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Chapter 331 Great educational concept

Mr. Ji Zhuowu and others were sent to the farm dormitory in the back mountain. When Zhou Weihan and Zhao Gang arrived, Mr. Ji and Mr. Zheng, who was living in seclusion in the back mountain, were having a pleasant conversation.

Mr. Zheng has been living in seclusion since he came to Yamawang Mountain. Unexpectedly, he ran into an old acquaintance.

"Look, the real person you've been talking about is here!"

Mr. Zheng pointed at Zhou Weihan and then introduced: "This is Zhou Weihan, the captain of the independent detachment, and next to him is political commissar Zhao Gang!"

After hearing this, Mr. Ji stood up quickly and said, "Two Eighth Route Army comrades, thank you, thank you very much!"

"Mr. Ji, we have admired your name for a long time. You are welcome, please sit down!" Zhao Gang extended his hand and asked everyone to take a seat.

"Old man, it seems that you and Mr. Ji have known each other before?" Zhou Weihan asked.

"You see, I call you Mr., and when you come to my place, you will call me Master!" Mr. Zheng rolled his eyes at Zhou Weihan and said angrily.

"Brother, Comrade Zhou regards you as an elder. If your child is not here, it would be great to have such a junior here!"

Mr. Zheng then said seriously: "I got to know Zhuo Wu when he was studying in Peking in his early years. If I remember correctly, you must have graduated from the Capital Normal School of Excellence!"

"Yes, it's rare that you still remember that it was the first year of establishment, and Zhang Xiangshuai was still delivering a speech at the opening ceremony. It's been thirty years now, and he's already an old man. I really envy young people like them!

Mr. Ji touched his beard and said with emotion.

The predecessor of the Jingshi Excellent Normal School, where Mr. Ji graduated, was the Jingshi University Normal School established in 1902.

In June 1909, it was restructured into the Capital Normal School of Excellence, and its status was expressed in one sentence: "Normal education is the origin of all education, and the Capital Normal School is the standard for national education."

In 1915, Beiyang was named BJ Higher Normal School in the name of the president, with a plaque titled "The Origin of Education".

Later it evolved into Beijing Normal University.

"Come on, let's not mention what happened in the past. You two must have serious business here. Let's talk about it!" Mr. Zheng said.

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from you!" Zhou Weihan smiled, and then talked about the affairs of the Tainan Cadre School.

"There is no problem with this matter. I can promise on their behalf that there are a lot of teachers in the mountain. Although most of them are teachers from high schools, they can handle some initial cultural classes!" Mr. Ji said immediately.


"Old sir, that's great, we really need your help!" Zhao Gang said excitedly.

"Comrade Zhou, Comrade Zhao, I have been in Yanwang Mountain for a few days. I walked around Yanwang Mountain and heard Brother Zheng say that the situation in Wuyi and Wu'an is much more stable than in the eastern part of Handan!"

"Before the Japanese came, I was the director of education in Handan. Although there was war and chaos at that time, it was better than now. There has been no delay in running schools in hd. But now that the Japanese have come, many schools have been closed!"

As Mr. Ji spoke, he looked squarely at Zhou Weihan and the two men: "Wuyi, Wu'an is a good place to run schools. China's education cannot be stopped. We have to wake up the people. The little devil hopes that our country will be exterminated and all genocide will be destroyed to realize his bullshit plan."

In many circles, many young people are studying in Japanese schools. If things continue like this, what hope does China have?"


"Education is a century-old plan. Although wartime education is in an extraordinary period, we should insist on normalized education. Education is the foundation of a country. If a country wants to build a country and become strong, it needs to cultivate countless talents, especially when the country faces a crisis of survival.

At this critical moment, this is an absolute need. This is the strongest and most reliable strength of a country!"

"I want to continue running schools in the base area, is that okay?" The old man looked at Zhou Weihan and the two with tears in his eyes.

Everyone present was moved by this situation. An old man at an age who knew his destiny could have entertained his grandchildren and taken care of his old age, but he was still working hard in China's education industry.

Two sons were sent to the battlefield, and even the third son was engaged in anti-Japanese and patriotic activities.

During the Anti-Japanese War, mountains and rivers were broken, wars raged, and people were displaced, making it difficult to live and work in peace and contentment.

However, in these difficult years when the country was in deep crisis and the people were struggling to make ends meet, the education and culture at that time grew against the trend in the troubled times, presenting another rare and spectacular scene, which made people feel infinite emotion.

Before the Japanese invasion of China in 1937, there were a total of 108 higher education schools at junior college and above in the country, but by the end of the Anti-Japanese War in 1945, the number had increased to 141, with a growth rate of nearly 30%; there were about 40,000 college students in 1936, and by 1945

The number has almost doubled to more than 80,000, and the number of teachers has correspondingly expanded by more than 39%.

These are only college students, and there are many educated and intellectual young people.

Through the efforts of both parties and democratic educators, through various formal and informal school education and the active establishment of cultural facilities such as folk education centers, reading rooms, libraries, etc., by 1945, the enrollment rate of school-age children in Sichuan reached 80%

%, Yunnan 43%, Xikang 57%, Shaanxi 58%... overall remains above 50%.

In 1941, more than 5,800 literacy classes and literacy groups were held in the border area, attracting nearly 40,000 people to become literate, making great progress in the eradication of illiteracy.

In the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei border region, according to statistics from only 48 counties, there were 4,898 primary schools in 1938 with a total student population. By 1945, almost every village had a primary school. The average enrollment rate of school-age children in each county was more than 70%, and some counties reached 90%. Shandong Base Area

In 1941, there were more than 10,000 primary schools with 400,000 students. By 1945, there were more than 1.7 million primary schools with more than 1.7 million students.

It is precisely because there are patriotic people like Mr. Ji who are still working hard for education under the rule of the Japanese army. They have glorious national integrity.

In times of national crisis, intellectuals did not "turn a deaf ear to what is happening outside the window and read only the books of sages." Instead, they were always concerned about the fate of the country and the nation. Inspired by the idea of ​​avenging a powerful country and serving the country through learning, under the roar of gunfire,

The establishment of Southwest Associated University, Northwest Associated University, Anti-Japanese University, etc. embodies the spirit of a generation of intellectuals to build a strong country through education.

"Old sir, we neglected this aspect before, but now that you are taking the lead, we will definitely do our best to support the school!" Zhao Gang said, holding Mr. Ji's hand.

Zhou Weihan also expressed his position: "Our Eighth Route Army fully supports the establishment of schools in the base area. This is a great thing. I can promise that all the expenses for students whose families are in difficulty will be borne by us!"

"Thank you, thank you. I will gather the manpower as soon as possible, find more teachers, and open a school in the base area as soon as possible!"

Zhou Weihan had another idea. If the schooling in the base area could be promoted, let alone more than a dozen villages, a primary school could be jointly run. If there were enough manpower, literacy classes could also be opened. What would that be like?


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