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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty The Establishment of Domination

On August 8, two weeks after the closure of Aizu Castle, the connection to the ground was officially opened. The cleaning work of the Kamikora Building was completed. Kyoto Infinite spent huge sums of money and a large number of cleaning nanorobots to clean the radioactive residues.

Digest and minimize radiation pollution.

The entire Shenkong Building was removed from the center of Huicheng District, leaving a circular hollow. Shops, hotels and warehouses were all cleared, and the holes in the ground were repaired.

Mayor Terauchi Taimasa announced that a huge elevator will be built in the future and a new shopping plaza will be built in the form of a shaft passage. Major companies are competing for bids for this purpose.

Shenkong Building was originally a large-scale complex, including tenants, employees, company people and their families, as well as schools and hospitals, with a population of 70,000.

As the dirty bomb detonated, even if the surviving residents escaped, they became homeless refugees. Their stable lives were gone, without any form of relief, struggling on the edge of death, plagued by radiation sickness, hunger and poverty.

City forums are filled with messages crying for help, but they are meaningless and have become insignificant voices under the tide of the times.

Xu Yang works at his desk most of the time, studying cultural theory and computer technology. At the same time, he uses his digital mind to connect to databases and observe the situation on Highway 90.

After inspecting the living conditions of ordinary people on Route 90 and learning about the refugees in Aizu City after the disaster, Xu Yang began to analyze the situation at the bottom and began to design new plans.

In today's official map of Aizu City, a white rectangular area has been lit up in its southwest corner. From this area to Highway 90 in the north, the name of Nisto Corporation has been marked.

This white area is the jurisdiction of Nisto Corporation, accounting for less than 1% of the entire Aizu City.

There are also a large number of gray areas in the entire Aizu City map, which means that no company has declared jurisdiction over it. These gray areas are where gangs reside. The local residents are poor and destitute and are not worthy of companies to move in. They have become chaotic areas where violence is rampant.

The gray area accounts for 60% of the entire Aizu City, mainly distributed in Katagi District and No. 26 Heights.

Xu Yang's plan is to use his own resources and connections to slowly control the gray areas outside the company's vision and cultivate his own sphere of influence in silent areas.

As far as the current situation of military force is concerned, it is easy to conquer an area, but the difficult thing is how to govern it.

Xu Yang slowly entered his thoughts, sorted them out and looked for countermeasures.

Under the corporatist system, human beings are exploited, impoverished, and ordinary people without professional skills are excluded.

On the one hand, they cannot afford the goods manufactured by the company, and on the other hand, they have no skills to provide to the company, so they become a redundant and meaningless population.

For giant corporations, the entire population of Aizu City is considered a redundant population, and they throw useless people into Aizu City like garbage flushed into the sewers.

In order to reduce the useless population and increase the quality population, the company has been thinking of ways to reduce the number of garbage people, that is, to systematically eliminate and exterminate the bottom class.

Sterilize the bottom class, let the middle class have higher intelligence and professional skills, and let the top class enjoy luxurious life and technological benefits.

There was a time in the past when people at the bottom were giving birth crazily, because witch cubs might be born from them, and they could be sold to companies to improve their lives.

Sensing this trend, the corporate alliance issued a decree early on. Once the witch cub is found, any company can take her away unconditionally without paying compensation.

Reincarnation becomes a knowledge. If a person is born at the bottom, he must do his best to learn, compete, and invest crazily in his abilities, so as to climb to the middle level, strive for recognition from the top, possess a skill, and become an expert who serves and relies on them.

Otherwise, he would have no choice but to stay in a poor place like Aizu Castle and deal with the vicious gangsters.

When human civilization has developed to this stage, "human beings" themselves have become fuel, resources and waste products. This is a problem of the historical process. Corporateism has developed to this point and has become deformed.

What's worse is that human beings are already atomized in society. They are alienated from each other, do not know each other, and do not understand each other. At this stage, people are especially vulnerable because of the "family" and "tribe" that were used to unite people.

Concepts such as "nation" and "country" have all been dismembered in the wave of corporatism sweeping the world.

For everyone, they will feel lonely and transparent, thinking that they are a worthless and insignificant existence, and often imagine that even if they disappear immediately, the world will not change in any way. Their ideals and sense of honor will also die, because there is no

Faith is worth following.

The company does not assume the responsibility of bottom-level management, so the self-regulating function of the bottom society completely fails and turns into a complete jungle form, returning to the original model of the weak and the strong. The rulers hatched in this case must be gangsters, drug lords, warlords, and bullies.

Being weak and killing innocent people.

To change the status quo, we cannot stop at empty talk, we must reshape the underlying order of the cyber world.

Then you need an organizational structure to manage, control your own armed forces, and implement a series of laws that help maintain order. Only in this way can you change the status quo. Xu Yang thought to himself. As an economic organization, Nisto Company is not for profit, but for profit.

It is to open up another path, rebuild the sense of belonging and cohesion of the people at the bottom, and provide security for the people at the bottom.

If capital doesn’t take this path, Xu Yang can.

What people lack is the ability to defend themselves and the resources for self-development. They have reached this point of poverty. Unity, mutual assistance, and connection are the only ways out. Working alone can only be swallowed up by corporatism.

