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Chapter 006: A Beautiful Life Beckons

Lin Yi got on the train and left. Before leaving, he asked Li Xiangqian to ride his bicycle back. Li Xiangqian's home was in a suburban county, thirty or forty kilometers away from Jiangcheng.

Touching the thick wad of money in his pocket, Li Xiangqian felt extremely at ease. He rode to the Chengdong Farmers Market. This is a spontaneous market. In the past, he used to sneak around. But in the past few months, he found that no one was in charge, and the people doing business were

more and more.

As the Mid-Autumn Festival approaches, the place becomes more lively.

The prices at the farmer's market are cheaper than in stores, and the advantage is that there are no tickets. Li pushed the bicycle forward in a big circle, and when he came out, the back seat of the bicycle was already full.

20 kilograms of rice, 20 kilograms of white flour, 5 kilograms of fatty pork. The meat residue is the most fragrant when boiled in oil. 5 kilograms of marinated meat. The advantage of marinating the meat is that it takes a long time.

I bought 1 catty of candies. The youngest, the fourth sister, is only twelve years old. She likes to eat candies. In fact, adults also like to eat them, but they just can’t bear to part with them.

I bought a pound of sesame candy and cloud cake together to honor my grandma.

Finally, I bought two bottles of Xiaohuanghelou, which cost 1.35 cents a bottle. It was considered high-end wine these days. After all, a bottle of Maotai only cost 8 yuan at this time.

Riding a bicycle home.

along the way,

Li Xiangqian felt that his whole body was full of strength. He did not feel tired at all after traveling thirty or forty kilometers. He arrived home more than two hours later.

Push the cart into the hospital.

"Grandma, parents, I'm back!"

The sound is very loud.

Li's father and Li's mother came out of the house and were surprised to see Li Qianqian carrying a bunch of things tied to the car.

"Qiang Qian, why did you bring so many things back?" asked Qian's mother.

Li Xiangqian chuckled.

"Mom, take your things into the house first. If you have anything to say, come in and say it."

Dad Li nodded, "Yes, let's talk about it after we enter the house."

Grandma has been paralyzed in bed all year round. Li Xiangqian took the cloud cake over and said, "Grandma, eat a piece of cloud cake. It's so sweet."

Grandma took it with a smile.

"Dad, where is my grandfather?"

"I went out to pick up manure." Dad Li said.

Fertilizers are scarce these days, and many elderly people in rural areas carry a basket every day to pick up horse and donkey manure, and then come back to fertilize the fields.

If there is no manure, just collect firewood. Anyway, you will not be empty-handed.

Li Xiangqian picked up the sesame cake and handed it to his parents. Li's mother took the sesame cake and couldn't help asking again, "Qiang Xiang, why do you bring so many things? How much does it cost?"

"Mom, I helped my friends sell things these days and made some money. Isn't it August 15th? Let's have a good holiday at home." Li Xiangqian said with a smile.

Father Li looked at his son, "Don't you do anything wrong?"

Naturally, Li Xiangqian did not dare to say that he was selling smuggled goods. "My friend is a self-employed business owner, and his business is legitimate. Now the national newspaper has said that the private economy is encouraged."

"You have to be careful, no one can tell for sure these days." Dad Li sighed.

The situation has changed over the past few decades, and people still have fear in their hearts.

Li Xiangqian didn't say anything. When he came, he thought about something on the way and said: "Dad, my mother went to see a doctor a few days ago and borrowed money in the village. Now that I have earned some money, I plan to pay it back today."


After hearing this, Ma Li's eyes suddenly turned red.

"Is it enough?" Dad Li asked.


Dad Li nodded, "Mom, find the list and I'll return it."

"Dad, let me go and take you to the east."

Li Xiangdong is Li Xiangqian's younger brother. He is also 19 years old this year. He has stopped going to school a long time ago and now works in the village to earn work points.

He also has two younger sisters, Li Xiangxi and Li Xiangnan.

Li Xiangxi is sixteen this year. After graduating from junior high school, he has also been working at home. In a year or two, he will move to his in-laws' house. Li Xiangnan is only twelve years old and is still in junior high school.

As for Li Xiangbei,

No, I really couldn’t support myself anymore, and I didn’t dare to live again.


Li Xiangdong and Li Xiangxi came back from the fields, and Li Xiangnan also finished school. The three brothers and sisters were very happy to see their eldest brother back, especially the youngest sister Xiangnan, who was eating sesame candy in her mouth and pestering her eldest brother to ask questions.

As smoke rose from the village, Li Xiangqian told his parents and took his younger brother Li Xiangdong out to pay back the money with the loan slip.

Uncle Daqiang’s house 1 yuan 2.

Uncle Wang’s family has 5 cents.

Aunt Erfen’s family has 8 cents.


Pay back money door to door.

Afterwards, the brothers did not forget to thank their uncle and aunt for their help that day, and it was not until around nine o'clock that they finally paid off all the money.

back home,

The whole family looked at the brothers.

"Grandma, parents, the money has all been paid off."

The whole family is smiling.

Debt-free and light-hearted.

Everyone suddenly felt that their burdens were lifted, and they felt so comfortable.

"Let's eat!"

Cured meat stew with rice,

This is a meal that can only be eaten during the Chinese New Year. Today, each person has a big bowl of rice and a big spoonful of meat and vegetables, and the food is delicious.

