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Chapter 140: Detonation

Lin Yi put on a Jack mask and picked up Marty at the Singapore Airport. "How's the bar going?" Lin Yi asked casually.

"It will be renovated immediately, a manager has been hired, and suppliers of drinks and other items have been found. It can be opened in half a month at most."

"Boss, what job are you talking about?" Marty asked.

"Short a company's stock."

In a new hotel, Lin Yixin opened a room and got several computers. Marty is a professional financial planner. He was forced to launder money before. His main business is investment and financial management, and he is familiar with various financial operations.

"There are two accounts here, each with 20 million. Find institutions to short-sell Tyco's stock. Don't concentrate on one. Use dozens of accounts to cross-sell institutions in the United States and even other countries. Don't get caught."

The U.S. stock market allows short selling. Just like those who buy up, there are also many people who buy down. There are also many short-selling institutions in the United States, with dozens of names, the most famous of which is Muddy Waters.

(Muddy Water), Citron () these.

There are many short-selling institutions abroad.


Behind these institutions are often large financial companies. They are also making bets or investing money in these short-selling institutions in the United States.

Marty was a little surprised by Lin Yi's order, "$40 million to short Tyco, boss, are you sure?"

Lin Yi turned on the computer and opened a document for Marty to read. The more Marty looked at it, the more he frowned and muttered: "This, this already involves several violations."

Then he thought of something and became excited again. Since the boss wants to go short, it means that the thunder has not exploded yet. As a qualified financial accountant, Marty saw a huge operating space from this.

"Boss, where did you get this information?" Marty asked excitedly.

Lin Yi raised his eyebrows but did not answer.

But Marty already understood.


It must be information given by the organization.

To make money by shorting a company's stock, you only need three steps: open the refrigerator, put the elephant in the refrigerator, and close the refrigerator door.


You should first understand the financial situation and operations of the company you want to invest in, and discover potential negative conditions.

Then find a securities lender to lend the company's shares and sell the shares to get cash.

Then use various means to short-sell the stock in the market to suppress the stock. When the stock reaches a certain low, you buy it back at a low price and return it to the brokerage.

The difference in price is your profit.

Of course, the operation must be more complicated than this, but after all, you can't escape these three steps.

"Boss, do you plan to detonate this mine yourself after setting it up? Once this mine explodes, Tyco's stock price may be cut in half, or even more," Marty said.

"You also have some credit for this."

Marty nodded excitedly. He also graduated with a master's degree in finance. After graduation, he and his classmates jointly operated a company, but they could only make small investments and had never participated in such large-scale financial operations. This was one of his dreams.

I feel excited just thinking about being able to rub a very large company like the Fortune 500 on the ground.

"Give you two weeks,

Others will arrive in two weeks.

I will give them a week to prepare.

It will be detonated regularly in three weeks," Lin Yi said.

Marty thought that when the boss said that other people would join the team, he was probably organizing other teams. The boss had bought a week in advance to start earlier than others. He had the advantage and must get it done.

"Boss, one last question, how much leverage do you plan to use?" Marty asked.

Lin Yi had thought about this problem before. At first he considered 15 times, but after thinking about it, it was still a bit dangerous, so he decided to use 10 times leverage.

"10 times."

After hearing this, Marty immediately went to work.

Marty helped Lin Yi register 200 companies before, but now it worked. He first dispersed 40 million funds into the accounts of these companies, and then borrowed securities from securities firms in the names of these companies.

Tyco is now number one in the industry, and its performance last year was very good. Its president, Dennis, is also a star president. He has been featured in Time magazine three times. Even Apple Joe has only been featured once. During the years of his leadership,

During this period, Tyco acquired more than 300 companies, achieving an annual turnover of 30 billion, and its stock price increased five times.

For such a company, financial companies and securities firms are very optimistic about it. Wall Street investment institutions have rated it as "buy" and "overweight". Now that some people are shorting it, naturally many securities firms are willing to make money.


Marty's movements were very smooth, and it took less than 5 days to complete the securities lending, and then gradually released the stocks in the market.

Tyco's current external performance is healthy development, so there are many stock takeovers, which are not enough for Lin Yi's 400 million short order. At first, the stock price fluctuated slightly. Fortunately, Tyco is large in size, with a market value of more than 100 billion.

, generally small companies simply can't handle the 400 million short orders, and many companies even have a market value of less than 400 million, so you can't play at all.

Marty strives for stability,

It took more than a week to put it down, and he was very tired.

"Boss, I've finished the operation here."

Lin Yi looked at Marty and said, "Do you have anyone you can trust? If so, you can recruit him to be your helper. We probably won't have fewer things like this in the future."

Marty nodded, "The operation of such a large amount of money does require a small team. I looked back and found that there are many of my classmates. Someone should be willing to join us."


Prepare yourself here.

Lin Yi returned to the room,

He took out a phone and called Dubai, "Hello Hussein, this is Lin Yi."

"Hello 'Lin'."

Lin Yi heard a different flavor from the word "Lin" in Hussein.

"Do you already know my identity?" Lin Yi said.

Hussein smiled and said, "Actually, you don't seem to be hiding it deliberately. Your photos can be found in many places. You are among the top ten on the FBI's most wanted website in the United States."

"Hussein, are you interested in doing a business deal?" Lin Yi said straight to the point.

