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Chapter 169 Drinking Lucky Water Live Streaming

Chapter 169 Live broadcast of drinking blessed water

I was so scared that I was sweating all over.

Lin Yi got up and took a shower.

Standing on the balcony, looking at the neon lights of the city, and lighting up a cigarette, Lin Yi slowly calmed down.

I haven’t learned much about the apocalyptic world of Japan yet. It can be said that I have only had a little exposure to it. I only know that the great devil has come and the ghosts and gods are resurrected.

But I already know that the danger in that world is very high.

Past now?

Sadako is definitely still here.

He did not have the strength to fight against Sadako. In the past, he was just sucked dry by Sadako again. Before he had the strength to deal with Sadako, it was useless to go there.

And Sadako is only a level five monster,

There are more advanced beings above.

how to play,

In fact, with Lin Yi's true strength, it was already very difficult for him to deal with level 9 monsters. The custom girl and the crow were actually defeated by cleverness.

The custom girl was kicked down the eighth floor by him, and the leg of the stool happened to be inserted into the heart. The crow's ability was invisibility in the dark, but he happened to get the sunglasses made by the crow himself, and then broke his second invisibility by sprinkling flour.


And that's with the help of firearms.

Purely with the power of the body,

Lin Yi can't beat any of them.

As for getting more advanced weapons, robbing US military bases, robbing missiles and nuclear weapons, etc., this world is not a zombie world. Most people have turned into mindless zombies. Instead, some ghosts and gods have awakened, so they will only be more powerful than zombies.

It was stronger before, not weaker.

He went to grab the nuclear bomb,

There may be several high-level monsters waiting for you in their base.

The system said,

The strength of level 1 monsters is close to that of gods.

Maybe they can wipe themselves out with just one thought.

After thinking about this, Lin Yi was not in a hurry.

The system will also release new worlds.

When I went to other worlds to accumulate strength and was able to catch Sadako and knead her at will, I got her pregnant.

If you encounter a bigger monster and die, then go to other worlds to practice. Sooner or later, you will have the strength to destroy the Japanese country.

Then bring the points back to fulfill your greatest wish.

Thinking of the end of the sun, Lin Yi called to open the system again.

Zuo Xiaoqing's world is bright.

The jailbreak world lights up.

You can go there at any time.

Lin Yi clicked the purchase button and purchased Japan's Doomsday World Time.

Leave it alone for now.

There is no reward this time, but there is an extra 'ghost luck value' on the system panel, with a total of 325 points.

What can you do with so little?

He thought for a while,

It’s not much anyway, so let’s give it a try and see how it works. Click the ‘Ghosts and Gods Luck Value’ button to use it.

"Enter usage points."

Lin Yi directly entered all 325 points. It was not much in the first place and it was not worth saving.



There is no more.

Lin Yi waited for a long time and there was no response from the system. Damn it, just give me a little hint, but it has no effect at all. The customer doesn't feel happy, you know.

The system remains unmoved.

Forget it, after drinking a glass of water, Lin Yi lay down and continued to sleep. He slept until dawn. The next day, he got up and ran in the park outside the hotel and came back sweating.

After breakfast, he went to the hotel gym to practice equipment. His goal was very clear: to become strong and healthy within a year.

Exercise is not only for your own good, but also has an effect on the game. The stronger your body outside the game, the stronger the basic attributes you bring into the game.

ten o'clock in the morning,

Lin Yi's training is over.

At the same time, I also took a bunch of exercise footage.

I went back to the room and took a shower, then edited the video to prepare for Douyin. I turned on the TV and let it play by itself while editing, so I could work and have fun at the same time.

Just after Lin Yi finished the video, he suddenly saw a news broadcast on the TV. The host said in a clear voice: "Just now, the Japanese Ministry of Environment held a press conference and issued another statement on the issue of wastewater discharge.

, decided to officially discharge it one year later, and stated that the wastewater had been highly purified and reached the reference level, and Vice Minister of the Ministry of the Environment Nobu Inoue personally drank a cup of purified radioactive water."

"While the press conference was in progress, Inoue Nobu suddenly felt severe abdominal pain, turned pale and fell to the ground. He was then sent to the hospital for treatment. Whether Inoue Nobu's illness was caused by wastewater has not yet been confirmed, and we will pay further attention.


Just when Lin Yi was working out.

Japan's Ministry of Environment held a press conference.

Drinking waste water is one of the performance items. Of course, what you drink is definitely not drinking waste water, but tap water.

The strategy is to get a cup of mixed waste water and a cup of tap water. The mixed waste water can cope with possible inspections by reporters, and the minister is given tap water to drink.

Nobu Inoue, deputy minister of the Ministry of the Environment, picked up the cup and took a sip with a smile. Oh, this sip made him choke a little.

What the heck,

There's something wrong with the taste.

He looked at the water in the glass again.

My mind spins rapidly.

Could it be that he was afraid that reporters would inspect his glass of water, so he added flavoring to his glass of water to make it smell bad and taste bad, so as not to be exposed by inspections?


That's for sure.

Now that so many reporters were watching, he couldn't back down. Inoue Shin smiled at the reporters and drank the remaining water in one gulp.

Drink and wastewater show is over.

The press conference continues.

Shinobu Inoue gave another speech, saying that we must emit emissions and that emissions should be non-toxic and harmless.

