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Chapter 123 The end is also the opening

Whoosh whoosh——!

The rescue helicopter painted in white and red flew over the mountains, leaving behind the rising fog below.

At dawn, the sky is as gray as a lifeless curtain, with only the hum of the propellers echoing.

In the helicopter cabin, three men in pure black trench coats were sitting upright. One of them held down the headset and was communicating with the external communication team, seemingly understanding the situation of the trip.

"The signal is affected by foreign meteorites?"

The person who seemed to be the team leader listened carefully to the information conveyed in the headset, with a frown on his face: "Unknown alien life forms have landed and hunted native creatures to complete the evolution of their own life levels?"

As soon as these words came out, it immediately caused an uproar. Even the driver and two other medical staff in the front row couldn't help but change their expressions after hearing this.

They have cooperated with the local executive bureau a lot, and it can be said that they have heard a little about some information about another world. But compared to the past, this incident is undoubtedly more bizarre.

Meteorites? Alien life forms? Oh my god, my encounter with ghosts and other things has severely damaged my outlook on life. Now I finally accept it, and aliens appear again...

Strictly speaking, they are alien life forms.

But for the marginalized people, this is irrelevant. Compared with them "just watching the fun", the executives appear to be much more experienced, and their focus is entirely on the incident itself.

Didn't it mean that the meteorite invalidated the signal and could not contact the outside world? How did they ask for help now?

And now that we know the evolutionary capabilities of alien life forms, what is the situation in the mountains now? What are the casualties of the survivors?

The team members were holding back their questions, waiting for the team leader to end the communication. However, they did not expect that just how long had passed before another piece of heavy information was revealed from his mouth.

"After the whistleblower provided information...there are unknown groups involved?"

The team leader's pupils shrank and he adjusted his sitting position: "Control others...control alien life forms...abducted a trapped person...his whereabouts are still unknown..."

"Okay...ok...I will confirm on site..."


Communication ends.

"Team leader?"

The person opposite asked tentatively: "Really..."

"Don't ask too many questions."

His doubts were simply interrupted by the man in front of him: "Just do your own thing well. Other things will naturally be handled by the person who should handle them, and the person who should be responsible will be responsible."

"Repeat the charter of this operation."

The team leader clasped his hands and placed them on his knees. He raised his hands and glanced at the team members sitting opposite him, and said loudly: "According to the whistleblower's description, the alien life forms and the civil forces involved are all involved.

Two died and one escaped. But another Donghai citizen was kidnapped and his whereabouts are unknown."

"As an important object in this incident."

"The meteorite was taken away by civil forces. They seemed to know how to control the internal energy, so as the person escaped, the meteorite was taken away from Shan'ao."

"The purpose of our trip is mainly to provide assistance and treatment to the trapped people."

The team leader pointed to the medical staff in the front seat and the other rescue helicopter outside the window, and gestured: "In addition, there is a survey of the scene, evidence collection of the informant's description, and a record of the experience of all members..."

The dawn of early spring still looks like a bleak winter, and the whole world is only filled with mist and chaos.

The crew in the cabin tilted their heads out of the window and looked at the flashing signal lights of other helicopters in the darkness, feeling a little depressed in their hearts.

This time, I don’t know how many casualties there will be...

In a world that is becoming increasingly violent, where is its end point?

The landing lights came on, and the helicopter came to the top of the parking lot with its lights on, and landed slowly.

With a "crash", the door opened, and the members of the Executive Bureau and the reserves filed out first. No one needed to arrange it, they immediately took over the scene and started their own work.

The team leader in charge of this operation fell down with a step, and the back of his windbreaker flew up. He walked among the busy people, turning his eyes around and scanning the scene back and forth.

Although the mountain rain had stopped at this time, the air was still unusually cold and humid. His pace along the way was not fast, but he quickly moved away from the densely populated area in the center of the parking lot.

Looking up, the team leader immediately saw two figures, one large and one small, sitting on the wall that was half a man high.

A boy and his dog.

If the sky at this time is not cloudy but full of stars, then this harmonious picture will undoubtedly look full of the quiet beauty of time.

The team leader put away his slightly pityful thoughts, came to the side of the wall, and said gently: "Young man, what are you thinking about?"

The young man lowered his head and stroked the dog's head on his knees, as if soothing him to sleep. Suddenly, he put his hand back on the wall and said calmly: "My shortcomings."


The team leader was a little surprised. According to his original guess, the boy might have suffered from psychological problems due to excessive fright.

Now it seems that it is very normal, no, rather, it is a little too normal...

"I am a police officer from Cian City."

Cian is a county-level city adjacent to the East China Sea, and they are members of the local executive bureau from here.

In order to reduce the boy's defensiveness towards him, the team leader comforted him: "Don't be afraid, we are here and everything will be fine."

The young man turned his head and gave him a gentle smile: "Thank you."

The team leader was stunned for a moment, thinking something was wrong. This smile should have been given to you by me. I haven’t even smiled yet, so why did you smile first?

But there was still no change on his face. He stood side by side with the boy and looked at the mountains in the mist in the distance: "Don't worry, things like today will never happen again in the future."

The young man nodded and had no intention of continuing to speak.

The situation seems to be exactly what he said. This young man with a slightly melancholy temperament is immersed in deep thoughts about his own shortcomings and is trying to find ways to improve.

The team leader shrugged, naturally he didn't really believe this.

"Team leader!"

A voice suddenly came from behind. The team leader turned around and saw that it was his team member and a reserve member, rushing over.

"What's wrong? Are you so panicked?"

The team leader pulled the two aside, not wanting the boy to hear any bad news.

Suddenly, his eyes flickered, and he asked the two of them respectively: "Didn't I ask you to find the informant and record the details? Also, why did you bring him out?"

The team member who brought the people over gave a wry smile and signaled to the reserve members: "You can tell the team leader yourself."

The team leader's eyes immediately came to the reserve member, and he could only hesitate to say: "The whistleblower only left a letter, which stated all the actions of the civil society..."

"What about others?"


Looking at the somewhat surprised face of the team leader, the reserve member added: "Also, the team leader...his signature is Descartes..."


The team leader's pupils suddenly shrank.


In the distance, a sudden shout sounded: "There is bread and soy milk..."

The young man jumped down from the wall, carrying the somewhat messy Samoyed, smiled apologetically to them as if he was excused, and continued walking thoughtfully towards the center of the busy crowd.

Gao Yi ignored the reactions of the people behind him and heard the system prompts ringing in his ears.

[File event "Metamorphosis" completed]

[Integrated settlement begins——]

"This matter... is not over..."

Gao Yi raised his head and looked at the dim sky: "This spring will definitely not be boring."

This chapter has been completed!
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