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Chapter 206: Danqing's Accordion Skills Are Unparalleled

Chapter 206 The Painting Saint’s Unparalleled Piano Skills

The next day,

Lin Yi puts on handsome clothes.

Look into the bronze mirror.

But I saw Mr. Lin dressed in Tsing Yi, with a majestic body and a majestic appearance. His eyes shot up to the cold stars, and his eyebrows were as thick as paint. He looked like a handsome and majestic man.

Lin Yi went downstairs.

I found that many people were already standing in the restaurant lobby.

Everyone looked at him.

There were also friends of Lin Yi's age in the crowd, and someone said: "Brother Dongyang, I wonder which oiran you want to meet first?"

This is the question people are most curious about.

Two oirans were invited at the same time. Whichever one Lin Yi went to see first would give the other an idea as to how he would arrange it.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Let's go see Miss Shishi first."

Someone next to me shouted: "Then why don't you go see Miss Niannu first?"

Lin Yi already had a reason.

"Because yesterday I went to Miss Shishi to deliver the poems first."

In fact, Lin Yi didn't care who he met first and who he met later, or what thoughts the two women had.

So why do you care about their feelings? Are you tired? I can do whatever I want. Why should I be bound by their emotions?

Arrive at Qingyue Zuihua Tower.

Although it is morning.

But there were still many scholars sitting in the hall. When these people saw Lin Yi coming in, they immediately started talking noisily.

"Is this Qinghe Lin Yi? Doesn't he look very ordinary?"

"I've read some of his poems. To be honest, they are too rosy, and they are always full of resentment. These are not the kinds of poems a man should write."

"Let Master Li and Cui Niannu be invited together at the same time. How can he be so virtuous and capable? Humph."

"He came to see Master Li first. Cui Niannu must know. When Lin Yi comes over, I wonder if Cui Niannu will let Lin Yi in. Hahahaha, interesting. Wait until Lin Yi goes to Cui Niannu Flowers

When you stay in Yashe, you must go and see the excitement.”

When a man is favored by a beautiful woman and is also one of the two most famous courtesans in the world, most men would not be envious, but more jealous, and would like to take his place.

"Master Lin, you are here."

When the steward of Qingyue Zuihua Building saw Lin Yi coming in, he immediately greeted him with a smile. After saying hello, he ordered someone to take Lin Yi to the backyard.

Through the long corridor,

Lin Yi was taken to a manor. The layout and scenery here were not inferior to any gardens. The front of Qingyue Zuihua Building was just an ordinary guest area, and this was the high-end VIP area.

Passing through the rockery corridor, there is a lake in front. The lake has frozen in winter, and there is also a layer of falling snow. There is a small snowdrift on the head of the dry lotus leaf, which makes the place look not desolate, but rather sad and beautiful.

There was a side pavilion in front of the lake. A servant stood at the door and asked Lin Yi to come in. Lin Yi walked in and felt that the room was as warm as spring. It must have been floor heating. There was a tea table on the left, and a beautiful girl was sitting beside it.

The girl looks about sixteen or seventeen years old, with pure red teeth and white teeth, and skin as creamy as a hibiscus in water.

The girl sat on the couch, bowed deeply and prostrated herself on the ground. She gave Lin Yi a big gift, raised her head and said, "My maid, Furong, will make some tea for Young Master Lin. Miss Master will be here in a moment."

"You're not up yet, are you?" Lin Yi asked.

Xiao Nizi was stunned when asked.

Maybe she wasn't good at lying, so she was a little flustered for a moment. In the past, if she told the guests that the lady would come over later, those officials would tell her that she was not in a hurry, and then sit down to drink tea and wait.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Lin in front of me asked him directly.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Okay, you can make tea."

Fleur was relieved.

Lin Yi guessed half of it right. It wasn't that Master Li didn't get up, but that he got up late and was dressing up.

Calculating the time, it should be ten o'clock now.

Lin Yixin said that the habit of laziness in bed is not good.

hibiscus tea,

The movements are graceful and a sight to behold.

Lin Yi had nothing to do,

I saw a Yao Qin standing next to me, and I suddenly became interested. I walked over and sat down in front of the Yao Qin, placing my fingers on the strings.


The elegant tune slipped from Lin Yi's fingers. Xiao Nizi looked at Lin Yi in surprise. She heard that Mr. Lin who was serving today was good at poetry and calligraphy. She didn't expect that he could also play Yao Qin. This hibiscus was also from Qingyue Zuihualou.

