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Chapter 119 Route 90

Lee Hyo-min drives a large truck on Highway 90.

The red car dragged a huge container on the front and drove hard on the bumpy road. The ground was full of potholes, like wounds everywhere.

Due to poor road conditions, the speed of vehicles is quite limited. This road is in disrepair because the Yongsen Science and Technology Industrial Park it was intended to connect to has been abandoned for a long time.

The shantytowns on both sides are in dilapidated condition, scattered at different heights. Light bulbs are connected in series with wires, like small decorations around a cake, loosely distributed on the walls and roofs. Blue metal roofs are intertwined with old canvases. The windows are usually very small.

It was sealed with an iron plate. The air conditioner outdoor unit, broadcast antenna and crude cables were hung on the outside of the house wall. They were damaged and rusted, and most of them were inoperable. Billboards and light boxes were clinging to the cement wall, promoting medicines and games that had been out of date for many years.

and guns.

There are dilapidated shops close to the road, with no hygienic conditions at all. There are ramen stalls, prosthetic repair shops, health care synthetic vending machines, motorcycle shops, street pharmacies, home appliance shops and game arcades scattered here and there.

The dazzling light of purple and red alternated with shouts, curses and gloomy whispers. Clothes-drying rods stretched out above them, and coats, socks, baby bottles and underwear were hung to dry.

This large truck traveling on Highway 90 has become the biggest talking point for residents along the road for days.

In order to hunt for this trophy, the local bosozoku "Kuronic Speed" gathered people.

They left their motorcycles outside the ramen stall and sat upright on the stall. The bosozokus made their motorcycles their home, coming and going like the wind. They dyed their hair colorful, went shirtless, covered their bodies with shiny tattoos, and glared at the anxious residents next to them from time to time.

Make them consciously lower their heads and avoid them.

They are the overlords of Route 90. They wear uniform bright white reflective trousers, with the words "Death Must Cry Road" printed on the left leg of the pants and "Saidi Motuo" printed on the right leg of the pants, both of which are artistic words printed in ink.

, it is difficult to understand.

Among them was a gentle man wearing a white suit and with his hair combed cleanly. He was not as vicious as other bosozokus and watched everything calmly.

The corpses of ratmen were hanging behind the nearby meat stalls. Their hair was plucked and salted. They were the branch rats that invaded Route 90 during the previous rat tide. They were slaughtered by the mob and dried into dried meat.

,Cheap Sale.

Li Xiaomin drove a large truck approaching. He originally had a blind spot, but through the on-board monitor, he noticed that the road ahead was filled with road studs used to puncture tires, and he quickly stepped on the brakes.

Road bandit!

The gangsters all turned their attention to the man in the white suit, and he nodded slightly.

After receiving the clear order, the gangsters jumped into action, took out their weapons, and rushed towards the big truck. They had already figured out the movement of the truck, and delivered the goods from Aizu City once at 9 a.m. and again at 3 p.m.

Go to the industrial park.

I want to see what good stuff is in this car!


"You kid is looking for death!"

"Want to eat bullets?"

"It's such an inconvenience to park here!" The Bosoko cadre raised his sword high and pointed at Li Xiaomin in the car window.

This car was rented by Li Xiaomin, but there was no danger, so he quickly dealt with it.

"The goods are all in the carriage!" he shouted, "but those are the boss's goods!"

"Bah, open the door quickly!" A street vagabond angrily slashed at the front of the truck with a knife. He raised the knife and dropped it, directly cutting off a headlight.

This gave Li Xiaomin a headache. Just repairing the car would cost a lot of money.

"No!" Li Xiaomin shouted, "Boss! I'm going to fire!"

He pressed the unlock button on the console, and a crisp sound of intelligent unlocking came from the rear compartment door, which meant that the car owner had given up resistance and left the cargo of the large car to them.

"This is so true!"

"Oh!" They were extremely excited.

Half of the people stayed in front to monitor Li Xiaomin, while the other half gathered around the back of the car and began to reach for the door.

There was also a ronin who was smiling, carrying an oil drum and a rubber hose, opening the oil tank on the side of the truck, preparing to steal oil. For a truck of this size, the gasoline can last an ordinary motorcycle for a long time.

Li Xiaomin shrank back. The cab was very large. He put down the driver's bed, climbed inside, and hid with his head in his arms.

A wanderer on the street opened the door of the carriage with force, only to see that it was empty inside. There were only two people sitting on the left and one on the right inside the carriage. They all turned their heads to the mob outside.

One of them was covered in bright red nano-armor and looked like a blood-red dragon.

The other one was wearing strong, heavy mercenary armor and holding a big ax in his hand.

"We're ambushed!" Ronin shouted at the top of his lungs.

Katsuragi Asa jumped out of the car. She punched the member of the gang closest to her, hitting him in the chest. He quickly took three steps back, spitting out a large mouthful of blood with each step he took.

His eyes turned white and he fell back.

With extremely fast movements, Katsuragi Asa picked up the iron rod in the hands of the Bosozoo with his left hand, pulled out the submachine gun from his waist with his right hand, and quickly fired at them. The bullets whizzed at the Bosozoo, and several people were seriously injured or killed in an instant. They hurriedly

They fired back in time. The cheap and crude firearms could not penetrate the protection of the nano-armor, and at most they would lose some external nano-robots.

At the same time, Kong Tai activated the phase shift device on his belt, teleported to the front of the car, and fell into the surroundings of more than a dozen Bosokyo members. He activated the ion ax in his hand, causing the ax blade to light up with a bright blue light.

