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Chapter 264 Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo

Chapter 264 Doubi, doo, doo, doo~

In the corridor, a rush of footsteps sounded.

"The east corridor has been inspected and confirmed to have no problems."

A group of three security personnel put down their anti-riot weapons, reached for their headsets, and quickly reported the results of their searches to the headquarters.

At the same time, reports from other teams also came one after another from the communication channel.

"The west corridor has been inspected and confirmed to be no problem."

"The inspection of the south corridor has been completed and it is confirmed that there is no problem."

"The inspection of the north corridor has been completed and it is confirmed that there is no problem."

"Send plainclothes officers to infiltrate the business district below to ensure the mission objectives."

In a secret room, a large number of bright lights from LCD monitors illuminate the place like daylight. Even if the lights are not turned on, Director Tao can clearly convey every instruction.

"Once again, if you find any target who looks similar to Doug Anderson, you will be suppressed immediately!"

Director Tao grabbed the wheat and conveyed it again with a cautious expression.

Beside him, Doug, who already looked helpless, was talking to Wei Le in a low voice.

"It's really interesting that someone pretends to be you and comes to the Enforcement Bureau to deceive you."

Wei Le took out a pen from his pocket and started to play with it with great interest: "The lie was not about eating or drinking, but actually information. It seems that he has done a lot of homework on how to use the most appropriate words to let the Executive Director

Open your own mouth."

"Shut up, Ville."

Doug did not relax and whispered to himself: "Why is this happening at this juncture...?"

He muttered to himself, trying to figure out everything that happened. However, due to the lack of innate intelligence, Doug was destined to be unable to be like "Doug" and could only be a spectator.

"Hey, look!"

Wei Le suddenly spoke up, pointed at a surveillance screen and said, "It seems I have discovered something!"

In the picture, a security team was checking the bathrooms one by one. However, when they arrived at the last cubicle, they found that the cubicle door was locked from the inside. No matter how they called, they could not get a response from inside.

The captain made a series of hand gestures to the camera on his companions. After receiving the response from the command room, the three of them immediately prepared to attack the enemy.

The ring was pulled open, and a cylindrical object quickly rolled in from under the compartment door.

"call out"--!

Flashes of light and blind sounds that lasted for several seconds filled the entire lens, until everyone in the command room at the other end regained their sight.

In front of him, there was only an empty cubicle and three bewildered security personnel.

"No one?"

Director Tao held the table with one hand and frowned: "Be careful, this may have something to do with the intruder's skills."

Director Tao, who had encountered similar incidents when he was young, immediately issued an order: "Confirm the situation of your team members immediately!"

The captain was slightly startled when he heard the sound, but without hesitation, he quickly turned around and gestured to the two team members.

This is the "password" for them to verify each other's true identity. However, just such a verification, someone immediately exposed the truth!

The man on the left reacted belatedly and imitated the teammates around him, making the same gesture.

However, it was this gesture that made everyone here lock onto the target in an instant.

"That's him!"

Director Tao's voice suddenly rang out on the other end of the communication channel: "Catch him!"

Without even needing this instruction, the other two security personnel started to act in tacit cooperation. One of them turned on the stun light and instantly restrained the person, while the captain stepped forward and wanted to capture him.



The sound of cloth rubbing against each other sounded together with the sound of breaking wind. The captain and the man circled around and quickly launched a duel of control and countermeasures.

In the end, that person was one step behind. After a few breaths, one of his arms was locked behind his back by the captain.

Seeing that the other party was about to be arrested, and everyone in front of and behind the screen was about to breathe a sigh of relief, an incredible scene happened.


The arm that was cut behind the back exploded instantly like an overwhelmed balloon, turning into a large cloud of mist and rising up, triggering the smoke alarm above.


A large cloud of water mist poured down on their heads, and the two team members' vision was blurred. They could only see that the man had disappeared through the door of the toilet like a slippery loach.

"Hurry up and chase!"

"Attention everyone! The target is in area A3. The target is in area A3. Block all elevator corridors. Don't let him escape!"

Orderly communication sounded from each communication channel.

But the captain, standing under the mist, watched with his own eyes as if by magic, the figure of an unconscious team member gradually emerged from the corner of the originally empty toilet cubicle.

"Attention! The target is suspected of possessing confusing skills. Identify the team members and pay attention to any stair corners that are convenient for ambush."

"Don't let him succeed-!"

Tap tap tap...

The hurried steps kept ringing in the silent corridor.

"Doug Anderson" had a broken arm and was running unsteadily. Behind him were teams of security teams approaching quickly.

The intersection ahead was blocked by obstacles, and two teams of security personnel holding riot guns pointed their guns straight ahead, as if waiting for the target to actively fall into their shooting range.

"You have no way out, put down your weapons immediately, raise your hands and surrender!"

When this shouting came out, everyone was waiting for the man to give up resistance. However, unexpectedly, he did not stop, turned around and jumped over with his hands, and actually smashed the window and jumped out!

This is tens of meters above the ground!

"Is he crazy?!"

The security personnel immediately gathered around the broken window. They looked at the sky, where the man's figure disappeared like smoke, and a vague mini figure emerged from it.

"What is that?"

Everyone looked at each other, including Director Tao, Doug, Weile, and all the technical staff in the command room.

They watched helplessly as the figure pulled an unknown small parachute from the air, controlled it, and flew towards a remote alleyway.

"Inform the plainclothes officers in the building and the streets immediately and intercept him in advance at the place where he lands. Hurry!"

In a remote alley, Ah Shen poked his head out from under his parachute, wrapped the parachute rope around his body, then rolled on the ground, like a spring roll, and swayed to the side of the wall.

It listened to the footsteps gradually coming from not far away, stretched out its hand, and touched lightly in the void.


A passage invisible to others appeared on the wall out of thin air. Ah Shen turned around and jumped, and the entire passage disappeared with its figure.


Sliding in the invisible space, Ah Shen did not feel any discomfort.

Deep divers who are naturally adapted to extreme environments will not be defeated by any program that is not necessary for survival, including psychology.

Along the way, it could occasionally see bright lights, but most of them were in some strange places, sometimes in bathrooms where people were taking baths, sometimes in aquariums, and sometimes in zoos.

It is outside the space and will not be observed by anyone else.

It doesn't care about anyone else.

The sights along the way could be described as "bizarre", but in Ah Shen's half-open and half-closed eyes, they were as ordinary as sea water.

As the space in front of him grew larger and larger, Ah Shen knew that his destination was about to arrive.

So it adjusted its body shape, held up the black round cap on its head, untied the parachute rope with constant movement, took out an empty notebook, and quickly copied, sorting out the results of this operation.


In the backyard of the home, the main trunk of "Kong Guan Bamboo" rotated like a trap door. Ah Shen flew out from it like a slide, and with a "pop", he sat on the soft grass.


After recording all the information at hand, Ah Shen capped the pen and carefully pinned it back to the brim of his hat.

Thanks to friends "Arbitration Organization", "I'm Still Thinking of Her", "Leontaville", "Hengcha" and "Late Summer Slightly Cool" for their rewards~

(End of chapter)

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