A beauty who has been carefully cultivated, she is proficient in all kinds of music, chess, calligraphy and painting. You can tell at a glance that Mr. Lin's Yaoqin knowledge is very profound.

Lin Yi closed his eyes,

Entering the state of playing the piano, his thoughts drifted freely, and he enjoyed this state very much.

he does not know,

In the corridor outside the palace, two women were stopping to listen. It was Master Li who was well dressed. Master Li was unparalleled in beauty, poetry, calligraphy and painting, and the Yaoqin was her favorite instrument. When she came over, she heard the legend.

When the music came out, she had never heard of this piece of music. She only felt that it was calm and melodious, giving people a sense of calmness.

And she could tell that the person who played the qin had a profound knowledge of the Yao qin.

A connoisseur will know whether it is good or bad as soon as it is played. The more connoisseur you are, the better you can hear whether it is good or bad. Even if it is just a piece of music, you can tell that the person playing the qin is you.

who is it?

This was Master Li's first thought.

And she immediately thought of it again.

In this side pavilion by the lake, there should be only Furong and Mr. Lin Yilin. She knew very well about Furong's piano skills, and the one playing the piano now was obviously not Furong.

Then there is only Mr. Lin.

This answer surprised Master Li.

good poem,

Good calligraphy,

He is also so good at playing the piano.

She looked forward to this meeting even more.

She didn't go in,

Afraid of disturbing Lin Yi's playing, he stopped playing the piano, so he stood outside and listened to the whole song.

It's cold outside,

Her cheeks were a little red from the cold.

Looking at Haitang, Haitang opened the curtain knowingly, and Li Shishi walked to the side pavilion. This was the first time Lin Yi and Li Shishi met, and both of them looked at each other seriously.

"A man eight feet tall, with a face like a crown of jade, a handsome and elegant young man, as bright as a jade tree in front of the wind, with a handsome and resolute temperament, a good man." Mr. Li has seen countless people, but he has only seen a man like this.

"The crows on the temples are green, the phoenixes on the hair are green, the autumn water is the sacred jade and the bones are, the hibiscus is like the willows on the face, and the eyebrows are as soft as any. In addition, the beauty mole between the eyebrows is like a bit of cinnabar. She is really a charming and good woman." Lin

Yi looked at Master Li and thought that she was indeed the famous prostitute Li Master in the world.

The two looked at each other for more than ten seconds. Li Shishi suddenly realized that something was wrong. He blinked his eyelashes several times quickly and smiled, "I have met Mr. Lin Yilin."

Lin Yi smiled, not showing the slightest restraint as if seeing a celebrity or a beautiful woman, and politely returned the favor, "I've met Ms. Shishi."

"Did Mr. Lin play the piano just now?" Master Li asked.

"Yes, I had nothing to do. I suddenly became interested when I saw Yao Qin."

"It's Master who kept you waiting for a long time." Master Li bowed slightly.

"It doesn't matter, I like the relaxed and unrestrained feeling. If everything is rigid, what surprises and fun are there?" Lin Yi said with a smile.

The two of them sat down,

Start chatting formally.

Let's talk about poetry first, and asked about the four poems circulated by Lin Yi one by one. The two discussed it some more, and finally made a request, hoping that Lin Yi would write a calligraphy copy of the other three poems and give it to her. Lin Yi happily agreed.



Three poems were written in one stroke.

Li Shishi looked at Lin Yi's calligraphy, and the more she looked at it, the more she liked it. It was charming, elegant, neat and well-organized, and her calligraphy was mature. She thought that her calligraphy was not bad, but it was not as elegant as Lin Yi's calligraphy.

Li Shishi's favorite calligraphy is Wang Xizhi's calligraphy. It is obvious that Lin Yi's calligraphy is also imitated by the two kings, and has reached the level of Dacheng. He has broken away from imitation and has his own thing. He has clearly entered the realm of a calligraphy master.

Looking at the current world, there are only a few people who can have such calligraphy.

Cai Jing, Prime Minister Cai's calligraphy is famous in the world. The person she knew brought her a lot of Cai Jing's calligraphy, but she preferred Lin Yi's calligraphy.

After writing poetry and calligraphy,

The two sat down to drink tea and chat. The more they chatted, the more enthusiastic they became. Lin Yi didn't feel restrained, which made Li Shishi feel relaxed. The two chatted like old friends.

