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Chapter 3 Gunshots Sounded Outside the Town

The blocking position selected by Lin Hua was a two-story brick building with a concrete structure. The machine gun was placed in the window on the second floor, and the firepower could block the road into the town. Moreover, there was a gun five or six meters in front of the building.

There is a trench that is more than half a person deep. This is a fortification dug by the residents of the town in response to the call from their superiors after the war broke out.

Before the troops entered the blocking position, Lin Hua decided to do a pre-war mobilization for everyone. After the nine soldiers stood in a row in front of him, Lin Hua took a deep breath, and then said loudly: "Comrades, I am now

I am giving you a battle order: The enemy's strength is unknown. They are riding motorcycles, bypassing the defense line of the 16th Army, and moving towards the town of Khimki in an attempt to turn this place into a starting point for their attack. We have a total of ten people.

The mission is to hold on here and prevent the enemy from rushing into the town."

"Comrade squad leader," as soon as Lin Hua finished speaking, a soldier standing in the middle of the team carrying a submachine gun asked, "Will the Germans really rush to us?"

According to what Lin Hua learned from Seryosha, he recognized that the soldier who spoke was named Kristoff, who came from the 18th Militia Division of General Chernyshev. This unit had been renamed the 11th Guards Infantry Division, but the order

Regrettably, Christopher left this heroic unit due to injuries as early as August's battle. After recovering from his injuries and being discharged from the hospital, he was assigned to the Moscow garrison and became a member of his class.


Christopher's question was also a question for all the soldiers. Everyone focused their attention on Lin Hua, wanting to get the exact answer from him.

"Yes, comrades." Lin Hua could not tell the soldiers how he knew that the Germans would bypass the defense line and reach the town of Khimki. He could only say vaguely: "The Germans will rush here.

. And our mission is to block them resolutely and not take a step back. Do you understand?"

"Understood!" the soldiers replied in unison.

Looking at the serious faces of the soldiers, Lin Hua coughed heavily, cleared his throat, and began to give orders: "Brother Sidorin, you put the machine gun in the window on the second floor and use firepower to block the area in front of us.

A road. The rest of you, follow me into the trenches, where we will stop the enemy."

As the order was given, the soldiers each entered their fighting positions and lay there motionless staring ahead. Seryosha asked Lin Hua in a low voice: "Misha, are the Germans really coming back? It's so cold.

, if the soldiers lay down here for several hours, they might get frostbite."

Lin Hua did not answer his question immediately, but asked: "What time is it?"

Seryozha took out his pocket watch again, looked at it, and replied: "Two forty-five."

In a quarter of an hour, the Germans will appear. Thinking of this, Lin Hua's breathing became rapid. He quickly took two deep breaths, stabilized his emotions, and said to Seryosha: "Let's

Brother Sidorin should pay attention to the surrounding environment and report immediately if anything happens."

Seryosha nodded, stood up and shouted to the Sidorin brothers upstairs: "Hey, Misha asked you two to pay attention and report it in time if you find anything happening."

As time passed by, Lin Hua's heartbeat became faster and faster. He was worried that the history he knew was biased. The time when the Germans arrived in Khimki Town was not at three o'clock in the afternoon, or even when they arrived at Khimki Town.

I have never been to the town of Khimki. No matter what the situation is, if the soldiers are left to freeze in the snow for several hours, but the Germans do not show up, then my prestige in the squad will be affected in the future.


Just when Lin Hua was worrying about gains and losses, he suddenly heard Xi Duolin shouting from upstairs: "Comrade Corporal, there are several motorcycles coming towards us in the distance."

Lin Hua suddenly stood up from the trench and looked towards the road ahead. Sure enough, he saw several black spots like beetles, moving in his direction. He turned to the stairs and asked loudly:

"Sidolin, can you see clearly whether it's our own people or Germans in the car?"

Machine gunner Sidorin standing at the window on the second floor, after hearing Lin Hua's question, quickly squinted his eyes and tried hard to look at the motorcycle approaching in the distance, but he could only see clearly that the other person was wearing a white camouflage suit.

Outside, he couldn't tell whether he was one of his own or the enemy. He turned around and asked his brother, "Can you see clearly?"

When the deputy shooter Sidorin heard his brother's question, he shook his head and said with a wry smile: "It's too far away and I can't see clearly."

Machine gunner Sidorin leaned half out of the window and shouted to Lin Hua below: "Comrade Corporal, it's too far away, we can't see clearly."

Hearing Sidorin's answer, Han Zhan thought painfully: "If there is a telescope, the Sidorin brothers on the second floor can see clearly whether they are our own people or Germans."

"Germans, the Germans are coming!" The shout was from the deputy shooter Sidorin. He shouted at the top of his lungs: "I saw the MG34 machine gun they mounted on the sidecar."

Seeing that the Germans had arrived as expected, Lin Hua raised his voice and shouted: "Battle alert! Everyone listen to my command and make all battle preparations immediately!"

Seryosha looked at the motorcycle getting closer and closer in the distance and murmured: "Oh my God, the Germans are really coming!"

Lin Hua lay down in the trench, aimed his gun at the German motorcycle, and said to Seryosha next to him: "Pass this down, no one is allowed to shoot without my order." Although he had already shot him.

