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Chapter 199: The Desperous Lamb

One o'clock in the morning.

Gao Yi woke up from the dark dormitory on time to the vibration of his cell phone alarm.

Looking out through the window in the corridor, the entire practice base was shrouded in the quiet night, and the bright lights on the road in the distance were vaguely visible.

"It's time to go."

Gao Yi yawned, washed his face with cold water in the bathroom, and quietly left the dormitory in the dark.

"Because the monitoring system was in disrepair for a long time, an extremely serious malfunction suddenly occurred."

Gao Yi's fingertips, [black humor] flip.

Under the sound of his footsteps, the cameras near the dormitory were affected to varying degrees. Most of the pictures were blurred, the images were severely fragmented, and they were obviously unable to operate normally.

Just as Gao Yi's figure left, the last words fell.

"Just a joke."

All the monitoring equipment buzzed in unison, and the screen returned to normal at the same time.

Along the way, Gao Yi passed through half of the practice base as usual, easily exited the gate, followed the signs everywhere, and sneaked towards the breeding area.

The further inside we go, the darker the night seems to be.

Modern buildings on the roadside are gradually becoming rarer, replaced by stretches of endless farmland or wilderness.

Gaoyi is like a drop of rainwater, but it plunges into a sea, surrounded by the vast night. Looking around, there is no building that can serve as a guide.

"What a mistake, it's so big."

Gao Yi stood on a field ridge, looking into the distance with his hands on a pergola.

The ecology here is like returning to nature. The subtle chirping of insects can be heard everywhere. Looking up, the starry sky that has disappeared in the city is lighting up bit by bit behind the clouds.

Gao Yi almost forgot why he took it out in the middle of the night.



Gao Yi vaguely heard something moving not far away. When he got closer, he saw that it was a small lamb, hopping around like a headless fly.

"Whose family did this get lost in?"

The lamb was extremely agitated. Gao Yi held its neck in disgust and saw a nameplate with the words "31-053" on it.

This should be the farm number and the serial number within the farm.

"Thirty-one, he should still be inside."

Gao Yi let go of the lamb's neck, and the lamb immediately jumped in panic and left in the opposite direction to the farm.

Looking at the lamb's figure gradually covered by darkness, Gao Yi felt a little strange.

It stands to reason that at this time, the livestock should be properly tied up in the sheepfold, and there is no reason to run around like they are running for their lives.

"Could it be..."

Gao Yi's expression suddenly changed. He recalled what the two old men at the canteen were talking about in the evening, and a bad feeling came to his mind again: "The killing happened again... not long ago?"

He'd better rush to Farm No. 31 immediately to confirm the situation.

Taking one step forward, his ordinary sneakers were already wrapped in shadow, and the back hem of his windbreaker spread out. Gao Yi was like a secret agent walking in the dark night, his flashlight already at the ready.

——[Mysterious Surprise]

With the implementation of the initial construction of the home and the care of Xiao Di, Gao Yi has retrieved this strange painting.

[Mystery and Surprise] You are most sensitive to the traces left behind by mystery, and you can easily find some clues.

Now, it's time for it to shine.


Gao Yi passed over the buildings that were far away from each other one by one. Unknowingly, he had entered the mountainous area. The terrain began to change, and the chirping of insects and birds disappeared without a trace.

They all seemed to know that something different from the past was happening here, so they all stopped talking and remained silent.



Gao Yi came to an iron gate, and without even thinking, he rushed forward, kicked his legs, and climbed over the wall easily, falling into the farmer's courtyard.

What a strong smell of blood.

Gao Yi frowned, turned on the [Highlight Flashlight], and glanced around.

The whole farmhouse was littered with the carcasses of cattle and sheep, and the thick blood had condensed into patches of brown stains, exuding a stomach-churning fishy smell all the time.

There is a cave in at the edge of the wall. It seems that it must have been knocked down by the animals when they were fleeing in extreme panic.

"The body was too badly broken, and there were these cuts..."

Gao Yi knelt down and carefully looked at the mutilated corpses of the livestock, and discovered a strange place: "It's as if they had been cut by machinery."

Obviously human beings are the item that should be excluded the most.

What is the initiator of all this?

Gao Yi withdrew his gaze, followed the direction of the corpse's escape and the blood stains, and headed towards the depths of the farmer's house.

Under the illumination of the flashlight, the place covered with flesh and blood was revealed one by one. Thin insects and flies were flying around, and a large fishy smell rose into the sky. Even the night sky seemed to be blocked.

This nightmare-like scene appeared vividly in front of Gao Yi, constantly impacting his psychological defense line.

Thanks to the blessing of [Mystery and Surprise], Gao Yi safely reached the shack that suddenly opened and took a look inside.

Compared to the outdoors, the smell of blood here is much lighter.

However, Gao Yi did not dare to neglect the place where the incident occurred.

He first set up the [High-Light Flashlight], ready to deal with sudden dangers at any time. At the same time, the [Mountains Calling] at his fingertips was ready, just waiting for a moment to react and bring the situation into confrontation.

The [high-beam flashlight], which was like a deep-sea searchlight, easily tore through the darkness under the shack. With just one glance, Gao Yi judged that the other party had left.

As for why I say that...

On the wall at the end of the shack, a pothole more than ten meters high occupied almost half of Gao Yi's field of vision. From here, his eyes went straight to the purple mountain in the darkness unobstructed.

"Is it really something from the mountains?"

Gao Yi quickly rushed to the wall and checked the general situation.

It seems that it should be broken through violently. Breaking through the cement wall as easily as leaving is no less powerful than the siren head.

Do you want to follow me again?

Gao Yi was thinking, and suddenly stopped, as if he had stepped on something. When he lowered his head, he saw that it was a completely broken arrow.

"Is there anyone else here?"

His expression changed, and he focused on searching around.

Soon, in a dark corner, Gao Yi discovered an inhuman corpse, with broken pitchforks and crossbows scattered around.

The incident became more serious.

It seems that the relevant local departments must be involved and conduct a thorough search of Zishan.

Gao Yi took out his cell phone and called Xiao Di who was far away in the East China Sea.


Xiaodi's half-asleep voice came.

Gao Yi got straight to the point: "Descartes, encrypt the transfer to the East China Sea Executive Bureau."

"I need information about Zishan, what is going on here."

This chapter has been completed!
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