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Chapter 332 Walking on three legs

Before leaving, Mr. Ji repeatedly promised that he would prepare teachers as soon as possible and compile the teaching materials as soon as possible.

On the way back, Zhao Gang walked in front with his head down and his expression a little downcast. Zhou Weihan was a little surprised to see Zhao Gang's look.

After asking again and again, Zhao just revealed his true thoughts: "I think back when we were studying in Peking, although the outside of the customs was occupied by the Japanese army, the inside of the customs still maintained normal stability. Although the ordinary people lived a hard life, the children of wealthy families

There are still opportunities to study!”

"Nowadays, a large area of ​​land is occupied by the Japanese army. The Japanese open schools and distort our Chinese culture in an attempt to ideologically control the next generation. At this time, we should stand up on the issue of education. It was my dereliction of duty as a political commissar before.

, I didn’t think it through!" Zhao Gang said with self-blame.

In less than three years from the second half of 1937 to 1940, Japan opened more than 180 Japanese language schools in occupied areas across China. They deliberately discriminated, slandered, damaged, and destroyed Chinese culture and turned their country into a

The ideological concepts, religious beliefs, cultural facilities, language and literature were imposed on the Chinese people.

In the three northeastern provinces that fell earlier, primary and secondary school students from all over the country have to call themselves by Japanese names every day when they go to school. They also salute the Japanese flag before class and are forced to learn Japanese.

In order to beautify Japan's aggression, it developed theories of aggression such as "East Asia Alliance Theory" and "Nation Circle Theory", deleted the "September 18th Incident" from Chinese textbooks, banned schools in occupied areas from teaching Chinese history, and replaced it with "

"China-Japan Friendship", "East Asia Co-Prosperity" and other slavish contents.

The Japanese army forced school teachers to learn Japanese, and used this as the main assessment content for promotion and salary increase. Japanese became a required course for students to take exams. Anyone who failed the Japanese language test could not be promoted or graduate. Even music classes must sing Japanese songs.

Those in the intellectual circles who resisted the Japanese invasion of China were assassinated, arrested, and tortured.

All of the above reflect the cultural invasion of the Japanese and the enslavement education promoted on the next generation.

"Old Zhao, I agree with what you said. Regarding the education of the people behind enemy lines, we Communists do have the responsibility to let them continue to receive education. However, don't forget that it has only been less than a year since the Tainan Base Area was established.

Years have passed, and you have only been working as a political commissar in the independent detachment for only half a year. Some things are not to be avoided, but only after you have stabilized yourself, can you free up your hands to do them!"

"Now is the time for someone with money and charisma to start a few pilot projects in Wuyi and Wu'an counties, and then gradually promote it!"

"If it is completed, our Tainan base area will be walking on three legs. One is the Tainan Cadre School to continuously train reserve cadres. The other is to continue to promote cultural education in the army so that soldiers also have the opportunity to receive education. The third is

Promote education for the people in the vast base areas. Once the implementation is successful, more knowledgeable and educated young people will join our anti-Japanese ranks in the future!"

Zhou Weihan's remarks finally cheered up Zhao Gang. Sometimes Zhou Weihan couldn't figure out whether he was the political commissar or Zhao Gang was the political commissar.

"I will handle this matter personally. Just like you said, do a few pilot projects first and see what the effect is?" Zhao Gang said.

That night, after receiving the order, Li Daben and He Wensheng came to Yama Mountain one after another.

Zhao Gang personally assigned the two of them a task. Regarding the students of Tainan Cadre School, the garrison regiment was responsible for identifying suitable students in Wuyi and Wu'an counties.

The Enemy Engineering Section is responsible for recruiting students in occupied areas, and there are no geographical restrictions, as long as they meet the requirements.

"Identity is not restricted?" He Wensheng asked hesitantly.

"As long as it supports the Anti-Japanese National United Front, it doesn't matter what its composition is!" Zhao Gang said.

"I would like to add, don't forget what your enemy's engineering department does. There should still be some review. Don't recruit two spies for me when the time comes. Isn't that a joke? Don't make a big show of selecting personnel.

Do it in secret!" Zhou Weihan ordered.

"Detachment leader, don't worry, I understand the process. I will check it carefully before taking it back to the base!" He Wensheng said.

In comparison, it is much easier for Li Da to recruit students within the base area.

But He Wensheng's potential will be greater. After all, the area he faces is wider. There are enemy engineering intelligence stations in southeastern Shanxi, western Shanxi, western Hebei, and southern Hebei.

Before leaving, Li Daben asked again: "Detachment leader, when will the political commissar of our garrison arrive? I have been waiting for a long time?"

"Hurry up, I'll remember this!" Zhou Weihan coaxed Li Daben away.

After Li Daben left, Zhou Weihan explained: "The garrison doesn't even have a political commissar now. Have you forgotten?"

"It's time to choose a political commissar for the garrison, but who is the candidate?" Of course Zhao Gang has not forgotten this, but there has never been a suitable candidate.

In the final analysis, the independent detachment has developed too fast, and its cadre reserve is still weak.

Zhou Weihan had long wanted to arrange a political commissar for the garrison, but to put it bluntly, there was still no one.

It stands to reason that suitable candidates should be selected from the Political Department or the Staff Office, but most of these officers are young people who have just graduated from the Anti-Japanese University and have not worked for a long time. The experienced cadres are all serving as the backbone of the various regiments below.

"What do you think?" Zhao Gang asked.

"What do I think? You are the political commissar and this is your responsibility. You ask me?"

"I'm asking for everyone's opinions. We need to be more democratic. If you don't say anything, I'll knock you down!" Zhao Gang said angrily.

"I said it's still not possible. Either choose one of the instructors from the regiments below, or ask for someone from the superiors. Anyway, don't choose people from the political department and staff office. They are too young and can't control the old oilmen of the garrison.

Son!" Zhou Weihan suggested.

"Yes, the political commissar has to be chosen with the right people. It won't take long, once the political work is done, the garrison will become a main force. I'm thinking about it!"

"Let me say one more thing. If you want to select people from each regiment below, then choose from the first regiment. The first regiment has always been the big brother of each regiment. It has seniority and many military exploits. Pick a political commissar with a strong style and principle.

, it’s better to kill the garrison regiment for not obeying discipline and evil!”

Although Zhou Weihan said before that it was none of his business, he was still very concerned about the selection of the political commissar of the garrison.

"Just by selecting from the same group, I can't get away with the important people above me. Tomorrow I will go to the Political Department to transfer my files and then talk to them!" Zhao Gang said.

It was night, Zhou Weihan was lying on the kang, with countless thoughts in his mind.

On the one hand, I was thinking about land reform issues in various places, and on the other hand, I was thinking about cadre schools.

I lay on the kang and tossed and turned for a long time before falling asleep.

This chapter has been completed!
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