Hello, in order to prevent the target from being exposed, no one is allowed to shoot before getting his order, but at this moment, he was too nervous and couldn't help repeating the order to keep himself calm.

"One, two, three..." After conveying the order, Seryosha counted the number of German motorcycles in a low voice: "...seven, eight. Misha, the Germans have eight.

There are three people on each motorcycle, and there are twenty-four people in total, twice as many as us. Can we block them?"

After learning the accurate number of German troops, Lin Hua's expression changed. He quickly called a soldier: "You rush to the police station immediately, go to the director and the people's commissar of the town Soviet, and tell them that there are more than twenty people."

A German is riding a motorcycle towards the town. Please ask them to send militiamen to support us as soon as possible."

The soldier agreed, walked out of the trench with his gun, and ran towards the town.

Seryosha looked at the backs of the soldiers and said with complicated emotions: "I hope the militia troops from the instrument factory can get here as soon as possible, otherwise we will be completely ruined. Using nine people to deal with twenty-four Germans who are armed to the teeth, this is

It’s almost an impossible task.”

"Yes, the enemy is stronger than us." In response to Seryosha's statement, Lin Hua nodded and said: "With our strength alone, it is simply impossible to block them, but it is impossible not to block them.

Because behind us is the Red Square and the Kremlin, and we have no way to retreat. The battle we are fighting here is to buy precious time for the militia troops to arrive."

Because there was snow on the road, the German motorcycles drove very slowly. It took seven or eight minutes before they reached a place 100 meters away from the blocking position. Lin Hua once played Mosin with a group of military fans.

Nagant rifle, so he was very familiar with this weapon. He locked the sight on the machine gunner sitting in the sidecar of the first motorcycle, held his breath and pulled the trigger.

The German machine gunner sitting in the sidecar was shaken, and a flower of blood bloomed on his left chest. Under the influence of the huge inertia of the bullet, his body leaned back, and then he sat crookedly in the sidecar.


The sound of gunfire was an order. Two submachine guns, five rifles, and machine guns on the second floor of the blocking position began shooting at the German motorcycle team. The motorcyclist on the first motorcycle was immediately beaten to death by random gunfire.

Sieve, the out-of-control motorcycle crashed into a snowdrift nearby. Before the surviving German soldier could find a place to hide, he was shot several times, covered his chest with his hands and fell headlong into the snowdrift.

Although the sudden shooting of the Soviet army eliminated the German soldiers on the first motorcycle and also killed several German soldiers on the following motorcycles, most of the German soldiers were hiding behind motorcycles or snowdrifts.

Start fighting back.

The sound of gunshots in the north of the town alerted Kochetov who was in the police station. He stood up suddenly, looked outside through the window, and frowned and asked: "What's going on? Where is the shooting?"

The director walked to his side and looked in the direction of the gunshot, but due to the obstruction of the building, he could not see anything. He could only call the policeman sitting in the room and told him: "

You go out immediately and see what happened over there."

Before the policemen could leave, the soldier sent by Lin Hua to report the news rushed into the director's office panting. He breathlessly said to the director: "Comrade Lieutenant Lieutenant, on the north side of the town...

, discovered the Germans..."

The soldier's words shocked both the director and Kochetov: "What, Germans?"

After taking a few breaths, the soldier gestured and said: "There are twenty-four, all coming on motorcycles."

"What the hell is going on?" After hearing this, Kochetov shouted at the soldiers: "Where did the Germans come from?"

Kochetov's cannibalistic expression frightened the soldiers. Fortunately, the director was able to pick up the soldiers in time: "Comrade soldier, I heard intensive gunshots coming from the north of the town. Is there anyone there?"

Are you fighting the Germans?"

"Yes, Comrade Lieutenant." The soldier nodded and said, "It is our squad leader, Corporal Misha, who is leading the entire squad to stop the Germans. But the Germans are more numerous than us, so Comrade Corporal sent me.

Asking for your help."

"Misha, this name sounds familiar?" Kochetov frowned and asked the director: "I seem to have heard it somewhere?"

Hearing what Kochetov said, the director smiled bitterly and said: "Comrade People's Commissar, have you forgotten that while we were eating, a corporal came here and said that Germans were going to rush to Khimki town?

, please send militiamen to strengthen the defense in that direction."

After being reminded by the director, Kochetov immediately asked who Misha was: "It turns out to be him!" But he quickly raised his own question, "How did he know that the Germans would rush to Shim today?"

Where’s the one from Ji Town?”

"Comrade People's Commissar," the director also had doubts about Misha's prediction. However, when he heard the intensive gunshots coming from outside, he did not bother to delve into the matter and quickly urged Kochetov: "Misha and the others are

With a small number of people, we may not be able to stop the German attack. I think we should call the instrument factory immediately and ask them to send militiamen to support us."

Kochetov nodded, walked to the table, grabbed the handle of the phone and shook it hard, then picked up the receiver and put it to his ear. When he heard the operator's voice inside, he immediately said loudly: "I am

Kochetov, commissar of the Town Soviet, immediately called me to the instrument factory and asked for their military representative."

This chapter has been completed!
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