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Chapter 168

Chapter 168: Very ambitious, can’t survive more than three chapters

The policewoman rode her scooter home, but she was in a daze. She treated the scratches at the hospital, and then heard the horrifying news that the police station had been attacked and everyone was dead.

The news made her unable to think straight.

This is not the world she knew at all. Since this morning, a lot of things have happened. Countless calls have been made to the police. The police are simply too busy. In the past, there were only one or two vicious robbery and murder cases in the whole year. Now there are several cases in one day.

From ten.

Now someone actually attacked the police station and killed all the police officers.

Oh my god,

Has the end of the world arrived?

The motorcycle turned an intersection and almost ran into a pedestrian in front of it. The little policewoman quickly stopped the car and apologized. She was surprised to see that the man turned out to be the man who saved her at the supermarket door. She grabbed her hand and shot. Woman

never forget.

"Hey~ is it you?"

"Ah, it's you."

"what are you doing here?"

"It's very chaotic outside now. I want to find a hotel, but many of them are closed. I'm wandering around the area. If I can't find one, I will sleep on the street." Lin Yi said helplessly.

The little policewoman looked at Lin Yi.

I thought he had saved me before.

"How about you come and sit at my place, and I'll treat you to a meal?" the woman invited.

"Is this convenient? Okay." Lin Yi said.

Lin Yi was also very surprised. It was a coincidence that he could meet the little policewoman again. The little policewoman introduced herself to Lin Yi as Beichuan Jing, and Lin Yi also introduced her name.

"Ah, you are Chinese?!"

"Yes, come to travel."

The little policewoman nodded and said with envy: "That's great. My ideal is to travel around and see the beautiful scenery of the world, but it's a pity that I don't have the opportunity."

"As long as you have the heart, there is beautiful scenery everywhere." Lin Yi said something like chicken soup.

The little policewoman's home is not big, only about thirty square meters, but it is not too small for Japan to live alone. The little policewoman cooks for Lin Yi, and Lin Yi sits in the living room and watches TV.

Very rare,

There are still TV signals now.

on TV,

All are news about chaos across the country. A large number of people are missing. Violent incidents have suddenly increased. Many people are killing people wantonly. Thugs dare to commit crimes on the streets. There are also many people who claim to have been inspired by God and become messengers of God and even officials of the country.

He also stood up to win over believers for certain ghosts and gods.

When two people are eating,

The little policewoman watched the news on TV and lost her appetite for food. She whispered: "I don't know what happened. It suddenly became so chaotic. It feels very scary."

Lin Yi looked at the little policewoman.

Ordinary people today still don’t know the truth.

This is just the beginning, the future will become more and more chaotic and terrifying.


There was a deafening thunder.

It seemed like the entire sky was about to explode.

Lightning flashed,

Bare teeth and claws in the sky.

The little policewoman was so frightened that she couldn't hold the bowl in her hand. She quickly put it on the table and looked out the window in horror.


The rain was pouring down.

The sky has been gloomy all day, and finally it rains, and it pours heavily.

The little policewoman looked at Lin Yi and said, "It's raining so heavily, why not stay here for one night."

"Wouldn't it be too disturbing? Well, I'm afraid this is the only way." Lin Yi sighed.

sleep at night,


The woman made a quilt for Lin Yi, two meters away, and then laid out her own quilt. She suddenly blushed when she saw the two quilts. This was the first time she made a bed for a man, and she suddenly thought that this was a scene after marriage.

The two of them got into bed.

While talking about what happened today and the sudden deterioration of the domestic security environment, the light suddenly flashed a few times and went out, and the room became dark.


A huge bolt of lightning illuminated the room.

Then there was a loud thunder,


The little policewoman screamed.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Yi asked with concern.

"No, no, I'm fine," the woman said tremblingly.

Lin Yi took out his mobile phone and turned on the light to let some light in the room. When he saw the woman, he turned pale with fright, "It's okay, it's just a thunder."