, and then he slashed at the stunned members of the gang beside him. The evil wind sounded, breaking flesh and bones, and instantly cut several people from the middle.

The remaining members of the gang turned around and saw that their companions had been cut into two pieces, and their intestines and internal organs were popping out from their bellies. The wounded man was not dead for a while, but was lying on the ground screaming in agony. The sound was extremely terrifying.


"This is……"

The surrounding residents were dumbfounded.

Some of the vigilant ones realized that it was a fight and turned around to run away, while the brave ones couldn't help but stay where they were, watching the gang that usually showed off its ferocity and majesty on Route 90 collapse instantly under the attack of two evil beasts.

Li Xiaomin huddled in the cab, half scared and half excited.

According to Xu Yang's instructions, he first went to a warehouse to pick up Asa Katsuragi and Kong Tai, and then drove to the industrial park. He originally realized that the gangs in this fringe area would pose a threat to his driving, but now he has

With these two people protecting you, you don’t have to worry about anything!

Although they suffered heavy losses, the members of the Bosoko Group launched a counterattack.

"Uh-oh!" A ronin wearing a blood-colored double-feathered helmet and red-painted warrior uniforms rushed over, followed by several brave gangsters.

The implant on his body stimulated adrenaline, causing his strength and courage to skyrocket. The battle files loaded in his mind provided him with the best assault strategy. Like a bolt of lightning, he rushed towards Kongtai and launched a fierce slash.



The blade struck Kong Tai's heavy armor, and the collision of gold and iron erupted with dazzling sparks. The reaction force bounced the knife away, leaving the armor itself unscathed.

"Death!" Kong Tai shouted and swung the battle ax with all his strength.

In the blink of an eye, the street ronin's armor and body were disintegrated by the cutting of the energy beam. Several plastic cables running through the ronin's body were exposed, swinging wildly like a snake's head as blood flowed out.

This ronin was already a cadre-level existence of the Bosouzu, but he was still not an enemy of the One Alliance. He caused the Bosouzu to scatter, leaving corpses all over the ground in front, back, and left of the cart. Kong Tai's body was stained with blood. He weighed his hands.

Tomahawk, I had a lot of fun killing this time.

How terrifying?

The entire Highway 90 was quiet.

At the ramen stall, the man in the white suit who was responsible for giving orders straightened his tie, stood up and walked towards Katsuragi Asa and Kong Tai. He stood in a pool of blood on the ground with soft eyes and looked particularly confident.

Li Xiaomin climbed forward, sat back in the driver's seat, looked at the man in the white suit, and felt a little confused.

"Get out of here!" He honked the horn.

"I said," White Suit spread his hands, "You are very capable, but that's not how things work on Highway 90."

"What should we do?" Li Xiaomin felt troubled. This gang may have connections and backgrounds, and the other party may have reinforcements and back-ups! Gangsters are always scary and put a lot of pressure on him.

"We need to work together." White Suit said calmly, "We are not bad people. We charge protection fees from the people here to protect them from the threat of rat tide. Let's talk about it. We can always negotiate a price. Let's work together.

Make a fortune. If you win, you set the price."

Katsuragi Asa raised the submachine gun in his hand towards the man in the white suit.

"Wow." He made an exaggerated gesture, "I carry an energy shield. Don't worry, communication can bring greater benefits..."

Katsuragi Ao pulled the trigger, and more than a dozen bullets whizzed towards him. The man in the white suit was shocked, and immediately turned around and ran to the ramen stall. The bullets hit the invisible shield on his body, sending out bursts of blue ripples.

As the bullet enters the shield field, the kinetic energy of the bullet rapidly decays and the bullet loses its lethality.

But there were too many bullets. After the first 10 bullets consumed all the energy of the shield, the last two bullets still penetrated the shield and penetrated the back of the man in the white suit, causing him to scream.

Katsuragi Asa threw away the empty submachine gun and rushed behind the man in the white suit with the iron bar in hand.

"Hey - don't you like money? Don't kill me!" he shouted, "I'll give it to you..."


She smashed the iron bar hard and split the man in the white suit's head into pieces like a rotten watermelon.

Brain fluid mixed with blood flowed out, and the pink cerebral cortex and some neural chips were fragmented and turned into a pulp.

Although reckless, he is very courageous!

"It's easy to kill." Kong Tai said approvingly. What kind of trump card does the gangster gang in this place have? They should be able to buy a weapon that can defeat his defense by selling their kidneys collectively. It's just a bluff.

The ramen stall owner was dumbfounded. Katsuragi looked at the price list, swiped his cash card and paid 25 yuan.

"Seafood ramen, shrimp and spicy." Katsuragi Asa sat down at the ramen stall.

"Yes, yes." The ramen stall owner nodded fiercely. At the same time, he was surprised. The gangster actually paid for the meal?

Got it.

"The gangsters on Route 90 have been cleared by us." Katsuragi Asagi sent a message to Xu Yang, "Please give instructions."

"I'll go over and take a look later," Xu Yang responded.

"There are a lot of vagrants and gang members here," Asa Katsuragi continued, "I want to absorb them and establish the 'Katsugi Gang'. They are the first group members. The clothes of the local bosozoku are very handsome and very cultured.

, I plan to use the Katsuragi Gang’s banner of ‘Tongtian Dominance’!”

"In that case, it's just an ordinary gang. I'll teach you a better banner, which represents a better belief, has a stronger appeal to ordinary people, and surpasses ordinary wild gangs."


“‘Protect the environment and the people’.”

This chapter has been completed!
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