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Chapter 191: The Tail of March

March 26th.

Xingzhi Building.

Located on a prosperous road in the city center, adjacent to the Green City, you can sit on the riverside and gaze at the rising "New Stars of the East China Sea" in the distance.

Outside the window, the sound of the endless traffic came here, no longer like the hissing of mosquitoes.

Occasionally, the birds passing by, their dark pupils reflected the shining light behind the windows, as if the room was separated by some invisible thing.


On the door, the round brass doorknob turned, and a young man with a slightly bowed head walked in.

He raised his gaze, starting from the Strelitzia reginae by the door, and passed over the coffee table, sofa, bookcase... and finally climbed to the desk made of black walnut wood, and stopped in front of the pen tip that was still writing rustlingly.


"What's wrong? Come and find me at this time."

Director Tao continued writing on the document without raising his head.

He didn't seem to care much about the arrival of the young man. In other words, there were very few things in this world that he could care about.


The young man suddenly felt a little at a loss. He raised his head hard, his eyes wandered behind the desk, looked at the word "magnanimous" framed on the wall, and swallowed.

"They... can't seem to be contacted."


It wasn't a question, there wasn't even any ups and downs in his tone. Director Tao continued to write, using the usual attitude of asking questions, ready to receive boring trivial matters.

However, the next second, his calmness was broken by Youran.

"Negotiation meeting..."

"What did you say?!"

Director Tao suddenly raised his head. His face, which had gone through many hardships and had already shown its age, was filled with great surprise.

"You mean, the people at the negotiation meeting can't be contacted?!"

After receiving an affirmative answer again, Director Tao finally put down his pen.

He leaned his whole body on the office chair, folded his hands, and looked at the young man with a critical attitude.

"Tell me what happened."


Small beads of sweat began to appear on the young man's forehead: "As you instructed before, we will contact them as usual every half a month...

"But now, half a month has passed, and no one has responded to the messages sent out... Not only that, we have also tried to find the entrance to their world."

The director put his chin on his hands: "So, have you found it?"


The young man had some difficulty controlling his facial expressions: "We have expanded our search scope as much as possible, but no matter what, we haven't found even a trace."

After finishing speaking, the young man lowered his head, like a prisoner waiting for the judge to pronounce his sentence.

However, there was no sound coming from the other party's desk. He raised his eyes slightly and saw the director who was as silent as a statue.

"Are you trying to get rid of that person's control by hardening your wings and leave on your own? This idea is a bit naive..."

He heard the Director's whisper as if he was murmuring in his sleep, and lowered his head: "Actually, Director, during the search, we made other discoveries."

"At a road junction in the city, a ghostly energy suddenly appeared like a blowout. We wanted to find the cause, but we couldn't find any clues."

"Ghost energy? How many are there?" Director Tao narrowed his eyes.

"From the incomplete report when it first appeared, the intersection and even the streets seemed to be wrapped in invisible fog."

"To this day, the dark clouds in the sky still linger, which has had a considerable impact on regional signal transmission."

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

The bizarre experience of fighting bravely on the "front line" when he was young made Director Tao deeply realize that the only thing that can be trusted in abnormal events is "cause and effect".

Everything has its cause and effect.

As long as we can cut through the cumbersome information network and truly find the causal lines before and after, many problems will be easily solved.

So what is the cause and effect of this incident now?

First of all, we need to know that the source of ghost energy is mostly a special kind of energy emitted by spiritual bodies.

The most well-known effect is that when it reaches a certain level, it will stimulate the human body's senses, causing instinctive reactions such as aversion to cold and hairiness.

Where is the source of these ghostly auras? It is so huge that it has even formed a haze that lasts for many days. Director Tao would never believe it without the participation of hundreds of spirits.

"Hey, is it the recording room? Well, it's me... I want to ask, how are the recent special events in the East China Sea? Are there any spiritual entities related? Hmm... OK..."

Director Tao put down the landline phone.

Recently, everything has been normal, and there are no records related to spiritual bodies reported.

However, all this is normal, but the disappearance of the negotiation group is the biggest abnormality.

Just as he once thought, the negotiation meeting is a smart person who is very opportunistic and there is no need to leave without reason at this time.

Such a huge ghost energy rising... Theoretically, there should be an answer.

These ghost spirits are...


Director Tao's angry landline phone call suddenly stopped, like a wooden sculpture, with an expressionless face.


The next second, incredible words came out of his mouth.


"Descartes, you are the most unpredictable link in the East China Sea."

"Without making a sound, you wiped out a cancer."

He recalled that night, when he went to the scene in person and wanted to terminate the suicidal pursuit of the combat team, but he happened to meet Descartes.

This guy is very mysterious. Even if you follow the surveillance camera and search for him, all you will get in the end is an empty dead end.

However, this is also good.

If the moth is removed by other people's hands, there is no need for you to be worried anymore.


Director Tao stood up, walked to the window, and looked at the busy intersection below with deep eyes.

"In order to get everything I have today, I stepped under the devil's command... Is it really worth it?"


Director Tao Youran turned around and ordered: "Report it. It is suspected that the negotiation meeting was completely destroyed in the East China Sea. I need to conduct a new risk assessment."

“‘We hope that during the investigation in April, the General Administration will send a team with sufficient authority to carry out relevant verification and thorough safety inspections on the East China Sea and the negotiation meeting.’”

Finally, he muttered to himself in a voice that only he could hear.

"I don't want to... passively accept your conspiracies anymore. What a dirty thing, let's just die together in broad daylight."

"So, Descartes..."

"What role are you playing now?"

At this moment, "Descartes" is playing his role.

A hardworking gardener.

"Look, Xiaodi, my fire cuckoo is blooming!"

[Botanist] Gao Yi didn't bother to wipe the sweat from his forehead. When he saw a cluster of rhododendrons in full bloom on his lawn, he was overjoyed.

"Haha, what a coincidence, the salt and pepper broad beans I planted have also bloomed."

Xiao Di, wearing a gardener's outfit, poked her head out from the clumps of broad bean fields and waved to Gao Yi at the other end of the courtyard.

"Wait, did you steal my chlorophyll?!"


"Fuck you, you didn't even have a bone a few minutes ago!"

"It means you are developing well!"

This chapter has been completed!
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