Another bolt of lightning and thunder.

The woman screamed and ran into Lin Yi's arms, hugging Lin Yi tightly.

"I feel like I'm going to die, I'm going to die, and this world is going to end." The woman said tremblingly.

The woman looked up,

He looked at Lin Yi through the light of his mobile phone.

Suddenly said,

"Lin, I want to become a real woman and achieve perfection before I die."

The little policewoman has never touched a man because she is afraid and even hates men in her heart. When she was in elementary school, she was harassed by a perverted pervert on the road. Later, although an adult came over and chased the pervert away, she still felt uneasy in her heart.

A shadow has fallen, which is the biggest reason why she became a police officer.


She has never had contact with a man in so many years.


Close your eyes and look towards Lin Yi.

The woman's request was unreasonable, but Lin Yinian decided to give her a chance to change her ways since it was her first offender.

This is indeed her first time.



The next day.

The rain stopped.

But the sky is still gloomy.

Lin Yi opened his eyes,

He found that the woman had dressed and was kneeling on the tatami. Seeing Lin Yi wake up, the woman bent down and thanked him: "Lin, thank you for last night, for letting me have a wonderful experience before I die."

This girl's mind is really weird.

"Why do you always talk about death? It's not the worst yet." Lin Yi consoled him.

It's true that it's not the worst yet, it's just the beginning. He knows that it will definitely get worse in the future. With the demon resurrecting, it will be very difficult for ordinary people to survive.

Lin Yi got up and got dressed.

The woman waits on the side and hands out clothes, just like a newlywed wife waits on her husband.

Lin Yi was about to leave,

He still had many things to do, but before leaving, Lin Yi took out a gun and a box of ammunition from his arms.

The woman looked at the gun in surprise.

He raised his head and looked at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi solemnly said: "The world will change dramatically. Don't go to work. Go buy something to eat by yourself. Stay at home and don't leave."

"This is the gun I picked up after your colleague was injured. Don't hand it back. Keep it with you to protect yourself. I'm serious. This world will become more and more dangerous in the future. It's very dangerous."

The woman blinked her eyes.


"I will."

Lin Yi left.

The woman thought for a while, put on her clothes and went to the supermarket, spent all her money on food and water, closed the door and finally felt more at ease.


The woman has a fever.

His body was shaking under the quilt.

It burned like this for a whole day. On the second night, the woman suddenly woke up. The room was dark, but the woman's eyes were very bright, and a faint light flashed.

the next day.

The world is more chaotic.

Lin Yi came to a gold store. Before he could investigate the situation, the gold store's alarm bell rang. A group of robbers robbed the gold store and rushed into a van carrying large and small bags.

The van left quickly.

Lin Yi thought for a while, then got on his motorcycle and followed.

In a slum area, the van stopped and several robbers were in high spirits. The leader grabbed the gold and laughed.

"I just like these. They are so beautiful. From now on, I will fill my room with gold and sleep in a pile of gold."

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang~!"


A figure rushed into the house,

He shot mercilessly at several people in the house.

Several of the younger brothers were shot one after another. The leader quickly dodged the bullets fired by Lin Yi, bounced against the wall, and grabbed Lin Yi.


Lin Yi's shot.

Accurately hit the leader who was charging at extremely fast speed on the forehead.


The leader's body fell to the ground.

"Kill the level 9 furry evil dog, get 95 points of 'Ghost Luck Value', and get 1 million in money."

Lin Yi went over,

Put all the gold these guys stole into the space.

Turn around and leave.

In a hotel, Lin Yi finally checked in and asked for the best presidential suite. He swiped his credit card and it was up to him whether he would use it or not.

"Absorb gold."

Lin Yi gave the order, and several bags of gold in the space disappeared instantly.

The system wallet jumped and recorded an increase of more than 10 million.


Being a ghost hunter is a very good choice in this world, but Lin Yi is a little worried. He has no way to practice and improve. What will he do if he encounters powerful ghosts and gods in the future?

