicate, but I'm in Australia and your address is in New York, USA. Are you sure you want to communicate in person?"

The other party can see Lin Yi's address at a glance.

"I'm sure." Lin Yi said.

"Okay then, leave me a phone number and I will contact you in 3 days," the other party said.

Lin Yi left a new phone number that he had never used before.

the next day,

Lin Yi took a plane to Australia.

Due to geographical reasons, Australia's cities are basically concentrated on one side. The city where Lin Yi landed was Melbourne and he found a hotel to stay in.

In the remaining time, I continued to read and study and polish my computer skills.

Ring ring ring~!

The cell phone placed aside rang.

It was the phone number that Lin Yi left for 'A Sang'. Only A Sang knew this number.

Lin Yi answered the phone.

"Hello, my name is Jack."

"Hello, I'm Asang."

Although the two parties spoke for the first time, they felt as familiar as old friends. On the phone, Asang said: "I saw that your computer address changed to Melbourne, so I knew you were really here."

Lin Yixin said that her computer has too many loopholes.

"Then do you have time to meet?" Lin Yi asked.

"I'm in Townsville. You come here tomorrow and wait for me in the city square when you arrive. I'll go find you." Assan said.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yi called the hotel front desk and rented a car.

The next day,

Lin Yi drove to Townsville. After a few hours' drive, he stopped near the city square. The square was very clean and the people were very leisurely. An old man was feeding the pigeons, and two women with their children chatted together.

Two children were rolling and playing on the ground.

Lin Yi sat on the bench.

He didn't know when the other party would come back, so he took out a book from his pocket and looked at it.

About ten minutes after arriving, a young man walked up to Lin Yi. The young man had long hair, an unkempt beard, and was wearing a pair of torn jeans. His energy was slightly depressed, giving people the impression that he had not had enough sleep for a long time.

"Is it Jack?"

"Are you Assan?"

This is how the two met.

Ah Sang invited Lin Yi to his house. The two-story building was a bit shabby. The living area on the first floor was very messy. There was no hostess at first glance. There were piles of pizza boxes and fast food boxes. The second floor was a bedroom and a workroom.

I have four or five computers.

Although Lin Yi has been supplementing his computer knowledge these days, after communicating with Ah Sang, he found that his knowledge system is still very unsystematic. Ah Sang also felt it, and he positioned Lin Yi as a computer enthusiast.

However, he was quite patient. After explaining some knowledge points to Lin Yi, he also gave Lin Yi a few books he had read.

When the two communicated again the next day, Asang clearly felt that Jack's level had improved, which surprised him. Could it be that he could improve a lot in one night?

On the third day,

The two were already able to exchange relatively advanced intrusion knowledge. As they faced the computer, Ah Sang taught him how to crack, intrude, search, escape unscathed, and erase traces.

Asan has several self-made software that are very powerful, and because he made them himself, they can be constantly updated. Once the original loopholes are blocked, he will immediately switch to other loopholes.

"Ah Sang, you have such high hacking skills, don't you plan to start a computer software company by yourself?" Lin Yi said.

Asang shook his head, "No, my ideal is not to make a lot of money. When I invaded websites from other countries, I saw too many ugly and dirty things. I want to publish them. My current ideal is to build a website.

Release these scandalous secrets."

Lin Yi was shocked,

He thought of a guy, Ah Sang, feeding chickens to decipher the code. Damn it, it couldn't be this guy, could it?!

After the Chicken Feeding Declassification appeared, he released many secrets to the world. The most famous one was the exposure of secret documents on the Afghanistan War and the Yinlak War, which caused the United States to lose face and made him wanted all over the world.

"Then when are you going to start?"

Asang spread his hands: "No money."

"I have to rent a server and find an Internet service provider. I can't produce the content myself, and there are certain operating expenses. Besides, I have no intention of making money from this website, so I can't find investors at all."

Lin Yixin said,

People invest to make money, but you do it purely for faith.

Moreover, a one-time investment is not enough to burn money on a website. This thing costs money every year, and no ordinary investor can afford it.

"Asang, I'm willing to invest," Lin Yi said.

Asang was shocked.

"Your investment will probably cost more than one million U.S. dollars in the early stage, and it will cost at least several hundred thousand U.S. dollars in maintenance costs every year in the later stage. Are you sure you have the money?"

In the past few days of contact, Asang didn't realize that Lin Yi was a rich man at all. Now he wanted to invest millions with just one mouth, which really shocked him.

"Don't worry, I know what I'm talking about, but I also have a request." Lin Yi said.

"What request?"

"As an investor in this company, I hope to have the same rights, including access to information and release of information."

Asang thought for a while and nodded: "Your request is not too high, I can agree to it, but I hope that the website will act in accordance with the principle of 'freedom and justice', otherwise it will deviate from my original intention."

Lin Yi nodded, "I agree."

Two days later,

Assan registered a company called "Chicken Feeding Decryption". The server used a Belgian server and several Internet service providers. The rest was to create a web page to prepare the decrypted information.

Lin Yi was not involved in this. After Ah Sang established the chicken feeding company, he acquired Ah Sang's company through another offshore company, then injected capital and added 1.5 million to the company account. After doing all this, Lin Yi left


It doesn't matter what Asang does to Lin Yi, but he believes that the world will definitely become lively.

Lin Yi bid farewell to Asang and did not return to the United States. Instead, he got on a plane and flew to Singapore. After arriving in Singapore as Jack, he took off his mask and transformed back into Lin Yi, using makeup to become a middle-aged man in his forties.

Some time ago, Lin Yi specially asked someone to make several fake ID documents for him. The identity on the passport was Korean, the name was fake, and the photo showed him in his forties. He had no intention of using it for anything.

Just for staying in hotels.

Singapore's broadband is very good.

Lin Yi took out a computer from space, connected it to the network, and began to invade the 'Tyco' company.

Lin Yi learned a lot of technology from Ah Sang and got several pieces of software. After all, he was the largest investor. He spent 1.5 million U.S. dollars. How could Ah Sang be so embarrassed not to give it to him if he wanted several pieces of software?

Moreover, Asang also shared some network, software and even hardware vulnerabilities that only he knew with Lin Yi, allowing him to invade more conveniently.

Tyco is not a top network company, and its protection is average. Several doors were kicked open one by one, and Lin Yi easily broke in.

He did not specifically invade a certain computer, but searched for keywords, such as loans, stocks, consumer bills, etc.

It didn’t take long to search for a lot of content.

Package and save.

Lin Yi worked for about three or four hours, harvested a large amount of information, and then quietly exited the Tyco network.

Lin Yi is a professional master of finance, so he is no stranger to financial statements. He spent two days combing through it and found a lot of things he wanted.


Now let's see where you go to hide.

Lin Yi picked up the phone and called Marty, "Man, come to Singapore. We have work to do, big work."

This chapter has been completed!
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