Lin Yi is knowledgeable, has read a lot of books, has a photographic memory, and has thousands of years of experience. No matter what he talks about, he has his own unique insights. At first, Master Li was a little confused, but after thinking about it carefully, he found that it was indeed the case.

Lin Yi said it in general.

"Master Lin, would you like to stay for lunch at noon?" Seeing noon, Master Li sent out an invitation.

Since following Zhao Ji, Li Shishi no longer drinks and dines with his guests, but only drinks a cup of tea and chats.

"Okay, I happen to be a little hungry. I didn't even eat breakfast because I wanted to see the girl. I drank a lot of tea just now." Lin Yi said and rubbed his stomach.

Master Li smiled.

This Mr. Lin is really not pretentious.

"Then I'll ask them to prepare more."

After lunch,

The two chatted about the Yao Qin again and asked about the music played in the morning. Lin Yi told Li Shishi that it was a Taoist Qin music, adapted and derived from the "Penglai Immortal Charm" of the Eight Great Taoist Divine Mantras.

"When you play this piece of music, you can sing the 'God's Mantra for Purifying Heaven and Earth' while playing it. I'll try it for you."

As he spoke, he started playing again, chanting incantations in his mouth.

"The heaven and earth are natural. The odor is dispersed. The cave is mysterious. The sun shines brightly. The power of the eight directions makes me natural. The spiritual treasure talisman tells the nine heavens."

"Where did you learn this song, Master?" Li Shishi asked.

"I did it myself." There is no such thing in this world, so Lin Yi had no choice but to lick his face and say that he did it himself, otherwise it would be difficult to explain.

"You are such a talented young master, can you teach me?" Li Shishi looked at Lin Yi with a somewhat pleading expression.

it's beautiful.

Although they had been in contact for a long time, Lin Yi's heart couldn't help but beat twice as fast as the woman looked at her like this.

for a moment,

A ridiculous idea came into his mind.

Li Shishi is the emperor's woman.

If I sleep with her,

Will there be anti-thief value?!

The two of them came to the Yaoqin and sat side by side. There was almost no barrier between them. There was no other way. Who said Yaoqin was small?

There were no outsiders in Nuan Pavilion, just the two of them.

Lin Yi played a piece,

Master Li will learn from you for a while.

Lin Yi discovered one thing. It seemed that these very smart people in ancient times had photographic memory. He taught it once, and Master Li remembered 90% of it. Then Lin Yi played the whole thing again, and Master Li remembered it completely.

When I started playing again, I became very skillful.

It's cold outside, but it's warm inside the Nuan Pavilion. Because of the close distance, explanations and guidance are needed, and the two people's bodies will occasionally touch, which naturally breeds different emotions.

This emotion is called ‘ambiguity’.

Sometimes ambiguity is more exciting and more flavorful than love.

"Miss Shishi, Lin is ready to leave." Lin Yi said.

Li Shishi turned to look at Lin Yi. The distance between the two was only thirty or forty centimeters, and his breathing could be heard. He looked at Lin Yi with a pair of wonderful eyes, with a hint of resentment: "Are you going to see Cui Niannu?"


Lin Yi answered simply.

"If you promise, you must fulfill the contract." Lin Yi said.

Master Li suddenly smiled again and said, "How can a man be untrustworthy? This is indeed the case. Then I will not try to retain Mr. Lin. He came here on foot. I will arrange a carriage to send him off."

Lin Yi bid farewell to Li Shishi.

When I came to the lobby, I saw the steward again and asked, "How much is the fee? I'll pay you now."

The steward quickly waved his hand and said, "Miss Shishi said that I won't charge the young master's fee."

Lin Yi nodded.

He's not pretentious, he won't give me money if he doesn't want it, and it's not like he's never had sex in vain.

Get on the carriage and go to Huaju Yashe to see Cui Niannu.

Lin Yi doesn't know,

As soon as he got on the bus, a lot of news came out of Qingyue Zuihua House. In other words, these news were deliberately let out by Master Li.

"Lin Yi and Ms. Shishi drank tea and chatted for half a day."

"Lin Yi had lunch with Miss Shishi."

"Lin Yi presented Miss Shishi with three pieces of calligraphy."

"Lin Yi played the piano and discussed poetry. Miss Shishi praised Lin Yi's unparalleled piano skills, far surpassing her own. Lin Yi gave Miss Shishi a new song."

