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Chapter 207: Overnight at the Flower House

Chapter 207 Overnight at Huaju Yashe

Five poems.

a song,

One painting.

Two oirans.

In just two days after arriving in Bianjing, Lin Yi became famous among this year's candidates, and everyone knew about it.

Qingyue Zuihua Tower,

In the quiet courtyard of Master Li, a middle-aged man wearing a plain white brocade robe and a beard came over accompanied by several people. When Master Li saw the man, he immediately smiled and said: "Master, you are here." He went to solve the problem.

The cloak worn by the young man.

This person is no one else.

It was none other than the talented and dashing Zhao Ji, Huizong of the Song Dynasty.

Li Shishi knew Zhao Ji's identity, but he never revealed it. Zhao Ji also knew that Li Shishi knew his identity, but he never revealed it. The two of them maintained this ambiguity. Every ten days and a half, Zhao Ji would sneak out of the palace to see Li Shishi.

At this time, Zhao Ji was only in his thirties and in his prime. To say that Zhao Ji was talented was true. He was good at playing music, chess, calligraphy and painting. He was fond of flowers, trees, bamboos and rocks, birds, beasts, insects and fish, calligraphy and painting with tripods, cuju polo, and Taoism.

Besides, he prefers women.

His prostitution didn't start when he was an emperor. When he was a prince, he was a frequent visitor to brothels and karaoke houses. He visited all the major entertainment venues in Bianjing and was a proper nightclub little prince.

In fact, now that I have a tryst with Master Li, I have restrained myself a lot now that I have become emperor, and I only see Li Master.

Even so, there were still censors and officials involved in the performance. Song Huizong said angrily: "I have changed a lot, what else do you want?"

He was the most fatuous and debauched emperor in the Northern Song Dynasty, and also the most miserable emperor. Chongzhen perished. At least he had integrity when he died. He committed suicide to avoid being humiliated. He was arrested and humiliated but still lived an ignoble life, which completely disgraced his ancestors.


Li Shishi covered Song Huizong's hand and said, "It's cold outside. I'll warm you up. Will you come even if it snows?"

The tone is both charming and angry.

Song Huizong smiled and said, "How can this little wind and snow prevent me from coming to see you? I haven't seen you for half a month, and I miss you very much."

The two chatted for a few words,

Li Shishi asked Furong to make tea for Song Huizong, but she said: "I have learned a new song, which is said to be derived from the Taoist mantra of purifying heaven and earth. It is called "Penglai Immortal Rhyme", and it can also be sung in conjunction with the mantra.


Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty asked Chongxin Xianxian, and he immediately became interested.

"Come and sing, beauty."


Li Shishi played music and sang the mantra to purify the heaven and earth: "The heaven and earth are natural. The odor is dispersed. The cave is mysterious. The sun shines brightly. The power of the eight directions makes me natural."

Li Shishi's singing skills were outstanding in Bianjing and were more beautiful than Lin Yi's. Song Huizong was immersed in it, slightly closing his eyes and gently shaking his head, and whispered the divine mantra for purifying heaven and earth.

Finished the song.

Song Huizong felt refreshed and refreshed.

Somewhat excitedly: "Okay, okay, the music is good, and the singing is even better."

It can be said that this piece of music touched his heart, and it was very much in line with Song Huizong's wishes. When Lin Yi showed Taoist music, it was with the intention of letting Li Shishi spread it to Song Huizong's ears.

"Who did you learn this piece of music from?" Song Huizong asked.

"This piece was composed by a talented scholar named Lin Yi. He came to Bianjing to take the provincial examination this year. He submitted a poem. Both the calligraphy and the lyrics were excellent. I met him.

"Master Li said.

"Is the calligraphy and poetry excellent? Show it to me." Song Huizong said.

Master Li asked his maid Haitang to bring Lin Yi's calligraphy, took out a piece of calligraphy from the box, and spread out the poem Yanqiu.

"Ask what love is in this world, and you will learn how to make love between life and death."

Just this sentence,

Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty fell in love with this poem.

Keep reading,

Finally, when I saw the origin of this poem, I not only admired it very much but said: "This poem is very good and full of talent."

"Also, this calligraphy has the style of two kings, but it is also unique in its own way. He has good handwriting and good calligraphy. You just said that he is only twenty-six or seven years old, but it is really rare to have such talent."

Although Zhao Ji was not a good emperor, there was no need to doubt his vision in other aspects.

