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Chapter 122 The truth

Gao Yi raised his hand and pushed the flashlight switch upwards, and a dazzling beam of light suddenly shot out, piercing the chaotic rain curtain and reaching the mysterious man, illuminating him who was pursuing him.


The mysterious man paused and immediately stopped where he was.

Click... click...

In the suddenly quiet forest, the sound of dripping blood was particularly clear. As soon as the soles of Gao Yi's feet landed on the ground, he immediately used the shadow power on his running shoes to quickly approach the opponent with the flashlight.

There was not even a single intact spot on the man's body. Black blood flowed out of his seven orifices, washed down by the rain, and gathered into a dark stream at his feet.

His body was in a state of constant movement and coordination, and under the overload of self-squeezing, it should have been able to last for a period of time. But now under the influence of [high-light flashlight], the state of movement came to an abrupt end.

He lost all strength, and with a "plop", he fell straight to the ground, and he probably couldn't get up again.

What a serious injury...

Gao Yi frowned.

Is this the damage caused by performing a skill with full strength? Although it is good, from the perspective of the damage caused to the body, the two are not directly proportional, and it should not be worth doing it at all.

After thinking about it, Gao Yi touched his chin: "To possess others, the strength of the skill should be greatly reduced. And since the other party possesses [power], his physical quality is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary people. When it is really used,

, the loss will not be as serious as it is now."

This is the most reasonable explanation based on the strength of the fragments of authority. But it is true. If I encounter the tribunal in the future, with the current inventory of these strange paintings, I am afraid I can only avoid its edge for the time being.

Twelve Tarot sequences represent twelve incredible skills. By using [power] while possessed by consciousness, he can beat himself without the ability to fight back. The original skills are far more powerful than he thought.


Although this time, there is the restraint factor of the opponent's melee superiority, but as the saying goes, if there is one, there must be another. Who knows whether other original skills may also have some incomprehensible innate advantages?

If there is no need to fight, then don’t fight.

Gao Yi's current focus is still on accumulating his own heritage. It is expected that he will not have any need to provoke these big bosses by brushing up the daily ecology of dungeons.

After all, I heard from this guy on the ground that they are still fighting fiercely against landlords themselves.

Gao Yi ended his thoughts and at the same time stopped the control at hand. A few minutes have passed since he started to control it. Presumably, after the mysterious man's consciousness regained consciousness, facing this dilapidated body, he may have also

Nothing can be done.

"I still haven't been able to get rid of you..."

The first words of the mysterious man's return to consciousness immediately made Gao Yi a little unhappy.

Who do you look down on when you open a trumpet and want to kill me? Gao Yi didn't say anything, he just gave him two bright glares.

I asked you to plan, to surround and kill, to make calculations. I gave you everything, and yet I counterattacked and killed you. Shouldn't you reflect on yourself when you are riding a horse?

Gao Yi chuckled in his heart. If [Ode to Ice and Snow] hadn't cut off the power, you wouldn't even be able to get this far.

"Okay, tell me the truth."

Gao Yi did not give up and continued to ask the previous question: "What is the purpose of everything you designed today."

"What's going on with the so-called meteor, those three aliens, and your elaborate action plan?"

On the ground, the mysterious man who was pretending to be dead, waiting for the power of his separated consciousness to be exhausted, suddenly had some reaction. But this reaction was not for his own purpose, but for Gao Yi's second question.


The expression on the mysterious man's face was unclear: "Haha... isn't this... your ulterior purpose, Mr. Gao?"

"Me?" Gao Yi didn't respond.

"Isn't this your purpose?" the mysterious man said in a somewhat mocking tone, "The origins of your monsters have been blank from beginning to end. But now, I have figured it out. You used this special life to carry out a certain

Let’s make a plan for some weird talk similar to a business meeting?”

"Place them in..."

Listening to his serious narration, Gao Yi's face became more and more serious.

These three alien creatures do not seem to come from the guy in front of them. So the question is, where do they come from? From the sky?

Based on previous knowledge, this so-called meteor seems to really come from the sky, so are these three aliens really carried by meteorites?

Now that things have happened, Gao Yi finally remembered a certain small game in his hometown through the sense of déjà vu. In terms of settings, what is happening now is almost the same as the process.

In this way, he has to return his thoughts to a question he pondered last year - will his "knowledge" cause the world to "appear"?!

But reality is not a dream. How could these man-made horrors keep appearing just because you are just one person?

Unless it's like a dream... reality is intervening...

But soon, Gao Yi gave up his fruitless fantasy and kicked the person on the ground instead: "You said it was me who did it, then please explain, how can the alien obey your orders?"

The mysterious man said calmly: "When my men discovered them that night, they had already been implanted into my consciousness, and naturally they listened to me."

"The monster helpers you have are a force that cannot be ignored. So I must let them complete their evolution as soon as possible before you notice."

Gao Yi narrowed his eyes: "So, you have always been on guard against Descartes discovering your actions?"

Good guy, is this a battle of wits with the air?

But then again, from the tone of this guy, it seems that he came here by chance because of something, and mistakenly thought that he had stumbled into Descartes' secret, so he made an unnecessary move and wanted to cut it off, which led to a series of entangled things.

Dual line operation.

It seems that the thing that brought them here should be his real goal!


Landslide blocks road... siege... the missing person is Xiaoyuan...

Could his goal be...

Gao Yi's expression changed slightly, and he immediately looked around, and suddenly discovered that the peaked cap and the cow-headed alien that had been pushed aside by the mysterious man had disappeared!



Gao Yi looked around, only to find that even Descartes had disappeared, and was startled. But then, he felt the strength on his trouser legs, looked down, and found that it was Xiaodi staring at him angrily.

Jump up and hit you on the knee.jpg

"There is another person and the alien, did you see where they went?" Gao Yi asked in a low voice.

Xiao Di shook his head, indicating that the battle just now was too intense and he didn't pay attention to them.

Gao Yi suddenly felt something bad and immediately wanted to go down the mountain to find the large army. Suddenly, the mysterious man behind him who was left behind burst into laughter.

"At this time...don't you...don't you think it's a little late to find out? Mr. Gao, the hope of being recaptured by you is obvious to all."

"But it's a pity... because of the lack of intelligence, the ensuing failure is also unforgettable..."

"Who is Zhang Chaoxian?"

Gao Yi stared at the man on the ground with a solid gaze.

"Want to know who he is?"

The man did not answer, but continued to laugh: "Then it depends on... your own intelligence network..."

His voice stopped abruptly at this moment.

This chapter has been completed!
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