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Chapter 141 Ancient Connections

Swing, ride the merry-go-round, watch a movie, eat ice cream.

"Well, this is my gift to you." A40 picked up the courier, opened a mini game cassette called "Little Bee Escapes from the Cage", and gave it to Wasp.

"What a boring gift." Wasp didn't appreciate it. She liked to bully A40, and A40 often showed a negative side, "Can't you just do it with me?"

"But, I don't have a bird..."

"Can't we do it without a bird? How can a bird be such an inconvenience?" Wasp felt dissatisfied.

A40 escaped from the Hornets and went to practice bullet-killing skills with Rollo. Since his retirement, Rollo has not fully relaxed his muscles for a long time. A40 has become more and more a handy punching bag, suitable for him to regain his original feeling.

Wasp walked back to the game console deep in the warehouse and put the "Little Bee Out of the Cage" cassette into the game terminal. A prompt popped up asking Wasp to connect to the terminal, pointing out that this was a virtual reality game and required players to connect to the game.

She shrugged. Every time she played this kind of game, her brain synchronization system would seriously go wrong, and she would have to get off the computer in less than 3 minutes.

She leaned back, put her bipod on the terminal, used her left hand to pull out the data cable deep in the hair on the back of her head, and plugged it into the terminal. The expected change in the mental scene did not happen, and the screen switched to a communication.

"Hello, this is an edited program. You only need to express your thoughts and make choices through the joystick and buttons of the terminal."

The wasp was stunned for a moment, and a small bee appeared on the screen. It was a simple picture modeled on an 8-bit pixel game. At this time, it was being strictly supervised by guards, and a beam of light appeared on the left side of the screen.

This was a chaotic picture that was even more stream-of-consciousness than her current mental state. The wasp controlled the bee to fly to the right and went straight towards the guard, but was quickly killed by a counterattack and withered away.

After reentering the game, she asked the little bee to escape from the guards and run into the light beam. She was soon noticed by the guards and the bomb on the little bee was detonated and wiped out.

Damn it, you'll die if you break the game, right? The hornet secretly resented it and kicked the terminal.

Rollo heard the noise in the distance and looked back at the wasp playing a sadistic game, disapprovingly.

The little bee was flying in the cage, and the wasp was pulling the joystick and buttons randomly, and it was also shaking up and down.

After hovering in place for 30 seconds, the guard on the right side of the screen gave it a mission. The wasp subconsciously wanted to refuse, but thinking that this was an amazingly crude and broken adventure game, I'm afraid it would have to be shot if it refused. In order to avoid being tortured, it chose to do it.

Guard work.

As the little bee completes one job after another, the treatment gets better and better, and the scenes keep changing. The little bee accumulates merits in repeated adventures.

The game was almost completed soon, and Little Bee encountered the final battle.

The original light has turned into a transcendent, god-like existence, fighting against the legions represented by the guards.

Little Bee is caught in the middle, facing a second choice. However, at this time, Little Bee is much more energetic than the sickly, weak image at the beginning, and has accumulated more gold coins and points.

This time I can join the Great Charity. Which company is sending me an invitation letter? Huang Xing thought to himself.

It seems that A40 is just sent by another company to contact me. It's disgusting. This game is really boring.

No matter where you go, you will be bound by the same restrictions. What’s the point?

She knew the routine and controlled the little bee to fly into the light. However, unexpectedly, what she saw was not any hope, redemption or lies, but a bloody ending animation——

The little bee flew away from the planet and looked down at the earth from the height of the starry sky. Under its gaze, everyone on the ground was killed, every witch was crushed, every city and every company was reduced to nothingness, and the universe and the stars were destroyed.

Unable to escape the ruthless command of reality, Little Bee completed her revenge for her painful past.

The real "command reality" is like a god.

The wasp felt hot all over.

She jumped forward and grabbed both sides of the screen. She was so happy with this supreme vision that she finally found a story that was exactly the same as her idea. At the end, a line of words appeared on the screen:

"The way you are doing it now, you will just die in a corner without anyone knowing, which is sad and meaningless.

I ask you to be patient, I know what you want to do, and I support your idea unconditionally, no matter how crazy it is.

I want you to grow and make the right choices when the time is right.

I am your new god."

That's all Wasp needed. She gasped.

She needs an existence that is bad enough, worse than her, and has enough destructive intentions for the world. If there really is such a person, Wasp will defect to him without hesitation. Now that person has sent a message.

The screen ended, the game cartridge was cleared, formatted itself, and she unplugged the cable from the terminal.

The wasp thought long and hard.

Later, when Wasp and A40 finished their work, she lit up a cigarette and asked it: "Who is your employer?"

A40 curled up next to Wasp, hugging his knees and shaking constantly. props used by Wasp were scattered beside him.

"I have no employer." A40 said, "I am a typical self-employed individual."

"Stern-tongued guy, but it's a pity that only those above are strict."