"These are the poems I asked him to write and the poems he made. You can read them before talking about them." Li Shishi said with a smile.

Song Huizong opened them one by one.

"Pinch you and shape me. It's interesting."

"You have to miss lovesickness only if you don't miss lovesickness in your life. It's harmful to lovesickness. It's very flavorful."

"The rolling Yangtze River flows eastward, and the waves wash away the heroes. Although it is depressing, it is still a masterpiece."

"It has fallen into mud and ground into dust, but only the fragrance remains the same. This can be called a masterpiece of plum blossoms, but why was it written by you?"

Song Huizong said and looked at Li Shishi.

Li Shishi immediately told the origin of this poem, saying that Lin Yi first met her, then went to meet Cui Niannu, drew a picture for Cui Niannu, and then wrote this poem.

After hearing this, Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty found it very interesting, "When you tell me, I feel a little itchy. What do the new painting techniques and new painting methods look like?"

He thought for a while,

He called the people waiting outside to come in and said: "Go to the owner of Huaju Yashe and tell her that I want to see Cui Niannu's painting, and I will return it to her after I see it."

The waiter should hurry up and do it.

About an hour later, someone came back in a hurry holding a painting. Song Huizong and Li Shishi opened the scroll and were immediately attracted by the beauty in the painting.

Master Li is also good at painting.

She found that this painting was different from all the famous paintings she had seen before. The characters were more vivid and three-dimensional, as if they were ready to emerge.

Song Huizong also fell in love with this painting all of a sudden. He looked at it carefully several times and said with a smile: "The technique is great, the painter's use of pen and ink is very clever, and the painting method is quite innovative. I have never seen such a representation of characters.

Now it looks like Cui Niannu is standing right in front of me, beautiful, really beautiful."

Li Shishi turned to look at Song Huizong, with a somewhat angry look on his face.

When Huizong of the Song Dynasty took a look,

These were my two beautiful words that annoyed the beauty. He immediately smiled and said: "Master, don't be upset. I mean the painting is good, not the beauty in the painting. How can Cui Niannu be as good as my master?"

He said and hugged the woman to comfort her.

After a few symbolic struggles, Li Shishi no longer lost her temper. She knew how to exercise discretion. If it was light, it would be interesting, but if it was heavy, it would be annoying.

"I have seen Nian Nu many times, but I found that the person in this painting seems to be three points more beautiful than Nian Nu?" Li Shishi asked confused.

Song Huizong, a master of painting, explained, "Seizing the most beautiful moment of a character and bringing together all kinds of beauty can allow a person to express himself to the extreme. Of course, the painter needs to be more skilled."

He took another look at the signature.

Lin Yi.

Song Huizong thoroughly memorized this name tonight.

"Beauty, it's late at night, let's go to sleep." Song Huizong smiled and hugged Li Shishi and got into the bed curtain.

The next day,

Lin Yi got up, washed up, got dressed and went downstairs to the inn restaurant to have breakfast.

"Dongyang, this way."

Several friends saw him and enthusiastically called him over.

The sound caused many people to look up and look at Lin Yi. What happened last night has spread widely, and now Lin Yi is even more famous.

Lin Yi came to his friend's table and ordered food. Several guys looked at him curiously. Zhao Yuanbi asked with a smile: "Dongyang, we thought you would stay in Cui Niannu's room last night."

Lin Yi waved his hand.

"To get along with Miss Nian Nu, a well-known courtesan in the capital, wouldn't it be a mistake to think about that kind of thing? Looking for a beautiful girl, there is no brothel in Bianjing."

After hearing what Lin Yi said, several people nodded their heads.

"Dongyang is right, but I'm the one who got dirty. What are Dongyang's plans for today? Should he go out or read at home?" someone asked.

"Reading, I'm not going anywhere." Lin Yi said.

But at this moment,

Two people dressed as servants walked in outside the door. The people eating in the hall immediately recognized these two. Aren't they the two servants who delivered invitations to Qingyue Zuihua House and Huaju Yashe yesterday?

These two servants already knew Lin Yi. They glanced at Lin Yi eating in the hall and hurried over together. The two of them rushed to say:

"Mr. Lin, Miss Shishi, please come and have tea and chat again today."

"Mr. Lin, Miss Niannu invites you to have tea and chat again today."

Lin Yi's friends at the same table and the scholars eating in the hall all looked at the two servants dumbly, their hearts full of complaints and jealousy.