He is only at level 9 now, and to be honest, he is already much higher than ordinary people.

What is level 8 like?

There are several levels above, how to deal with them?

Although he has a system and many skills in the system, his skills have almost nothing to do with combat.

He has only two options,

One is to make more money, and the other is to obtain ways to improve your abilities.

There was electricity in the hotel, which was said to be provided by the nuclear power plant. Lin Yi turned on the TV and watched the news. The news contained chaos everywhere, strange events everywhere, disasters in certain places, etc. In short, there was no good news.

Lin Yi turned on the computer, and there was more information on it.

"I encountered a strange incident. Yesterday I suddenly entered a place similar to an alien space and met the Green Lantern God. He asked me to believe in him and win over believers for him, otherwise he would eat me. I agreed at the time. After I came out

I called the police and found out that there were many people who had the same experience as me."

"My friend works at the customs. It is said that our cruise ship can no longer go to sea. The entire Japanese country seems to be closed off and we are trapped on the island."

"I heard from a psychic that the world is undergoing great changes. Ghosts and gods are awakening and competing for believers to gain more power. We Japanese people are now their food. In the future, Japan will become a country of demons."

"My wife is missing. I searched for it for two days but couldn't find it. I asked around and found that more and more people have gone missing recently. Tens of thousands of people have gone missing in the entire city."

"I saw a ghost on the computer~~!"

Just when Lin Yi saw this message, the lights in the room suddenly flickered violently, making his heart tighten.

Immediately afterwards,

A beautiful girl's profile picture appeared on his computer screen. The girl had beautiful long hair and a pure and cute appearance. She was dressed in white and smiled sweetly at Lin Yi.

"Do you like the way I look?" the girl asked, looking into Lin Yi's eyes.

Lin Yi's eyes twitched.


He said closing the laptop.

The heart is pounding.

He had already recognized who the girl on the computer screen was, Sadako, one of the most terrifying female ghosts in Japanese history.

In many funny films,

What Sadako resists Japan, what makes Sadako pregnant, and gives birth to a bunch of little Sadako are purely funny. The real Sadako is a very terrifying existence.

Her abilities include physical immunity, infinite resurrection, teleportation, superhuman strength, mind control, mental attack, paralysis, psychic, virus, hair attack, fear creation, dream killing, time control, electronic control, etc.


Lin Yi felt a chill behind him.

Turn around,

Just looking at each other with a pair of big eyes.

The distance between the two of them is only twenty centimeters.

The girl did not turn into a fearful grimace, but she was still so frightened that Lin Yifei flew out of bed, and the next moment, Lin Yi's body was frozen in mid-air.

The girl walked up to Lin Yi.

Smelled Lin Yi's scent.

"You smell good. I'm going to eat you. I can feel that eating you will make me gain a lot of strength."

Lin Yi cursed in his heart.

The female ghost I met in the hotel wanted to eat me.

Now I met a second female ghost who wanted to eat me again.

Could it be that I am Tang Monk’s flesh?

Sadako's lips lightly touched Lin Yi's lips. Lin Yi could feel the coldness, but it was very smooth and not disgusting.


Sadako took a sharp breath.

Lin Yi stared at Sadako fiercely, with no fear in his heart but only anger. Sadako smiled at him instead.

The two people's eyes are very close, but they express a lot of emotions.

Lin Yi's vision then went dark.

The next moment.

Lin Yi suddenly sat up from the hotel bed, gasping for air, looking at the surrounding scene, and his thoughts gradually returned.

He is back.

From the game world back to the real world.

That is to say,

He died.

He was sucked alive by Sadako.

Lin Yi opened the system panel.

There is a new system prompt on it: "You were killed by the fifth-level ghost Sadako, please keep trying."

Depend on,

I only entered the apocalyptic world of Japan for two days before I was killed. Although I had a premonition that this time would be very dangerous and difficult, I never expected that I would not survive more than three chapters!

Grandma is a bear.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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