I opened a bottle of wine, and the four of us ate some food and drank some wine.

This Mid-Autumn Festival, Li Xiangqian feels very beautiful.

After having a meal,

The younger brothers and sisters all went to bed. Li Xiangqian came to his parents' house and took out another wad of money from his pocket, "Mom, Dad, there are more than four hundred yuan here, you can keep it."

The old couple were very surprised,

It must have been a lot of money to buy those things. When I came back, I paid back more than 100 yuan, and now I have spent more than 400 yuan. The eldest son has only been out for half a month, how can he make so much money?

"Boss, did you tell Dad that you really didn't do anything harmful?" Lao Li asked seriously.

"I really don't have a dad. I'm just doing business and selling things, which is not harmful to nature." Li Xiangqian said firmly.

The people who bought his watches were all very happy. They bought their favorite things at a cheap price and helped others solve their problems. It shouldn't be regarded as an act of evil.

Father Li believed in his son. After all, his son was a soldier, so he told his son to go to sleep.

Before Li Qianqian left the house, he heard his mother and father whispering, "With this money, we can build a brick house. When Xiang Xiang is bigger, it will be easier to find a partner if we have a house."

Dad Li felt that the old woman was right, "Tomorrow I will go to the village party secretary and ask for a land for a village. When the farming season is over, I will use the money to build a house for Qiang Qiang."


Go back to the house and lie down on the kang,

Li Xiangqian couldn't sleep for a while, remembering what Lin Yi once said to him, "There are many troubles in this world, but money can solve ninety-nine percent of them."

Now he deeply agrees with what Brother Yi said.

The borrowed money was repaid,

The burden is lifted.

The whole family eats rice and meat stew.

The younger siblings are happy.

Isn't this what he dreamed of before?

Lin Yi helped him make money, and Li Xiangqian was deeply grateful. He planned to go back and have a good talk with Jiang Wu. If someone really found out about them in the future, the two of them must grit their teeth and never tell Brother Yi.



Jiang Wu also went home to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival.

"Ling ring ring~"

Riding a brand-new Phoenix 28 big bar, Jiang Wu rode into the alley with unconcealable pride on his face, greeted a few familiar neighbors, and stopped in front of his house.

Move the car into the hospital.

Jiang Wu is the second eldest brother. His eldest brother got married last year. His eldest sister-in-law is five or six months pregnant and has already grown pregnant. She lives in the next courtyard and the whole family eats together on weekdays.

Jiang Wu also has a younger sister and younger brother.

Jiang Wu moved the bicycle into the house. His sister-in-law, who was washing vegetables in the basin in the yard, saw it and her eyes were fixed on the new bicycle.

"Xiao Wu, where did you get the new car?"

Jiang Wu chuckled.

"Sister-in-law, I just bought it this afternoon. I rushed to the police station to stamp it before getting off work." Jiang Wu said with a bit of pride in his tone.

hear sounds,

The whole family came out to watch.

"Second brother, did you buy a new car?"

"The new car is so beautiful, it belongs to Phoenix."

Father Jiang frowned and looked at his second son, "This car is over a hundred dollars, where did you get the money?" There is a lot of chaos outside now, and he is afraid that his son will go astray.

"Isn't the country encouraging self-employment now? A friend of mine is self-employed. When I have time, I go over to help sell goods. During the holidays, my friend gave me benefits." Jiang Wu made up a reason.

If his father knew that he had made seven or eight hundred dollars, he would definitely ask questions about it, but he couldn't talk about selling electronic watches, so he might as well just ignore it.

As for my mother, if she knew that he had earned seven or eight hundred dollars, the first thing she would do would not be to ask him how he earned it. Instead, she would ask for the money and give him at most five yuan as pocket money.

"How much money does a self-employed person make?" my mother asked in surprise.

Brother Jiang Wu interjected from the side: "It is indeed quite profitable to be self-employed. A friend of my colleague built a tofu shop and I heard that he can earn more than ten yuan a day."

Jiang Wu gave his elder brother a thumbs up in his heart.

As big brother said,

It completely saves him the need to explain himself.

Jiang Wu approached his father and said with a smile: "Dad, when I came back from the countryside, you gave me your car. I can only walk to work. This car is to honor you. From now on, you will ride this car."

Let’s drive to work.”

Father Jiang felt warm in his heart.

The brat also knows how to love others.

"I don't want it. You can ride that old car back, and I'll still ride that one." Father Jiang waved his hand.

"I ride that car very well now. You can use this new one. Mom, what are you going to eat tonight? I'm hungry." Jiang Wu directly skipped the discussion.

The Mid-Autumn Festival dinner is very sumptuous,

The whole family is having fun.

After dinner,

It was already getting dark. Brother Jiang Wu and his sister-in-law went back to the yard to rest. The children all went back to the house to sleep. Jiang Wu washed up and went back to his house.

Father Jiang was sitting in the yard, wiping the new car with a towel. When he saw his wife coming over, he smiled and said: "These parts of the Phoenix are electroplated, which is more durable than permanent and the paint will not peel off."

Mother Jiang smiled.

She could naturally see the old man's love for the car.

Jiang Wu looked through the window and saw his father happily wiping the car. The new car actually had no dirt at all, but his father still wiped it so carefully.

Jiang Wu smiled.

Lying in bed.

The moonlight shines in through the window,

He felt that a better life was beckoning to him.

This chapter has been completed!
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