Oh shit,

I was invited by two oirans again.

I have never seen one of them until now.

Then everyone turned to Lin Yi to see how he would choose. Is it still like yesterday, a master of time management, spending half a day alone?

Lin Yi looked at the two servants, pondered for a moment, accepted the invitations from their hands, and first said to Master Li's servant: "Please go back and tell Miss Master that I will be there in the morning."

Then he looked at Cui Niannu's servant and said, "Please tell Miss Niannu that I will go to Huaju Yashe for an appointment tomorrow."

Everyone was envious again.


This guy was accompanied by an oiran for two days.

According to rumors,

Yesterday he went to see two oirans without spending any money, which made him even more jealous and made him want to take his place.

After breakfast,

Lin Yi went to Qingyue Zuihua House for an appointment, and the news that the two oirans invited Lin Yi together again spread quickly.

Lin Yi's reputation is even louder this time.

Master Li's courtyard.

Lin Yi was painting for Master Li. In the painting, a woman was sitting by the railing of a pond, with dead lotus leaves behind and snow piled on the leaves.

The beauty's face was a little red, and she looked like she had been freezing outside for a long time, but she exuded a vitality of beauty from the inside out.


The two of them were not painted outside the house.

When they first arrived, Lin Yi and Li Shishi were walking and chatting in the courtyard. The moment they saw the dry lotus and Li Shishi in the lake, they suddenly had inspiration.

Then the two of them came to the warm studio to paint. Lin Yi painted, and Li Shishi watched quietly from the side. Watching Lin Yi paint in person, the woman was deeply attracted by Lin Yi's painting skills.

From afternoon to evening.

A painting is finally completed.

Li Shishi looked at the woman in the painting and felt how beautiful she was. She was fascinated by herself. Her reaction now was exactly the same as when Cui Niannu saw her painting.

The few dead lotus leaves covered with snow were originally just decorations, but they magically played a role in setting off the scene. The woman seemed to be smiling, but under the cover of the dead lotus, she seemed to have a sense of incompleteness.

Li Shishi looked at it for a long time before he recovered his mind and looked at Lin Yida: "Master Lin, would you like to leave a poem?"

Lin Yi shook his head.

"I haven't thought of a poem worthy of this painting and the beauty on it. If I just reluctantly write one, and it feels lacking in taste, I might as well leave it blank. Maybe someone will have a more suitable poem to match "Master Shi Girl" in the future.

and this painting.”

it's here,

Lin Yi thought about it. He left it for Song Huizong. He was sure that Song Huizong would definitely see this painting in the future. By then he would have finished both the painting and the poem, which might make that petty man jealous.

That wouldn't be beautiful.

And left it blank.

Song Huizong thought of a poem and wrote it, which gave him a chance to show off in front of a beautiful woman. The calligraphy and painting of the two people were the same. In all likelihood, Song Huizong would not be jealous, but would be appreciative.

Lin Yi's psychology books are not for nothing, these thoughts can be grasped completely.

Li Shishi felt happy when he was praised by Lin Yi.

He looked at Lin Yi with admiration and a slightly different taste.

Sister loves to be pretty.

She is a beautiful young woman, so she naturally has the right to like handsome men who are full of knowledge and talents, right?

After dinner,

Lin Yi bid farewell to Li Shishi.

The next day.

Lin Yi went to see Cui Niannu.

Cui Niannu was still waiting in the courtyard. The first thing he said when he saw the beauty Lin Yi was, "Master, can you teach Niannu how to play the piano?"

"Don't you want to learn painting?" Lin Yi asked.

She asked Lin Yi to learn painting before, and Lin Yi agreed. Now why did she think of learning to play the piano again? After thinking about it, Lin Yi immediately understood that it was nothing more than jealousy among women.

"By the way, I saw that you have a flute hanging on the wall. I heard that you are a first-class flute player. How about I teach you a few tunes on the flute?" Lin Yi said.

Cui Niannu was surprised,

"Can Mr. Lin still play the flute?"

"Haha, I have learned some superficial skills and made a few new songs myself." Lin Yi said.

Cui Niannu quickly asked the maid to bring the flute.

The two of them were under the plum tree in the courtyard. Lin Yi played the song "Listening to the Qin at Night" and Cui Niannu looked at Lin Yi with her beautiful eyes.

Then Lin Yi played a few more songs,


"Looking at the bright moon",

"The flowers are full and the moon is full".

