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Chapter 198: Killing Behavior

Gao Yi was skeptical as to whether the truth was, as the two old men said, a man-made perversion.

He knows the scale of the individual farmers who join the Lianghua Ecological Farm. Basically, they are all independent small and medium-sized farms, including chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep, with a variety of varieties.

Not to mention the amount of labor required to cause such a huge massacre overnight, even from the motive of committing the crime, this is not a method that humans would adopt.

On the contrary, it is more like a primitive and cruel animal instinct.

Gao Yi was holding the instant noodles, thoughtfully.

"Kill" behavior.

This term may be unfamiliar to most people.

The original meaning is that carnivores like to tease prey that can no longer escape while hunting, and often kill all prey that can be caught and never release it. Therefore, it is called "killing" behavior.

All the livestock on the farm died, and the bodies were even completely torn into pieces... This didn't sound like just a "kill", it was an outpouring of desire to kill.

Gao Yi pricked up his ears, wanting to hear more information, but the two old men had already shut up. He could only calmly take the hot water and prepare to start from other places.

On a display board beside the road, there is a general area map of Liang Hua Ecological Farm.

Gao Yi came forward with instant noodles and looked at them carefully.

The practice base I am currently in is just a corner of the ecological farm. Going inside, there are also new ecological science and technology parks, tourist attractions, and breeding areas.

Not surprisingly, the farm the old man is talking about should be located in the breeding area.

"Want to go over and have a look?"

Gao Yi pulled out a small bench from under the bed, used the exposed bed board as a table, and ate instant noodles.

According to what the old man said, it should have been some time since the incident occurred. If Gao Yi goes there now, there is a high probability that he will return without success.

However, the night at the practice base was too dull. Gao Yi didn't want to just lie in a bed that smelled of washing powder and wait for the morning exercise the next day. He might as well go out for a walk in the dead of night.

Amidst the sound of slurping noodles, Gao Yi decided on the evening's itinerary.


"Hey, Lao Gao has already had dinner?"

The dormitory door opened, and Qian Zong and several people who had just finished exercising came in. Seeing that Gao Yi had even arranged dinner, he couldn't help but be surprised: "Isn't there a canteen? Lao Gao, why don't you starve to death at night like this?"

Gao Yi raised his head and took out a tissue: "Believe me, you won't want to eat in the canteen here a second time."

"Lao Gao, you just like to joke."

Mr. Qian had obviously not experienced the severe beatings from society, and looked unbelieving: "We will go over now and see if we can bring you some snacks."

Fifteen minutes later.

"Lao Gao, you are right. Could you please ask, where are the instant noodles and boiling water?"

Gao Yi held the washbasin and looked at the classmates who were walking like zombies at the end of the corridor. He pointed in the direction of the canteen and said, "Hurry up. If the boiling water is out, it will boil very slowly."

"Also, the instant noodles are almost sold out. I got there late, but there is only Laotan pickled cabbage."

Gao Yi watched the group of people wailing away and shook his head.

At six o'clock in the evening, all the first-year students of No. 3 Middle School went to the auditorium to attend the opening speech.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the opening ended and social practice began in a real sense. The students dispersed, washed themselves, tidied up, and prepared to rest.

At nine o'clock, all lights in the dormitory are turned off.

Gao Yi lay fully clothed on the small bed in the dormitory, looking through the window at the coldly lit corridor, thinking of his current situation, feeling a little inexplicably sad.

He quietly glanced under the quilt, checked the time with his mobile phone, and prepared to leave on time at one o'clock in the morning and head to the direction of the breeding area to check the situation.

As for now, let's go to bed early.

Gao Yi hid his cell phone, covered his eyes with a quilt to block the light, and exposed only one breathing hole. Then he let his body lie flat without any contact with external objects, and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

Two minutes later, Gao Yi fell into sleep, gradually turning from light sleep to deep sleep.

late at night.

On a certain farm, there was a faint light coming from the house, and the loud sound of soap operas on the TV.

Some elderly household heads were holding a pitchfork and were lying on their backs on the old-fashioned sofa in a daze, dozing off.

Vaguely, he felt that the ground in the entire room seemed to be shaking.

The farmer opened his eyes a little and felt confused: "What...is going on?"

He tried to sit up and tried to touch the remote control to turn down the TV volume, but accidentally knocked over the empty wine bottle on the table. Without noticing, the bottle suddenly fell to the wooden floor with fried bean shells.

"Damn, what a bad luck."

The farmer cursed impatiently, turned off the TV, and was about to go back to his room to sleep when he suddenly stopped and asked with doubt on his face: "It seems like the ground is really shaking?"

He lay down on the floor and was about to listen, when suddenly the lights in the whole house flickered and suddenly went dark with a pop!

"Fuck, why is there something wrong with the circuit at this time..."

The farmer raised his head and was about to say a complaint but suddenly stopped.

He stood up with a suspicious look on his face and walked to the corner that was only separated from the shanty by a wall. He didn't even have to listen carefully to hear the restless sounds of cattle and sheep.

"This is...someone cut the wires in my house and wants to kill me!"

The farmer recalled the previous tragedy on another farm, and suddenly understood, and immediately became furious: "His grandma, I have no enmity with you. Not only did you cut my wires, but you also killed my cattle and sheep. I will fight with you."

Let’s fight!”

He immediately turned around, groped in the dark to a large box in the corner, opened it with two clicks, took out a crude crossbow arrow, and installed a homemade arrow on it.

As the aborigines adjacent to the Purple Mountain, they have always had the skills to make homemade weapons. Later, although with the development of society, this necessary life skill began to be gradually lost, but it can still be seen in the hands of the elderly.


The farmer put on a thick coat, slung the pitchfork and quiver on his back, rushed out of the door with a crossbow and a flashlight, and hurried towards the door of the shanty.

However, before they were halfway through, the frightened neighing of cattle and sheep suddenly burst out from under the night sky!

The farmers didn't even react. A group of fleeing cattle and sheep rushed towards them, accompanied by the strong smell of blood.




No matter how much he yelled, the usual commands for Bai Ling were like waste paper, and the desperate animals ran in all directions, paying no attention to their usual master.

After all the cattle and sheep were gone, the farmer jumped down from the haystack and walked towards the shanty with some surprise.

"Fuck, what's going on..."

When he stood in front of the shanty door, his face was full of shock, and he couldn't say a word for a long time.

I saw that the door of the shanty was opened by someone unknown, and the lock chain, which was as thick as an arm, was broken into two pieces and drooped on the ground, like a snake with its spine removed.

The farmer stared blankly at the interior of the shack with his flashlight and took a cursory glance. Except for a few animal carcasses on the ground that were almost split into two pieces, nothing seemed to be out of place.

"Who's in there?!"

He roared inward as if daring to dare, but there was no sound except an empty echo.

"Damn it, I'll make you look good when I catch you!"

The farmer held up a flashlight and stepped into the shack step by step, his figure gradually being swallowed up by darkness.

This chapter has been completed!
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