"I'm interested. I'm very interested in doing business with you. Let's talk about it." Hussein was very interested.

“Short a U.S. company.”

Lin Yi then briefly explained his plan, but did not mention the name of the company. He only said that he had mastered the key evidence of the company and if the warranty was exposed, the company's stock price would definitely fall sharply. At this time, short selling would definitely make a lot of money.

"Lin, I am very interested in this business. Can you tell me your conditions?"

"For 30% of the total profit, the funds you use cannot be less than 100 million US dollars, and the leverage is 10 times." Lin Yi said.

Hussein thought for a moment.

"Okay, I agree, but I need some time to arrange it."

"Is a week enough?"


When an agreement is reached, there is no signature, it is just a verbal agreement. Both parties guarantee with good faith, or in other words, with their own strength, and design a business worth hundreds of millions of dollars. If one party fails to abide by the agreement, it will inevitably develop into a life-or-death situation.

"Tyco Corporation of America." Lin Yi said the name of the company.

Hussein was surprised, "You actually want to touch one of the world's top 100 companies. You have such a big appetite."

Lin Yi chuckled, "I am just a participant, the real executor is my organization."


Lin Yi once again moved out of the organization.

Hussein said nothing.

He felt that it was normal for Lin Yi to belong to an organization, but it was not easy for him to ask in detail now. This was people's privacy.

Lin Yi then briefly explained Tyco's problem to Hussein. After hearing this, Hussein said: "I admire your intelligence capabilities very much."

In fact, Lin Yi just made an inference. If he didn't have the memory of future generations, he would not think about the internal problems of a large group like Tyco.

"Hussein, I will detonate it regularly in a week and will contact you after everything is over," Lin Yi said.

"I look forward to you coming and taking away my check. Then I will treat you to a roasted whole camel and find you the most beautiful girl." Hussein said with a smile.

Two weeks ago.

While Marty was operating, Lin Yi was learning beside him, and even tried to operate several companies and communicate with brokers.

The rest of the time is spent reading books.

I bought a large number of books in a Singapore bookstore.

Now everything is arranged,

Lin Yi gave Marty a holiday. It will officially start operations next week. He will definitely be busy, so let him rest for the next few days.

But he himself was not idle.

I stayed in the house for several days and didn't come out.

What is he doing?

Do you write Xiao Huangwen?


I am writing a short composition.

It is also a battle cry.

In the past few days, Marty has been paying attention to the movements of Tyco. After they placed 400 million short orders, Tyco immediately rebounded after a slight decline. However, two days later, short orders continued to be released, and the volume was very large.

It's so big, it looks like someone is shorting a lot of positions.

According to the agreement between Lin Yi and Hussein, one hundred million is worth one billion. If one billion is dropped, it will be a big force. Tyco has noticed the problem, and the board of directors began to react and release some good news in the market to stabilize the stock price.


In an interview with reporters, President Dennis angrily criticized those who wanted to short-sell Tyco, saying that they were completely overestimating their capabilities. Tyco's development was very healthy, and its performance this year was better than before. He would make those short-selling institutions lose their money.


A week goes by very quickly,

This day is Monday.

In the morning, Tyco's stock price was steadily rising. Marty looked at the stock price and said to Lin Yi with some concern: "Today, Tyco's stock price has risen very much. It has increased by 1.32%."

They activated 10 times leverage, knowing that if the stock price increased by 10%, their positions would be liquidated. Tyco's increase heralded the coming danger.

Lin Yi smiled,

rest assured,

"We will see the outcome soon."

Lin Yi opened the email software and clicked a group send. An email was delivered to the mailboxes of multiple media at the speed of light.

This includes many traditional news media such as the New York Times, New York Financial News, and Los Angeles Times, as well as TV news media such as ABC and Fox News, as well as new online media such as Yahoo News and Google News.

The content of the email is very simple,

It was revealed that Tyco's current CEO and financial director, together with many Tyco executives, illegally sold stocks, forged company expense bills, engaged in corruption and fraud, and used financial means to steal company assets, involving more than 600 million yuan.

The article not only explains how the other party operates on each issue, but also points out some details of their corruption and forgery. For example, what was originally a company expense, was used to purchase private mansions and private yachts, spending more than 70 million US dollars.

CEO Dennis's wife spent more than two million dollars on a birthday, and the bill was all included in the company's accounts, among other issues.

Each item is listed very clearly.

The email concluded by saying,

The whistleblower sent the message to multiple media at the same time, and his intention was very clear. If the media that received the message deliberately suppressed the report and did not report it, the news would be snatched away by others. The consequences may not only be the loss of an opportunity to report the explosive news, but also the loss of the opportunity later.

It may also be revealed that the news is suppressed and not reported with the intention of protecting others, which will cause great damage to the image of these media.

Who in the future will trust a news media that protects capital and conceals information?

Lin Yi opened another email,

Selected mass sending.

There are not many recipients this time,

There are only three.

The U.S. Department of Justice, FBI, and U.S. Internal Revenue Service.

At the end of these letters,

There is no name or contact information of the whistleblower, only a signature.

a simple letter,

Capital: L

This email was like a huge bomb, falling from the sky. The media who read the contents of the email reacted immediately.


Report immediately.

This chapter has been completed!
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