After listening to it, Cui Niannu felt that these pieces of music seemed to be somewhat connected, and asked about his doubts.

Lin Yi smiled and said: "I had a story in my heart, and then I composed several pieces of music for this story, including these paragraphs."

Cui Niannu's interest greatly increased.

"Nian Nu loves to listen to stories. Master, can you tell me what the story is?"

Lin Yi nodded, "You see your face is turning red from the cold. Let's go inside and talk. The story is a bit long."

Cui Niannu nodded.

The two came to the house. The pretty maid Linglong made tea for them, and Lin Yi told Cui Niannu a story.

"My story is called "The Romance of the West Chamber", also called "The Romance of the West Chamber with Cui Yingying Waiting for the Moon"." Lin Yi told the story of Romance of the West Chamber.

The original Romance of the West Chamber is a love story about scholar Zhang Junrui and Miss Xiangguo Cui Yingying who met by chance. They fell in love at first sight. With the help of a matchmaker, they fought for the freedom of marriage and dared to break through the constraints of feudal ethics and got married privately. It expressed their love for the feudal marriage system.

dissatisfaction and resistance, as well as the longing and pursuit of a beautiful ideal of love.

But Lin Yi knew that if this story appeared in the Song Dynasty, it would definitely not be published. Isn't this a proper promotion of elopement? It greatly conflicts with secular ethics. The government will ban you, and the person who wrote the book may be punished.

So Lin Yi changed the story. It was almost the same as before. Zhang Sheng and Cui Yingying met by chance and fell in love at first sight. Then, with the help of the matchmaker, the two communicated secretly, but the incident was discovered by the Prime Minister's wife, who came out to beat the couple.

Finally, for the sake of her daughter's sake, she made an agreement with Zhang Sheng that if she can get a Jinshi pass in this imperial examination, Zhang Junrui will be allowed to win Miss Cui Yingying. You must know that the Jinshi pass is the top three, the number one, the second, and the third flower. I think

It was so difficult to achieve, but in the end a miracle happened. After Zhang Sheng's unremitting efforts, he passed the exam and then married Cui Yingying, completing a beautiful story.

The last paragraph did not forget to flatter. After hearing the story of the two, the emperor wrote a poem to the two newlyweds on their wedding day, "A century of love has tied the hearts of two people, and a thousand-mile marriage is tied by a thread. A gifted man is naturally matched with a beautiful woman, and he only envies the couple.


This story of the west chamber,

Lin Yi has read the original work.

There are many classic sentences in it, which have even been passed down to later generations, such as the tip of a silver pewter gun, wishing all lovers in the world to get married, misunderstandings at first sight, marrying a virtuous wife, taking concubines and having sex, etc.

And to be honest, the original version of this book is a bit colorful. Although it is not as good as Jin Ping Mei, there are still many explicit places. If it is to be published in the future, it must be discarded.

Lin Yi has a good mind,


The story was told so vividly that both Cui Niannu and the serving maid Linglong were fascinated by it.

that's all,

The story was told until evening, and then it came to an end.

Cui Niannu left Lin Yi to eat, and after dinner, he took Lin Yi to listen to a story. Under the candlelight, Cui Niannu looked at Lin Yi attentively. They say that when you look at a beauty under the lamp, the more you look at it, the more beautiful you look. Cui Niannu is already stunning.

Beauty, even more beautiful now.


The story comes to its finale,

Zhang Sheng and Cui Yingying got married, and the emperor gave them poems. Then they had a wedding night with flowers and candles, and they were completely happy under the full moon.

Cui Niannu put his hand on his chest and exhaled a long breath. He finally heard the perfect ending and felt so comfortable.

Lin Yi looked at Cui Niannu and said: "I heard that Niannu is a great opera master, the best in Beijing. He has also composed new plays. How about we two work together to compile this story into an opera."

Cui Niannu was immediately overjoyed.

"This thought just came into my mind."

"Haha, do we have some understanding now?" Lin Yi said with a smile.

The words of mutual understanding made Cui Niannu blush a little. He looked at Lin Yi with his wonderful eyes, and Lin Yi also looked at Cui Niannu.

"Master Lin, it's late at night, why don't we stay at Niannu's humble residence tonight." Cui Niannu said softly.

Lin Yi smiled and stretched out his hand to touch Cui Niannu's pretty face.

That night,

Lin Yi stayed overnight at Huaju Yashe.

(End of chapter)

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