Before Lin Yi arrived at Huaju Yashe, these words had already reached Cui Niannu's ears. After hearing this, Cui Niannu's beautiful eyes flashed brightly, and he thought to himself that he could not lose to that Master Li.

The carriage stopped outside Huaju Yashe.

There is already a steward waiting here.

Lin Yi got out of the car and the steward stepped forward to help him, "But Mr. Lin Yi?"

"It's me." Lin Yi nodded.

The steward led Lin Yi into the courtyard and passed through the long corridor and stone road. Some scholars in the courtyard stopped and looked at him when they saw Lin Yi.

Naturally, they heard rumors that Lin Yi had met Li Shishi in the morning, and now he came to see Cui Niannu. They were really jealous.

The steward sent Lin Yi to the moon gate in the backyard and said, "Sir, go in by yourself."

Saying that, he turned around and left.

Lin Yi walked into the Moon Gate.

But not far away, she saw a plum blossom blooming in full bloom, and under the plum tree, stood a woman in a cloak, with her back to her.

Lin Yi knew it the first time he felt it.

This woman should be Cui Niannu.

Lin Yi walked in.

The woman turned back and looked at Lin Yi with her eyes.

But I saw this beauty with a pink face and peach blossoms, which was unparalleled in beauty, her complexion was crystal clear, as soft as jade, her eyes were deep and sparkling, her eyebrows were trimmed, her nose was slender, and her cheeks were slightly dimpled, she was absolutely beautiful.

Her graceful and slender waist is breathtaking, her face is alluring with a touch of pink and white, and her eyes are cut like water, no better than Xi Shi Sai Zhaojun.

The woman smiled lightly at Lin Yi and bowed slightly.

"The little girl Niannu has met Mr. Lin."

"I've seen Miss Niannu." Lin Yi replied, "The girl is admiring the plum blossoms. Well, the plum blossoms are so beautiful."

Cui Niannu's eyes flashed with cunning, and he asked: "Is it the plum blossoms that are more beautiful, or am I more beautiful?"

Lin Yi smiled.

"I am a romantic person and I like beautiful women. Naturally, girls are more beautiful."

If you like beauties, you just like beauties. Lin Yi will not pretend to be elegant.

Cui Niannu smiled even more.

"Master Lin has a really free and easy temperament."

"Please come to your room, Mr. Niannu. Niannu will cook tea for you personally." Cui Niannu invited.


The two sat opposite each other.

After seeing Cui Niannu's appearance thoroughly, I can only say that this woman is definitely not inferior to Li Shishi in terms of beauty, and she also has an excellent temperament.

Lin Yi also has countless readers. Those stars in the modern world, how beautiful they are, the big flowers and the small flowers. They appear only once in three thousand years and only once in five thousand years. But compared with Li Shishi and Cui Niannu, they are really far behind.


drink tea,

Talk about poetry,

Cui Niannu also wanted to ask for words.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "How about I draw a picture for you."

Cui Niannu was slightly surprised, "Young Master is good at painting?"

"Ask yourself if you can still draw it. The scene of the girl under the plum blossoms in the garden just now made Lin feel that the picture was absolutely beautiful, and he had the urge to paint it." Lin Yi said.

Cui Niannu is good at painting.

Compared with Li Shishi, Cui Niannu is the best at chess, calligraphy and painting. She is only better than Li Shishi in painting.

"How about coming to my studio?" Cui Niannu asked.


The two came to the studio, which was well-furnished. Cui Niannu usually painted here. The woman personally spread out the silk cloth for Lin Yi and mixed the painting dyes. She was very curious about Mr. Lin's painting skills.

The whole piece of silk cloth is very big.

Lin Yi didn't cut it and started painting.

In the Song Dynasty, silk was mostly used for painting. It was not until the middle and late Yuan Dynasty that rice paper technology improved further, and rice paper was mostly used for painting.

Lin Yi's movements were neither fast nor slow, but every stroke was extremely firm without any hesitation. Cui Niannu could tell from this that Lin Yi was a master of calligraphy and painting.

as time flows.

The painting gradually takes shape.

In the distance in the painting, there is a shadowy inn, a few plum blossoms nearby, and a few white snow piled on the plum blossoms. There is a woman standing under the plum tree, exactly how Cui Niannu is dressed today, and the whole portrait takes up the entire

One half of the painting.

woman in painting,

Incomparably beautiful.