The next day, a light curtain wall lit up at the end of Route 90, spreading along underground tunnels, rock walls, and paths. This was a method used to demarcate boundaries in company jurisdictions. Residents were already used to it, but they didn't expect that one day they would be able to see it.

A company officially settled on Route 90.

The signboard of Nisto Company scrolls on the light curtain wall. The trademark is the company name in artistic font, and there is an identification code next to it that can be scanned, leading to the company's official page, which introduces itself as a comprehensive company, with a simple interface and lackluster presentation.

Immediately afterwards, the "Route 90 Autonomous Community" directly affiliated with Nisto Company was established and began to recruit people and prepare for operation.

According to Xu Yang's philosophy, the purpose of this community is to unite people at the bottom and gather the power of the majority.

The structure of this community is different from other companies. The "Route 90 Autonomous Community" is only a company in name, but is actually a local agency with management functions. It recruits all residents and also allows shops and self-employed businesses to be affiliated.

Employees elect representatives to form an employee association, which is responsible for the daily operations of the community. Because the community recruits all local residents as much as possible, the employee association is basically equivalent to a citizen committee.

The main functions of the community are to formulate and implement daily laws, maintain public order, fight crime, protect people from violence, and protect the stable lives of ordinary people.

The second is to provide public services to residents within the jurisdiction. It levies taxes on residents, but uses the taxes for the construction of public service facilities so that members of the club can receive medical relief, basic education and safety.

At the same time, the club will also prepare a street militia, composed of gun-toting residents, to carry out regular military training, pay attention to public security management, completely prohibit stamp smoking and stamp trading, pursue a good and stable community environment, and resolutely resist any external aggression.


"What's this?"

"Wow..." local residents pointed at the newly promulgated regulations. Sensitive people can already realize that this new type of community is completely different from the old corporate jurisdiction. What the new type of community strives for is the "joint effort" of the vast majority of people.


Most people were still waiting and watching until Xu Yang donated a public community center to the town in the name of Nisto Company. Due to the maturity of prefabricated house technology, the center was quickly completed, with dormitories, restaurants and 2 automatic doctors.

, this immediately aroused the idea of ​​​​joining the community.

Thinking of the local gang being destroyed in an instant, with half respect and half fear, the residents still tended to accept the Nisto Company's arrangement.

They signed contracts one after another, paid taxes, and joined the Route 90 autonomous community.

By collecting and utilizing this public money, Xu Yang began to build a hydroponic farm nearby, and the renovation project of Highway 90 also began to fill the potholes on the road.

Surprisingly, it was not until they joined this company called Community that people understood for the first time who was living in this town. They knew the names of their neighbors for the first time and were qualified to provide insights into local development, encounter diseases, and crime.

For activities and daily disputes, I also know where to seek help from the community.

What is more critical is the establishment of militia organizations. Only by mastering violence and armed force can everything be controlled.

The local wanderers and scavengers are not unarmed, but they are usually wary of each other. They have not interacted with each other for a long time and cannot trust each other. They can only face the threats and extortion of gangs in an isolated state, so they appear weak.

Now they are unified and organized under the coordination of the community, selecting veterans, sharpshooters and combatants to be responsible for the security and order of their neighbors, and no longer need to pay tribute to any gang.

After communityization, local public security has greatly improved. Although it is the outermost edge of Aizu City, the stability is hundreds of times better than that of several neighboring areas.

As usual, some small-time gangsters came to stir up trouble and collect protection fees, and were immediately shot dead outside the borders by the militiamen to show their determination to safeguard community security.

After hearing the news, residents outside the jurisdiction of Nisto Company also headed to Highway 90 with their families, hoping to find a new environment where they would not have to risk their lives.

Naturally, there is no threat to a single person without assets at the bottom. Xu Yang thought to himself. Companies represent wealth, advanced technology and advanced productivity. There are still 2 billion people in the world living a life above the middle class. They don't know what sorrow is, and they think that the poor suffer because of themselves.

But if the remaining 8 billion people had organization and cohesion, the situation would be completely different.

A united people is invincible.

As Highway 90 became a community, Katsuragi Asa was running her own business and planning to expand.

She recruited a group of gangsters and planted a large white-backed ink-lettered flag along Highway 90 with the words "Protect the Land and Safe the People." She was responsible for cracking down on the underworld here, wiping out the remnants of the gang, searching for stamp trading dens, and accumulating money and manpower.

, recruiting troops and horses, preparing to fight back to Suzuki Spring one day.

In Xu Yang's plan, Katsuragi Asa's gang will be reorganized into the security department of Nisto Company in the future. It doesn't hurt to act in the name of a gang now. After all, operating in the form of a gang merger can cover up a lot of troubles in the past.

Since the local people were too poor, in order to help them establish order and improve their living conditions, Nisto Company also subsidized a lot of money.

But Xu Yang didn't care about the financial gain or loss.

On the one hand, he has cash flow, whether it is a giant trading company or an industrial park, but on the other hand, he is not interested in making money, he is planning to change the entire world.

Now looking at the map of Aizu City, the small white Nisto area at the southwest end, Xu Yang only felt that it was the starting point of important ideals and careers.

"I heard you captured a small town." Falosa walked into the office.

"Of course, this is our territory." Xu Yang pointed to the map.

"Maybe there is a valuable little witch in this town." Falosa was about to leave for Route 90.

This chapter has been completed!
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