When he went to the toilet in the middle of the night, Rollo still monitored the wasp.

"Put me on a mission," said Wasp. "I can recreate the entire arms dealer's store."

"Be patient." Rollo leaned against the toilet door, "Waiting for instructions from the department."

"Oh." That's exactly what the wasp needs.

"You know the error crisis. Excessively high magic readings allow companies to activate secret weapons in advance. They will not lie back on their own. The next corporate war will be bloody and ugly. We need the help of command reality."

"As long as you treat me fairly."

"We have always been fair...you have become serious." Rollo noticed the change in the hornet.

"It's not an illusion, it's true." The hornet stood up and flushed the water.

On the other side, in the industrial park, while Wasp was connecting to the terminal, Xu Yang collected her brain wave activity. It was indeed a mess. Wasp's thinking is different from ordinary people. She can usually communicate and make decisions normally, but this is just a mess.

Due to the inertia of her life, she has been acting like a normal person. In fact, it is entirely possible that she would suffer from a minor illness at an important moment and only suffer from the most critical illness.

The mini game is an open source project that Xu Yang dug up on the Deep Anonymous Network, and the script was edited by Falosa.

"After the seeds are planted, they will be harvested in the future." Falosa said, "I will become a god, and the Wasp will seek to cooperate with Blackfire to gain a new status. Then we will meet again in the future, and then she will know what choice she should make.


The current Hornet is a completely negative asset, a total burden, and difficult to control. Nisto Corporation has not yet reached the level of deep pockets like Blackfire Innovation, which is willing to spend huge sums of money to maintain the Hornet.

The only way is to encourage Wasp to cooperate with Blackfire, let her exercise her strength, and at the same time cultivate her rebellion and ensure her position.

"But you won't follow her wishes and destroy the world." Xu Yang said, "You just want to use her."

"Of course I will let her find out that all this is just a lie at the moment before she dies." Farosha left.

There is a large room in the industrial park that was originally used as a fire-fighting equipment warehouse. Farosha used it as his own laboratory and shrine. No one else is allowed to enter. The camera was also removed to prevent Xu Yang from watching. There, Farosha has to execute his own

The plan to ascend to God would be very troublesome if it were observed.

Currently, there are only 3 loyal followers of the witch, and 4 more people are needed to perform the first ritual. Since Farosha has swallowed the ancient gods, her body already contains the potential of the gods. If Farosha predicts it is true, the ceremony will be completed.

The result will completely transform her into a secondary god, possessing some of Falosa's own powers.

She shook the golden branch in her hand, and Falosa used her divine power to drain out the seawater from her hand, moistening the branch, and then placed the moistened golden branch on a small earth platform. Soon the golden branch sprouted thorns and poisonous thorns, exuding dark purple and green.

The mist of green interweaving means that the master of the forest has established contact with the golden branch and can communicate with it.

Farosha could have relied on the power of the throne to communicate with the ancient mystics like a court meeting, but that was too flamboyant. She only used it once when she was particularly self-righteous in the past. Now she no longer teases those ancient beings.

An aging and hoarse voice sounded in the variegated atmosphere.

"It's you..." The Lord of the Forest recognized Falosa's aura, "...the witch who devours gods took my golden branch. What do you want to do?"

"I want to make a deal with you," Falosa said.

"...I can't give you anything."

"You can do it, I need ancient ritual tools and dew drops." She said.

"I can't give it to you."

"Golden Bough is here and is being developed. There must be your followers in the city. I can steal it from them."

"I will not betray my followers."

"Don't worry, I want you to strengthen the power of our oath miracle to achieve the effect that oath members can initiate communication from the soul level."

"What conditions are you going to use to seduce me into agreeing to these arrogant, rude and shameful demands of yours?"

"I will release the Sun Flame and let it go to the North Pole to rescue you."

The light of the golden branches suddenly became more intense.

The whole room was illuminated.

"How did you think of..." The Lord of the Forest could not resist this condition.

"Now, I am one of the very few beings who can communicate with the Sun Flame," Falosa said. "Once I rescue it, with its intelligence, it will trust and obey me. Its size, heat and solar power are all

Enough to support it in going to the far north, breaking the bonds you endure, and allowing you to revive again.”

"Going north from the Island Continent..."

"Yes, I will let the sun rise from the sea, go all the way north, use fire and sunshine to clear the way, step on the infinite islands of Kyoto, and flatten many corporate cities on the ground. We protect it and it will not stop.

Down, all the way to the extreme north, to release you from the pain of extreme cold. I think that you, who are exhausted, will want to come to the Island Continent. This place is surrounded by the sea, has many islands, and has a warm climate, which is very suitable for you to cultivate your strength again.


The golden branches began to tremble.

"...You are smarter than you were a thousand years ago."

"After all, I am a witch from the cyber era."

Farosha stretched out her hand to touch the golden branch and raised it to a high place. Its light did not go out.

"So, does this mean you agree?"

This chapter has been completed!
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