Cui Niannu knew that it was him who Lin Yi was talking to, but he felt that it was not him who was in a trance. The person in the painting was more beautiful than him.

This is Lin Yi's habit.

Although Cui Niannu no longer needs beauty filters, he can choose the most beautiful angle to show a more beautiful style, which can also improve a person's temperament.

Just like ordinary photos and artistic photos.

Technique and perspective are important.

What surprised Cui Niannu the most was that the figure in the painting gave people a feeling of being ready to come out, as if they were about to leave at any time. She was always by Lin Yi's side. She could see that Mr. Lin used a lot of things that she had never seen before.

Wen’s painting techniques.

Being able to create techniques and improve the overall quality of paintings, in Cui Niannu's view, Lin Yi is not only a master of painting, but can be classified as a master.

More than four hours in total.

It was getting dark outside and candles were lit in the room. Only then did Lin Yi finish the painting. After finishing the last stroke, Lin Yi changed his writing pen and wrote a poem.

"Beside the broken bridge outside the post station, I am lonely and without an owner. It is already dusk and I am sad alone, and there is more wind and rain. I have no intention of struggling for spring, and I will let everyone be jealous. It is scattered into mud and crushed into dust, but only the fragrance remains the same."

Saw this poem.

Cui Niannu is crazy again.

She felt that this poem was very similar to her situation. She was lonely without a master, no one to care for her, and a few tears fell down her face.

put down the pen,

Lin Yi looked at Cui Niannu, "How do you feel?"

Cui Niannu bowed deeply and raised his head with pleading eyes, "Mr. Lin, can you teach Niannu how to draw?"

Lin Yi smiled softly.

"no problem."

Cui Niannu invited Lin Yi to dinner and personally poured wine and food. After asking Lin Yi for instructions, Cui Niannu's plum blossom picture was taken out and displayed in the hall.

It means showing off and comparing with Master Li.

In the evening, when the brothel is most lively, there are countless officials, princes, scholars, and patrons. Once this painting was hung up, it immediately attracted countless people to watch.

"This, this, this, is this Miss Cui Niannu? She is really beautiful and beautiful. Although I can't see Miss Niannu, I can see her portrait and my feelings."

"Who painted this painting? It can make people look so lifelike. Is this a new painting method?"

"Good words, good words, scattered into mud and crushed into dust, only the fragrance remains the same. It feels like reading Mr. Lianxi's "Shuo Ai Lian"."

"Qinghe Lin Yi, this painting turned out to be painted by Qinghe Lin Yi. This Lin Yi has first-class appearance, first-class literary talent, first-class calligraphy, first-class music, and his paintings are also first-class. I finally know the difference. I can't wait. I won't be jealous anymore."


The news about Cui Niannu quickly reached Master Li's ears.

I was reading the plum blossom poem in my mouth. The more I chewed it, the more beautiful it became. I felt a little jealous in my heart. Why didn't you write it to me here?

And that painting, the messenger said it was so magical that it made her very itchy and wished she could see it right away.

The news came that,

Cui Niannu greeted Lin Yi under the plum tree in the courtyard, and that's when she came up with the painting and the poem. She knew it would become a good story.

What Lin Yi gave to Cui Niannu was obviously more than what he gave her. She only had a few paintings and a piece of music, but Cui Niannu got a painting with new painting skills and a peerless poem about plum blossoms. I'm afraid someone will do it in the future.

Speaking of this poem about plum blossoms, Cui Niannu will definitely come to mind.

Master Li was a little jealous.

She made up her mind,

In a few days,

If she invites Young Master Lin over again, she will also want a painting.


Just have a few words with you,

Book lovers should have noticed the current status of this book. It cannot be displayed on major lists, has no recommendations, and is in a semi-closed state. Only old book friends who have collected it can see it now, not to mention its performance.

There is no need to delve too deeply into the reasons.

I reflect on myself.

In view of the current situation, I may have to say sorry to the book friends who have always supported Heavy Rain. Heavy Rain is going to get a new book. This book will be updated occasionally, but the number of updates cannot be guaranteed. You can put it aside. One day

Suddenly I thought of coming over to see if the heavy rain had cooled me down.

If it's completely cool,


A curse can be regarded as a memorial to me.

‘Life has many different paths from north to south’, that’s how the world is.

Best regards.

(End of chapter)

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