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Chapter 190 Home Improvement Plan (6)

That's what I thought, but Dave's canteen implemented a cleaning policy every few days, and there were only so many choices in the end. Gao Yi didn't have to worry about it, and picked up the only two bags of terrestrial plant seeds.

"Fire Cuckoo."

"Salt and pepper broad beans."

The other two bags of aquatic plant seeds will not be considered for now. Who is Gao Yi who has no water at home now?

Let’s just start from the grass.

"Dave, come here and introduce the abilities of these two plants."

Gao Yi waved to Dave, who was still lying dead.


Dave shook his head and burped again. Gao Yi felt the whole RV move, making an electric buzzing sound similar to a whistle.

Didi didi...

[My air analyzer says you just consumed an overdose of onion slices, lettuce leaves, cheese shreds, cabbage and smoked chicken]

Didi didi...

[If you don’t want these carbohydrates to be converted into energy and then accumulated on your butt, you’d better get up immediately.]

"Don't be like this, Penny, you know, I..."

Dave spent a long time there "Aba Aba", but was driven over helplessly.

"Okay, neighbor, come meet our new friend."

Dave took two bags of seeds and introduced: "Salt and pepper broad beans... This is a relatively common magical plant. When its fruit matures, a special plant salt will be released, which will wrap the seeds. This is it."

The origin of the name.”

"No more?"

Gao Yi was stunned: "What's its ability?"

Dave said: "No, it doesn't have any ability other than putting it in the oil pan and frying it until it's very fragrant without adding seasonings."

The corner of Gao Yi's mouth twitched.

"You know, I also have a kind of eggplant that will explode automatically when it grows, revealing the roasted eggplant meat, minced garlic, meat filling, and bonito flakes inside.

"Plants like this that are associated with eating actually have a name, called gourmet plants. How about neighbors? Are you interested in planting some in front of your house? Just a branch of chlorophyll."

Gao Yi put the seeds back into the canteen without saying a word.

Are you kidding me? Even if you can spit out broad beans, I will assume that you have worked hard. Maybe I bought it because of the feelings of the shooter group?

Now you tell me, I can only eat it.

Could it be that I bought it back, picked a handful and put them in the air fryer, and then...


It seems pretty good.

No, is this the time to care about this?!

Gao Yi firmed up his thoughts, threw some thoughts behind, and pointed at the remaining [Fire Cuckoo]: "What about this one? It can't be edible, right?"

"You can't eat this even if you want to, unless you decide to reopen it."

Dave raised the bag: "This is a triggering self-defense weapon that has the terrifying ability to burn anyone who comes into contact with it accidentally, or even burn it alive."

"Disposable plants?" Gao Yi asked immediately.

In PVZ, there are many types of one-time killing plants with amazing power. Could [Fire Rhododendron] be a plant similar to them?

Dave shook his head, indicating that he had heard what he had to say.

"The damage caused by [Fire Cuckoo] is a gradually increasing high-temperature damage. This increasing trend not only depends on the contact time, but also is related to the number of nearby populations."

Gao Yi understood, but he had some doubts: "It's slow increase in damage, won't it be noticed in advance, and then..."

He also wanted to say "directly eliminate it", but Dave waved his hand: "Neighbor, you underestimate it too much. Being eliminated is not so much a danger as it is playing into one's own ambitions."

"Once the main body of [Fire Cuckoo] is damaged, it will immediately burn violently. This flame is not only a means of counterattack, but also a special kind of information transmission...

"In just a moment, all the [Fire Cuckoos] in the surrounding area will be alerted. As long as they are touched, they will immediately enter the same spontaneous combustion state. Until the warning message disappears, that is, the flame goes out."

Dave shrugged: "In comparison, its normal ability is more like a trap, actively luring the target to destroy itself, and then burning it alive to become nutrients for the population's soil."

"Then what if one day I pass by and accidentally bump into it, why can't I set the entire home on fire?"

Gao Yi and Xiao Di looked at each other, both seeing a strong sense of fuckery in each other's eyes.

If this was planted, who would dare to go into the garden?

But having said that, I still have a [Blank Page for Trial]. How about just like the MC server owner and set up an explosion on it to prevent the terrain from being destroyed and the flames to spread?

Then ban building, ban pvp, ban...

Gao Yi, who was previously afraid of being a bear, suddenly had an idea about the direction of formulating rules.

"Don't worry about that."

Dave comforted: "Since you are a [Botanist], you have the supreme right to make a decision whether [Fire Cuckoo] is triggered or not, just like my old neighbor. Otherwise, why don't you think Peashooter didn't spray him?"

Xiao Di complained: "Isn't it because pea shooters can't attack from behind?"

"Baby meat——! Blind Carl, you found the flute point!" Dave gestured.

"Okay, okay."

Gao Yi solemnly took out two green vials that flowed like liquid from his [Chlorophyll Carrying Case].

This is all his possessions now.

"Neighbor, I just like a generous person like you."

Dave slapped Gao Yi on the shoulder, turned around and took out a bag of seeds from the canteen: "Consider this bag of salt and pepper broad bean seeds as a gift from me."

The sunset gradually sets, and the night creeps into the sky little by little.

Outside the villa, the three of them finished their conversation. Gao Yi also wanted to show his kindness as a landlord by asking Dave to visit his home. Unexpectedly, Penny spoke up first.

Didi didi...

【You should try to exercise】

Dave turned around and couldn't help but want to defend: "I know, but the neighbors need me!"

Didi didi...

[My psychological module thinks that you just want to find an opportunity to drink a glass of carbonated liquid with solid water added.]

[If you don’t want the carbohydrates you just consumed to pile up on your butt like Tetris, you should move your legs more and don’t let it lose the role your mother gave you]

"Okay, I understand, can you not mention my mother..."

Finally, under Penny's urging, Dave bid farewell to Gao Yi and started the exercise of digesting food after meals.

He walked towards the exit of Qingyuan Miaoju, preparing to take a walk along the riverside.

Penny started it herself and followed Dave.

Didi didi...

【1,2,1,2,1,2...go faster, lazy guy!】

"Hey! You can't do this to me!"

Watching the people and the car go away, Gao Yi originally wanted to go together, but suddenly remembered that he didn't seem to have had dinner yet.

My cousin works overtime at night, and there is no one around when I go home at this time. Since we are all ordering takeout, we might as well do it here.

By the way, plant all these seeds.

It is estimated that it will not take long for my idea to be initially realized.

Gao Yi and Xiao Di walked towards the villa. He turned around and asked:

"Xiao Di, what do you want to eat for dinner?"

"Salt and pepper broad beans."

Instant answer.

"You're paying attention to this thing when you co-author it, right?"

This chapter has been completed!
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