Then the Deputy Minister of Industry and Commerce stood up and began to promote nonsense such as Fukushima's fruits, fish, vegetables, and pork as non-toxic, so everyone should feel free to eat them.

But while the Vice Minister of Industry and Economics was still talking, the face of the Deputy Minister of the Environment, Inoue Nobu, became more and more ugly. A reporter noticed that something was wrong with him and asked if he was feeling uncomfortable. Inoue Nobu gritted his teeth.

, "I'm fine."

After saying that, he fell headlong.

There were screams in the press area, and the staff rushed over to help Inoue Nobu. Inoue Nobu was suffering from cramps in his stomach at the moment. He pointed to the empty water glass on the table with trembling and asked the staff: "You guys, what you gave me to drink is real and..."


The staff confirmed immediately.

Suddenly someone exclaimed.

"Ah, I forgot to change it."

When Inoue Shin heard this, he fainted.

The reporters were in an uproar.

The fool also understood the meaning of these words. He had planned to put on a show before, but he didn't expect it to backfire. Inoue Nobu really drank the waste water and now he is poisoned.

The reporters' cameras focused on the fainted Inoue Shinichi. The staff quickly blocked the scene with their bodies to prevent reporters from taking pictures. The scene was very chaotic.

The ambulance is coming,

Inoue Shin was sent to the hospital for medical treatment.

News channels from various countries and major online platforms have broadcast this clip, especially Douyin. You can easily browse the live video of Nobu Inoue's post with just one swipe, and the comments in the comment area are very lively.

What is so pleasing to the people,


Have fun with the people.


There are also many people asking questions,

"I remember a Japanese minister drank it a few years ago. Isn't it good?"

"Isn't it a lie if you didn't see it? It's true this time."

"You won't die if you drink the wastewater, right?"

"Theoretically, you won't die. Even if you are exposed to nuclear radiation, you can survive for a year and a half."

When Lin Yi saw this news, he thought about opening the system and wanted to ask the system if this had anything to do with the 'Ghost Luck Value' he had released.

Before he could ask, he saw a new message.

"The luck value of ghosts and gods was activated successfully, and one deputy minister died."

Lin Yi's eyes widened.

My heart is full of surprises.

Ha ha,

It's really a function of the system.

Moreover, the accident was created so smoothly, everything seemed like an accident, and the effect was also full.

Looking at the system information, Inoue Nobu should be dead. Normally, he cannot die. He will suffer from dizziness, insomnia, skin redness, ulcers, bleeding, hair loss, leukemia, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.

In severe cases, it will increase the incidence of cancer, aberrations, and genetic lesions.

However, Inoue Nobu's reaction in the hospital was obviously very strong. Even the doctor who treated him found it strange. First he had stomach pain, then severe nausea and vomiting, and then spontaneous bleeding occurred, with blood oozing out from the nose, mouth, gums and even the chrysanthemum.

At this time, Inoue Nobu's platelets dropped rapidly.

Hemorrhagic diarrhea later occurred.

Inoue Shin's body was covered with tubes, and he was lying on the bed staring at the ceiling. He didn't want to die, but he felt that his body was rapidly collapsing.

Doctors have used various methods, but there is no good effect at all.

outside the hospital,

Reporters are always on the lookout, hoping to get first-hand information. New news reports come out every day, and the whole world is paying attention to this matter.

You know,

The Japanese used many methods to prove that Fukushima water is non-toxic, and the data released to the outside world are all safe.

Two days passed like this.

The letter from Inoue hung up.

Perhaps for him, this was also a kind of relief, because in the end he was in too much pain, and he regretted it temporarily, because it turned out that lying would cost his life.

News of Nobu Inoue's death sent the world into an uproar.

There is a lively scene on the Internet again,

"How poisonous are the damn Fukushima and the wastewater? You can survive for a week if you drink paraquat, but you can only live for two days if you drink the blessed water."

"Those people who say it's okay to eat Fukushima fruits and vegetables, let them eat them every day, every meal, and eat those bastards to death."

“Fukushima drinks are worth trying.”

"We are brothers, so we drank this glass of Fukushima wine. We don't want to be born in the same year, the same month and the same day, but we want to die in the same year and the same month."

There are also various satires and jokes on foreign websites.

Two days later,

The Japanese came out and bowed to apologize.

However, I have to admire the Japanese for being so tough-minded. They announced to the outside world that Inoue Nobu's death was not caused by waste water, which was completely non-toxic and harmless. It was caused by Inoue Nobu's sudden gastric perforation, which was considered a death from a disease.

Depend on.

This apology and answer.

Immediately there was another round of abuse.

This time, not only Chinese, Korean and foreign netizens were scolded, Japanese netizens also followed suit. Such a hypocritical and shameless government is really the tragedy of the Japanese people and the tragedy of the world.

The integrity of Xiaoli was once again lowered by a notch.

Various countries have also introduced new policies, imposing comprehensive purchase restrictions on all agricultural and sideline products in Fukushima, Japan, and increasing inspections of imported agricultural and sideline products from other regions in Japan.

If someone dares to import Japanese agricultural and sideline products that exceed the standard, it will not be a food safety issue, but criminal liability, and they will be treated as poisoning.

I watched the show for a few days.

No one knows that this matter has anything to do with Lin Yi.

It doesn't matter,

Just feeling happy is enough.

And now, Lin Yi is more determined to increase his strength and clear the Doomsday Game of Japan. It doesn't matter how many times he dies. If he can achieve his goal, it's worth dying many times.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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